Goddess Medical Doctor Chapter 252: I only wish to be with you, because it is you

“Because you are the one who gave me a second life!” Jian Xingfang said with a sigh. “If even you deny my existence, then I”

“Sorry!” Nanhuofeng sincerely apologized. “I shouldn’t force the unwarranted charges on you”

Because of her politeness, Jian Xingfang frowned tightly. Her calmness made him even more uneasy. “Fire you”

“I will not blame you, nor myself, so you can live your life well”

“But my life is to go with.”You go down with you.

“I will bless you!” said without looking at him, staring at his toes.

Jian Xingfang opened his mouth, stunned, and suddenly reacted. “What do you mean?” Turn her body, let her face him, and look at him.

Nan Huofeng’s eyes still avoided him. “It means literally”

The frown is tight. “You know what I want?” “I am with her, not wishing you happiness.” I can’t give you what you want!”


“Okay, let’s go!” I stopped answering him, and gently broke away his hand, got up, and walked away.

Jian Xingfang followed and got up. “Wait, Huoer”

Nan Huofeng paused and continued to move forward.

That’s why Jian Xingfang didn’t move forward, just asking her where she was. “You still can’t face me, are you? Just because of your parents.”

“No!” Although Nan Huofeng didn’t stop, he answered him with a certain tone.

“Why is that?” Jian Xingfang’s voice was incomprehensible. “If it weren’t for this incident, I thought we could continue to be together, but you are now.” I said goodbye to him

Nan Huofeng still kept walking among the flowers. “Don’t ask anything, go back to your life!”

Looking at her getting further and further away from him, Jian Xing Fang’s heart tightened slightly. “Without you, no place belongs to my life, what do you think?” It seemed to be muttering, and it seemed to be questioning.

The southern fire phoenix who walked in front bit her lower lip, as if she hadn’t heard her, she continued to walk her own way. If he doesn’t have true feelings for her, such a two-person world, she would rather not

“Or are you doubting my sincerity?”

Nan Huofeng paused slightly.

It was such a few unchecked movements that Jian Xingfang had been paying attention to her, and the latter smiled bitterly. “It’s really!” Lifting his eyes, there was determination in his eyes. “If you mind so much, I can prove it to you!”

When Nanhuofeng heard this, he just felt that something was wrong, and turned around to look, there was no sign of him.

“Xing Fang!” exclaimed.

“What is that kid going to do?” The four hiding in the dark studied.

“Prove his true heart?”

Qin Huairou glanced at Siyu saying that. “He’s not stupidly planning to prove that way?”

Jun Siyu looked back with her. “Maybe it is”

Unbearable slap on the forehead. “That’s too silly!”

“Xingfang, what are you going to do, come here!” After all, this is my home. Nan Huofeng soon found him at the waterfall and watched him standing tremblingly. , She just felt terrified there. “It’s too dangerous there, come here!”

Jian Xingfang raised his face and felt the coolness brought by the waterfall around him. “It’s beautiful here!”

South Fire Phoenix frowned. “You want to see the scenery, I will take you to see below” Try to get close to him.

“Don’t come here!” Jane said to her.

“Okay, I won’t go there, then you come here, it’s alright?” The question was cautious.

Looking at her deeply. “If there is no such thing, we will be happily waiting for marriage soon!”

Nanhuofeng looked at him blankly. “Why do you say this suddenly!” There are no more weddings.

Jian Xingfang smiled. “I’m here this time just to bring you back. Without you, it wouldn’t make any sense for me to go back…”

Said avoiding his eyes. “Your home is there. If you are afraid that you cannot explain it, I will notify the national teacher and let him go…”

“You know that I don’t care about those”

Hands clasped tightly. “This is what I can do for you!”

Seeing her Jian Xingfang smiled to herself again. “I lost you, did you? Lost your trust in me”

Nan Huofeng didn’t answer, just said. “Come on, there”

“I will prove it to you” Jian Xingfang interrupted her. “I will prove to you my sincerity”

When Nan Huofeng heard this, he looked at his open arms in shock. “Xing Fang…” She wanted to move forward, but every time she took a step forward, it was easy to take a step back, seeing the rushing waterfall behind her. “Okay, I won’t move anymore, don’t move either!” Reached out his hand and slowly backed away.

Jian Xingfang smiled brightly as she looked at her nervous look. “Huoer, I once died for you once”

She killed him herself!

“So I don’t mind using my life to express my sincerity to you!”

Nanhuofeng’s eyes opened in fear. “No”

Looking at her, still smiling. “Huoer, I…love you…I really love you” as he said, stepping back.

“No…you can’t” Nan Huofeng yelled out of horror, and rushed forward to catch him, but he actually leaned back without hesitation when she approached.

Watching him disappear in front of her, watching him with his eyes closed and smiling, his large limbs were swallowed fiercely by the flowing water.

After “Xing Fang” let out a heart-piercing roar, Nan Huofeng jumped and followed him.

“Oh yeah… the silly boy wanted to die, why didn’t he find another place, but it was a waterfall. I don’t know if water can be regarded as the nemesis of fire, so he jumped down, and even the fire went down. , But in the water, the power of Huoer…”

“Maybe it was because he knew that he deliberately chose a place with water” Mo Qingtian was still so calm.

“That kid is serious” Qin Huairou listened in a daze, shaking his head and smiling helplessly. “It’s really a silly boy. I really did that and didn’t want to think about it. Fengfeng was actually **** off and couldn’t figure it out… He did this, and in the end he won’t get anything!”

“He just wants fire in his heart.” Because of this, he had already ignored his life and death!

“Oh, silly boy…but the silly is still so cute.” As she spoke, she waved her arm.

Under her instigation, the water was surging, and in a short while, two people were surging from the bottom of the waterfall and sent to the water.

“Ahem…” Nanhuofeng choked out the water stuck in her throat, wiped a handful of water from her face, and went to see the silly man who jumped into the water earlier.

“Xing Fang” wiped the water on his face and patted his cheek. When he saw that he didn’t respond, the doctor’s subconscious quickly took effect. After a simple determination of the situation, he quickly took the fastest response.

“Ahem…” Jian Xingfang coughed and threw out the water she had drunk under the palm of her hand.

Seeing that he was awakening, Nan Huofeng was greatly relieved.

The eyelashes that closed his eyes trembling slightly, he slowly opened his eyes, looking at the wet person with his eyes facing each other, he was in a trance

But before he could react, there was a burst of censorship.

“How can you treat me like this?” Nan Huofeng couldn’t help yelling out of his panic when he saw him wake up. “How can you find death in front of me?”

Faced with the moist accusation in her eyes, he suddenly recovered, but before he could say a word, her accusation had arrived.

“Didn’t you have said everything, your life is given to you, then how can you end up so arbitrarily without my consent? Do I allow it?” There was a choked voice, even The hands were shaking slightly.

I really felt her fear, Jian Xing’s square eyes were full of apologize, but he still had nothing to say in the future, so she cried out loudly and threw herself on him. “Do you know how scared I am, how afraid I will not save you, you have been killed by me once, how can you leave me like that in front of me”

Weeping and sobbing. “You are a big man, how can you commit suicide because of this!” A nose and tears.

He smiled softly and stroked her hair. “You are my entire life. Without you, why would I still need this body!”

“Then you can’t just so easily” sobbed.

Jian Xingfang actually laughed lightly. “That’s no way, don’t I have so much time?”

“Time?” Lifting his face full of snot and tears, he looked at him with tears.

Blinked innocently. “The day we got married!”

After being taken aback, he slapped him on the chest. “You will miss this!”

“Aw…” Jian Xing gasped in pain.

“What’s the matter?” asked nervously, did she have that heavy hand?

He stroked his painful chest. “Huo’er, if you want me to die, don’t save me just now”

“Who said I wanted you to die.” Jiao wailed, and wanted to shoot, remembering his reaction just now, and let go in time. “You are still in the mood to joke.”

“I don’t want you to cry forever.”

“I’m not crying because of you,” he said, wiping the tears from his face. “Is it so heavy just now?” I still couldn’t help but asked with concern.

Jian Xingfang smiled and shook his head. “When I just climbed the mountain, my muscles were too tired, so I was patted by her, and I couldn’t stand the pain, plus the impact of the water just now.

“Climbing a mountain?” Nan Huofeng frowned in confusion. “How did you get in? Where did you get in?”

“Uh” Jian Xingfang suddenly felt that he had missed something. “That. That.” Eyeballs rolled back and forth. “You. Can you go back with me?” He turned the subject stiffly.

Nan Huofeng looked at him suspiciously and turned the subject away, and at the same time he understood what was going on. It must be her family members again, and 100% of it was the idea of ​​the teacher and the other people reviewed it.

“I will help you to take a hot bath first, or you will catch a cold.” I turned away the question he asked.

Although I asked this question to change the topic, it was also the most important question for him. “Fire you”

Hands passed under his armpits, trying to support his heavy body. “I promise you, I will think about it seriously”

“Don’t you believe it?” Jian Xingfang was eager.

I glanced at him, helped him and walked silently for a while, then said. “Actually, I didn’t really doubt you in my heart, just…”

Jian Xingfang looked at her intently, listening intently.

Looking at the road underneath. “I’m still angry. Why didn’t you tell me this matter when I was angry? It was through someone else’s mouth. Or if I was angry, I could not tell the difference. I only know that I was angry. But you This idiot.” Glancing at him diagonally up. “You didn’t even give me a chance to seduce me, can’t you be more patient?”

Water drops slid down the tips of his hair, his lips pouted innocently. “I’m still afraid that you will really leave me.”

Looking at his appearance, Nan Huofeng shook his head helplessly. “You are pretending to be cute again, you are obviously such a big person. “He is almost thirty years old!

“As long as you are no longer angry, then it doesn’t matter what I do”

The familiar mood floated, and slowly rose. “You” was helpless and sighed.

Tighten the hand on her shoulder. “I just want you to come back to me”

Nan Huofeng stopped and intertwined with his gaze. The gaze of the meeting was the deep attachment, miss, and the spiritual meeting that cannot be expressed in words

Meeting is not because of accident, and knowing each other is not because of a moment.

Separation is not forever, and staying together is not a moment.

I only want to be with you, just because it is you.

A gust of wind blows.

Jian Xingfang sneezed fiercely, completely breaking up the romantic sentiment.

Nan Huofeng was stunned for a moment, and laughed out loud. “Let’s go, let’s go back quickly!”

Because of the us she exported, after Jian Xingfang froze for a while, there were two conflicting emotions of expectation and worry on her face. “Fire”

Tighten the hand that is on his waist. “No need to say anything, you understand!” There was a long-lost smile on his lips.

There was ecstasy in Jian Xing’s square eyes and nodded fiercely. “Yeah!” He succeeded. He can go back with Huoer and go back to the place where their wedding is about to take place.

After freshening up, Jian Xingfang walked out of the small bathroom behind with wet long hair and walked into the inner room. The southern fire phoenix who had been groomed in the room had red hair scattered, and he held a large Towel, standing at the entrance of the inner room, waiting for him.

Looking at her like a fairy, Jian Xingfang couldn’t help but look dumbfounded.

Slightly tilted his head, looking at his dazed look, with a slight smile on his lips. “Hey, the saliva will come down after looking at it?” jokingly.

Jian Xingfang blinked and smiled broadly. “That’s not because you’re too ‘good-looking’!” Naughty eyes blinked.

South Fire Phoenix laughed. “Come here, I will dry your hair for you first!”

“Okay!” I can’t wait to move forward and sit down in front of her dressing table. “Huh?” Just sitting down, he found something very surprising! “This is it?” Nan Huofeng couldn’t help touching the sleek thing with his hand, and took a look at the thing that surprised him. “Oh, that’s a mirror!” He opened the towel without any fuss and wiped his wet hair.

“I also know it’s a mirror.” Still stroking in surprise. “This is too clear. This is the first time I have seen my appearance so clearly! “Looking at myself in the mirror, touching my face.

Nan Huofeng’s hands are soft and soft, her lips still smiling. “It was made by the teacher, she said it was better than a bronze mirror, and it was much clearer!”

“Yeah!” It’s so clear. “Why haven’t I seen this kind of mirror in Rong Maoguo? If there is one on the market, it will sell very well as soon as it is released.” It must be crazy to steal.

The hand rubbed his hair and paused. “Senior lady said. This kind of thing shouldn’t have appeared on our continent, and she only made a few of them, and they were all given to the closest people to us. But definitely not to bring them. Away from here.”

Jian Xingfang looked at the mirror thoughtfully. “Your sister knows so much.” I felt something wrong.

The hand moved lightly. “Also, all the houses in this valley are all structures constructed by the master, and the master will try his best to do it.”

“The structure of this house is not the same as the structure of other houses in Rong Mao Country.” Let alone Rong Mao Country, even the Divine Phoenix Country does not have it. “But it’s very comfortable and convenient to live in!” It feels more convenient than those magnificent houses in the palace!

“Hmm!” The towel changed its face and continued. “As long as you stay in this room, it doesn’t matter if you don’t go out, everything can be solved by yourself.” Her cottage includes a kitchen, a hut, a bathroom, and even a small pipe with a unique interface. I took water directly from the well outside the house and entered the house.

“Well, I also found it really interesting!” Jian Xingfang was enjoying her hand strength comfortably, and said cheerfully. “Or we can add these to the place where we live in the future, so that you can live in a bit more habit, especially how your cottage was built, it’s quite interesting.”

“Uh.” The motion of wiping the hair stopped. “This. It should not be possible.”

“Huh?” Faced her in the mirror. “Why?” There was a disappointment that could not be ignored in the voice.

Apologetically smiled at him in the mirror. “The reason is the same as this mirror.”

Stunned for a moment. “It doesn’t belong here, only in this valley.”

“Hmm!” Nodded.

“Oh!” Replied disappointedly. “Forget it, I also said that you are used to this kind of house. If you can bring these to our future home, then you will get used to it!”

His thoughtfulness, she realized it, smiled and continued to wipe his hair.

“There is no way, but we can come back when we have time in the future, just live here, you can also come back to your natal family.”

He couldn’t help but pause again. “But whether it’s Rongcheng or Maocheng, it’s very far here.’

Jian Xingfang shrugged indifferently. “That’s okay, come back at least once a year, or when I am out of business, you can also follow me, we can run back by the way!”

Laughing. “You are using official business for private purposes!”

“What does that matter? By the way.”

She knows very well that it’s not just the way. He doesn’t always go on business trips. Sometimes he wants to conceal his identity. But even if he works hard, he still needs to understand her lovesickness. “Thank you!” wrapped his hands around his neck, whispering in his ear.

Thank him for being so thoughtful for her, thank you for his caring.

“We are a husband and wife, this should be the case.” Holding her arms around his neck. “I don’t like you saying thank you to me.” Seeing the two people embracing each other clearly printed in the mirror, and the black and red hair intertwined, Jian Xingfang laughed his sweetness. “I really like this mirror.” It can print out his happiness with Huo’er so clearly.

“If you really like it, I can ask the madam if we can take it away, but we can’t let others see it, not even your big brother.”

“Okay!” Jian Xingfang agreed. “By the way, I still don’t know what this valley is called?”

The Nanhuofeng who was lying on his shoulder was startled, then his body trembled slightly.

“Huh? What are you laughing at?” From the mirror she looked at her sniggering on his shoulder.

The body shook with laughter. “The name of this valley is pretty vulgar.”

“Uh. No way.” It’s so beautiful here.

“And still very uncreative.”

“Oh?” He was a little curious. “What is it called?”

South Fire Phoenix held back a smile. “Shuirou Valley!”

At first hearing the name, Jian Xingfang was taken aback for a moment, followed by a loud laughter and a softer laughter.

The birds living on the trees outside the house were shocked by the sudden laughter and fluttered their wings. The warm sun surrounded the hut, and the warm sunlight scattered.

“Foster father, they want to go with us?”

“Well, they want to attend our wedding too, so let’s decide to go together!”

“Oh, that’s good too. I shouldn’t wait for them too long. I’m afraid of time.”

Shaking the hands held by the two of them, strolling among the flowers. “Don’t worry, we can catch up even at the last minute, and we have to wait for the big brother. He said he wants to go home and walk with us later!”

“That’s it.” Jian Xingfang groaned. “Then wait!” Anyway, there is a small wind, so he doesn’t need to worry too much!

“Hmm!” The colorful butterflies flew between the hands they clasped and surrounded them. “Is it beautiful here?”

Jian Xingfang looked at this vast field of flowers like a grassland. “Of course it’s beautiful, I have never seen a flowerbed bigger than here.”

“This place is made by nature!” There is pride in my own home in the words. “I love coming here the most,” said with a smile like a child.

“Yeah!” The long hair that was blown to the face by the wind~IndoMTL.com~ His and her hair are still loose, and it seems that you can let go of all the restraints in this place and be yourself comfortably. “It’s really comfortable here, and it’s the first place I saw you dancing!”

“It’s ugly, I haven’t jumped for a long time, I almost forgot, and the movements are stiff.”

“Well, that’s the most beautiful dance I have ever seen.” Her fluttering look was still imprinted in his mind.

“What am I doing is the best in your eyes!” This is the so-called lover’s eye!

“I really feel good!”

He tilted his head and smiled. “Then you wait until you have the opportunity to attend our annual gathering, then say this sentence.’


“Well, everyone scattered on this continent will rush back to participate. They are usually too busy, so there must be a chance to party!”

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