Spare Me, Great Lord! Chapter 202: swear oath

If Lu Shu can be scared by Liu Jianguo, is it still Lu Shu?

He understands that the Liu Jianguo generation has actually seen strong winds and waves in shopping malls. It is normal for people to be cruel, but you are just ordinary people.

Indeed, Liu Jianguo may be able to buy a murderer to kill him, but the question is who can Liu Jianguo buy to kill him. To be honest, when you arrive at C Rank, they are all well-known and famous people, such as Zhong Yutang in charge of the entire Yu Province17 city. Heaven and Earth Net management work.

Don’t say that the domestic C Rank is bad, please, expert other than Heaven and Earth Net is hard to find… If the foreign C Rank comes in, Heaven and Earth Net is afraid that it will blow up.

Furthermore, as far as Mt. Beimang‘s relics are concerned, the country is now almost a forbidden area for foreign cultivator. It’s not that they can’t get in at all. It’s just that after they get in, they kill a Dao Origin class student with the strength of Lu Shu, and it’s really difficult to get out again.

Now the 7 big Heavenly Net still guards Kyoto except Nie Ting, and the others are distributed in various locations in the south, east, north and west. Even if they can escape from Yu Province, no matter where they escape, it is estimated that Heavenly Net will lead the team to chase and kill.

China’s land area is too big, dude, I can’t get out!

If you don’t invite C Rank, there will only be D Rank. Lu Shu is now confident that there is no fear of anyone under C Rank.

Take a step back, even if Liu Jianguo is really C Rank, who can kill him in Li Xianyi eyelid underground? This is not a joke…

If you are threatened by an ordinary person on cultivation road, Lu Shu thinks this cultivation is too boring.

At this time, Xi Fei looked at each student who signed on and said: “Congratulations to everyone for joining, I will be colleagues in the future, please take care of me.”

Immediately afterwards, Xi Fei started to embrace every student in the Dao Origin class. The first one was Lu Shu. To be honest, Lu Shu is really not used to being so enthusiastic about him.

He suddenly realized that Xi Fei was not saying thank you for joining, but congratulations.

What is thanks, thank you for your support, thank you for your trust…

Congratulations, this means that Xi Fei has a very high sense of honor for Heaven and Earth Net itself. He is proud of it, and after others join, he also thinks this is a good thing.

Lu Shu didn’t know what to say and could only be silent.

Liu Jianguo gloomy signed the name with a face, and Xi Fei smiled and said to everyone: “Students and parents who sign out, please wait in the classroom. I will accompany you here. Someone will be responsible for sealing meridians chakra later. Other signatures The enlisted students can go downstairs and go to the playground to gather. Dear students who withdrew, maybe you are about to return to a peaceful life, but I don’t think this is a good thing. People have to work hard to prove that they are true throughout their lives. Existed, encourage each other.”

Lu Shu was stunned for a moment, what is the gathering, is Li Yixiao going to talk again?

I just don’t know why. After Xi Fei‘s tossing, Lu Shu suddenly calmed down a lot and began to think about many things.

When he went downstairs, he saw the figure of Jiang Shuyi on the playground. He didn’t grow up to Fang Family, and he joined by default without signing. It really is a player with a strong background…

Lu Shu greeted Jiang Shuyi cheerfully: “You are special enough, what do we do in the playground?”

Jiang Shuyi waved to him when he saw Lu Shu, and waited until Lu Shu approached and said, “This is a collective oath.”

Sworn? Lu Shu was stunned. He had forgotten this. It seemed that whether it was joining the party, enlisting in the army, or even embarking on some special jobs, he had to take an oath.

In other words, he doesn’t think taking an oath is useful, it seems to be a form, right? Everyone said something so false that they didn’t even believe it, and then it was over.

However, Lu Shu suddenly discovered that Jiang Shuyi’s expression had hidden a trace of solemnity and solemnity. Lu Shu was a little curious. Is this oath really important?

The parents of the students were all invited outside the playground by the security personnel. They could only watch the oath ceremony outside, and the students felt a little excitement among each other.

Once upon a time, they were the same as everyone else. The biggest thing every day was to study, then wait for the college entrance examination, and finally decide their life plan at that turning point.

No matter the life plan can be realized, but in the end everything will fall into the ordinary.

However, at this time, their identities have completely changed and become soldiers.

No, it is more accurate to be an officer.

I have to say that this change is big enough and the impact on their thinking is big enough.

From today, their lives will be completely torn apart from the past, and they will never be the same as the ordinary students around them.

At this time, Li Yixiao suddenly walked to the flag-raising stand and looked at all the Dao Origin students in the chaos below. He calmly said: “Set based on each class.”

At this time, Li Yixiao is still holding a national flag in his hand. Lu Shu suddenly feels that Li Yixiao seems to be serious today. Usually this product is always particularly unreliable, but when he calms down and becomes serious, it suddenly gives people a kind of Unspeakable serious power.

This feeling is like… what makes Li Yixiao serious, it must be something extraordinary and must be taken seriously.

It’s as if there is an inexplicable power flowing in the opponent’s blood…

After the students arranged their phalanx spontaneously, Li Yixiao calmly turned around and went to the flagpole, seemingly a little awkward to tie the national flag to the flag-raising rope.

It is estimated that Li Yixiao has never done such a thing before, so it took five minutes to tie the rope.

After the tie was Yixiao, the flag was pulled up into the air by hand. A night breeze hit, and the red flag suddenly shook and unfolded.

Suddenly, the voices of the students discussing with each other became much smaller.

Li Yixiao turned around and said calmly: “Welcome to join Heaven and Earth Net, starting today…”

Speaking of this, Li Yixiao got stuck, and then took out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket calmly, and many students burst into laughter.

Lu Shu looked at the crumpled paper in Li Yixiao‘s hand, and suddenly seemed to be able to imagine the scene where the other party had taken it out to recite and then put it back in his trouser pocket, but still didn’t remember dude

Li Yixiao expands and continues to read: “From today, you will say goodbye to a peaceful life. The past talk of throwing your heads and blood for the motherland will no longer be an empty promise, but the reality you will face. .”

Li Yixiao‘s voice was steady and solemn, and the students gradually calmed down, as if someone had pressed a mute button in the sky above the playground.

Everything stopped abruptly.

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