Eternal King Chapter 1039: Special missions

God Luo came back and appeared in Killing House. The news spread quickly.

   More and more killers gathered in Underworld Cave Killing House, many people come to see, where is the daring and brave God Luo holy!

   There are several female killers who asked God Luo to take off their masks. As long as they are not too ugly, they are willing to post upside down.

   At this time, a killer wearing a fox mask came.

   “It’s Blood Rank killer “Heavenly Fox“!”

   a killer exclaimed!

  Underworld Cave‘s killer is divided into four levels, Black Rank, Silver Rank, Gold Rank, Blood Rank!

  The number of Blood Rank killers is very small, and they are simply not seen on weekdays. They will either perform ultra-difficult tasks and return only once in a few years, or they will shut down to impact the bottleneck.

   “You are God Luo? I appreciate you!”

  Heavenly Fox laughed.

  Everyone is envious, Blood Rank killer Heavenly Fox shows Luo Tian good.

  Ghost Face looked at this scene with a somber face. In fact, he also admired God Luo.

   But he repeatedly provoked demonstrations just now, but he could not hold his face at this moment.

   “I wonder if you are a real God Luo or a fake God Luo?”

  Ghost Face suspects the identity of Luo Tian’s.

  He thinks that God Luo is very likely to die outside. Perhaps the killer in front of him wants to take the opportunity to occupy the name of God Luo and make himself famous.

As soon as this word came out, there were indeed a lot of killers in doubt at the scene.

  Luo Tian ignored Ghost Face‘s doubts.

When you settle a task, you must take out your identity token.

  He took out the silver token, which was marked with two striking characters “God Luo“.

  On Underworld Cave, people are not recognized, only identity tokens.

  Ghost Face‘s face stiffened and his heart shook!

  He is still a little bit unconvinced, even if it is God Luo? God Luo‘s cultivation base has a huge gap with him!

  You can kill God Luo by yourself!

   But Ghost Face still took his loot quickly, squeezed out two words in his teeth: “You first.”

   After all, behind the God Luo, there is a suspected Half-God Heavenly Goldflower Luan!

  Half-God‘s deterrent is terrifying!

The deacon opposite    has already settled the task for Luo Tian and submitted it to spirit crystals.

  Luo Tian turned and left.

   Many killers are surrounded by Luo Tian, just like the stars holding the moon, leaving with him, please flattering and want to climb.

   “God Luo, in order to express my apology, please go to Netherworld Inn for a few drinks, whatever you want to drink, by the way, tell you what you have gained in Half-God secret realm.”

  Ghost Face suddenly made a noise.

   Although many killers admire God Luo, they are equally greedy. When Luo Tian talks about the harvest in Half-God secret realm, there will definitely be many killers who take the risk.

   “No time, after some time, I will visit the senior.”

  Luo Tian immediately refused, with a deep meaning.

   He also thought that he might be targeted by Underworld Cave’s killer.

   Therefore, Luo Tian properly pulls the skin of Heavenly Goldflower Luan, making people believe that he has Half-God asylum, which can greatly reduce the danger.

   “That senior?”

  All the killers thought about it and soon thought of Half-God Heavenly Goldflower Luan!

   The greed of many killers is suddenly dissipated.

After the mission was settled, Luo Tian planned to return to Dongfu and retreat for a while.

   Just before coming to the cave house, in a cave house not far away, Night Wind suddenly rushed out.

   “God Luo, you are back!”

  Night Wind is a pleasant surprise.

   He is indeed worried that Luo Tian will die in the hands of Six Great Sects or Two Great Divine Sects.

   “Your boy, there is a way to mix in, why don’t you take me with me.”

  Night Wind is very envious, he really wants to enter Half-God secret realm.

   “You must not dare.” Luo Tian laughed.

   “Who says I dare not.”

  Night Wind has a slightly weak tone, and added a sentence: “If you tell me, there will be Half-God to rescue, I will dare.”

   But before I entered, I didn’t know that there would be Half-God to rescue…Luo Tian added a sentence.

   “External rumors, you got…divine crystal, is it true?”

  Night Wind asked as a thief and whispered.

   “Guess what?”

  Luo Tian seems to be smiling.

  Night Wind stared at the eyes, a little irritable, but then thought, Luo Tian said so, 80% really got divine crystal.

  Night Wind The jealousy in my heart.

   “Are there any other babies? You went to Half-God secret realm, and you must have gained a lot? You don’t need so many training resources by yourself, so let me help you share it.”

  I can take the request for spirit materials as a matter of course. It is awe-inspiring that Night Wind is also a talent.

  Luo Tian thought about it.

   is Night Wind leading Underworld Cave. Before Night Wind wanted to rob Six Great Sects‘s genius, he also specially invited cultivation base True Martial Realm mid-peak Luo Tian and wanted special care for Luo Tian.

   So Luo Tian took out an object and threw it to Night Wind.

  Night Wind got it, wanted to see what kind of treasure Luo Tian gave, he took a closer look, his hands were shaking, the treasure in his hand almost fell!


  Night Wind immediately put that piece of “God Blood Stained Stone” into the storage space and looked around.

  He found someone nearby, and he became more alarmed and worried.

   “This…how is it funny?”

  Night Wind smiled.

   Sorry, why did you collect the storage items so quickly?

  Luo Tian Without further ado, we will enter Dongfu.

   At this moment, a distant and ugly old man in the distance, he shouted: “God Luo, come.”

  The dry old man is the “middle old”, who is responsible for reviewing the killer who wants to enter the Underworld Cave and the promotion of the killer.

  Ming Lao has a high status in Underworld Cave.

   “Follow me!”

  The old man brought Luo Tian to a quiet and dim temple hall.

   “You surprised me too.”

  Mr. Ming seems to complain a little.

  As the core senior executive of Underworld Cave, when he learned the killer of Underworld Cave, he provoked Six Great Sects and Two Great Divine he was really worried.

  At the same time he sighed inwardly.

  When Luo Tian first entered Underworld Cave, he was not optimistic about Luo Tian. As a result, Luo Tian has made rapid progress, and it has obtained a major opportunity for Half-God secret realm.

  After entering Underworld Cave for more than ten years, from the early days of True Martial Realm, it broke through to Limitless Realm. This progress is amazing.

   “What is your relationship with Heavenly Goldflower Luan?”

   After sitting down, the old man asked dignifiedly.

  A Half-God is of great importance, he must investigate clearly.

   “If I want something, Heavenly Goldflower Luan should not mind helping me a few more times!”

  Luo Tian yanked Heavenly Goldflower Luan‘s tiger skin, ambiguous.

  Ming Lao didn’t ask much, nor did he ask about Luo Tian’s gains in Half-God secret realm.

   “You should know that this is just one of the strongholds of Underworld Cave?” Ming Lao said.

  Luo Tian almost did not keep up with the thinking of the old man, why did you say this suddenly?

   “Two months ago, Underworld Cave headquarters released a special mission to convene outstanding Gold Rank killers from all strongholds. Are you interested?”

   Old Lao asked with a smile.

  Luo Tian knows that Underworld Cave here is just one of the strongholds, but has never been in contact with Underworld Cave headquarters.

   Underworld Cave strongholds are said to have more than forty.

What is   ’s mission? Actually want to call for more than 40 strong Gold Rank killers!

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