Goddess Medical Doctor Chapter 212: Sick

?[燃^文^书库][www].[774][buy].[] “Since the emperor knows that Huo’er is the phoenix of the Divine Phoenix Kingdom, what does he have to say?” He wanted to first Clearly understand the situation, so I have a preparation!

Shrug. “The emperor really doesn’t have any special expressions, but…” Qin Huairou’s eyes were sharp. “I have told him, I am in Baoding in the Divine Phoenix Kingdom!”

Jian Xingfang looked at her completely speechless, is she threatening the emperor?

“Sister, are you okay!” Nan Mingyin stepped forward to hold the somewhat shaky Nan Huofeng in time.

Wait for the dizziness to pass, open your eyes, and smile weakly. “It’s okay!”

Looking at her with a pale face, Nan Mingyin was worried, and her hand was already very consciously touching her wrist for a moment. “You are sick, why don’t you say it!” frowned.

“It’s really okay!” He said it was okay, but the dimness in his eyes could not be ignored.

Glanced at Lokuli, who was in charge of dispatching there. “I will take you back to rest first!”


“Why don’t you take care of these water conservancy things anymore? You are always using your own energy to do things that they obviously can do well. With this time, you might as well stay and let yourself rest. !” Nan Mingyin was full of displeasure, he had wanted to say this a long time ago. “You wait, I’ll talk to the prince!”

After speaking, he temporarily left her and walked towards Lokuli!

This time they came to a place that was hit hardest by floods. Not only did the crops be soaked to death, the normal life of the people living here was also seriously affected! What they are doing now is some water conservancy dredging things!

Looking at Nan Mingyin, who walked over to talk to Prince Curry, there was a slight warmth at the corner of Nanhuofeng’s mouth, but the physical discomfort made her warmth quickly drop, and her eyes looked confused. In the distance, what she hopes to be with her most now is…….

“You have a fever, sister!” Nan Mingyin helped her back to their temporary residence, helped her sit down on her bed and stroked her forehead.

“It was a little bit last night!” Nan Huofeng smiled slightly.

“Yesterday?” The frown deepened. “Have you taken your medicine?” After asking, I found myself asking a very stupid question. “The medicine we prepared is distributed to the sick people here!” After speaking, he got up. “Sister, you drink more hot water first, I will find medicine for you!”

“Sullen!” Nan Huofeng wanted to call him, but he was gone. “I don’t need medicine, I want you to be by my side even more!” As he said, tears slipped down.

Looking at the empty room, the feeling of loneliness regained my heart last night. Nan Huofeng unconsciously puts her hands around her knees, hugging herself tightly…

It was night, when she heard the knock on the door, she woke up slowly, as if she had passed away, not knowing where she was for a while, until the sound of calling came from outside the door. “Are you there?”

Because of dizziness, she didn’t hear the previous address for a while, her dizzy mind regained a little soberness, remembering where she was and what had happened. “Fuck!” She staggered out of bed and wanted to open the door, but she hadn’t even reached the door, and the door slammed open. It seemed that the person outside the door had no patience to wait any longer!

“Are you okay? Feel the fire!” Rokuli in a hurry came in. “When I came back, I didn’t see Nan Mingyin’s figure. I heard from the people here that he had gone out. Since you entered the house in the afternoon, you haven’t been out. You haven’t even eaten dinner. What’s wrong with you?” She was stunned in the same place as a burst of words!

Nan Huofeng only felt his ears buzzing, and he only heard half of what he said. “Prince……” Only two words were spoken, and the whole person fell backwards after exhausting all his strength.

“Feel the fire!” Rokuli hurriedly hugged her in shock, and this hug also made him clearly feel the hot temperature on her body. “You have a fever!” Looking at the moonlight outside, seeing her red cheeks, he picked her up and put it on the bed.

Think about it. “You have all the medicines on your body, did Nan Mingyin go to find you medicine?” Except for this reason, there is no one who can let Nan Mingyin leave her with a high fever!

“Liu Yu, I’m looking for medicine!” Nan Huofeng huddled together and heard his last sentence clearly.

Locully stroked her forehead distressedly. “I’m not feeling well, why didn’t you say it earlier?”

Nan Huofeng closed her eyes, she was a little dazzling in her high fever. “Yes…Xing Fang…” A tear dropped down his cheek.

Lokuli’s eyes tightened, he went to light up the lamp, and then looked at her on the bed. He was right. She did cry just now, and the wet pillow proved that she had already cried before. , Walked forward and stroked her cheek. “Do you miss him that way?”

Nan Huofeng squirmed unconsciously. “Xing Fang…” I muttered the person I missed the most!

“I have known you for so long, and I have never seen you cry. Is it because of illness? You just showed your fragility in front of me?” Seeing her sadness, Loculi realized it. It is such a painful thing to cry with the one you love. As long as she can laugh, he is really willing to do anything for her, but she doesn’t even give him this chance!

Roculi smiled bitterly and wiped the tears from her cheeks. “When you meet him, you have to get better soon before you have the energy to see him!” He sighed and got up, and he had to ask if there was any way to temporarily stop her body from continuing to heat up.

He returned soon after, with a pot of hot water in his hand. “The people here say that continuous use of cold water to apply ice is also effective!” Looking down at the basin in his hand. “Try it!” He has never done anything to serve people like this, but for her, he is willing!

The towel was wringed dry with her hands and covered her forehead. After a while, she took the towel and soaked it in the cold water, repeatedly.

Loculi has been guarding her bedside, cooling her with ice, wiping her sweat, and adding layers of quilts to her when she shouts cold, and tightly hugging her !

The Nanhuofeng, who floated up and down between tossing and turning, felt that someone was by her side, and unconsciously snuggled into the warm arms…

The door leaf was gently pushed open, and the rising sun shone into the room. Roculi opened his tired and sore eyes, but he had just opened his eyes and had not yet reacted, suddenly he was thrown to the ground. “Oh, **** it, it hurts!” groaned.

“What the **** are you doing?” Loculi’s collar was picked up.

See who the person in your eyes is. “Nan Mingyin, you are back!” Lokuli stroked the painful back of his head.

“Hmph, you fellow!” A fist struck his face.

Roculi froze for a moment, his fist hit his face severely. “What are you doing?” His painful chin made him regain his senses, and Lokuli waved away his hand that was holding the skirt of his clothes and leaped back slightly. “Just get nervous when you come back!”

“What am I doing?” Nan Mingyin’s delicate face was full of anger! “I’m going to kill you **** bastard!” Before the words were finished, people rushed forward!

Of course Rokuli would not wait to be beaten there, dodge left and right. “Please, you finally came back, don’t you hurry up to see your sister, and you are in the mood to hit me!”

Nan Mingyin acted mercilessly. “I’ll kill you, a lascivious first!” Double palm power!

Seeing that he was really moving, Lokuli didn’t dare to take it lightly. His palms were able to take on his palms. The moment his palms touched, a force burst, Lokuli stepped back several steps, and Nanming Hidden but did not move!

“Ahem…you…” He didn’t expect his skill at a very young age. “Wait, don’t call here again…” Lokuli stroked his pained chest. “If you call again, I’ll be dead! You misunderstood, listen to me and call again, okay?”

“Misunderstanding? No misunderstanding!” Nan Mingyin didn’t listen to his explanation at all!

“Hey…” Rokuli dodges embarrassedly. “Your sister has a fever…”

“Yes, my sister has a fever, so you took the opportunity to bully her?” The fist became more fierce!

“I didn’t!” Roculi shouted loudly. “She feels cold because of the fire, I just hold her!” He was so wronged!

Nan Mingyin’s movements stopped. “You didn’t do anything?”

“Am I that kind of villain?” Roculi hid and panted. “Besides, isn’t it the same thing you saw when you just came in?”

Nan Mingyin calmed down a bit, seeing that he was not moving anymore, Roculi said again. “You use your brain, okay, no matter how bad your sister burns, I don’t have the ability to meet her!”

Take a deep breath, he is a bit too uncomfortable!

When they were quiet, the moan that seemed like nothing came into their ears!



The two rushed to the bed together and glanced at each other.

“My elder sister has been feverish since yesterday?” Nan Mingyin asked, and quickly pulsed!

“Yes, and the fever still persists. I have been giving her ice packs all the time, and then she started crying cold again. I wrapped her with several layers of quilt…”

“Holding by the way?” Nan Ming squinted at him!

Roculi’s reflexive fists were against his chest. “Are you going to do it again?”

I glanced at him. “I just saw you holding your sister for a while and lost control!”

Lokuli puts his hands down, is this an alternative apology?

As if not seeing his peculiar gaze, Nan Mingyin turned to leave the room after stroking her sister’s hot forehead. “Sister, leave it to you first, I will decoct the medicine!”

Lokuli blinked, and gladly accepted the task.

When Nan Huofeng woke up, it was already the setting sun, and the red, red, orange light shone in the room!

Blinked a few times, slowly turned his head to the side, looking at the person sleeping beside the bed, Nan Huofeng had a touch of apologize on her lips, raised her hand, trying to touch that person’s tired forehead .

But when she moved, the person who had closed his eyes immediately woke up, and when he opened his eyes, facing her eyes, there was a surprise in his eyes. “Sister, you are awake!”

“Hmm!” Nodding lightly. “I’m awake!” The hand still stroked his forehead, looking at the dark circles under his eyes. “It makes you worry, I’m tired!”

Grab her hand. “You are my elder sister, it should be!” Thought for a while. “I’m fine, Prince Curry took care of you all night!” Think about it, let’s tell sister about the hard work of the prince!

“Prince?” Nan Huofeng was surprised. “How could he?” No matter what, she would never have thought that the prince would take care of her personally!

“I’m looking for medicinal materials, you have a fever at night, and the prince is taking care of it!”

Nan Huofeng was taken aback, so she vaguely felt that someone was taking care of her last night, not the doggie, but the prince! “What about the prince? I should say thank you!” This is a must!

“The prince went to supervise the water conservancy business!”

Look at the sunlight outside. “You have worked so hard all night too!” Ruoyu’s skill is good, and he can walk all night to find medicine. One can imagine how far he ran!

“Many of the medicinal materials here have died from waterlogging, so I ran a little farther!” Nan Mingyin said lightly!

There is distress in his eyes. “Go and rest, I’m much better!”

“Seeing that you wake up, I feel relieved, but I don’t want to rest yet, I want to stay with my sister here!” It may be because I lost my parents’ relationship earlier. My sisters are usually very strong, but When she fell ill, she fell ill, no matter how strong she was, she would be particularly afraid of being alone!

Nan Huofeng shook his head slightly. “But, my sister wants to stay alone for a while…”

Nan Ming frowned. “Sister, did you think of something unhappy?” At this time, my sister is also particularly prone to thinking about it.

“No!” Nan Huofeng still shook his head. “I’m too tired during this time, and too messy, I want to stay quiet for a while!”

Nan Mingyin was silent for a while. “I see!” got up. “I’m going to rest!” walked to the door and said when the door opened. “I will tell others, don’t disturb you, sister, I will deliver the medicine again in the evening, sister, you should have a good rest!” After speaking, the person walked out and the door closed!

Nan Huofeng looked at the door closed with gratitude. She understood her brother’s understanding, but at the same time, the smile on her lips dimmed and finally disappeared…

A sigh reverberated gently in the room, Nan Huofeng quietly looked up at the roof, tears slipping down.

Every time she doesn’t like to get sick, she always tries to avoid the possibility of making herself sick…. She can accept that she can’t get out of bed because of her trauma, but only her own cause will make She became particularly fragile, and her mind could not help thinking of many, many things. The long-term loneliness in her heart would slowly rise and cover her whole heart…….

Are you in pain now? The voice choice in my heart sounded at this moment!

Nan Huofeng was surprised. Didn’t you never take the initiative to show up and talk to me?

Yes, I never take the initiative to speak to you, but I feel the sadness in your heart deeply, and I can’t help it……

South Fire Phoenix chuckles. Are you trying to comfort me?

I am embarrassed to smile. To be honest, I will not comfort people!

Oh? Replied noncommittal.

You don’t want to talk now?

I don’t have the energy to concentrate on speaking!

Because you are sad?

Yes! Nan Huofeng admitted. When I was sad, you never said anything?

You were young at the time and didn’t know how to establish contact with me. After that, you sealed all your power. Even if you feel it, I can’t communicate with you…

It turned out to be like this…

I don’t quite understand why human beings are sad, but I can deeply feel the feeling of sadness!


Why don’t you speak?

I don’t know what to say! Would it be alright for me to be quiet?

Are you upset? He also accurately stated Nan Huofeng’s mood.

South Fire Phoenix sighed. Don’t talk to me if you know this, OK? Her patience is about to run out. In this extremely depressed mood, she is really not in the mood to deal with’her’!

You are very impatient!

……. Just choose to ignore her!

It’s been quiet for a long time, Nan Huofeng thought she understood and won’t talk about it anymore, but…

Why? The voice in my heart asked after being silent for a while.

………… Nanhuofeng still chose to ignore it accordingly.

Why? The voice in my heart asked unwillingly again.

Nan Huofeng still ignored it.

But the voice in my heart is reluctant. Why, why, why……

Finally, I can’t stand it anymore. Have you said enough? Roaring in my heart.

The voice in his heart was silent for a moment. You tell me the reason, I won’t say it! Still said.

I don’t want to say! Breathlessly!

Speak up, you will feel a lot more comfortable!

Hearing such words, Nan Huofeng fell silent.

Go ahead, I can’t tell anyone! The voice in my heart seduced.

After another silence. Every time I got sick, I mostly thought of my parents who left me so early… Thinking of my heartache, my heart would cry!

……. Uh… this, I know! She felt her heart-piercing pain in those days!

But now…

Aren’t you sad about your parents? She didn’t feel that kind of sadness either.

Not…. Sigh.

You…. Are you thinking about simple methods? Guessed!

Close your teary eyes. Yes!

Why? He didn’t leave you? She didn’t understand this!

It is not necessary to leave alone ~ IndoMTL.com~ to shed tears…

So what are you?

Missing…. I miss him!

Missing? Chewing on these two words, although not very clear, she felt the sad feeling!

Meet him?

I want to see you!

Want to see… still blame him?

There was a moment of silence before he admitted softly. Yes!

Why? If you miss him, why do you blame him?

Sigh. I know he can’t stay by my side for business, but…

Still can’t help but blame him! Prepare to speak her heart.

Yes! It’s already like this, so why not admit it!

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