Eternal King Chapter 957: A coincidence with the Mei Family genius

“How many spirit crystals?”

Luo Tian asked with Immortal Thunder Stone.

“Five hundred and five hundred…” The shopkeeper just opened.

“Two thousand spirit crystals!”

Obese middle-aged interrupted.

“Two Thousand spirit crystals!”

The shopkeeper immediately changes his mouth.

Obese middle-aged is one of the owners of this shop, and is also the elder in City Lord’s Mansion, the shopkeeper dare not offend.

Luo Tian looked slightly cold, glancing at the obese middle-aged.

I just thought this person was familiar.

Now he remembers that this fat man is the target of an Silver Rank mission!

“Two thousand spirit crystals, just leave if you can’t afford it.”

A faint sneer appeared on the corners of obese middle-aged people.

Luo Tian did not reply, took out two thousand spirit crystals and bought Immortal Thunder Stone!

He then turned to stare obese.

Remember you!

Silver Rank mission numbered 242!

“Well? What is this?”

The woman in purple dress picks up a piece of translucent orange jade with a silver-white object in it.

She looked carefully, and it was hard to see the origin of the silver-white objects inside.

“Adult, this is a treasure excavated from an ancient place. Inside is the sealed ‘Void Spirit Liquid’. The value of this object is too high and I can’t give it to the adult.”

Obese middle-aged people said immediately.

Void Spirit Liquid, a magic liquid that can sublimate souls, can only be stored for one month after birth, and then dissipates.

If it is a young martial artist aged 11 or 12 years old, taking Void Spirit Liquid, spiritual power will skyrocket, and even spiritual consciousness can be condensed directly.

In addition, some hidden diseases of the soul, Void Spirit Liquid can also be cured.

“These Void Spirit Liquids are sealed in special jade, and I don’t know how many years of precipitation, the effect is amazing, so the price is extremely high, if adults want, it also needs four thousand spirit crystals!”

Obese middle-aged.

“It turns out to be Void Spirit Liquid!”

The girl in purple clothing is obviously very interested, far exceeding the interest in Immortal Thunder Stone just now.

“I want it.” Ziyi woman said.


Luo Tian suddenly shouted.

Obese middle age suddenly glared, what are you **** doing?

“Inside it is not Void Spirit Liquid, but ‘Sky Silver Spirit Spring Liquid’. After three thousand years of precipitation, it is similar to Void Spirit Liquid from the outside.”

Luo Tian lightly said.

The woman in Ziyi took the initiative to surrender Immortal Thunder Stone, and Luo Tian has some good feelings about this woman.

So, he didn’t want to watch the woman in purple clothes be deceived.

Sky Silver Spirit Spring Liquid is generally used, this stone is worth a thousand spirit crystals at most.

“You’re so nonsense, this is clearly Void Spirit Liquid, how could it be Sky Silver Spirit Spring Liquid!”

Obese middle-aged loudly shouted.

If the woman in Ziyi is here, he has asked someone to take down the Luo Tian.

“Is this the truth?”

The girl in purple inquires about Luo Tian.

Four thousand spirit crystals is not a small number. She didn’t want to buy it back and found that it was Sky Silver Spirit Spring Liquid.


Luo Tian nodded, then left.

Obese middle-aged remember the Luo Tian’s look.

He said to the woman in Ziyi: “Adult, the kid is full of nonsense, and it is not credible. This thing has been identified by the master, and it must be Void Spirit Liquid.”

Obese middle age is not 100% certain, but I believe the vision of professional appraisers.

And he is unhappy with Luo Tian and thinks that Luo Tian is here to make trouble.

A young kid, who had never touched this stone, concluded that it was not Void Spirit Liquid, which was nonsense.


The woman in purple dress nodded and did not easily believe the words of a passerby.

She paid four thousand spirit crystals and she bought this stone.


Luo Tian visited several stores and purchased several thunder system and ice spirit materials.

After thinking of Teng Yuanxing, he picked a treasure against the cold, nine hundred spirit crystals.

After returning to his residence, Luo Tian gave this treasure to Teng Yuanxing and quoted the price.

Teng Yuanxing helplessly took out all the savings and gave Luo Tian nine hundred spirit crystals.

Early morning.

The two came to a wide square, where the Biwutai and Observatory were built earlier.

Teng Yuanxing has signed up, Luo Tian will not participate.

Yesterday, he already pushed the specific content of the performance assessment, told Teng Yuanxing, and made corresponding preparations.

True Profound Sect messenger is here!”

Suddenly someone shouted, and the scene exclaimed!

Dozens of figures came together. The oldest man in white robe embroidered with the pattern of True Profound Sect on his robe. He was the person in charge of the Falling Sea City recruitment assessment.

Next to the messenger True Profound Sect, there are other big names of Falling Sea City, including city lord of Falling Sea City.

“It was the woman yesterday.”

Luo Tian saw the masked woman in purple clothes.

This woman walks between the True Profound Sect messenger and Falling Sea City city lord, and her status is extraordinary.

Of course, Luo Tian also saw the obese middle-aged woman, who was behind Ziyi, city lord and others.

But the fat middle-aged complexion seems ugly.

True Profound Sect recruitment assessment, start.”

The True Profound Sect messenger stood up and announced loudly.

Next, a disciple of True Profound Sect came to preside over the order of recruitment and assessment.

“All martial artist participating in the assessment, please enter this white circle!”

The disciple of True Profound Sect said.

In front of the competition platform, there is a huge white circle!

When the martial artist participating in the assessment enters it.

“Get up!”

True Profound Sect Messenger formed hand seals!


The white circle shines up and spreads out a straight or curved light, forming a Pang great formation method!

There is a crystal white barrier around formation, which covers all the contestants and isolates them from the outside world!

“You need to be baptized in the formation test in this’Cold Ice Yin Soul Formation‘, and the remaining 80 people will be eligible to enter True Profound Sect.”

True Profound Sect disciple said.

There are a total of 20 recruitment points for True Profound Sect. Eighty people are recruited from each place. After being gathered in True Profound Sect, the final assessment will be conducted and half of them will be eliminated.

This is exactly the same as the assessment mode of Purple Sun Sect.

Within formation.

Cold Ice Yin Soul Formation?”

Teng Yuanxing looks dazed.

This is exactly the same as Luo Tian said!

He looked blankly at Luo Tian in the crowd.

You guessed it all?

Could Luo Tian and True Profound Sect messengers know each other?

Teng Yuanxing is overjoyed, this time he will be able to enter True Profound Sect.

formation has been urged!

Ice cold light scattered from all directions, shining on all the references!

A chill caught in formation barrier.

“It’s so cold!”

Everyone’s hair is standing up~ Many people immediately gather True Essence Cover to resist the cold.

However, this cold power can actually penetrate True Essence Cover.

Many people suddenly complained.

Teng Yuanxing took out a piece of cold jade, and after urging, the cold eroded from it was absorbed by the cold jade.

And this baby is not expensive and can be used for a long time.

Kiosk and Taichung.

True Profound Sect messengers and other characters, observed martial artist in formation, exchanged opinions, and commented on the performance of some martial artist.

The eyes of the purple-clothed woman blinked brightly.

Teng Yuanxing, I didn’t expect you to be here. So, is Luo Tian here?”

The purple woman smiles at the corner of her mouth.

She is exactly Mei Family Mei Yanyu. Because her status is too distinguished and conspicuous, in order to track down Luo Tian, she hides her face and acts.

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