Spare Me, Great Lord! Chapter 272: Find the spy!

Lu Shu suddenly frowned when looking at the backstage records. He was almost familiar with this Japanese real name…Spy!

I didn’t meet a spy when I encountered the Gao Yi team before, so that Lu Shu almost forgot about it. Until this time, the distress points income record to which this name belongs was reminded again that there must be spies lurking in Qingzhou. . Miscellaneous Chronicles

However, Lu Shu looked terrified. At this time, there were more than 30 people present. It is really a big project to find out the spy.

Where do I find it…

At this time, the temporary captain named Wang Xinkai was a little bit dumbfounded: “I’m asking you, where are you from the ruins, what’s the situation on your side, why there is no injury at all, and he is acting alone.”

“Oh,” Lu Shu nodded: “You ask this…”

Wang Xinkai was a little angry at the time. Is this what I asked? You also specified that it cannot be from eastern land of the great Tang, right?

Lu Shu explained: “I met a Xijing City Dao Origin class teacher called Gao Yi before. There are more than a dozen people on their side. We were resting on open space last night, so we were not attacked by branches. When I set off this morning, I Go to the bathroom, they didn’t wait for me, so they got separated…”

At this time, the spy was present, and Lu Shu decided to minimize the sense of self-existence in the rhetoric, and must not let the spy to guard itself in advance.

Others were a little bit dumbfounded after hearing what Lu Shu said. They went to the bathroom and were thrown away by the team. They are really talented…

Wang Xinkai smiled and said: “Gao Yi is my colleague, hello classmates, my name is Wang Xinkai, we are now going to move on, presumably you also know the horror of these trees, so we must arrive at the next open space before dark. This time… don’t be left behind.”

“Okay, definitely not left behind,” Lu Shu promised, patting his chest.

The team continued to move forward, Lu Shu watched behind, and wanted to see if I could rely on reasoning to find the spy.

However, this is not much different from useless work. If the other party can show clues in normal times, how can he lie there for so long?

He wanted to use domestic magical device to look up the dictionary to see how to read these Japanese. After having Head-twisting Gourd, Lu Shu downloaded a foreign language dictionary in the camp to prevent the situation today. It can translate 6 languages ​​and The kind with pronunciation.

But then he thought that he couldn’t use Head-twisting Gourd now. He wasn’t sure that it was a spy. Once Head-twisting Gourd was used, the other party would immediately turn his head to his side. At that time, the other party would definitely suspect that he had a problem.

At that time, I can’t explain to others the spy status of the other party, maybe I will make a commotion.

Must…change another way.

Wang Xinkai and the two d-class expert walked in front, and Wang Xinkai suddenly said: “I don’t know where Chen Heavenly Net is at this time. If he can come out and take us forward, I am afraid we will be able to breathe a sigh of relief.”

Fu Hongxue shook his head: “Heavenly Nets have always acted alone. Their biggest mission is looking for array core, or fighting against some foreign forces who want to come to the relics to pick fruits. With us, we can only add burden and individual strength to him. The gap is too big.”

“The foreign forces are still quite calm this time,” Wang Xinkai froze for a moment: “I think after the Beiman ruins, there should be no foreign forces who dare to cause trouble, and this time it is Chen Heavenly Net who has a temper. It’s not good, but it’s all spread overseas.”

Fu Hongxue shook his head: “After Chen Heavenly Net came, the defense force on the southern side of Tibet would be vacant. No one at difficult to protect would be bothered by this. Now the traffic is so convenient. Someone would fly there and then from the border. It’s not impossible to make a sudden advance. Although Qingzhou still has a c-level expert on the outside, who knows if it can be defended?”

“No, I’m robbing array core here, I’m afraid he can’t escape,” Wang Xinkai said coldly.

A man named Li Li smiled and echoed: “I think it’s true. Qingzhou is in the center. How can he escape even if he robs array core?”

Fu Hongxue shook his head: “Li Li, haven’t you seen the internal report? There is a mysterious skill on Japan, which is actually sacrificing the life of a companion in exchange for its own transformation. It can even hide figure and increase realm for no reason. We suffered a big loss for the Beimang ruins. It is said that Nie Heavenly Net went to Japan for revenge 2 months ago. Nie Heavenly Net is really strong, so the other party did not leave him…”

Wang Xinkai has a look of yearning in his eyes: “I don’t know when we will reach Nie Heavenly Net‘s realm. It’s really a matter of heaven and earth.”

“Haha, let’s pull it down, we are still too far away!” someone nearby teased.

At this moment, they suddenly noticed something messy behind them. They turned to see that it was the newly joined Lu Shu who was pulling others to chat, and seeing that there was no danger, they turned to continue chatting.

However, I haven’t spoken yet. Someone suddenly trot forward and muttered to Wang Xinkai and Fu Hongxue: “I think this new team Lu Shu is a bit abnormal… Did the last team leave him on purpose?”

Wang Xinkai frowned: “What could our colleague deliberately leave a student? Tell me, what’s wrong with him?”

The people who came to speak but stopped, Fu Hongxue was a little angry: “Let you say, just say, what are you doing?”

“Uh,” the visitor was about to speak, but he found out that Lu Shu was already standing by his side…

Wang Xinkai frowned when looking at Lu Shu: “Lu Shu classmate, you…”

As a result, before he finished speaking, he listened to Lu Shu shouting ferociously at him and the d-class expert next to Fu Hongxue: “Say, where is the Eighth Route Army!”

Wang Xinkai: “???”

Fu Hongxue: “???”

Li Li: “???”

distress points from Wang Xinkai, +155!”

“From Fu Hongxue…”

distress points from Nozomin, +312!”

Where is the Eighth Route Army? We do not know where the Eighth Route Army is! ?

Lu Shu was taken aback. At this time, there were only three people in front of him. He knew the names of Wang Xinkai and Fu Hongxue when he joined the team just now, so only the d-level Heaven and Earth Net fighter next to him!

Just when the three people were still in confused, Lu Shu suddenly turned into a smiling face: “Haha, I’ll make a joke with everyone, to liven up the atmosphere, that…I will go back if there is nothing wrong, and you will continue to talk.”

The three people of Wang Xinkai, Li Li, and Fu Hongxue looked at the back of Lu Shu with a face of confused, and they couldn’t calm down for a long time…

Wang Xinkai said with inexplicable melancholy: “It is indeed a bit abnormal…”


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