Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 1286: Yao Yao’s training

Zhou Yuan took over Xu Beiyan to assist in refining Ancestral Dragon Dan, which soon spread throughout the entire all Heavens city.

That naturally caused a lot of commotion. After all, in the past two years, Xu Beiyan did a good job in assisting alchemy. Now, the refining of Ancestral Dragon Dan is getting smoother and more Dan rate is gradually increasing. Isn’t this a sudden replacement?

Nevertheless, although Zhou Yuan said that Divine Soul also entered Roaming Spirit Realm, obviously it was only the first time, but looking at Xu Beiyan, he has been immersed in this realm for many years. The control of power of Divine Soul is definitely stronger than Zhou Yuan. Right?

Combining these reasons, few people are optimistic about the Zhou Yuan’s replacement.

But this matter is said to be decided by the goddess personally, and even the Saint guarding the all Heavens city cannot be changed, which can’t help but make many people sour…

The goddess is so perfect, why do you do this kind of thing for a Zhou Yuan?

Did you fall into the relationship between men and women, even the goddess, are they inevitable?

But why…that person is not himself? !

Pantothenic acid is in the minds of many people, but fortunately, Zhou Yuan is quite a consciousness. According to him, if he can’t achieve a higher rate of Dan than Xu Beiyan in the next Ancestral Dragon Dan refining, Will abdicate to let Yin Xian.

However, in the eyes of some people, this is obviously that Zhou Yuan is looking for a way back for himself, lest he be really put on the rack when he gets it, and instead burn him to the utmost.

This guy is still a little smart.

It’s just young and vigorous after all. If you foresee that you can’t do it, you should simply refuse it. Now that this kind of movement is caused, when you miss it, not only will your face be damaged, but also the goddess will be affected by it.

In the city of all Heavens, it is because of this that it has become more lively and full of excitement.

After returning to mission, the teams that have learned about this matter do not plan to go out anymore. They have to see the results of alchemy next time, because it is also related to their vital interests.

When all Heavens city spread the story, the Zhou Yuan, as a party, started the process of making Ancestral Dragon Dan under the supervision of Yao Yao’s.

“In the Ancestral Dragon Dan refining process, there will be thirteen jurisdictions expert continuously providing source gas as fuel…”

“And you, as the facilitator, the most important mission is to control the source gas they instill, and then release it in an orderly manner with the rhythm I need, tempering the main material. Ancestral Dragon remnant soul.”

In a secluded courtyard, Yao Yao sits elegantly on the stone pavilion bench, Tun Tun lies on its slender legs like a fluffy puppy, and sleeps falsely. Yao Yao strokes its fur while facing the front Zhou Yuan sitting on the wall in Qingyan said.

“It even needs thirteen jurisdictions expert to provide the source of gas…” Zhou Yuan hearing this is also a bit stunned. This refining Ancestral Dragon is really extraordinary. Even this lineup of source gas, even if it is Can’t move the whole Heaven Abyss Territory together.

“This is not easy.”

Zhou Yuan complexion is the solemn, the source of the thirteen-digit jurisdiction expert. What a magnificent expanse. It is absolutely difficult to guide and control it.

“This is a difficult point, but it is not the most troublesome place. After all, this is not a fight. Those jurisdictions expert will not deliberately resist your guidance, so as long as you are trained, you should be able to do it with your Roaming Spirit Realm power of Divine Soul Arrived.”

The voice of Yao Yao leisurely came: “The most troublesome thing of this kind of cooperative alchemy is to cooperate. The helper needs to grasp the rapidly changing situation in the Dan furnace and dispatch the wave of source gas to the most accurate place at the precise time. “

“Then Xu Beiyan was unable to master this rhythm for nearly a year at the beginning, resulting in many failures. Later, with too many failures, he gradually mastered the rhythm, but even so, It’s still not perfect, so it’s not too high.”

Zhou Yuan is a nodded with a deep reflection. This is indeed a very troublesome place. While distracting and guiding the source gas of the thirteen-digit legal area expert, you must always pay attention to the refining rhythm on the Yao Yao side. A little mistake will affect the final result.

But there are no shortcuts above, you can only slowly grasp the rhythm of alchemy through constant trial and error.

But the problem is… he should not have much time now?

“When will the next Ancestral Dragon Dan be refined?” Zhou Yuan asked.

all Heavens City will have two furnaces every month, the next time, it should be half a month later.”

Zhou Yuan complexion is suffering, then Xu Beiyan has been used to it for a year, is it too difficult for him for half a month?

Looking at his bitter face, Yao Yao‘s mouth was slightly cocked, and said: “In fact, this is the easiest solution for you.”

“Why?” Zhou Yuan stunned.

The Yao Yao small hand supports the sharp and white chin, and the cold eyes have a little smile: “Because I can put a little thought into your Divine Soul, so that you and I can feel together, you Of course, you can easily know what step the alchemy program has reached, and what you need to do next.”

Zhou Yuan is stunned, can you still play like this?

This is almost the same as following the book exam?

Dare to love that Xu Beiyan is a closed-book exam? And he is an open-book exam?

“You…” Zhou Yuan couldn’t help scratching her head. Obviously Yao Yao had a way to solve this big trouble in refining Ancestral Dragon Danzhong, but she didn’t say that, but let Xu Beiyan go through A year of failure.

“You want to say why not use this method on Xu Beiyan?”

Yao Yao glanced at Zhou Yuan and said: “Why should I perceive with him?”

Slight words, seemingly arrogant and arrogant like young girl, but Zhou Yuan understands that this is because the divinity in Yao Yao is at work, and the divinity makes her tend to be indifferent. Although she agreed to refining Ancestral Dragon Dan, it was obvious Still holding the mentality of being able to succeed, not being successful.

And this kind of Divine Soul mutual integration, common perception is a special communication method, Yao Yao will be willing to do this with Zhou Yuan, but she can’t choose Xu Beiyan, even if the price paid for it is nearly a year None of the alchemy can be maximized.

Zhou Yuan nodded, said with a smile: “That means, now I only need to focus on guiding the source gas of those 13 jurisdictions expert, and control it?”

Yao Yao small head tapped, and immediately she stretched out her little white hand, her fingertips emptied a little.


The void around Zhou Yuan suddenly changed in appear(ance), and only thirteen magnificent sources of torrents rushed out, roaring around like roaring dragons.

“You will try to guide these thirteen source gas torrents with Divine Soul for the next half a month, and when they can lead them down, it should be fine.” Yao Yao said casually.

There is a bright divine light flashing between the eyebrows of Zhou Yuan, and the powerful power of Divine Soul is gushing out like a tide. The power of Divine Soul is almost unthinkable two years ago.

Divine Soul power gushed out and began to come into contact with the thirteen source gas torrents.

The initial collision was not smooth. Each of the thirteen source gas torrents is equivalent to the whole body source gas of a jurisdiction expert, so even if Zhou Yuan Divine Soul stepped into Roaming Spirit Realm, it still seems a bit difficult.

But he is not in a hurry. As he adapts, as long as he masters the rhythm, he is confident that he can use the thirteen source gas torrents. As long as he introduces them into his own control rhythm, he will naturally be able to guide them.

It’s just that he underestimated Yao Yao‘s training on him.

“This time refining Ancestral Dragon Dan, you still need to help me refine the Ancestral Dragon remnant soul, so you can now split a Divine Soul incarnation and come with me to familiarize with this refining.” Yao Yao has a group of Black & Yellow The spirit rises, that aura, exudes ancient and primitive fluctuations.

precisely a very faint wisp of Ancestral Dragon.

Zhou Yuan hearing this, he couldn’t help grinning, Divine Soul stepped into Roaming Spirit Realm, and was able to directly separate a part of Divine Soul to form the Divine Soul avatar. This avatar shares all perceptions with the body, but if it is separated, Undoubtedly, it will also separate the mind and mind, thereby interfering with the Zhou Yuan‘s guidance of the source gas torrent.

But he also knows that this is Yao Yao testing him.

So his eyebrows divine light glittering, an almost real figure slowly rose, took two steps, completely transformed into another Zhou Yuan.

The two Zhou Yuans looked at each other, and they both smiled, and it felt a bit wonderful.

Then the Divine Soul avatar fell into stone pavilion, sat in front of Yao Yao, and began to synthesize this strand of Ancestral Dragon remnant soul with Yao Yao.

On the other side~IndoMTL.com~ because of the separation of a part of Divine Soul, the body was a bit out of control, which caused a chaotic vibration of thirteen source gas torrents. Finally, in the exclaimation of the body, it directly ran into its body. On the scene, he was stunned.

In the stone pavilion, the Zhou Yuan’s Divine Soul avatar was also shaking, with ripples on the body, but it stabilized again.

He glanced at the embarrassed body, and then looked at the remnants of the rising Ancestral Dragon in front of him, took a deep breath, his eyes closed gradually, and began to follow the rhythm of Yao Yao’s, learning how to help refine…

Yao Yao completely disregarded the thoughts of others, and directly determined that he was required to assist alchemy. Perhaps she did not care about other people’s views, but Zhou Yuan had to exhaust full power. He didn’t want to let someone talk about Yao Yao because of him.

Zhou Yuan, be arrogant

He said so in his heart.

(End of this chapter)


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