Pride of Immortals Chapter 364: Dark Demon Tracking

Wuzhou True Master was disdainful in the face of this light. To what extent can a Refining Qi disciple’s Magical Arts be so powerful, it can be easily blocked.

I suddenly found the strangeness of this light, which could not be stopped or dodged. I could only watch this light hit him, and instantly this light hit him and integrated into his body.

Suddenly his face changed, surprised, hesitant, fearful, unbelieving, countless expressions appeared on his face.

Then he shouted:

“Get out of me, indefinite infinity, indirect infinity, disenchantment in infinity, break in infinity, break me.”

Four powerful True Yuan forces suddenly exploded on him and fired towards Shino. These four True Yuan forces rose into the sky and destroyed everything.

Liu Shiyun’s Dongfu World was instantly blown to pieces. Thousands of kilometers round, everything collapsed, and the pedestrians passing by were suddenly shocked into blood mist, only Liu Shiyun and Yu Zecheng were there. I don’t know why none of the power of True Yuan was affected.

After Wuzhou True Master shouted, his face changed dramatically and he shouted again:

“What is this. The Fa phase changes nine times, the metamorphosis breaks the enemy, bad, the disciple invites the devil to the upper body, demonizes the sevenfold, and gives me out…”

The flesh and blood of Wuzhou True Master was rolling at this time, as if something was rolling back and forth in his body, he struggled desperately, and after all the rest, he stopped all resistance and said:

“What is Magical Arts?”

Liu Shiyun glanced at Yu Zecheng, bit her lip and said:

“This is… this is extinction, extinction is infinite.”

Wuzhou True Master started to sort out his clothes, straightened his crown, and said fiercely:

“It’s the last step, God I hate you…”

The “bulging” Wuzhou True Master cracked the entire body, then exploded and died, turning into blood mist. Instantly his Jindan floated in the air, then cracked on Jindan, and the last sound was clear, all smashed. No boat True Master, the form and spirit are destroyed, and they are completely dead.

Liu Shiyun also collapsed to the ground, and Yu Zecheng collapsed, and the two were unable to stand up.

The reason why Yu Zecheng did this was because of the attack of Liu Shiyun, the culprit, who took away all his True Yuan spirits and caused them to do so. There was no major damage, and he would recover after a short rest.

Suddenly a figure appeared in the ruins. The man was an endless true monarch. He pulled Liu Shiyun and said:

“Liu Shiyun, I am afraid that the Innumerable Sect will be able to escape this time. I will order someone to break through and escape from the Southern Heaven region. In the future, you will be the head of my Innumerable Sect. I’ll leave it to you.”

Liu Shiyun pointed to Yu Zecheng and said:

“Bring Zecheng brother too.”

The endless true gentleman shook his head and said:

“Take him, you are not my immeasurable disciple, hate me in the future, you hate me. Nothing, take advantage of this nine days, ten places, nineteen Fiendgod array there is still a gap. Hurry to take her away, Since then, the task of restoring immeasurable ancestors will be given to you.”

Wu Xing Zhen Jun Lili Road:

“Brother, take care and say goodbye.”

After talking, it turned into a breeze, and Liu Shiyun rolled up and flew away into the distance.

Endless Zhenjun glanced at Yu Zecheng, who was slowly recovering, and said:

“I’m sorry, let’s make a destiny.”

After he finished, he rose from the sky and returned to the infinite world. Throw Yu Zecheng alone there, instead of looking at it more, completely treating him like a dead person.

Yu Zecheng recovered slowly, sat up, hurriedly took out a Chiyao Zihe Dan and swallowed it, and suddenly True Yuan began to reply quickly, gradually recovering freely.

Yu Chengcheng felt a heavy heart when he thought about the endless words of the endless real monarch. This new leader thought that this time he would die. It seems that this time he would really burp and cool down, maybe he would die here.

What is the constellation of nine days, ten places, and nineteen Fiendgod arrays under the Lord of the Devil. Once you hear the name, that is the powerful array, how should you be good?

Yu Zecheng glanced at the outer door, the elite disciples of the outer door have been taken into the infinite world in the air, and bursts of fighting sound erupted in the infinite world. Portal.

Those traitors destroyed the Infinite Sect’s mountain protection array, and wanted to cooperate inside and outside, put the Demon Lord in, and destroy the Infinite Sect. Who knows that after the Demon Lord appeared, no one was killed in the infinite world, but far away Watching the gang of traitors clear the portal from afar. Listening to their cry for help, they also laughed ridiculously from time to time.

Yu Chengcheng looked into the distance, and saw the sky’s magical energy billowing, blood red, White Glow, Violet Dullness, Qingsha, Jin Ai a variety of breaths spread in the air, a thousand miles away completely covered by this magical energy, dark clouds in the sky Duo, countless immortal practitioners are hidden in the dark clouds, only the drum sound continues steadily.

At this time, there were more than ten thousand servants and ordinary disciples left at the outer door. Some of them fled everywhere, some hided away, and some hid in a hidden cave in the distant mountain peaks. These people are all abandoned children. The sect cannot control their lives.

When Yu Zecheng was thinking about how he should be good, he felt that in his Pangu world, news came from the door of darkness that sent countless light and heat, calling Yu Zecheng.

What time is it, it still came out to make trouble, but then I thought about it, and I went to the Dark Demon Sect to buy some life-saving things.

Yu Zecheng established a moment to return to the Pangu world and enter the door of darkness. Who knows where to show up this time. It is not its own crystal house, but a large hall.

On top of the main hall, the magnificent anomaly is divided into two parts. One part is the elder regiment. There are thirteen chairs on the top, seven of which sit on one end, and twenty-four seats on the lower side, among which there are about ten Six silhouettes.

There are three people on the rostrum. Yu Zecheng can see who he is at a glance, one is Jinluo Xianzong’s Taishang Zijinxian, and the other is Jinxin Daxin elder. One is the demon king Wanwangu Kunpeng. The three of them are completely identical to the portraits hung by the Dark Demon Trading Center. They can be seen at a glance.

The other four people, some with masks, some with black mist, and some with obscurity, can’t see the specific figure, but they can sit with these three people, it must be back to the real one .

The people below are also invisible, but they are definitely not ordinary people here.

Zi Jinxian on stage said:

“Yu Zecheng, what treasures do you have, or what secrets do you use, can you isolate our Dark Demon Sect’s soul-calling art?”

Yu Zecheng replied respectfully:

“Everyone has a secret.”

Zi Jinxian smiled and said:

“Okay, I won’t ask anymore. It’s just that our elder regiment is in contact with you. The law guardian group below can’t see you yet. Yu Zecheng, this time we call you here to give you a trial mission. You can accept this task or not.

As far as we know, you are now in the world of Infinite Sect Dongfu of Southern Heaven Lu Prefecture, currently under siege by the main army of the heavenly demons. Our trial mission is for you to watch all the processes of the Demon Lord’s army to destroy the immeasurable ancestors, and send them back for us. “

Yu Zecheng remained silent and continued to listen.

Zi Jinxian continued:

“The Lord of Heavenly Demon appeared very suddenly, completely beyond our sense of Dark Demon Sect, we did not lay nails beside him, only through you to understand this matter this person.”

At this time, the Kunpeng demon king aside suddenly pointed to a black shadow and scolded:

“You are an old waste, and you can’t stand your hands, you can suddenly appear a **** of heaven, you are dead.”

The black shadow slammed the table and said:

“Don’t talk about me, some time ago, Jinxin old things, did not guard against his men, was a new Demon Lord born?”

Elder Jinxin said:

“If you don’t say that, Mojialan was included in the system by me that day. She is surrounded by my people. Within my surveillance range, I am not like some people. Even the demon masters are in the school. I don’t know.”

The elders suddenly quarreled with each other, and the Zijinxian shouted:

“Shut up for me, you are embarrassing and not embarrassing, make your juniors laugh.”

This Zijinxian has great authority, and suddenly there is no quarreling sound. Zijinxian continued to say:

“Your mission is to record and transmit the entire battle. The reward for this trial mission is about the future income of the information sold by the devil’s information. You will have a 20% profit.

In addition, we will ensure that you live to the end of the battle and return to the division safely. At the same time, all the magic weapons of this mission are given to you as rewards. “

After speaking, Zijinxian took out five items and said:

“This one is called the Demon Eye, this one is called Tian Er Tong. After you go out, activate these two charms, so that what you see and hear, we will hear and see here, but you have to guarantee the darkness The door is always open.

At the same time, we will order you through Tian Er Tong, so that you can record everything at the best angle. These two symbols will last twelve hours, and then they will explode without any impact on you.

This is called the Five Elements Heaven Ghost card. As long as you hang it on your chest and enter True Yuan, you will be transformed into the Five Elements Heaven Ghost. You can freely enter and leave the Five Elements, and you can cross mountains and sea, hide wood and hide gold, and hide in fire.

But after you become a ghost, you can’t use Magical Arts, you can’t attack enemies, otherwise you will no longer be invisible, and you will be invisible again. This treasure is the mission reward this time.

This is the dark magic one. After you use it, within twelve hours, everyone will ignore you or see you as their own, but if you attack the other party, this effect will be destroyed. The attacked will endure with you endlessly.

This is a magic charm with no space, after using it, you can enter and exit all magic circles within twelve hours, and all enchantments are invalid for you.

There are these three Rune Treasures, as long as you don’t run to the devil to twist your buttocks, there will be no problem in surviving. Do you accept this task? “

Do you still need to think about it? Yu Zeli answered at the moment:

“I accept, I accept.”

Zi Jinxian and others looked at each other and nodded, instructing Yu Zecheng to take over these treasures, Yu Zecheng took over the treasures, and asked casually:

“Do our martial arts have no disciples in Wuliangzong?”

Zi Jinxian said:

“The fool was made yesterday. When he died, he didn’t believe that his friends would kill him. There was nothing in the world, and he died inexplicably.”

Yu Zecheng was shocked and said:

“No damage to True Master, the master of the infinite lineage, but is he a protector?”

Zi Jinxian said:

“Do you think our Formless Dark Devil Sect is a cat and a dog and can enter? Nothing special, will we accept him? Remember everyone has their own secrets.”


Recommend “Rebirth of the World”!

After all, this man is fighting for his daughter’s milk powder! Hope that the kind, great, and wise men will come to support it! Let’s have a good time…Save this guy out of fire and water! ! ! (!)

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