Swordsman’s Road Chapter 2: Former past

  Wei Guoguang is a native Binhai. Since kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, and university, he has not left Binhai. After graduation, he entered a Binhai local state-owned enterprise. The unit efficiency is not enough, and it is so dead. This is not a good thing for a young man living in a big city. His parents are ordinary people, and there is no house or car to prepare for him. Everything can only rely on himself.

  The time of one person can still be met, but when one is old, one has to deal with objects, get married and have children. Although Wei Guoguang has little money, there is still an enviable hukou in a big city. In the eyes of some people Still a bit attractive. The ordinary people dealt with each other one by one, and the conditions were getting lower and lower. He himself was not in a hurry, but he couldn’t hold his parents in a hurry, and finally talked about being a foreign daughter-in-law, married, and huddled together with her parents. Sexual merit is complete.

   thought that this life would go on like this, but he didn’t think about it. The prosperous life of the city and all kinds of temptations failed to knock him down, but his daughter-in-law. In fact, there is nothing special about melodramatic scene. It is purely the difference in the concept of life. In the words of his wife, “Da Wei is a good person, that is, being a person is too weak, not only feelings are dull, but also other things, such as money, ideals, life, etc. With an indifferent attitude, he doesn’t seem to care much about it…” This attitude may be suitable for a seeker who looks at the world a little bit, but it is not suitable for a country woman who is bravely moving forward in the urban fast lane. After three years of marriage, they finally broke up indifferently, fortunately without children.

  Wei Guoguang is still a pair of serene, it doesn’t matter, as if he was just a passer-by. His mentality, even the old parents can’t help but feel discouraged. For the old people, they don’t expect their children to achieve any great cause, but the goal of setting up a family and having a child is not excessive, but Wei Guoguang is still plain and simple. As always, it didn’t matter. It wasn’t until I was in my 30s that I made the first major change in my life. I left the dying state-owned enterprise and entered the Datang Fencing Club. No one knows, in fact, he does not care about anything. In his heart, there is his own love, this love is-sword.

  Wei Guoguang first came into contact with the sword when he first entered the university campus. At that time, various societies were in the ascendancy at the university. He was enrolled. In order to create a class image that actively participated in campus activities, the squad was tall and long, and he was stuffed into the fencing club. Originally he didn’t care, but since he picked up the sword, everything has become unusual.

   seems to be an extension of the arm, and it seems to be the sustenance of the soul. Wei Guoguang found that the ordinary he finally found his talent. He seems to have a talent for the fencer-a sense of distance.

  Each sport needs its own unique talent to be outstanding. You have to grow taller in basketball, you have better flexibility and balance in gymnastics, you have better muscle explosiveness in weight lifting, and the shorter the height, the better. You can’t expect Yao Ming to practice weight lifting. That’s a disaster. What talent is required for fencing? Speed, strength, height and arm length, reaction, all make sense, but if you want to become a top fencer, a sense of distance is essential.

  What is a sense of distance? Simply put, if you give you a sword, you must accurately determine whether you can hit the previous target if you lunge out of the sword. Add some difficulty, if the target in front is moving, can you accurately judge and ensure that the sword is not missed? Finally, if you and the target in front of you are moving fast, can you judge the best timing for the sword, and not the sword to be ineffective? We often see one side’s brave and passionate offensive in fencing competitions, but it won’t score, while the other side’s passive retreat seems to be a casual counterattack, but it is finalized. The top-level sense of distance allows you to get top-level pre-judgment, and only then has the top timing of the sword. This is very important in fencing.

  Wei Guoguang is 1 meter 85 tall. This height is a bit short in fencing, but it will still be. His arms are very long, so-called ape arms, reaction, speed is good, coupled with an excellent sense of distance, which makes him like a fish in fencing. In just 2 months, no one at Binhai University Fencing Club is his opponent, including a sports school coach invited by the club. Five months later, as long as he is willing, the opponent cannot even win a victory in his hands.

  Wei Guoguang puts almost all of his spare time on fencing. He never thought he would devote himself so wholeheartedly to a sport, as if it were tailor-made for him by heaven. As an urban kid, he has been exposed to countless sports, football, basketball, tennis ping-pong, etc. from an early age. He has good physical fitness and can quickly get started with anything, but that’s all. His interest is not there These movements above. He never thought of becoming an athlete until he got in touch with fencing. He used his entire savings of more than 20,000 yuan to buy a German brand Allstarépée, and lived with it ever since.

  In the second year of university, Wei Guoguang participated in the National University Games on behalf of Binhai and won the épée championship without suspense. In most cases, he can seal opponents, even the runner-up, but he won 2 swords in his hand. This completely crushing victory made him gain the attention of a Binhai coach. Naturally, he Was specially recruited into the Binhai fencing team, half work and half study. Here, when he was young, he began a truly scientific and professional training, and his strength and achievements have made rapid progress.

  University 4th grade, Wei Guoguang shined at the National Games and won the national fencing épée championship. Although many top domestic players did not participate in the National Games because of the Olympic strategy at that time, but as a rising star He still won the favor of a certain country coach, and moved him to enter the country reserve team. This is his honor and his misfortune. . .

  country athletes, strict medical examination is a necessary procedure. No one in the college community cares about these things, it’s just play. In the Binhai city fencing team, I also had a medical examination but it was not comprehensive, but at the level of country, Wei Guoguang did not survive this Kaner, he did not expect that his seemingly healthy body, even hiding a huge defect-innate Sexual heart disease.

   This result is like a thunderbolt for him. The whole person is not good. He had never heard of such a hereditary congenital medical history in his family. For this reason, he almost ran across the large and small hospitals of Binhai, including even the most famous hospitals in Kyoto. The reality is cruel. Congenital heart disease is diagnosed because the mild symptoms do not affect his life as an ordinary person, but if he wants to become an athlete~IndoMTL.com~ he is not qualified, let alone the country team, even The Binhai team also had to abandon him. After all, no one wanted to bear the consequences of an accident on the field.

  Wei Guoguang was held to the pinnacle of his life in his fourth year. Also in this year, he fell into the darkest valley of life. That year he was only 21 years old, and he was full of vigor and vitality. This change made his already weak-hearted person even more indifferent. In his heart, his life was over. The only thing in this world that can make him full of passion The **** sports can no longer help him complete Natural Self. From then on, there is no longer hope or dream in his heart.

   “Wei Ge, Wei Ge…” A slightly eager cry awakened him from the memory. Looking back, it was his colleague, Fencing Hall A coach Wu Yanan.

   “Why, what’s the matter?”

   “Wei Ge, a group of people came over from Hall A. The membership card we just got today is quite arrogant. It seems that some of them used to be from a professional background and jumped a little bit…” Wu Yanan How long, not enough experience, some helpless.

  Wei Guoguang will immediately understand that this is the legendary pick-up sign, but it is more civilized. This is a common occurrence in clubs with a certain competitive nature and is not new. Of course, the challenge in the Modern Age society is not the same as the old society. It won the unseen benefits. If they lose, they will not take what you do, but they will fight for a face, as a drink. The boastful talk is nothing more. In this world, large clubs are never afraid of the so-called Feizi. The really scary things are business, taxation, and fire fighting.

   “Go, go and see…” Wei Guoguang stood up and walked to Hall A without hesitation. This was his responsibility. Although it was not written in the contract, as the first high-paying coach, he must Stand up and shoulder the responsibility.

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