Eternal King Chapter 1055: Feather Clan secret ingredient

“You guessed it, my wife has integrated the souls of your ancestors.”

  Under normal circumstances, Ning Xueyao cannot do this, because the level difference between the two parties is too large.

   But the white light cluster was chopped by the attack of divine artifact fragments and shattered into countless starlights. The high-level breath contained in it was suppressed by divine artifact fragments.

   Therefore, only Ning Xueyao can be the anti-guest and absorb the white starlight in the body.

   If the white light group fuse the soul of Ning Xueyao, it can completely occupy this body.

  Ning Xueyao fusion white light group, then inherit the power of the other side.


   All Solitary Spirit Sect executives are shocked!

   “This is absolutely impossible!”

  Solitary Spirit Sect’s Master denied, this is ridiculous.

   This is not the first time they have done this kind of thing. It has never happened before, and the inherited spirit of the ancestors will never be merged in reverse.

   Especially for the body of Ning Xueyao, cultivation base is only weak in the mid-term peak of True Martial Realm.


   The intimacy of Luo Tian and Ning Xueyao at the moment confirms the Luo Tian’s statement.

  A real ancestor, how could a human touch blasphemy at will!

   All Solitary Spirit Sect high-level officials were struck by lightning and froze in situ, unable to accept this fact, and at a time they did not know what to do.

   “The ancestor was fused by this woman, that is to say, the power of Feather Clan was robbed by humans. This woman must die!”

   “But once she is killed, the power of the ancestor will completely disappear.”

   “I think this woman has merged with her ancestor. She is now part of Feather Clan, and her ancestor’s power is still in the hands of Feather Clan.”

  Solitary Spirit Sect secretly negotiated with all senior officials.


  Luo Tian removed the disguise and restored the true appearance, staring at Ning Xueyao.


  Ning Xueyao has a complex gaze, his face hesitantly struggling.

  Luo Tian feels that Ning Xueyao at this moment is a bit strange, it seems that things are not so simple, he immediately asked Heavenly Book the current situation of Ning Xueyao.

  Solitary Spirit Sect executives have negotiated the results.

  They chose to compromise.

  Feather Clan really cares about the power of the ancestor, which must be passed down, not the identity of the ancestor.

  From the distant Middle Ages.

  The ancestor continued to inherit in this way. Every time he merged with other souls, his own personality will be affected. It has not been the original Feather Clan ancestor.

  Luo Tian was slightly relieved. He was a little worried that this group of people would be burned in jade.

   “Evacuate first.” Solitary Spirit Sect’s Master said.


  Fire Spirit Clan strongman and Black Crow, after being repelled by Solitary Spirit Sect strongman, did not evacuate, but hide in the vicinity, waiting for reinforcements.

   Suddenly, everyone felt the violent energy fluctuation.

   looked up.

   I saw a huge white bird over Solitary Spirit Sect.

   “No, that’s a flying prop!”

   someone exclaimed.


  Solitary Spirit Sect everyone flew into the giant white bird.

   “It’s Miss!”

  A strong Luo Clan Fire Spirit Clan, saw Luo Yesi.

   “Huh? Night Wind.”

  Black Crow saw two familiar figures, one of them was Night Wind, and he recognized it instantly.

   As for the other person, it should be the kid with Night Wind.

   “The two of them actually sneaked in?”

  Black Crow was a little surprised.

  He thought that Luo Tian and Night Wind are still like headless flies, still searching for clues.

  Unexpectedly, Luo Tian and Night Wind have sneaked into Solitary Spirit Sect. You know, Black Crow also wanted to sneak into Solitary Spirit Sect, but failed.

   “But it’s a pity that you sneaked in, but failed to escape. This task was done by me.” Black Crow said.

   Luo Tian and Night Wind, two infiltrators, fell into the hands of Feather Clan and will definitely die.


  The back of the white bird unfolded the three giant pairs of arms, suddenly fanned, set off a storm, turned into a white streamer and flew into the sky dome, vanished from sight.

  Many Fire Spirit Clan powerhouses are struggling to catch up, but they can only watch the distance between them and finally give up.


  White Bird Airship.

   Everyone’s eyes are fixed on Ning Xueyao.

  Ning Xueyao eyes closed slightly, Dai eyebrows frowned, and the corners of the eyes jittered from time to time.

  Luo Tian has got the result from Heavenly Book.

The soul of Ning Xueyao is too low compared to the ancestor of Feather Clan.

After the fusion, her mental consciousness was a little confused, and her personality recognition was affected.

   Now the mental consciousness of Ning Xueyao is extremely unstable, and it is a bit unclear who he really is.

   “Your ancestors want to change the container, why not find yourself, but go find an outsider?”

  Luo Tian asked in cold voice, very dissatisfied with Feather Clan experimenting on Ning Xueyao.

   “We think too, but we can’t.”

  Feather Clan old man said helplessly.

   “Can’t you?”

  Luo Tian is puzzled.

  The power of Feather Clan, Feather Clan can’t be inherited, must we find the inheritance of foreign creatures?

   Several senior executives looked at each other, and after a long discussion, decided to tell Luo Tian the facts.

   After all, their “ancestor” is now the wife of Luo Tian’s.

   Hmm… In this way, Luo Tian has become their ancestors?

   “Ancestor is not an ordinary Feather Clan, but ‘Divine Feather Clan’, the highest royal family in Feather Clan!”

  Solitary Spirit Sect’s Master showed awe on his face and solemnly spoke.

   Tens of thousands of years ago.

  Feather Clan is ruled by the noblest Divine Feather Clan, but the strength of Divine Feather Clan is getting thinner and the status is declining, and it is about to fall to the altar.

   “Until the birth of the ancestor, the powerful Innate Divine Ability she possessed made all the people outside Divine Feather Clan afraid, and the status of Divine Feather Clan will also change because of her…”

The Feather Clan other than Divine Feather Clan, which has looked at the power of royal family for a long time, and seeing that Divine Feather Clan is about to become history, they do not allow their ancestors to revive the glory of Divine Feather Clan.

   So, there was a civil war in Feather Clan.

  Divine Feather Clan suffered heavy The right was taken by the enemy.

  Divine Feather Clan‘s old minister, protect the ancestor escape from escape.

   However, the ancestor had been hit hard at that time, and his life was about to die.

In desperation, he can only be reborn by special means, saving the powerful Innate Divine Ability of Divine Feather Clan, waiting for one day to regain his glory and taking charge of Feather Clan.

The price of    is that the new container has a limited life and needs to be replaced continuously.

   “The ancestor’s Innate Divine Ability is too powerful, it has absolute suppression on Feather Clan, and there is repulsion. The ordinary Feather Clan body cannot bear the strength of the ancestor, unless it is Divine Feather Clan.”

   But the real Divine Feather Clan is extinct.

   “Instead, it is the body of other races and will not be resisted.”

   “Otherwise, will we let the supreme power of Divine Feather Clan be inherited by foreigners?”

  Solitary Spirit Sect’s Master is quite helpless.

  When they learned that the ancestor was merged by Ning Xueyao, there was not much resistance. After all, the strength of the ancestor was inherited by foreigners every time.

  What they care about now is just that strength, and identity is no longer important.

   “How long can I live after fusing the new container?”

  Luo Tian frowned and asked.

  The secret of Feather Clan described by Solitary Spirit Sect’s Master just now, he doesn’t care, only worry about the situation of Ning Xueyao.

   “Different from person to person, short words, one or two hundred years, long words can live more than a thousand years.”

  Feather Clan old man said.

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