Goddess Medical Doctor Chapter 165: Wake you up with your heart

Chapter 169 Wake you up with my heart

“Qingtian!” Qin Huairou tightened Mo Qingtian’s skirt a little worried. {Xianjie Novel Network () chapter free reading}

“It’s okay!” Mo Qingtian patted his wife on the shoulder, paying close attention to the situation ahead. “Ancient?”

“Her evil spirit hasn’t broken through my protection yet!” Mo Kuanggu stood alone in front of him, and said calmly.

Behind Mo Kuanggu are Mo Fengchen and Na Lanping, then the family of three in Nanshiguo, then Mo Qingtian and his wife, and finally they brought all the masters of the Mo family firm, 男男###都Have!

“Quickly leave!” Jue Ru Chen Zi took a threatening step forward, Yao Hong’s eyes flashed with blood, as if waiting for someone to sacrifice!

“What if we just don’t leave?” Mo Kuanggu said deliberately.

When I heard it, the demon red eyes were full of demon light, the light red hair flew gently behind him, and the black mist slowly covered the barrier that protected them.

Mo Kuanggu only glanced up, and for a moment everyone felt that there was a thin film around him.


“Big Brother?”

“She is going to put a curse, according to her current physical condition, the curse is over…”

“Brother, I understand, just tell me what to do!”

Although they didn’t explain, Nalanping was shocked! “Wait, let me talk to her!”

Mo Qingtian half turned around and stared at him deeply. “How much do we take will hurt her a little bit, but it’s better than her own curse and death?”

Nalan’s frowning eyebrows never stretched. “Mr. Mo, of course I understand what you said, but you don’t understand Chen Zi… She is a very persistent and awkward person. Although she is sleeping now, I believe that she will not change at this point. I don’t like to see the scene of losing both sides!” As he said, he took the initiative to walk forward.

His eyes are gentle and long. “Chen Zi, it’s enough to hide for so long, don’t you wake up?”

Je Ruchen Zi stared at him for a long time, and then suddenly came out a sentence, a sentence that made him very sad. “Devil!” When the words fell, a black mist condensed into a sword, and it rushed towards him with a loud “pop!”

Na Lanping is of course fine, but his heart is like that “pop!” It hurts, it hurts!

“Destroy the devil!” These words kept whispering in his mouth, and the attacks of the black mist kept hitting Nalanping!

After Mo Qingtian strengthened the protection again, she suddenly understood that she was not going to curse. Those black qi are now her weapons. Looking at the black mist that keeps coming in front of her, goodbye to the one who stood upright in front of the barrier. Mo Qingtian couldn’t help sighing for those who were not moving.

I only remembered after sighing, he seems to be sighing all the time recently! Seeing them, he couldn’t help but remind him of someone…

I couldn’t stand it, Mo Qingtian stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder. “You better get out of the way, I already know she is not going to…” Curse!

“Let me out…” Nalanping cut off his words, and suddenly said something astonishing.

Mo Qingtian raised the gully between his eyebrows. “You…”

“I thought about it seriously!” Na Lanping turned to look at him, her eyes serious. “Since Chen Zi sees me and will react like this, then I believe that to wake her up, there is still hope by me!”

Only then did Mo Kuang Gutian realize that although the man in front of him was full of distress and anxiety, he still had a little calmness and reason hidden deep in his eyes.

After serious consideration, Mo Qingtian nodded. “I know, I will send you out, but the evil and evil spirits outside are too heavy for you to bear. I will still provide you with protection, but you must also remember that the barrier can last for a quarter of an hour at most. It is not good. You must immediately Come back!”

“Hmm! Thank you!” Na Lanping had already looked at Jue Ru Chenzi again, and thanked him without looking back!

Immediately, Mo Qingtian tilted his head and nodded with Mo Fengchen. Mo Fengchen agreed, and there was a blue light in his eyes!

At the moment when the barrier opened to send out Nalanping, a gentle wind tightly blocked it to prevent the evil and evil spirits from entering!

For some reason, the black mist’s attack stopped at the moment Nalanping stepped out, as if he sensed the weakness of the barrier protecting him!

When the people on the other side saw this situation, they looked at each other back and forth, and there was a dramatic light in their eyes!

“Chen Zi…” Na Lanping approached her little by little.

“Don’t come here!” The voice is still cold, but people don’t think they have taken a big step back!

Na Lanping listened to her and stopped. “Okay, I won’t go over, don’t be afraid, shall we talk about it?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about, I only listen to my uncle’s orders not to let you pass…”

“Uncle? Are you someone close to you without blood?” Jue Ru Chenzi didn’t answer, but Mo Fengchen over there roared over. “It’s the national teacher!” Then he muttered in a low voice. “Really, I don’t even know this!”

“Guo Shi is your uncle?” I didn’t expect it!

Jie Ru Chenzi still said nothing, just staring at him with demon red eyes.

Na Lanping sighed lightly. “Chen Zi, I won’t go there, so…”

“Then leave here…” Jue Ru Chenzi didn’t listen to his interruption at all!

“No, Chen Zi, listen to me… uh…” His throat was tightly wrapped like a snake.

“Are you going?” The demon red eyes were in front of him.

Mo Qingtian stepped out of the barrier in surprise. “You stay here, don’t come out!” After speaking, he walked forward, his barrier was not broken, but why…

“Don’t… don’t come…” Na Lanping held her slender wrist with both hands, while preventing Mo Kuanggu from approaching. “No… it’s okay!” It is not impossible for him to break free of Chen Zi’s restraint, but he doesn’t want to hurt her!

Mo Kuanggu had to stop temporarily and pay close attention to the situation here!

“I want to go, but you are here, so I can’t go!” Nalanpin looked at her eagerly.

Jue Ruchen’s purple demon red eyes are still enchanting, making people unable to see through the thoughts in them, only a slightly loose hand strength, revealing a little shake of her!

“Chen Zi, I know you are tired. You can choose another way to rest. Don’t choose this way of hurting yourself and hurting yourself, OK?” Staring straight into the depths of her demon red eyes, she wanted to What she said was passed down to her heart!

“You once told me that you don’t want to hurt anyone, so you hate the cursing power you have, and hope you won’t use it for the rest of your life. Are you lying to me?”

“Hurt?” The hair flying behind her has a tendency to slowly stabilize.

Because of the close contact with the evil spirit in her forehead, Nalanping has already felt the uncomfortable message from her body, but he still speaks without paying attention. “Yes! Are you the most afraid of others being hurt because of you? So, wake up, look at…”

“Shut up! I don’t want to listen anymore!” Jue Ru Chenzi shrieked, holding her aching head with one hand, and the power of the other hand increased unconsciously!

“Uh…” Nalan felt that it was difficult to breathe. Not only the hands she pinched on her neck, but the fierce aura that surged from her body, it invaded his whole body. His internal organs were hit hard, blood It had already flowed from the corner of his mouth, but one of his hands still shook Mo Qingtian behind him violently, beckoning him not to come!

Mo Kuanggu just started, frowning and stopped again. How long can he hold on? And he already knows why Jue Ruchenzi can directly enter his enchantment. The enchantment he set up is to block the evil spirits and evil spirits she exudes, but cannot prevent her from entering. She must be aware of this. !

A gentle palm with one hand and covering his head, screaming like a purple cheek. “Yes… I’m sorry, I… I shouldn’t avoid you, let you… guess for yourself, to taste the painful feeling…cough cough…” took a deep breath. “You are already awake, right?”

He felt that way last time in the small courtyard where he placed her. “But you… are still running away, that’s why you… just let yourself go!”

“Enough, enough, stop talking!” Jue Ru Chenzi let go of him, and squatted down, covering his ears. “I don’t want to listen, don’t listen, I don’t want to think about anyone, never again…” As her voice got higher and higher, the evil spirit in the air became heavier and heavier.

The moment Nalanping fell to the ground, the enchantment that originally surrounded him, instantly surrounded him again!

Na Lanping coughed out a bite of blood stuck in his throat, and he was not afraid of death, and he was not afraid of death. He even embraced her who was close to losing control!

A shock pierced through his body, but his hand did not loosen as a result, but instead made her tighter! “Okay, don’t think about anyone, just think about yourself!”

In the dark mist, Nalanping’s body was suffering incomparable pain. “I promise you, as long as you open your eyes, I will disappear before your eyes and no longer appear…”

Je Ru Chenzi suddenly calmed down, but his evil spirits became heavier and heavier. “Disappear in front of me and stay with your wife, right?”

Even though her body was aching like a tear, Nalanping smiled comfortingly on her mouth, covering her lips with her ears. “You know I’m a restless person~IndoMTL.com~ I will never stay in one place for too long. My wife didn’t tie my footsteps back then. Do you think it’s possible now?”

Je Ru Chenzi lowered his head without raising it. “Yes, kid…”

“That’s still the same…” Nalanping sighed. “Except for you… is the one who can’t let go of me the most…” The voice became weaker and weaker. “No matter where I go, I always go when I think of it. Even my wife doesn’t know where I went, but since I met you…”

The hands began to loosen a little. “I seldom run outside, even where I go, I will unconsciously want to tell you, don’t worry about you…”

“Your wife won’t have this kind of treatment?” Jue Ruchen Zi asked softly, and the evil and evil spirits that fascinated the entire sky, such as destroying everything, also slowly settled!


The author has worked so hard. I have updated to this point today. Please look forward to the colorful content. Your support and understanding will be the author’s greatest motivation to continue creating!


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