Eternal King Chapter 1100: 1 horror story of true essence

   “All stop.”

  Luo Tian came out of loudly shouted.

A few robbers around him glanced at him and ignored it.

Who is this?

   I don’t know!

   When Luo Tian boarded the ship, only a few bandits had seen him. After that, Luo Tian closed for a few months and did not come out. The bandits completely forgot him.

   took the one-eyed bandit Luo Tian’s and forgot about it.

  Ruinan Chamber of Commerce‘s martial artist looked at Luo Tian like a fool.

   “Is this kid crazy?”

   “He may be pretending to have mental problems, want to escape a disaster. Too cunning, kill!”

   Ruinan Chamber of Commerce martial artist Road.

  At this moment, everyone around me regards Luo Tian as a fool.

  A Ruinan Chamber of Commerce martial artist, cut out a violent and huge blade of light, to kill Luo Tian.

After slashing this knife, he killed other bandits. Just a fool, no doubt, no need to waste much energy.

   Luo Tian did not expect that this will be the case after speaking.

   hum! call out!

  He condensed a ash-gray jade bead at his fingertips and shot it with a flick.

  The violent and huge blade of light was penetrated by a gray jade bead, and the huge blade of light was frozen by the cold at the next moment.

   followed immediately.

   The gray jade bead hits martial artist of Ruinan Chamber of Commerce, who is killing a bandit, but suddenly becomes stiff and instantly turns into an ice sculpture!

   A robber in front of him died before he closed his eyes.

   It turned out that after a while, he found that he was still not dead. When he opened his eyes, the enemy in front of him turned into an ice sculpture!

   “Who saved me?”

   His face was brutal.

   The frozen martial artist was also very ignorant, and he didn’t know what was going on. cultivation base Heaven Pool Realm, who was nine-folded, was penetrated into his body by cold and cold, and died completely.

  This is the huge gap of cultivation base. Luo Tian only used one drop of true essence to kill Heaven Pool Realm Jiuzhong easily.

  How many years ago, Luo Tian was also the ninth of Heaven Pool Realm, and now such a big change has happened, it is really fickle.

   In addition, after practicing “Extreme Yin Cold Essence Art“, Luo Tian’s true essence has extremely Cold Attribute.

   “All stop.”

   Suddenly, everyone heard the sound of Luo Tian’s again.

  The bandits looked at it in wonder, why is this kid still saying such stupid things?

  At the same time, several robbers remembered that Luo Tian had been hit by their Void Ship before and was captured on board.

   “Well? Why is that stupid kid not dead yet?”

  Ruinan Chamber of Commerce‘s martial artist found that Luo Tian was still alive and surprised.

  Who was the one who killed the kid just now, but he didn’t kill him? This is a trivial matter.

  嗖! Whoosh!

   There are two martial artists of Ruinan Chamber of Commerce. Seeing the fool of Luo Tian is not good, from the left and right sides at the same time starts an attack, Luo Tian should be smashed into slag!

  Luo Tian again mobilized two drops of true essence and shot them on both sides!

  Poof! puff!

   The eyebrows of the two chambers of martial artist showed a hole with a large pinhole, and then frozen into ice sculptures.

   This time, many people saw it!

   “Lying trough? What’s going on? That kid is so strong?”

   “Be careful, this kid pretends to be crazy and stupid, actually he is a strong man!”

   The bandit side was shocked. The martial artist on the Ruinan Chamber of Commerce side were all vigilant against the Luo Tian.

   “Fearless resistance, Golden Lion Bandit Group is destined to perish!”

  The leader of Ruinan Chamber of Commerce, the old man with white hair flew over and stared at Luo Tian!

   “Golden Lion Bandit Group does not perish, it has nothing to do with me.” Luo Tian said.

  White-haired old man tastes the meaning of this sentence.

  Luo Tian This is to betray Golden Lion Bandit Group in exchange for a way of life!


  Under his absolute advantage, he can destroy the enemy, why should he let Luo Tian go?

   “I despise most traitors like you!”

  The crimson spear in the hands of the white-haired old man surrounds the one layer blood-red vortex, turning into a sharp and violent blood-colored tornado storm, and suddenly kills Luo Tian.

  Luo Tian is slightly shocked.

When did you become a traitor again?

  The white-haired old man saw that his mortal blow would reap the life of Luo Tian’s, while Luo Tian was still distracted, perhaps remembering it before he died.

   But at the end of everything.

  Luo Tian raised his hand slightly, a flick of his finger, and a drop of true essence flew out!

   “A drop of true essence?”

  The old man with white hair felt a sense of humiliation, but Luo Tian died immediately, so he didn’t care so much.

   But what he did not expect is!

   That drop of true essence disappeared after the Crimson Tornado Storm. The Tornado Storm seemed to be greatly hindered, unable to move, moved slowly, and finally stopped!

  Patap! Fluffy!

  one layer chill spread the entire tornado storm, freeze into ice, and fall to the ground!

  White-haired old man dumbfounded!

  He is the pinnacle of True Martial Realm late stage, and he has never encountered such a thing!

  The white-haired old man suddenly felt a strong crisis, and spiritual consciousness caught a drop of true essence flying towards himself!

   His eyes are wide open, incredible!

  My killing move was destroyed by a drop of true essence. As a result, the power of this drop of true essence has not been exhausted. Continue to kill him!


  The white-haired old man stabbed the Saint Artifact spear, and the tip of the gun collided with the drop of true essence, making a crisp sound!

   That drop of true essence was punctured and exploded and dissipated!

  The white-haired old man just breathed a sigh of relief, and the true essence that burst and dissipated turned into a force of Extreme Yin ice cold, freezing the Saint Artifact lance!

   The ice quickly spread from the tip of the gun to the tail of the gun, and then to the palm of the white-haired old man!


  The old man with white hair screamed and immediately dropped the Saint Artifact spear, but his palm was frozen by the cold and completely frozen to death!

  When he discovered that the cold force of Extreme Yin was still eroding, his pupils were trembling and his teeth were chopped off his arm!


   Blood splashed and one arm fell to the ground.

   Soon, the blood in the arm and nearby was frozen, everything within a few tens of meters was frozen, and the chill spread!

There is silence around   !


   The sound of breathing in and out came.

   witnessed all the martial artists in the scene just now, I was shocked and suspected that I had hallucinations!

   One drop of true essence is so scary, just like the horror stories I heard before.

   Bandits are dumbfounded!

   “He, he, he seems to be on our side…”

   “How did he get on the boat?”

   “It seems that we were hit by and it was brought back by Lao Chen!”

   “What? Did you hit him?”

  The bandits are all petrified, and everyone’s eyes fall on the helmsman, showing pity!

   In the sky, the Ice Mountain Sect strong Shao Jingshan stared at Luo Tian.

   “A bit interesting!”

   There was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

  Looking back carefully, he does not remember people who have heard of Luo Tian before.

   “Who is your Excellency? What exactly do you want to do?”

  The white-haired old man kept a distance from Luo Tian, and he was extremely afraid of opening.

   “Did I say it at first?”

  Luo Tian asked.

  The white-haired old man swept his men with inquiring eyes. What requirements did this terrifying guy just make?

   No one answered the white-haired old man’s question, they didn’t even know it.

   “All said, let you stop, you bothered me to practice.”

  Luo Tian lightly said.


  White-haired elders and other Ruinan Chamber of Commerce‘s martial artist are collectively speechless and speechless. …


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