Goddess Medical Doctor Chapter 130: 1 wishful thinking

? Chapter 134 wishful thinking

Why would there be injuries from being scratched with a knife, right now she thought someone was treating him badly in the palace, let her know who did a good thing, she would not spare him lightly, this is more determined, she Taking him away is the right place to believe!

He stripped his hair angrily. {Xianjie Novel Network () Chapter Free Reading} “No matter what, you do your best to heal him. If there is a slight error, I will only ask you!”

“Yes, princess!” The doctors breathed a sigh of relief!

Logina came to the bed and stroked the cheek of Jian Xingfang who was lying on the bed. “Jill, how do you feel?”

Jian Xingfang opened his eyes slightly, gave her weakly, then closed his eyes and said nothing!

“It must be painful, isn’t it? If you wait patiently, I will let them relieve the pain as soon as possible!” Logina soothed.

“Princess, you send me home, I can relieve the pain immediately!” Jian Xingfang said weakly.

Logina froze. “No, it’s impossible. I promise you everything except this thing!” She took him to her side with difficulty. How could she easily let him go back?

“Can Me”

“Princess!” A respectful cry interrupted him! “The prince is here, I want to see you!”

Brother King? How could it be him, she thought it would be her cousin who would find him first! “Well, I see, I’ll go right there!” After finishing the order, he turned his head and patted his cheek comfortably. “I’ll be back when I go, wait for me!”

While going out, he also ordered. “Let the kitchen prepare something suitable for patients to eat!” He hasn’t eaten anything for a day!

“Brother King, why are you here? Come to see me?” Logina pretended to enter the living room with ease, sticking out her tongue cutely. “Do you miss me so much suddenly?” He smiled sweetly.

The eldest prince only smiled gently at her arrival. “I’m here to see, why doesn’t my sister go back to the king, but ran to this manor to stay!”

Logina sat down with a grin. “I want to live here for a while. It’s always quite boring to be here. Thank you, Brother King, for your concern!” He snorted in his heart. People who never paid attention to her suddenly cared about her whereabouts. What would be good? ?

“Oh? Really?” smiled. “It’s the first time I heard you say boring!” She is very good at having fun!

Logina shrugged. “People are always bored!” His eyes rolled. “Brother King, do you want to stay with my little sister for lunch at noon?”

The tea cup in his hand is placed on the table. “No!” shook his head lightly. “Brother, there is still something to do, sit for a while and leave!”

“Oh, then don’t force the king to be strong, I want to let the big king often use the chef’s craftsmanship in this manor!” I was disappointed!

Have a gentle smile. “Wait next time I have a chance, but my brother has something to ask my sister!”

“What’s the matter?” He blinked innocently.

“Sister, do you know where Doctor Sangil is?” The prince asked directly without circumstance.

“Isn’t he in the Royal Mansion?” Logina replied without hesitation. “Why would Brother Wang come to ask me?” I didn’t expect that Brother Dawang would help his cousin to ask for someone!

My eyes narrowed slightly. “Then what happened to the person you took away yesterday?”

“Who?” Logina pretended to be puzzled.

“The person who was framed out of the Palace of Groove yesterday!”

“Ah, you say him!” Logina had a suddenly realized expression on her face. “Isn’t it just one of my guards? He suddenly fainted inexplicably, so I had to let someone carry him back!” Without evidence, she would never admit who she took away!

“Will I see the person who passed out yesterday?” still asked in a gentle voice.

But Logina was stiff. “That guy, I’ll let him go back to his hometown to rest!” Just kidding, if you let the big king see him, no guard would dare to lie in front of him. If it was discovered, it would be a capital crime. Besides, she just set it up. , I didn’t even think about finding someone to be investigated!

“Then you must remember, when he comes back from his hometown, let him come and see me!” The prince remained silent.

Logina forced her mouth. “A trivial person, why does Brother Dawang have to meet?” Turning the corner, he didn’t agree. “Aren’t we talking about the missing Sangil, why did Brother Wang get there?”

Raise an eyebrow. “How did you know that Sangil was missing?” the prince asked slowly.

“Hey!” Leaked! “Brother Dawang just told me!” He tried to save it.

Give her a look. “I just asked you if you know where Sangil is, but I didn’t tell you that Sangil was missing!”

The eyes are rolling back and forth, trying hard to come back hard. “No, it’s just the same thing. Since the big king is looking for him, he must be missing!”

The prince did not speak, but looked at her deeply. “Jina, I advise you to hand over people obediently!”

“Hand it over? Who do I want to hand over? It won’t be Sangil, please, brother, I said me” I don’t know.

“Someone saw you enter the courtyard where Sangil and the others lived. When your guards went in, they were all fine, and there were fifteen people, but when they came out, they took away one person. Sixteen people!” Deep eyes focused on her. “In this way, do you still have to say that you haven’t seen Sangil?”

Logina only froze for a moment. “I went to meet him, so what? Does this prove that his disappearance has something to do with me? The people who saw my guard are all from the Royal Palace of Grotto. They must say what they want. In addition to these, what evidence is there to prove that Sangil’s disappearance has something to do with me?” said bursts of words.

“Gina!” The prince was more serious between his eyes. “Do you know what it means when you tell me this again?”

Hold up his chin. “Know, I can’t lie in front of the big king, otherwise I will be severely punished!” Because the big king will soon be the king of the Divine Phoenix Nation, deceiving him is tantamount to deceiving the king!

“It’s fine if you know, then I will ask you again, Sangil is really not with you?” The prince was serious.

Biting his lip, he said resolutely. “Not here!”

There was a little disappointment in his eyes. “You are ready to say what you say to yourself and bear the consequences!” After speaking earnestly, he got up and left!

After he left, Logina collapsed on the chair, looking up at the roof. “Why would I really dare to say it!” She was crazy, she even dared to say this kind of thing, Brother Da Wang, Brother Da Wang will definitely not give up, she must be ready to transfer Sangil.

Cheered up, got up, went back to Sangil’s room, saw the kitchen-prepared food on the table in the room, and went to the bed with the food personally. “Jill!” Called softly, with a gentle smile on her face, just looking at him like this, she also felt that what she did for him was worth it!

As soon as Jian Xingfang, who was not sleeping peacefully, heard her voice, he opened his eyes and looked at her defensively.

Logina didn’t notice his defensive eyes. “Come on, you can eat something first. You haven’t eaten anything for a day. No matter how uncomfortable you are, you have to eat something to increase your physical strength!” Open, before making a sound, close again.

The puzzle turned to look at the person on the bed, and then looked down at him holding her hand. “Princess, don’t bother, I don’t want to eat anything!” Seeing that she succeeded in preventing her from calling people, she let go of her hand.

But Logina didn’t want him to let it go. This was the first time he voluntarily touched her, with a little joy in her heart, holding his hand and not letting him leave. “How can you not eat? Then how can you have the strength to recover? Eat a little, I asked you to make this specially for you!”

Jian Xingfang sighed helplessly, he really has no appetite to eat, and what did she make for him specially, and she did not make it by herself. The biggest benefit of his injury this time is that he can eat fire. It’s a great treat to make the food by myself.

“As long as the princess sends me back, even if I don’t eat, I can recover soon!” Huo’er has pills that can maintain his strength even if he doesn’t eat!

When I heard it, my face suddenly sank, but it still maintained the reluctant color. “I said, I can promise you anything except this! Don’t mention this again. If you don’t want to eat this kind of food, I will have someone redo it for you!”

Jian Xingfang shook his head firmly. “No matter what the princess does, I won’t eat it! I don’t want anything, just beg you to send me back” looking at her beggingly.

“You don’t want to eat, forget it!” Resolutely pulled his hand away, got up to leave!

“Princess, I beg you to send me back, Huo’er will be worried!” He also didn’t rest assured that she was alone in the palace of Groo!

“Stop talking~IndoMTL.com~Can you?” Logina suddenly turned around and shouted. “Huo’er, Huo’er, Huo’er, is her only in your heart? She treats you like that, you can’t forget her?”

Sorry? Who treats whom? Jian Xingfang looked blank, and listened blankly as Logina continued to yell and yell there. “You obviously got an arrow wound, but your back was scratched like that, and your back is still bleeding. Have you forgotten who made you like this?”

Only then did Jian Xingfang understand, he was a little bit dumbfounded, and spoke again before Princess Gina yelled again. “Because if I didn’t, I wouldn’t be able to live till now!”

The mouth that was about to continue yelling was ridiculously stupid, Jian Xingfang smiled weakly and continued. “In other words, Huoer, my wife is my savior!”

Close your mouth, Willow asked fiercely with upside-down eyebrows. “Why?” He was obviously just an arrow wound!

“Because the arrow is poisonous, the rot that began to appear next to the arrow must be removed immediately, otherwise, I can only wait for the whole body to rot, princess, do you think she will cut it or not?”

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