Pride of Immortals Chapter 88: 3 sword blood escape

Yu Ze was achieved at the moment when his mind was hurt. Feijian stabs at the six hands of the true monarch, spurting a column of Optimus to stab quickly. At the same time, Divine Sense moves in the body, Formless Dark Extinguishing Spiritual Sense Life Transformation Technique starts, and a magical thought hits six. The body of a real prince.

   If it was before, Yu Chengcheng was unable to infiltrate the six-handed true monarch, but now the six-handed true monarch is excited, and his anger is abnormal. Yu Zecheng’s magical intrusion smoothly penetrates his body, but No effect, because in the moment Yu Zecheng felt endless anger and hatred, the six-handed true monarch was completely controlled by hatred, and the emotion was extremely excited, and he wished that Yu Ze would be broken into pieces, and thousands of knives. .

  In this state, the possession of the magical thought is a torment for Yu Ze’s achievements. He can’t feel the feeling of the six-handed true monarch at all. Fortunately, he has now practiced in the third floor to commemorate the caprice, and Yu is in the six-handed true monarch Leave a trace of magical thoughts as a backdoor for the next invasion.

   This magical thought was just left, and Yu Zecheng’s magical thought of invading the real prince of the six hands was destroyed by the anger of the real prince of the six hands.

  This is just what happened in an instant. The six-handed true monarch shouted furiously. The flying sword that flew in front of him was suddenly held by his purple blaze flaming sword. Then he shouted:

   “Unforgivable, I want to make you thousands of swords, refining souls for thousands of days, so that you will never be superborn forever.”

   That purple Jiao flaming sword was a blow to Yu Ze’s achievement, Yu Zecheng waved his sword to resist, and immediately the two flying swords intersected in the air, emitting a burst of sparkle.

   The opponent’s flying sword is a third-order flying sword, the purple Jiao blaze sword belongs to the fire genus flying sword, Huokejinkemu, just restrain the second-order soul-relieving steel sword, the other party is Fetal Breath realm high-level, can be said to be a six-handed true king In all respects, Yu Ze was restrained.

  Feijian intersects, both of which are as fast as lightning, and they fight three times in the air in an instant. These three encounters, Yu Yucheng realizes the danger of fighting sword for the first time. Every time if he can’t resist the opponent’s sword move, Will be instantly attacked by the opponent’s flying sword, taking his own life.

   These three swords and six-handed true monarchs are in a state of rage. The sword control is completely instinctive, and no gorgeous tricks are used, but Yu Zecheng has been struggling to resist. After the three swords are over, Yu is struggling. Gasping for breath, exhausted.

After the first strike of the flying swords of both sides, Yu Zecheng immediately felt out of the strength difference of the six hands of the true monarch. When the other team attacked the second sword, he immediately used Soul Remedy without hesitation, otherwise he would definitely Sword light was defeated by the opponent and beheaded on the spot.

   Soul rejuvenation flashed white, passed back through the opponent’s flying sword, Yu Zecheng wanted to deter the six-handed true monarch, but the six-handed true monarch was in a period of rage, with no effect, just flying the opponent’s flying sword repel.

  Don’t say that this Soul Relief has no effect, the six-handed real monarch no longer angered and returned to normal, except for the hatred in his eyes, the whole person was extremely cold. At this time, the third flying sword intersected, and the other flying sword also passed at the same time. A bursting force came from the sword-blasting technique of the six-handed true monarch slashing four labors and six wounding copper scorpion gu

   Yu Zecheng’s flying sword was damaged, and the sword light was dimmed. At this moment, Yu Zecheng triggered the shield breaking technique, shielding the opponent’s flying sword, and suddenly cutting the opponent into his own defense radius. The sword popped up.

After the three swords, Yu Ze’s accomplishment was that he felt a shock, his heart was exhausted, his heart hurt, and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

   Seeing that the six-handed true king returned to normal, Yu Yucheng felt cold and had no chance of winning. However, his flying sword still used the second move, and immediately the flying sword became three wooden swords.

   But the other party also uses the sword move, and the purple dragon flame sword instantly transforms into a huge fire dragon, which is the strongest killer of the purple dragon flame sword.

   Opposite is a huge flaming dragon. On his side are three chopstick-like broken flying swords. This is a fart, and Yu turns into a sword light. He suddenly rises into the sky and flies desperately to the distant forest.

  The six-handed true king shouted:

   “I want to go, late.”

   The flaming dragon suddenly flew towards Yu Zecheng. The dragon was extremely fast, and Yu Zecheng could not escape with the sword light. At this time, a fierce beast sprang up on the ground and rushed on the dragon, which immediately caused an explosion and “boomed” with a loud noise. Scope turned into flames.

   That fierce beast is the Zhushen Soul Beast, Yu Zecheng abandoned it and blocked a sword for himself, which won him the chance to escape the first line of life.

  The six-handed true lord stayed for a while, and he also rose up with the sword, confident in his heart, the second-order flying sword exhausted it, and could not fly his own third-order flying sword.

   But when I saw Yu Zecheng’s blood flashing on his body, Yu Yucheng’s flying sword became a streamer in an instant, rushing out ten miles away, and there was no trace at all.

  This is the blood escape technique. Yu Zecheng took the flying sword into the air, knowing that he decided to run away from the opponent, he used this technique in the air, and suddenly found that this Magical Arts was actually preparing for the flying of the air, and instantly became one. With a **** light, he rushed out ten miles away and escaped the arrest of the six-handed true monarch.

  The six-handed real monk suddenly dumbfounded, and then pinched his fingers, said Yin Yin:

  ”Escape, escape, this should be the secret method of the demon disintegration, that is, the distance of two or three hundred miles, see you can escape there, so better, escape hard, let you be in terror Greeting death, this is more like me.

  Ear Dao God appeared, give me this point, look for me within three hundred miles, and find the other one, I will reward a piece of spirit stone. “

   flew out with a bang from dozens of ears, and followed Yu Yucheng’s trace of escape and began to trace.

  Yu Chengcheng turned into a mass of blood, and rushed out ten miles away in an instant, and now there is only one idea is to escape. It is not an opponent of the six-handed true monarch. No matter what aspect he can not compete with him, only escape, otherwise Certainly die.

   The horror of the first death was so close, the first time Yu Chengcheng felt that his life was so fragile, the last blow of the six-handed true monarch, if it was not his own sword fleeing, if it was not the scorpions Dead cover, the present self has been completely burnt into coke, and the dead can no longer die.

  Blood escape without shadow, at this time has been far away from the battlefield for a hundred miles, although the speed is amazing, but the consumption of gang energy and blood energy is also extremely amazing, soon after the achievement of both physical and mental fatigue, blood and blood loss.

  Yu Chengcheng was awakened violently. This is not enough. The more crisis, the more calm you can’t escape. You must hide and restore your vitality, otherwise your blood will be exhausted and you will be chased by the six hands. I will certainly die.

   At the foot of Yu Zecheng is a piece of forest at the foot. When he fled, Yu chose this side deliberately. This kind of landform is complex and easy to hide, but there is no passing cultivator at all.

   Yu Zecheng quickly looked for a hiding place. At this time, he had stable thinking, cold emotions, and his brain spirit was all activated, looking for a place suitable for hiding.

   At this time, Yu Zecheng flew over a mountain beam. There are few trees here, but there are more than a dozen giant rocks set up here. It should be a torrent of eruption, which rolled down the mountain.

   is here, Yu Zecheng suddenly made up his mind. The place is in an open area, which can be seen from a distance in the air. Compared with the surrounding woods, it is actually not a good place for Tibetans, but Yu has achieved Decided to hide here, it is dark under the light, the more impossible the more possible.

   These giant rocks are of sufficient height, Yu Zecheng chose a huge rock that is not high, short and unobtrusive, under the giant rocks are all stony rocks, and Yu Zecheng turned to the rocky ground on the side of the giant rock , Cut a three-foot-sized stone cover, and then start digging stone to dig earth, quickly dig a hole that can hide people, in the process of digging all the earth into the Qiankun bag, then Yu Youcheng Drill into the hole, restore the stone cover to cover the hole, transport the blood reservoir, and recover the Divine Sense, so that you are in a state of no thought or thinking.

   This is less than a scent of incense. There is a howling sound in the sky. Someone has a flying sword flying over his head. This must be the six-handed true Flying sword crossed his head, to the other Flying away, I found Yu Zecheng hiding here.

  Yu grew out of a sigh of relief and wanted to check his body with luck. Only in that battle, he was injured by the flying sword of the six-handed true king. Now let’s see how he is injured.

  Unlucky True Yuan, when Yu Chengcheng discovered that his blood energy and gang energy were completely exhausted, nothing at all, only to rely on a stimulus to inspire the last point True Yuan, to complete these things, It is now completely exhausted True Yuan, if the body is dead.

  In an instant, Yu Chengcheng was in a state of incomparably weak. The disadvantages of using blood escape technique were undoubtedly weak, and his body was weak to the limit. Now he does not even have the ability to open the Qiankun bag and take out the spirit stone to supplement True Yuan, or even raise his hand. He doesn’t have the ability to stay in the cave, he can’t move at all.

   A more tragic thing happened. Your own stone cover was too perfect, resulting in no air circulation. If you used to have a little True Yuan, you can change or close your breath, but now you don’t have a little True Yuan, gradually The air in the cave is exhausted, and Yu Zecheng will suffocate himself alive.

   Yu Zecheng couldn’t help but smile bitterly, he didn’t die in the hands of the enemy, should he die in the hole he dug? Is this burrow its own final tomb? This is really to dig a grave.

   is facing the danger of death, Yu Zecheng is not annoyed, but instead laughed, life is really unpredictable, can’t think of himself to die here?

   There is less and less air, and Yu Zecheng is in a hypoxic confusion, and his body slowly becomes paralyzed.

   Life is really unpredictable. When Yu Zecheng’s blood energy and gang energy are all consumed, when he calmly faces death, the heart of the fierce blood dire is a jump, and the corresponding Dantian is also A jump, a powerful energy rose slowly.

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