Battle Through the Heavens Chapter 200: Underwater waves (1)

Dan Palace Master Hall, inserted directly into the sky, has a sense of majesty and oppression.

The top floor of the main hall, a protruding balcony, Dan Hall Palace Master stands against the railing. He looked at the wall of the palace quietly and looked at a circle of bright Golden flame patterns every 100 meters from top to bottom. His look was a little complicated.

Every time he stood here and looked down, every time he felt like this towering main hall, he had a high sense of control and pride. But after Xiao Yan brought people to the Dan Temple, everything felt changed. He suddenly felt that the Golden flame pattern that originally represented the glory of the Dan Temple became so dazzling, as if a sharp arrow with shame pierced him.

Dan Dian, a group of seniors stood silently in his behind, with a calm expression, seeming to share the emotions of their Palace Master at this time.

“Hehehehe.” Dandian Palace Master suddenly laughed, but the laughter was so cold, “This main hall is the symbol of Dan hall. Before, anyone passing by here looked up and looked up, without disappointment. Respect. But now, in the future, maybe they are looking at a joke! “

It is true that since the Dan Temple became famous, no one has found trouble in the Dan Temple outside the gate of Dan Palace Master in the Giant City. The Dan Temple has never been coerced by several levels of power, let alone to whom Compromised. This is undoubtedly a shame for Dan Dian, and it is no wonder that he is bitter about it.

A sigh, Great Elder comforted: “Palace Master doesn’t have to be too mindful. No one can imagine that the ancestor of the demon tribe will come forward for Xiao Yan and sell 9-Star Dou Di face, it is not a shame.”

Listening to Great Elder, the old ancestor of the demon tribe, Dandian Palace Master narrowed his eyes and frowned. Dan Temple ’s patience can be said to be completely thanks to the ancestors of the demon tribe. Although the reputation loss of Dan Temple was minimized after hard struggle, Dan Temple finally bowed its head. Dan Temple Palace Master was pressed on the balcony white jade. The hand on the railing slammed hard.

Sighing weakly, slowly turned around, and the eyes of Dandian Palace Master glanced from the high-level of Dandian, and finally fell on Danyu.

The whole thing started because of Dan Zhe, even though Dan Zhe is his only son-in-law now, he still had to give everyone an explanation.

Of course Dan can clearly understand the meaning of his father when he looks at himself, and he pleads guilty: “This time is the fault of the child, and it is the child’s private affairs that puts Dan Temple to shame, and asks the father to give him sin.” >

Dandian Palace Master didn’t speak, he just looked at Dan Zhe, his expression was severe.

The atmosphere is a little calm.

Third Elder saw Dan Xun take the initiative to plead guilty, and Palace Master also seems to have a sense of punishment. He can’t help but let out the complaints in his heart: “Hey, big Young Master is indeed this time …”

But before Third Elder complained, Great Elder snatched it: “Big Young Master is really ignorant this time. The so-called ignorant is not guilty, and his subordinates are kindly asking Palace Master to spare Big Young Master this time.”

After speaking, Great Elder gave a sharp glance at Third Elder with a stern glance with the light from the corner of his eye.

Second Elder hurriedly echoed: “Yeah. If it wasn’t for the ancestor of the demon ancestors, Big Young Master has made great efforts to get rid of Xiao Yan! How can the crime be mitigated?”

Third Elder finally woke up, Palace Master‘s plea for Da Young Master has been silent, just waiting for them to express their opinions, hoping that they can intercede for Da Young Master. He also quickly pleaded for Dan Zhe: “Palace Master, the big Young Master, even if it has been in this matter, it is an inadvertent fault, and you will be guilty of do not to him.” (To be continued …)

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