Netheril Glory Chapter 406: Shout

Towns, raids, sheepheads! These three keywords have a very unusual position among all desert caravans.

Cities and towns represent the lifeline of caravans. There are often large gaps between wild and desert cities. A group of ordinary people usually cannot rely on the materials they carry to travel between cities, and each one is in a small oasis. The nearby town is undoubtedly the supply station for these caravans. The camel can remember the location in these towns, and the merchants can supplement food and water in these towns.

Sheep-headed people represent barbaric, bloody, and brutal. These semi-smart races who have settled in the desert for generations have always disliked their own food production. They generally have only two ways to obtain survival materials-hunting and robbery. And they have always been greedy for looting. For the goat heads, the toll payment and sustainable development do not exist. The caravans robbed by the goat heads are often taken away even if they bring goods and camels. Eat it.

After the existence of the two keywords, sheep head and town, the meaning of the word attack is very obvious. When there are enough sheep heads, the sheep head will also attack human towns. Some towns were destroyed due to the attack, and because it was extremely difficult to drive in the desert, even if a conscientious lord was willing to send troops to rescue, the cavalry arrived most of the time could only see a burnt town ruin.

Now, when the merchants sent by the caravan to the town to discuss the parking costs came back, they brought news that the Goatman had attacked the town, and one attack was three towns around an oasis. Captured………

Thinking of this, the businessmen can’t help but feel cold all over. In this vast desert, it is at least two weeks before the next oasis, and the water that everyone carries is only enough for three days. Well, the most terrible thing is that this is not over yet, and a group of sheepheads are squinting at themselves.

“What to do, those three towns must be finished, we can’t get supplies and water, we are all done”

“Damn, that Master Master’s apprentice’s prediction didn’t lie, I shouldn’t have come out to sell any salt, now I’m going to die in the desert.”

“No, this is not true, it must be that the scout is lying to us, how can the Goatman have the ability to capture three towns…”

“Damn sheepheads, they don’t let us have a way of life, we just fight with them”

At this critical moment, the merchants of the caravan have used different ways to vent their emotions, including cowardly and desperate people, self-deception and unwillingness to accept reality, and of course there are brave and bloodless. The people above, for a time, the merchants who are still singing and dancing in the last second, all show the world.

“Enough is enough. My head is noisy. The one who dared to run this deserted commercial road is not ready for his life. Now the sheephead has not yet been killed.”

Seeing that his team had signs of confusion, the chief leader who secretly called bad immediately shouted. At the same time, he also pulled out a long knife from his waist. At this time, his body was full of muscles. The leader doesn’t look like a businessman, but more like a bandit who beats a house.

However, it was this loud drawing of the sword that led the team leader to succeed in calming the caravans that were prone to riots.

Looking around the merchants fiercely, the leader of the team stood on the high platform for performances and roared with the greatest strength:

“All of them have paid attention to me. If you want to live in this desert, you can’t be afraid of any **** sheepheads. Now the previous oasis is three weeks away from us and wants to bypass the front. Towns are the end of thirst for death, tell me, do you want to thirst for death in the desert, just like the corpses we saw?”

The team leader is worthy of being able to lead a caravan business. His spirit at the critical moment is still very sufficient. In his roar, the merchants’ desire to survive has been ignited.

“Don’t want to, we don’t want to become corpses.”

“Made, fight with those **** sheepheads.”

“Anyway, it’s all dead, and I’m not afraid of anything.”

For a time, people in the caravan were enthusiastic.

“What are you waiting for? Isn’t the other machete on your waist a burning stick? Just pull out the knife for me. Now that we are on the road, the scout says that the town of Hazelnut Grove is still resisting. More than a hundred people can also put up a militia team, we first go to meet with the local militia, and then take the town supplies to kill a **** road!”

The rough loud sound sounds hoarse but also inspiring. With such encouragement, the merchants present can’t wait to pull out their swords and cry out loudly. These melody sounds messy but There is a sense of rhythm. It is said that this is a very old war song for the warriors. The loud shouting according to this rhythm can make the enemy frightened!

Not only did a group of businessmen not have the cowardly frightened **** to urinate, they actually summoned up the courage to take out their swords and plan to attack, even Ovain was a little dumbfounded:

“They are really businessmen? The businessmen I have seen are not like this.”

Aisha standing next to Ovaqin has a strange expression:

“Of course they are merchants, at least when they are doing business, but if there is a “big business”, I think these “merchants” will not mind guest gangsters, after all, to survive in this desert It’s not easy, you can understand some tough isn’t it?”

A wild and charming smile on Owakin, Aisha also took out the short blade at her waist and shouted with the merchants who had become bandits, obviously, as a hire in the team Bing, Aisha must not stay out of the way.

Looking at the energetic look of the girl in front of him, Ovain shrugged helplessly and shook his head. Although he wanted to leave the caravan, before he was able to release the prophecy magic, Ovacoin was at least It is necessary to get enough supplies, otherwise, as a dragon that needs a lot of food and drink, it is not a joke to get lost in this deserted desert.

Now, the town that could have been supplied with has been attacked. Whether it is for the sake of profit or the kindness of a professional who is in a kind and orderly camp, Ovaqin can’t ignore it.

Finally, with a bitter smile in his heart, Ovaqin could only take out a handicraft sword in the storage ring and held it high.


Strong shouts echoed in the silent desert, listening to the old savage horn in his ear, Ovaqin’s eyes gleamed with tears unconsciously. At this time, he Once again, I remembered the half-dragon tribes in my childhood memories. I remember that half-dragons went out to hunt for similar encouragement, but half-dragons sang war songs with thick voices more than the screams of hundreds of humans. Too.

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