Spare Me, Great Lord! Chapter 90: Anomaly!

   Lu Shu thought about buying two bottles of sodium-potassium alloy to test aptitude, this thing is almost out of stock on the Internet, but anyone who has ideas about Awakening or cultivation wants to test whether they really don’t have that aptitude .

   Among them, the biggest purchasing power is adults.

  In the Heaven and Earth Net plan, there are not too many adults involved, it’s just that someone awakens and just takes it away as simple as…

   There is no one organization and they attend classes, and no one organization and they test aptitude. This is like saying that people at Heaven and Earth Net do not think that people over a certain age still have the potential of cultivation!

   This makes everyone realize that cultivation is not only about aptitude, but also about age!

   But there was one thing that quickly became popular. This incident broke all the vendors selling sodium-potassium alloy: adults show off aptitude.

   This is like a small game, similar to Moments where you went to play, what you have eaten and what you bought.

   is now popular, aptitude.

   Even if they gradually realize that they may be past the age of cultivation and can no longer be cultivation, but if aptitude is good, it is also the capital for everyone to show off.

   So more and more people are buying sodium-potassium alloy, which has dropped to several tens of dollars, just to drop a drop of blood to see how their aptitude is.

   People who show off are not divided into any level, as long as aptitude is above F Rank, all Moments will be issued.

  Men’s pictures and text are basically all. I wish I could take the cultivation road once in the morning for many years.

  女’s photos and essays are basically saying that they are naturally beautiful whatever.

  The female man who can carry rice and watermelon posted the picture with the text: Hahaha, I will go to the mountain to find a Taoist priest tomorrow, and I will dismantle the Taoist temple without accepting me as a disciple!

   Awakening and cultivation seem to have become a fashion.

  Of course, after the serious trend has passed, the trend of nonsense has begun again, such as using ink as your own test result, such as using milk as your own test result…

   This kind of test has no safety hazard when profiteers cut costs and reduces the dose of sodium-potassium alloy. Even for ordinary people, blood dripping on is just a small flame. It is not as good as a lighter.

   But the two bottles given to him by Li Xianyi are different. This is not a few milligrams. The silver liquid is half a bottle!

   Since I have given two bottles, it means that he will also test Lu Xiaoyu.

  Lu Shu went back to wake up Lu Xiaoyu, he also specially drew the curtains to prevent others from sneaking into the secrets of the two people. How amazing Washing Marrow Fruit is, you can see today!

  Lu Xiaoyu sat next to Lu Shu with sleepy eyes: “Lu Shu, what are you doing?”

  ”Test your aptitude,” Lu Shu pulled her little hand and was about to take Canine Corpse to open her finger.

   “I’m untested!” Lu Xiaoyu was shocked at the time. This is for bloodletting!

  ”distress points from Lu Xiaoyu, +110!”

  Lu Shu took out two white rabbit toffee from his pocket and placed it in front of Lu Xiaoyu, quietly looking at Lu Xiaoyu.

  Lu Xiaoyu struggled for a long time: “Add two more!”

   Lu Shu took out a bag from her pocket and handed it to her without saying anything, then cut a small opening in the finger of Lu Xiaoyu that was not as large as a grain of rice, and dripped blood into the container of sodium-potassium alloy.

   and then my own blood.

   He discovered before that Canine Corpse is unusually sharp, and now you don’t even want to hurt him even with ordinary kitchen knives, but even such a tough skin is like tofu after encountering Canine Corpse.

   Lu Xiaoyu, one side of the small mouth was bulging because of the stuffed two white rabbit toffee. The two one big and one small sat on the sofa and watched sodium-potassium alloy‘s reaction quietly.

   The silver sodium-potassium alloy began to turn black slowly at the same time, and the color changed quickly. Lu Shu compared the color spectrum and looked at the aptitude levels of two people while skipping F Rank, E Rank, D Rank, C Rank, B Rank, A Rank

   At this moment, even if Lu Shu has prepared mentally, it is a bit shocked. It turns out that the aptitude of the two people really reached A Rank!

What aptitude is   A Rank? All Luo City Dao Origin classes are only Cao Qingci. If you calculate this way, even if you look at the whole country, I am afraid it is an absolute genius with no one in a million!

   However, at this moment, Lu Shu suddenly discovered the two bottles that had changed color simultaneously, and began to make even more bizarre changes.

   In his bottle, after sodium-potassium alloy reached the black extreme, it turned back to silver slowly, and then… began to release light. This light is just like the bright stars in the sky, getting brighter and brighter, until it dazzles!

   And in the bottle of Lu Xiaoyu, the black is still black, but the black is as deep as an abyss whirlpool, like the endless sky of night…

   What’s the situation? There is nothing written on the map!

  Lu Shu is really a bit confused at this time. What level are he and Lu Xiaoyu‘s aptitude? He used to be confident that he was A Rank, but now he is a little confused.

   “My bottle is a bit like my Celestial Chart, what about yours?” Lu Shu curiously asked.

   “Mine too…” Lu Xiaoyu said vaguely while chewing on the white rabbit toffee.

  , it seems to be the magic of Celestial Chart again. He can’t experiment with how sodium-potassium alloy would change without Washing Marrow Fruit. It’s too late to try now.

   So… Is there S Rank above A Rank? Lu Shu doubted deeply.

   He sealed the two bottles will they be poured into the unnoticed soil outside?

   Lu Shu went out and met Li Xianyi, the old man asked: “What level?”

  Lu Shu sighed and shook his head, and said with a little frustration: “It’s all F Rank.”

  Li Xianyi: Ha ha.

  The acting skills are really good, there is a small detail in the open eyes and nonsense!

  ”distress points from Li Xianyi, +144!”

   But the old man is now more and more sure that Lu Shu aptitude is extraordinary, otherwise, how could he hide it here. In fact, his main purpose is not to know what Lu Shu‘s aptitude is. He trusts his instincts and gives Lu Shu a test to make Lu Shu know his heart, so that he will not feel inferior because he is a useless F.

  essence, qi and spirit’s practice requires self-confidence and self-confidence in all aspects. This is the purpose of Li Xianyi.

  Lu Shu knows that Li Xianyi really wants to accept Lu Xiaoyu as a disciple to inherit some of his ideals and responsibilities. However, Lu Shu, the older brother, disagrees. She is just this sister. How can she participate in saving the world? Isn’t it a bully?

   If Lu Shu has no choice, or desperately desperate, he may simply worship Li Xianyi as a teacher.

   But what is the situation now? Anyway, there is no shortage of cultivation technique for two people, and Lu Xiaoyu can even sleep with leveling. Now the relationship between Golden Foundation and Heaven and Earth Net is vague, he is not willing to take risks.

  Lu Shu suddenly remembered something: “Master, you practice Way of the Sword to the back, can you play with controlling sword?”

  Li Xianyi glanced at him. A blade of grass beside the old man who was in hehe state broke and flew in front of him out of thin air, and then nailed it like a flying needle into the wooden fence in the distance, and then poured cold water:” Want controlling sword, at least C Rank.”

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