Netheril Glory Chapter 519: Hidden mechanism

“Wow, what is that? Rabbit meat, Punk, how do you know that Uncle Ben loves rabbit meat?”

After seeing the steaming hot pot, Kane was really not at all kind, and at a speed that could not be seen even afterimages, Kane’s rifle easily dug on a “high pillar” beside him A piece of wood took less than a second, and this piece of wood was transformed into a rather delicate wooden bowl by Kane’s grudge.

Keeping a portion of rabbit meat from the pot directly into the bowl with grudge, Kane, who had nothing to eat, took a big bite of broth.

“Wow, it’s so delicious. I heard that the “gourmet magic city” in the azure kingdom has the most delicious food in the multiverse. I don’t know if this rabbit broth can be comparable to the food there.”

While enjoying chewing the tender rabbit meat, Kane commented vaguely on the delicious level of the broth.

However, Punk does not intend to accept Kane’s words at all. He has never been a caster who will take care of such things as “atmosphere”, ignoring Kane’s evaluation of rabbit broth, and Punk directly asked:

“It looks like you guy came back alive, but…what about that female knight named Aodore Linda? Did you kill her on the spot?”

Punk‘s tone is serious and serious, and there is no point in joking at all outside of the conversation.

“Hey, you guys really don’t have any style. After the battle, you need to relax and understand, let go~ loose”!

Seeing Punk looks like this, Kane’s reaction is no different from “smile”. Obviously, Punk does not understand the fun of relaxation at all. This is already a fait accompli………

But Punk doesn’t care if the fact that he has no interest has been established, he just keeps watching Kane’s golden pupil with cold eyes.

Punk is waiting for Kane’s answer, regardless of whether Kane was just taking it seriously or not, the question of Punk is very serious.

Seeing that Punk made up his mind and said it was right, Kane had to sigh and put down the wooden bowl. Instead, he clasped his tongue with a “smile” clinging to the soul gem. It seemed to be Punk. The attitude of the caster who is extremely serious anytime, anywhere, whether it is Kane or “smile” is helpless.

“Okay, okay, since you have asked sincerely, which uncle will show you mercy and tell you well.”

Keat the remaining rabbit meat soup in a few mouthfuls, and Kane, who wiped her mouth, has become more serious from helplessness. He directly answered Punk calmly:

“It’s a pity that Uncle Ben didn’t kill the mad mother-woman, can she get any benefit from winning her? And her posture that she’s going to hug her if she doesn’t agree is not a joke, she has to work hard Just ask you to fight, don’t expect this uncle’s work to be done.”

Yi Zheng’s words, not blushing and heartbeat, telling his timid facts, but Kane’s voice is not ashamed and helpless, especially his extreme expression is telling Punk: ” Uncle Ben’s life gold is expensive. I’ll fight for you.”

Hearing Kane’s answer “taken for granted, straightforward”, Punk frowned slightly.

I have to admit that the cooperation of the supremacy of the interests is always more troublesome, especially the combination of a selfish caster and a selfish combatant, who wants to complete the cooperation between the “tactics” for Punk and Kai Well, it’s tantamount to idiocy, because everyone is thinking about their own interests, and everyone is afraid of stabbing their knife behind their “teammates”, so even if the combination of fighter and the mage can generally achieve one plus one more than two , But the combination of Punk and Kane can still only fight honestly, even because everyone wants to protect themselves at the critical moment and slap “teammates”, Punk and Kane’s “fighting side by side” will even appear “OnePlus” “One less than two” troublesome situation.

Like now, when there is a need for someone to break or when the meat shield attracts firepower, Punk turns around without hesitation, and Kane quickly leaves, leaving a difficult one to solve. The female knight Aodore Linda refused to take any risk to manage, and as a result a potential enemy was left………

“Oh, it’s really troublesome”!

With a sigh in his heart, the expressionless Punk took another rabbit leg out of the pot and ate it.

At the same time, what he thinks in his mind is a major piece of information that may only be a guess. Originally this information was put into the memory with Punk and many unpopular news, but now that he has touched the sensitivity called “Shen Ming” Field, then the value of this intelligence, which was originally a singularity, is a bit hard to say………

Now, Punk is a bit entangled in whether or not to tell Kane that this information is just the guess of the ancient powerhouse.

“Let’s remind you, there is always no harm in paying attention, otherwise you will fight each other and bury hidden dangers………if the message is true… there will definitely be a big deal! Anyway, this time After the adventure, you can advance to the legendary level, and this ambiguous information is of little value.”

Thinking so, Punk ate the rabbit meat in two bites, and then, with a deep voice, he seriously said to the “smile” holding the gem and Kane who took another bowl of broth:

“Kane, “smile”, it’s time to say something serious, a little “right thing” about priesthood!

The sound of Punk is very gloomy in the secluded woods at this time. The cold, emotionless tone and a bit of arrogant fire and the night trees of the branches are together to show a strange and unclear strange. …………

Seeing the serious attitude of Whether it is a “smile” who is constantly trying to absorb the soul fusion blood, or Kane who is tasting the delicious broth, he can’t help but look over.

In this case, even Kane, who is giggling, realizes that the information that Punk said next is absolutely crucial. This is not a joke.

Seeing that Kane and “Smile” are taking it seriously, even the magic crow vector on his shoulders is no longer looking left and right, Punk said seriously with a quiet voice without fluctuations:

“The mysterious thing about priesthood is really difficult to study. Even the great Arcanists in the era of Nesreal only involved the most powerful ones, and the information I’m talking about is actually just one. It is a very old guess that there is no clear evidence to verify whether it is true or not. In fact, its legendary nature is far greater than the mysterious nature!”

After a pause, Punk slowly drank the last remaining broth in the pot, and then he said coldly in a weird tone:

“Um… First of all, I don’t know if you have heard of the hidden mechanism in the legend of “Long River of Destiny”? Especially one of the hidden mechanisms that the legend calls “the priestly competition”!

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