Spare Me, Great Lord! Chapter 58: Zoom in!

   What does Liu Li do at home, Lu Shu has not paid attention to it, but he has seen the car picking up Liu Li in the past two days. Although his poor orphan can’t call his name, he looks very proud, the license plate number 99999, I am afraid that most people can’t buy it.

   But it has nothing to do with Lu Shu. It is a matter for people to have money.

   Now Liu Li his father wants to recruit some Awakener, and he feels to Lu Shu as if it means “if you have money and nowhere to spend, recruit some Awakener to play with”.

  Some bosses don’t like to say, “I’m not educated, but my staff are all students from Tsinghua and Peking University. They still have to work for me?”

The    metaphor doesn’t know whether it’s appropriate or not, which probably means that.

   No matter what others think, Lu Shu hates this feeling very much anyway, so I choked back decisively. The choked Liu Li didn’t react for a long time!

  Liu Li took a deep breath: “Lu Shu your family is in difficulties, this is a rare opportunity…”

  Lu Shu raised eyebrows: “You are not really happy.”

  Liu Li was stunned, a few meanings, why suddenly began to embarrass the lyrics, isn’t this Mayday’s song? He thought for two seconds and tentatively asked: “Your smile is just the protective color you wear?”

  Lu Shu shook his head and looked disappointed: “You are not really happy, but I am.”

  Liu Li almost urinated at the time. Are you crazy? You must be crazy!

   I told you about solicitation, you gave me awkward lyrics, but in the end I didn’t follow the routine!

   You are a happy ghost, happy, can the poor be happy? !

   Have you seen anyone who doesn’t agree with the lyrics? Are you still a normal person?

   “distress points from Liu Li, +411!”

   But for Lu Shu, poor ghosts are poor, but he and Lu Xiaoyu are orphans who are particularly good at making fun in hardship, so they don’t feel bitter, but happy every day, so he does feel that he is much happier than Liu Li Now, as for the awkward lyrics or something, the gangster said it subconsciously, and the thief went smoothly!

   Liu Li left with a black face, Jiang Shuyi buried his head and shook his shoulders, Lu Shu coughed: “Laugh if you want to laugh, why do you endure it.”

  ”Hahahaha,” Jiang Shuyi really couldn’t help it. He suddenly realized that his deskmate was really talented in some ways!

   But after another thought, Jiang Shuyi really thinks that Lu Shu’s mentality is very good. In the past few days, he has also heard about Lu Shu, an orphan, and also pulling a younger sister. In the morning, he is self-reliant to sell boiled eggs and support his family. Able to maintain the top score.

   And the most important thing is that even such a hard life is not extreme at all.

   To tell the truth, it’s not that Lu Shu doesn’t want to make money from the Liu Li family, but for two reasons. One is that he doesn’t want to make extravagance, and the other is that he simply doesn’t like it.

   After Liu Li went back, Lu Shu suddenly discovered that several classmates were already surrounded by the monitor, even the new transfer student.

   After class at noon, everyone went to the cafeteria to eat. Lu Shu also saw a group of them sitting on a table with excitement and discussing something. Liu Li turned his head and glanced at Lu Shu, his eyes were full of complicated meaning, with a slight ridicule. , There is also a condescending look down.

   From the perspective of Liu Li, he is B Rank aptitude. As long as the Dao Origin class starts cultivation cultivation technique, it will definitely leave Lu Shu far behind.

   At first, the solicitation of Lu Shu was a handy move regardless of the former Lixian Corporal. As a result, I was choked and almost doubted my life.

   Liu Li is just a high school student at the moment. How deep can a high school student’s city go? It’s nice not to write it all on the face.

   Someone ridiculed: “Why, you went to solicit Lu Shu from that F Rank aptitude, but it didn’t work?”

  Liu Li smiled: “It’s the same with him or without him.”

  Lu Shu is rather calm. He took a deep breath and took out his lunch box. Today’s lunch is quite special. It’s all for distress points. Don’t blame me…

   When Lu Shu opened the lunch box, the 50-meter radius around Lu Shu in the canteen suddenly felt like stinky tofu

  Liu Li and others were talking and laughing, but they noticed the smell of suffocation…

   “fuck, what the hell!” Someone ran away with the lunch box.

   Everyone turned their eyes to the instigator Lu Shu. The smell came from there. Lu Shu showed white teeth and smiled: “Secret stinky tofu, made by yourself, surprise or surprise?”

   “distress points from Liu Li…”

   “distress points from Yuan Lingqi…”

  Who would have thought that Lu Shu would suddenly release a big move, instant kill a bunch of people!

   A wave of income directly made Lu Shu‘s distress points reach the 18000 mark, work together, and it can light up Seventh Star, without delaying to continue selling stinky tofu tomorrow! perfect!

   In the morning, Lu Shu thought that his distress points was not enough, so he simply saved some stinky tofu for lunch. The large area of ​​lethal weapons was used in the cafeteria, and the effect was a bit explosive.

   In fact, you can also increase distress points by cursing people directly, but Lu Shu thinks that this is really a bit tricky. Can the socialist five-good youth and three-good students do that kind of thing? No way!

   He also thought that he could take the bus and eat stinky At that time, people in a car couldn’t run even if they wanted to run, and the proper income exceeded ten thousand, but that was too wicked.

  Lu Shu does not care about the universal morality in society, but respects the guidelines of one’s heart.

  In contrast, it’s disgusting that these classmates who didn’t agree with each other originally, Lu Shu has no psychological burden at all.

  Everything pays attention to one’s own heart, no matter what others think, Lu Shu only pursues a clear conscience.

   Looking at the posture of Lu Shu eating stinky tofu, it’s a sluggish attitude. The person next to him simply left the food. The ghost knows when this product can be eaten? !

   But just when everyone was evasive, Jiang Shuyi took the plate and sat opposite Lu Shu: “I like to eat stinky tofu, let’s change it?”

  Lu Shu subconsciously glanced at the income record, there is indeed no distress points of Jiang Shuyi in the account, he is suck in a breath of cold air, this product really likes to eat stinky tofu.

  ”Here,” Lu Shu pushes the remaining half of stinky tofu to Jiang Shuyi, and Jiang Shuyi pushes the newly-made rice to Lu Shu.

   During this period, Jiang Shuyi is a relatively dazzling existence. One is that it has a very high appearance, and many boys have misunderstood him. Second, everyone knows now that Jiang Shuyi is also a rare B Rank aptitude, and it will definitely have a bright future.

  According to previous alumni of Jiang Shuyi, Jiang Shuyi‘s family conditions are excellent, but it is unclear how good they are.

   These series of factors have created a somewhat detached position among the classmates of Jiang Shuyi. Now a dazzling existence sits next to the long-deprecated Lu Shu.

   How do you feel awkward? When did these two get together?

   To be honest, Lu Shu is also a bit puzzled…

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