Eternal King Chapter 1466: God Monarch kills come

After Luo Tian become a God, he has never appeared, and Luo Family has paid attention to the “Sir God Luo” in the forbidden area.

Many major forces of the Terran came to visit Luo Family and temporarily stayed. They all hoped to witness the Terran’s third Spiritual God for the first time.

The two Spiritual Gods of Wanfamen and Xuanhuang Sect also came. They said it was a celebration of exchange, but they were actually curious about the strength of Luo Tian’s.

It is too rare to break through God Realm from Half-God, and neither has seen them.

And they all know that breaking through God Realm from Half-God will gain more power than Spiritual God just breaking through from Heaven Connection Realm.

As the long-established Spiritual God of the human race, they are a little worried about the strength of the new Spiritual God, Luo Tian, if they surpass them, it will be a little embarrassing.

They just want to try it out, they will not compete with Luo Tian.


The repeated changes in the environment of the Forbidden World attracted the attention of the entire Luo Family.

Moonlight God and Mysterious Gold God also saw it, and they were shocked.

They both have a little difficulty trying to do this.

What Luo Tian showed is really not like a Spiritual God that just broke through.

“He is out!” Mysterious Gold God said.

Oh! Whoosh!

Two Spiritual God flew out and came into the air outside the forbidden area.

“Congratulations on your smooth become a God!” Moonlight God laughed.

God Luo brother, you just become a God, would you like to try your own strength?”

Mysterious Gold God can’t wait.

Not to mention, Luo Tian’s really wants to try it.

I’m afraid anyone will think this way when they break through Spiritual God.

“No need.”

But Luo Tian refused.


Mysterious Gold God was stunned, which he didn’t expect.

Luo Tian should have no reason to refuse.

At this time.

Mysterious Gold God and Moonlight God received urgent news from their men at the same time: Two surrounding hostile ethnic forces joined forces and sent troops to attack the human race!

The two Spiritual God‘s faces were dull.

Because of the emergence of the Nine Heavens Evil Spirit army, the surrounding area is turbulent. Coupled with the Golden Earth Clan that the Terran is attached to, the Enemy of the Terran has been eager for a long time, and now it is finally in action.

Just unexpectedly, “Iron-clawed Clan” and “Rotten Elephant Clan” joined forces.

At this time, the two Spiritual Gods are not available to discuss with Luo Tian.

God Luo, the situation is urgent. The enemy forces are attacking. Please help.”

Moonlight God seriously said.

“The enemy is attacking? Wait a minute.”

Luo Tian was surprised, and he calmed down.


Moonlight God and Mysterious Gold God are surprised.

Now, when the human race is alive or dead, Luo Tian actually said “wait first.”

At this moment, the two were somewhat disappointed with Luo Tian.

But the situation is critical, they need Luo Tian’s power, Luo Tian must be shot!

God Luo, this is about the life and death of the human race, it must be treated seriously.”

Mysterious Gold God frowned and drank.

“I know, but I have to wait for my own affairs to be resolved first.” Luo Tian said.

Moonlight God closed her eyes slightly and sighed silently.

The anger emerged in Mysterious Gold God‘s eyes. If you want to bet against Luo Tian, if you win, Luo Tian must pay attention to this matter and join the battle immediately!

When he was about to speak.

A heart-wrenching divine power came from afar, attracting the attention of Moonlight God and Mysterious Gold God, and looked away with dignity!

“Is the attack of Iron-clawed Clan and Rotten Elephant Clan?”

“A good and strong atmosphere, not a general Spiritual God, the strength is far stronger than you and me, Iron-clawed Clan and Rotten Elephant Clan have such strong people?”

“Could it be that they invited foreign aid?”

Moonlight God and Mysterious Gold God are in a state of consternation.


A dark and decaying breath swept through the sky, eroding the sky, and the terrible breath filled all directions, causing the plants on the earth to turn black and rot.

On the tumbling dark green wave, a complexion with dark green skin and pimples on his head, three pairs of green eyes with grey-robed person fluttering.

Luo Tian, I found you!”

Green eyes grey-robed person mouth corners!

The eyes of Moonlight God and Mysterious Gold God are very dignified. They feel heavy oppression from the green eye grey-robed person, and the operation of divine power in the body has become slower!

Intuition tells them that this is a difficult existence for them!

This green-eyed grey-robed person came to trouble Luo Tian, but Luo Tian is a human race Spiritual God. The human race is being attacked by two hostile forces, and the Luo Tian’s force is indispensable.

“I don’t know what you call it?”

Mysterious Gold God asked.

The green eyes grey-robed person gloomy six pupils came, Mysterious Gold God suddenly felt cold physically and mentally, felt a strong crisis, the body divine power was shaking.


Not ordinary Spiritual God!

Is it God Monarch?

How can Luo Tian offend enemies of this level?

Mysterious Gold God stayed in place, sweating out of cold sweat, not daring to say another word.

“You are not qualified to know the title of this Monarch.”

Green Eye grey-robed person disdain.

He is Second Heavenly Layer God Monarch, working for “Heaven Ancestor“, he is too lazy to look at the ordinary Spiritual God of these two weak human races.

Luo Tian, it seems that you didn’t intend to catch your hand and hunt.”

Green-eyed grey-robed person stares at Luo Tian.

Seeing his arrival, Luo Tian did not panic and fear, nor fled.

“Now the young people are too ignorant and fearless. After you have transformed into Spiritual God, you think you can compete with this Monarch? Hahaha!”

The green-eyed grey-robed person looked up and laughed.

“How do you know if you don’t try?”

Luo Tian has deep eyes, looking directly at the green eye grey-robed person.

“Really God Monarch!”

Mysterious Gold God and Moonlight God confirm the identity of Green Eye grey-robed person!

Damn, how did Luo Tian attract such a terrifying enemy!

And Luo Tian has just become Spiritual God, he wants to play against God Monarch, is he crazy?

Mysterious Gold God and Moonlight God were filled with fear, staring at the green-eyed grey-robed person, paying attention to his every move, and quietly backing away.

“Dispel your stupid thoughts!”

Green eyes grey-robed person‘s eyes are cold and ruthless!

I’m God Monarch, Spiritual God, who has just broken through, and dare to provoke the majesty of God Monarch. This kind of underestimated feeling is unpleasant.


The voice has just fallen, and the dark green thick fog is rolling in the void, condensing countless bones, these bones are strange, come from many different races, and they are stained with dark green poison!

Countless dark green bones instantly converge into a palm, four to five kilometers carrying a horrifying divine power, suddenly suppressed!

At the moment of seeing this blow, Moonlight God and Mysterious Gold God flew back tens of thousands of meters!

This blow is terrible, and if they are replaced with a hard connection, they will also be hit hard without dying.

But they found that Luo Tian faced God Monarch‘s blow without revealing half of the panic and fear. Instead, they felt a long-pressed anger from Luo Tian and a tenacious and unyielding fighting spirit!

At this moment, Mysterious Gold God seems to understand why Luo Tian refused his proposal for discussion.

Luo Tian knows that the enemy is coming, and there is no shortage of people to learn from.

He also understands that in the face of the invasion of hostile forces, why Luo Tian said to wait first!

The arrival of the God Monarch enemy is definitely more terrifying than the invasion of the enemy forces!

“Come well!”

The divine source in the Luo Tian body shines, the huge divine power converges, and the Bing Thunder law blesses him. He gave a slap in the first battle after become a God.

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