Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 1250: Seed battle platform

The ancestral soul mountain of blood-red stands quietly on the earth.

On the two sides of Zuhun Mountain, two waves of forces confronted each other, and the surging killing intention directly caused the air between this Heaven and Earth to become thick.

As the forces of the Beast Beast came like a tide, there was suddenly a black brilliance flashing, followed by a figure exuding amazing coercion slowly stepping out of it.

Zhou Yuan‘s eyes looked slightly fixed.

Those figures, about ten times, judging from the coercive pressure emanating from them, these people are all the power of pseudo-jurisdiction!

The strength of this beast family is stronger than Zhou Yuan expected!

And when these people were in appear(ance), there was some turmoil in the troops of the Myriad Beasts Heaven ethnic groups, even Ai Tuanzi’s eyebrows were slightly twitched, because their pseudo-jurisdiction on this side was only a dozen It’s just that, and this is the prerequisite for all races to send the most elite power under the jurisdiction. After all, the pseudo-jurisdiction is already close to the top level in the world.

This is not a Chinese cabbage.

However, her didn’t expect is that the team sent by the beasts is not weaker than their Myriad Beasts Heaven.

It can also be seen that this time the beast family really came out of the nest.

“Have you hidden yourself for so many days?” Ai Tuanzi pupil light stared coldly at those dozen figures, indifferently said.

“Oh, you are a bit capable, but it was a pity…” In the middle of the dozen orcs, expert, a man in a black long dress chuckled, his forehead, There are two black machete-like angles, a pair of nether black vertical pupils with endless cold and fierce.

He stared at Ai Tuanzi and looked at her figure, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: “Spirit Phoenix Clan? Really noble bloodline, in Xiachiyuan, it is the evil beast royal family, it is a match with you. If you are willing to follow me, I can save you a life, how?”

Ai Tuanzi stared at him seriously and said, “Your bloodline is too dirty and rancid, I am really disgusted, but I can’t blame you, after all, the birth of your evil orc, is also quite Hurry, but it can also show that the master who created you is not really special for you. I really want to know, what is your status in the Saint Race?”

Her quiet words came out, but the atmosphere was slightly frozen.

Everyone besides couldn’t help but gave her a glance. Who could have thought that this weekday Ai Tuan, who was just soaked in dried meat, was so arrogant…

And the man named Chi Yuan, complexion suddenly gloomy came down, including the other pseudo-jurisdictions of the evil beast clan, and also stared at Ai Tuanzi with a murderous eye, apparently stabbed to the painful spot by Ai Tuanzi.

Although the Sin Orc was created by the Saint God of Saint Race, it was actually born in the corpse of the source beast race and bloodline, which is still a bit different from Saint Race, so the status of the Sin Orc in Saint Race is not too much Gao, this is also the most unwilling thing of some ambitious people among the evil beasts.

“Chi Yuan, what nonsense talks to her, will catch her later, will naturally let her know what life is better than death.” Next to Chi Yuan, a body was thin and looked like a skeleton figure , Said indifferently.

“Chi Bei, when did you become compassionate, not only her, but all of these Myriad Beasts Heaven’s people, we all have to taste their flesh and blood.” An extremely burly evil beast expert grinned Laughing, his mouth is full of sharp teeth, his eyes are extraordinarily fierce, and the fierce look is daunting.

His name is Chizhu, and he is also the top character in the pseudo-jurisdictions of the Beast Clan.

The other expert hearing this of the Beast Clan all made coquettish laughter, but the laughter was full of Morin cold killing intentions, which caused Heaven and Earth to change color.


And when the killing intentions were released by both parties, the ancestral soul mountain suddenly shook at this time, only to see that a tremendous blood swept out of it, and the huge mountains began to change in appear(ance).

In the blood, an ancient and fierce battle platform emerged.

The layers of appear(ance) from the bottom of the mountain seem to be endless. However, the closer the platform is to the top of the mountain, not only the larger, but also the heavier Fiendish Qi, and finally to the top of the mountain, The blood there was almost covering up the battle platform, so heavy that it was breathless.

Zhou Yuan is also watching the changes in Ancestral Mountain, because he can feel that when these battle platforms are appear(ance), the kind of killing intentions released by the teams on both sides become rich.

“This is the Zuhun Mountain Battle Platform.”

The Ai Qing on the side saw Zhou Yuan’s‘s gaze and explained softly: “In the past, the teams that entered Longlingdongtian will eventually gather here and then go to the stage to fight. Anyone who wins on the battle platform can get Zuhun Mountain. Gifts.”

“Did you see the battle platforms near the top of the mountain? We call it the seed battle platform. If you can win there and no one dares to challenge it within a certain period of time, you will get the bred from Zuhun Mountain. “French Seeds.”

Zhou Yuan eyes flash, he looked at the place close to the top of the mountain, only to see that there was a tremendous blood surging there, the battle platform there seemed to be more huge and ancient, and the difference can be seen only from those imposing manner.

He counted. There are only ten so-called seed battle platforms.

But this is obviously not enough, because the two sides have more than 20 experts at the pseudo-jurisdiction level, not to mention, in addition to the pseudo-jurisdiction, there are also the top figures in Nascent Origin Realm, such as Ai Zhi, Jiang Hongying.

Zhou Yuan came to the Dragon Spirit Cave. The first was to help the Tun Tun to win the opportunity it needed. The second was that he was also very interested in the seeds of the jurisdiction, because now he is very close to Yuanying perfection. Although he didn’t plan to open the law area so early, if he could get a law field seed, it would be of great benefit for him to realize the law area later.

So, such seeds of the magic seeds…he is naturally coveted.

It’s just that there is a strong enemy of the evil beasts now, and compared to Myriad Beasts Heaven, he is also an outsider, so it is not a good position for the time being.

As his mind turned, Ai Tuanzi also cast pupil light to everyone, saying: “This time, there are ten seed battle platforms in appear(ance). No matter what plans the evil beast family has, we all need to win more. Victory.”

“The ten battle platforms are preempted by us, the pseudo-jurisdictions. The pseudo-jurisdictions of the evil beasts will inevitably compete for it, and we will fight them head-on.”

Looking, she looked at the Tun Tun on the top of Zhou Yuan’s head and said solemnly: “Your Excellency Ancestral Gluttonous, please join us in taking up a battle platform.”

Tun Tun’s is extremely powerful, and even Ai Tuanzi does not dare to underestimate. With its shot, it is bound to be able to share a lot of pressure.

Tun Tun grinded his paws and nodded his head. Although it is innate Saint Beast, if it is a camp, it must belong to the source beast family, so it is also full of disgust for the evil beast family created by Saint God.

After seeing Tun Tun nods, Ai Tuanzi continued: “If there are ten seed battles for platform center, and some of us lose, then the rest of the pseudo-jurisdiction will take over.”

“If the pseudo-jurisdiction is defeated, Yuanying perfection will take over.”

Ai Zhi, Jiang Hongying and many other source babies perfection are all complexion.

Ai Zhi was silent for a while, and said: “If Yuanying perfection takes over, there must be an order.”

His eyes glanced over Zhou Yuan at this time.

The seed battle platform has a limited number of places. If it is their turn, the opponent will also have experienced the war and the state is detrimental. This is actually a good opportunity for them.

And whoever comes first at this time, of course, takes the most advantage, saying that it is possible to stabilize a seed battle platform.

Tun Tun made a low roar at this time. The roar came to everyone’s ears, which also made them instantly understand its meaning. It asked Zhou Yuan to take over first.

Many pseudo-jurisdications moved slightly, and their eyes turned to Ai Zhi.

Because in Myriad Beasts Heaven~IndoMTL.com~, if they are excluded from these pseudo-jurisdictions, Ai Zhi is the first person in Nascent Origin Realm perfection.

Ai Zhi saw it, but smiled faintly, said: “Your Excellency Ancestral Gluttonous, we understand that you want to win the opportunity for him, but the current situation has already been related to the fate of our source beast family and evil beast family. Dispute, we hope you can understand.”

Tun Tun glared at Ai Zhi, what does that mean? Does it mean that it is seeking opportunities for Zhou Yuan for selfishness? Obviously Zhou Yuan’s strength is sufficient for this qualification!

At this time, the Profound Dragon Clan’s Jiang Pi is also slowly opening: “Although Zhou Yuan’s‘s strength is not bad, but it may be a little worse than crucial moment/maturity here, I suggest that moxa is the first and Jiang Hongying is the second.. .”

He looked at Zhou Yuan and seemed to smile.

“Why Honored Elder Zhou Yuan…”

“You can temporarily be third, depending on the situation, how?”


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