Netheril Glory Chapter 875: Travel?

The good shadow demon are very hospitable, because they believe that everything they have is given by the White Tree Forest, and the ever-selfless White Tree Forest will also be willing to give every creature who steps on this land the most Warm hospitality, even the enemies of the evil camp are just “poor people who have been blinded by hatred” to them. The shadow demon will embrace the purest compassion and let all poor souls return to the white tree forest. Warm embrace………

In a sense, these isolated goblins have been kind to an amazing degree. Because that kindness has even become a mysterious bloodline integrated into their souls, every shadow demon is born Kind, their helpful and uncontested way of thinking is like a person who is hungry to eat and thirsty to drink water.

At this moment, in the face of a tired traveler and doctor, the shadow demon will naturally not choose to be outside the gate.

As the “Elders” that all members automatically obtain formal strength and live longer after they reach adulthood, and can even easily upgrade to master-level magical groups, the Shadow Demon has not encountered in the Andokra Forest for tens of thousands of years. Can constitute a threat to the enemy”. Their guardianship against any outsiders is very limited, even if there is no “powerful breath” Kesanoya appeared in this forest of Yongye how suspicious, but the shadow of flying from the tribe The elder demon still enthusiastically opened the door of the tribe.

“Welcome, stray travelers, may the forest of white trees shelter you, the “Black Leaf” tribe never refuses friendly guests, we also hope to get your medical help…”

Amidst a group of young and beautiful little shadow demon, the master old shadow demon flying in the middle of the gate not only does not seem to have too much unnecessary majesty, but also like a kind elder.

I saw that she personally opened the door of “tall and heavy” for the shadow demon to Keisha Noah, and then kindly invited the beautiful “outsider” girl to be a guest.

“Hey, elder elder, this… is it really okay, remember the news of the “weird” of the Dark Tail tribe is about outsiders…”

The shadow demon are not overly strict, so some guards who are frightened by the “legend story” can also fly directly to the elder elder and whisper their ideas.

Of course, she didn’t know that the whispers she thought were “words of mouth” were actually heard by the “plague box” that entered the tribe behind the goblin.

“Don’t think outsiders are too bad, except for some poor people who are forced by malicious intent, there are also many kind and good people among them.”

The old demon didn’t mind the dutiful guard’s rebuttal of her decision. She just used Yu Guang to quietly glance at Kesanoya who was following her like a curious baby, and then continued to whisper.

“………… Moreover, some things can be solved without turning away. Our guests are powerful people who cannot be seen even by my master elders. I don’t like to show all the shadow demon. ‘S unreasonable performance planted the seeds of resentment, why don’t we try to be friends with the guests who come to our door?”

It seems that the elders are more transparent than the “young people” in many things, and there is no mistake in what she said. In this world… there are some things that can’t be avoided… …It’s like the guest has already come to the door of the house. Does it make sense to close the “gate” that doesn’t exist?

——————The dividing line————————

No matter what the shadow demon thinks, Kesha Noah, who walks lightly, is now very happy. Although as a rich “outsider”, the plague box has inevitably received many small The goblin’s “powerful” is watching, but she unexpectedly doesn’t hate this feeling.

On a small plane in the multiverse, Kesanoya, who likes to collect “pets”, also has a small kingdom where many magical creatures live together, but the lively female mage himself has never Wandering around the bustling streets, the main reason for correcting it is mainly because… if she releases her legendary atmosphere, all pedestrians will leave the city as frightened as escape, and if they do not leak the atmosphere, then they are amazingly charming. , And also hate the beautiful girls who cover up, Kesanoya will inevitably attract some filthy and malicious eyes…………

For a period of time to advance to the legend, this feeling made the “Plague Box” extremely annoying. She even issued a ridiculous law of “not to stare at women for more than two seconds” for this reason and killed many dares. “Illegal” people.

However, after stepping into the shadow demon’s tribe, although it was also “surrounded” by many intelligent creatures, the girl mage felt completely uncomfortable.

As a born good camp creature, the shadow demon’s gaze to the “outsiders” only has pure curiosity and goodwill. Their **** eyes blink like a lake of clear water, all dirty and dirty There is no such thing in it, and even the twitter discussion is full of childlike innocence and happiness.

“Look, is this the “outside” person? The colors on her are so gorgeous.”

“Yes, she has eyes with that peculiar color, not black and white like us.”

“Don’t you think she is very beautiful, just look at the past and don’t want to remove your eyes…””

The shadow demon are happily discussing because of the emergence of new things, and some of them boldly even fluttered around Keisha Noah until the elder kindly indicated that everyone should not come around like this, a group of eager to try to approach The goblin of “beautiful things” can only bear the excitement.

“Let you laugh, these children have never seen the legendary “color”.

“It doesn’t matter, I don’t mind”.

Leave the “race hunting missions” that had long been on her mind behind them, and the “plague box” where the girl’s heart is flooding has actually looked at this group of goblins with shining eyes.

In fact, at this time, Kesanoya is seriously thinking about whether she can put a shadow plane simulation environment into the “home” kingdom. She really wants to pack the little shadow demon tribe. Take it home.

There is no other reason, just because these little things that are so cute and cute are so Wow, no, it’s really the biggest gain here, there is not much to chase down a bad old man. Meaning, it’s the luckiest thing to meet this group of goblins. I’m going to take them all home……… But it seems not very good to do it directly? If it is not voluntary, it will be meaningless for them to be sad all day long. This thing can’t be too bullying!”

Thinking cheerfully, completely disregarding his “work” “The Plague Box” also followed the shadow demon elder to a huge dark wall of rock.

On that rock, two or three diligent little shadow monsters have dug out a “huge” cave suitable for human habitation.

“Sorry, there is nothing to entertain in a simple environment…but we will hold a banquet celebration in the evening, and please invite you to participate.”

“Um, to participate, be sure to participate.”

The “Plague Box” with stars in his eyes agreed without hesitation, and now this dumb guy really regards an urgent mission schedule as “public travel”.

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