Eternal King Chapter 916: Underworld Cave

Purple Sun Sect messenger?”

Teng Yuanxing‘s complexion changed.

If today, before seeing the Purple Sun Sect messenger come to his door, he must be smiling.

But after what happened in today’s square, Teng Yuanxing felt shudder at seeing the Purple Sun Sect messenger at this moment.

Luo Tian, Teng Yuanxing?”

Purple Sun Sect messenger directly said the names of the two!

Teng Yuanxing has a cold heart.

The Purple Sun Sect messenger must have learned from Mei Qianzhe, and the purpose of his personal visit is to catch himself and Luo Tian?

“The two of us didn’t get the quota to enter Purple Sun Sect directly, but also passed the assessment. It’s half a Purple Sun Sect person. Will the messenger want to shoot us?”

Compared to Teng Yuanxing, Luo Tian is very calm.


Purple Sun Sect messenger laughed.

“Talking to smart people is easy.”

“Actually, I don’t have to shoot you.”

Purple Sun Sect Messenger smiled.

Teng Yuanxing breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that the Purple Sun Sect messenger came to talk about the conditions, so there is still hope.

“You can also surrender yourself and follow me obediently so that I don’t have to shoot.”

The Purple Sun Sect messenger said again, and his mouth twitched a smile.

Teng Yuanxing shuddered suddenly!

This is what the Purple Sun Sect messenger actually meant. This is to decide him and Luo Tian!

Teng Yuanxing is pale, and cold sweat oozes from his forehead.

He and Luo Tian are certainly not opponents of the Purple Sun Sect messenger. Is there no way to escape?

“It seems that the intention of the messenger has been decided, right or wrong to be against me!”

Luo Tian Shen channel.

Teng Yuanxing was stunned. How did you feel that Luo Tian said something amiss?

The Purple Sun Sect messenger was disdainful, Luo Tian really lifted himself up.

“Oh, you are not worthy of my opponent, this messenger just solves a few ants casually.”

The Purple Sun Sect messenger carries both hands and proudly overlooks Luo Tian and Teng Yuanxing.

“You have no choice but to make a decision.”

Purple Sun Sect Messenger indifferently said.

“Hey, you forced me.”

Luo Tian sighed.

Teng Yuanxing is dumbfounded, Luo Tian will have a hole card, can it deter Purple Sun Sect messenger?

“Impossible? Luo Tian must be pretending!”

The Purple Sun Sect messenger high position, heavy authority, with a big wave, someone willingly works.

Even the people of Peak Pool City City Lord’s Mansion will stand on the side of Purple Sun Sect messenger.

Luo Tian absolutely cannot compete with the Purple Sun Sect messenger.

“Oh? What are your cards?”

Purple Sun Sect messenger has a playful look.

What other waves do these two ants want to set off?

“Come out, kill him!”

Luo Tian cold drink!

Purple Sun Sect messenger looks slightly condensed!

Are there big backers for Luo Tian? Only fearless?

Isn’t Mei Qianzhe saying that Luo Tian is a low-grade martial artist from outside the domain?


There were no other people around. After a few breaths, nothing happened.

The Purple Sun Sect messenger was slightly relieved, and his face became cold, and he was actually bluffed by a pretending ants!

“Since you don’t cooperate, the messenger personally scrapped you and handed it to Heavenly Cold Mine!”

Purple Sun Sect messenger reveals killing intent!

He just took a step!


A dark shadow appeared behind the Purple Sun Sect messenger!


The Purple Sun Sect messenger instantly sweated, and his body shot forward like lightning!


in the sky, a cold dark blade of light crossed, and the surrounding light suddenly became dark.

Purple Sun Sect messenger’s responsiveness has been very fast, the robe of the chest is still separated, and a blood flower splashes out!

A hand wearing black gloves stretched out in the shadow!


A dagger in the palm of the hand rushed out like a dead snake, exuding a deadly chill!


The dagger penetrated the Purple Sun Sect messenger’s chest and nailed him to the wall!

“You are…Underworld Cave…”

Purple Sun Sect messenger stared at the shadow in horror.

I saw black filaments spread quickly upward on his neck!

Soon, the messenger of Purple Sun Sect looks snarly and roars, life force quickly passes away, his complexion is black and purple!

Obviously, there is poison on the dagger. At this moment, the poison is to attack the heart. Purple Sun Sect will definitely die!

“Follow me!”

Shadow on Luo Tian, Teng Yuanxing.


The dining table on the first floor of the restaurant.

Mei Qianzhe and an Purple Sun Sect disciple are ordering wine and drinking.

“After entering Purple Sun Sect, please take care of your brother.”

Mei Qianzhe held up a glass of wine and honored Purple Sun Sect disciples.

“The younger brothers are extremely qualified, and after entering the sect, they will definitely shine, which should be taken care of by brothers.”

Disciples of Purple Sun Sect are polite.

The two had a bad conversation.


There was a noise from the building, which attracted the attention of many martial artist.

“It seems that Uncle Liu has already started.”

Mei Qianzhe laughed.

After that sound, there was no more movement, and obviously Luo Tian and Teng Yuanxing were resolved.

Disciples of Mei Qianzhe and Purple Sun Sect, put down their glasses and went to the second floor to find the Purple Sun Sect messenger.

They knew the Luo Tian’s room and walked straight away.

Luo Tian, your bold courage, actually dared to offend the Purple Sun Sect messenger. If you get this off, you deserve it!”

Before entering, Mei Qianzhe is loudly shouted.

This is the routine they have long wanted.


After entering the room, Mei Qianzhe was dumbfounded, and the Purple Sun Sect disciple next to him was horrified!

The two stared straight at a corpse directly in front of them. It was the Purple Sun Sect messenger!

“Liu deacon!”

Disciples of Purple Sun Sect panicked and frightened.

Can kill the Purple Sun Sect messenger, the other party can easily kill him!

“How can this be? Luo Tian is only the early stage of True Martial Realm, it is impossible to kill Liu Bo…”

Mei Qianzhe even believes that he has an illusion.


When killing Purple Sun Sect messenger.

The black robe left Luo Tian and Teng Yuanxing and left Peak Pool City at the fastest speed.


In the air, three people are flying fast.

“Why…it’s you!”

Teng Yuanxing gasped.

The black robe who killed the Purple Sun Sect messenger was the one who helped them into the city a few days ago.

The black robe turned back and looked coldly at Luo Tian: “How do you know I’m hiding nearby?”

Not even the Purple Sun Sect messenger, Luo Tian seems to have seen it for a long time.

When Luo Tian said “Come out, kill him”, the black robe really didn’t react, didn’t realize that Luo Tian was referring to him, and thought other things might happen.

So the black robe froze for a while before he shot, killing the Purple Sun Sect messenger.

“Naturally, you are not hiding enough.” Luo Tian said.

Actually, after Luo Tian’s Good Fortune Secret Art broke through fifth layer, his eyes possessed the ability of Heavenly Eye, and he felt something was wrong.

After careful observation, Luo Tian determined that the black robe was hidden nearby.

He noticed that the black robe is not hostile to Then the goal is to be related to himself.

When the messenger Purple Sun Sect stepped in, Luo Tian understood.


The black robe shouted.

The black robe is obviously dissatisfied with someone questioning his professional ability.

He did not continue to press Luo Tian.

Everyone has their own secrets, others don’t want to say, there is no need to force.

“The death of the Purple Sun Sect messenger, you can’t get rid of the relationship, what are your plans next?”

The black robe asked.

It is true that the Purple Sun Sect messenger died in the Luo Tian’s room, not to mention the fact that the two had contradictions before. This matter is really unclear.

“Are you interested, come to Underworld Cave?” The black robe asked again.

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