Eternal King Chapter 1182: Azure Qilin Clan

  Luo Tian knows very little about Demon Clan. I don’t know that Demon Clan is so strong. Even if Demon Clan is cut in half, they can survive and even grow their lower body.

   Only by cutting off his neck can he be killed.

  If I let this Demon Clan escape from death just now, I don’t know how terrible revenge will be in the future.

  嗖! Whoosh!

  Luo Tian didn’t talk much with the Immortal Clan woman, and quickly walked through Void Storm and entered Divine Territory Continent.

After    came out, the Immortal Clan woman’s smart and clear eyes examined Luo Tian and said, “You… can you stay in Void Storm for so long?”

  Demon Clan men are naturally strong, while Immortal Clan women’s cultivation techniques are mysterious and special, and they have strong resistance to Void Storm. In addition, the two are Heaven Connection Realm, and there is no problem to stay in Void Storm for a while.

   Even the lower Limitless Realm human race can do it.

  She found that Luo Tian had a very different impression of the human race in her memory.

  At least the performance of Luo Tian just now is not weak, even unexpected.

   “Is this Immortal Clan or Demon Clan?”

  Luo Tian looked down below. Because of his high height, he couldn’t see the specific situation with his powerful eyesight.

   “It’s Immortal Clan Territory.”

   “You just helped me. If you have any needs, you can ask them now. As long as it is not too much, I can agree.”

  Immortal Clan women’s road.

   is Immortal Clan Territory, Luo Tian is a little relieved.

  As for the Immortal Clan girl’s relationship, Luo Tian is not difficult at present, and will be used when needed.

   “Not yet.” Luo Tian said.

   “Since you don’t mention it, then you’re gone.”


  Luo Tian slightly stunned, I don’t mean that.

   Although the Immortal Clan woman looks beautiful, noble and elegant, full of immortality, she seems a bit cold and unapproachable.

   “Also, advise you to stay away from dirty evils, otherwise one day you will harm yourself!”

  Immortal Clan woman glanced at [Spirit-Perishing Sword] with a little disgust, and drifted away.

   “Is this gone?”

  Luo Tian is quite speechless.

   he saved the Immortal Clan woman anyway, so indifferent.

   Perhaps Immortal Clan also has some discrimination against the human race, but it is not as obvious as Demon Clan.


  Immortal Clan woman seems very unhappy [Spirit-Perishing Sword], if it is not Luo Tian who helped her, Immortal Clan woman may forcibly destroy [Spirit-Perishing Sword].

  Luo Tian‘s limited understanding of Immortal Clan, Immortal Clan is a race that aims to purify all evil in the world.

   “Forget it, anyway here is Immortal Clan Territory, definitely safer than Demon Clan…”

  Luo Tian has come, it will be safe.

  According to his original idea, after entering Divine Territory Continent, he will immediately return to the human race to meet Luo Xiao, or just go to Underworld Cave headquarters of Fire Spirit Clan!

   But now, since coming to Immortal Clan Territory, Luo Tian doesn’t want to leave like that.

  Immortal Clan.

  Legendary legendary race, one of the strongest races of Divine Territory Continent.

   They are extremely mysterious. They are all-round genius races. They are proficient in all aspects. They have created all kinds of legends, which greatly promoted the progress of civilization in the entire universe.

  Luo Tian would like to see what is the situation of the Divine Territory Continent super race, how different is it from the human race and Fire Spirit Clan.

  In addition.

  Luo Tian also wants to learn some of their essence from Immortal Clan here, maybe get some opportunities.

  Immortal Clan is a powerful race that has existed since Desolate Wilderness Era. The knowledge reserves in all aspects should be very complete. Perhaps there will be relevant records of this treasure Heavenly Book?

   Luo Tian is very curious about the origin of this magical treasure Heavenly Book.

   Plus Luo Tian has no map, and I do not know the route to return to the human race, so I decided to stay temporarily.

   As for his father Luo Xiao, he fled for many years, experienced, cautious. This time Mei Family big man came to Storm Ring to arrest, he all escaped cleverly, he should not have to worry in a short time.


  Luo Tian chose a direction by feeling, and decided to understand the situation first.

   After three days and three nights of flight.

  Luo Tian suddenly saw a stately and luxurious building.

   There is a continuous flow of people around, no, these cannot be counted as people.

   “This is not Immortal Clan? Is…Azure Qilin Clan!”

  Azure Qilin Clan people, like a giant bear standing and walking, covered with blue scale-mark, eyes are very big, full of majesty.

  Luo Tian a human race appeared here, causing a lot of Azure Qilin Clan to look at, but not too surprised.

  Azure Qilin Clan, there are many other ethnic groups living, but the human race is relatively rare.

  Luo Tian followed into the stately building.

As soon as he stepped in, he felt a huge and invisible coercion. When he looked up, he saw nine giant statues standing around!

  On Divine Territory Continent, only Spiritual God can build idols.

   Luo Tian only occasionally saw one or two gods in the human race, and it was not officially here to build such a magnificent palace to worship.

   “Four Azure Qilin Clan statues, five Immortal Clan statues…”

  Nine is the pole, here only nine gods are enshrined, it does not mean that there are only nine Spiritual God, but this temple cannot be put down…

  Luo Tian probably guessed that Azure Qilin Clan should be a racial force that believes in Immortal Clan.

   That’s why, then the Immortal Clan woman said that this is Immortal Clan Territory.

   The temple is very quiet.

  People who come in are praying and offering worship.

   “Be sure to bow down sincerely. When you worship Spiritual God, Spiritual God may be paying attention to you. If you are selected by Spiritual God, God’s Grace will come…”

  A mother next to Azure Qilin Clan is educating her son.

  When I heard this, Luo Tian suddenly had an illusion that the idol seemed to be avatar of Spiritual God and was overlooking himself.

   Especially the center one, Immortal Clan Spiritual God, is the tallest. Obviously it is a statue, but a pair of eyes contains supreme majesty, like real eyes, as if staring at Luo Tian.

  Luo Tian has heard many stories, and some people who disrespected the Spiritual God blasphemous deity, eventually ended up extremely miserable.

  Spiritual God is unpredictable!

   These built gods may have some secrets.

After the sincere Tian came outside the shrine and casually pulled an Azure Qilin Clan at the beginning of cultivation base Limitless Realm and asked: “Your Excellency, where is Immortal Clan? What are the rules for entering Immortal Clan?”

  Azure Qilin Clan is much stronger than the human race, and the number of Spiritual God is at least four upwards.

   But Luo Tian is interested in Immortal Clan, that is his goal.

   “Immortal Clan, not you can enter.”

   This Limitless Realm Azure Qilin Clan looked down with a strong negative meaning.

   “You only need to tell me, can you enter, other careless lords worry about you.”

  Luo Tian is a little unhappy.

   was discriminated against by Demon Clan men and ignored by Immortal Clan women. A Azure Qilin Clan in the early days of Limitless Realm dared to be proud in front of himself.

  Luo Tian vaguely released a powerful and cold coercion. The Azure Qilin Clan was relatively close, suddenly shaking, his body and body cold, and he quickly smiled and said: “I said, I said.”

   “There are six forces that believe in Immortal Clan nearby, and Azure Qilin Clan is just one of them. Everyone wants to enter Immortal Clan, but there is only one opportunity every five years. There are very few who can be lucky enough to get this opportunity.”

   “Your Excellency… is very strong, but Immortal Clan really does not lack a strong man like you, I advise you to do not hope.”

  Azure Qilin Clan the man said gently.


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