Eternal King Chapter 900: Crisis from Martial Emperor

   inside the hall.

  A guard holding Soul Blood Space Locking Bead, surrounded by several elders.

  ”Did Soul Blood Space Locking Bead actually produce movement?”

   “Elder Xuesha didn’t say that, Luo Xiao‘s trace has been confirmed, will Soul Blood Space Locking Bead no longer be moving?”

   “However, after such a long time, Luo Xiao has not been captured yet, may have escaped again?”

   Several elders talked.

   “Let Luo Xiao escape again, the adult will be angry!”

   The faces of several elders became solemn.

  In Winter Moon World, their force “Ice Mountain Sect“, no one dared to mess with it.

There are dozens of interfaces near   , all under the control of Ice Mountain Sect.

   can make the adult angry, Ice Mountain Sect has no good fruit.

   “Maybe Luo Xiao did escape again, but he should have escaped far away. According to the guidelines of Soul Blood Space Locking Bead, the target is Storm Ring, not too far from my Sect…”

   “In any case, be sure to grab Luo Xiao as soon as possible and check it.”

   “This time let Elder Ben go out!”

   a short elder said.

  He is not only short, but also very thin, fair-skinned like jade, like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy.

   But his purple eyes flashed a strange cold light.

   “Then I will run “Purple Cloud Martial Emperor“.”


   One year passed.

  Falcon Ship enters the middle of Storm Ring.

  Storm Ring is smaller than Pale Ring and Shattered Ring, but the environment is harsh, the flight speed is slower, and the crisis is heavy.

   this year.

  Luo Tian was attacked by thirty-two void creatures and nine interceptions by bandits.

Most of the    have been passing through without fear.

   But there are also several times that have brought a strong threat to Luo Tian and even a crisis of death.

   “Although the environment of Storm Ring is harsh, the practice civilization is more than Pale Ring, more high cultivation base, at the same level, martial artist of Storm Ring is stronger…”

In   Outer World Void, Earth Rank martial artist can hardly be seen, they are all Heaven Rank.

  武Royal Capital is not uncommon.

   The deeper this situation becomes, the more obvious it is!

  Now, Luo Tian took the initiative to let Teng Yuanxing leave, he didn’t dare to get off the boat alone.

  Luo Tian has been reluctant to keep closed.

  He came to the deck and his eyes appeared a dark blue mysterious vortex, as if he could pierce the void and see everything!

   Not long ago, “Good Fortune Destiny Secret Art” broke through fifth layer, which is the change after the breakthrough.

  Luo Tian not only possesses the mysterious and powerful Heavenly Eye, but his eyes are also given some specificity, with a 30% to 40% effect of Heavenly Eye.

  That is.

  Without urging Heavenly Eye, Luo Tian can always use some of Heavenly Eye‘s abilities, but the effect is almost.


   Suddenly, in Luo Tian’s‘s eyes, the blue vortex turned and his eyelids jumped a few times!

   “There is danger!”

  Luo Tian produces induction.

   Even he can vaguely observe the general direction of the crisis!

  According to the one-year experience of Luo Tian in Storm Ring, he believes that this crisis is no small matter!


  Luo Tian’s opened his eyebrows and Heavenly Eye appeared!

  In all three of his eyes, there are blue whirlpools that can provide a clearer insight into numerology.

  The three eyes seem to penetrate through time and space and spread to the source of danger!


  Luo Tian suddenly groaned, three eyes felt tingling, and all were closed!

   “Crisis, big crisis! Stronger than the ancestors of Luo Clan and Scarlet Fire Old Ancestor!”

  Luo Tian looks dignified.

   initially produced only a weak sense of danger, but when Heavenly Eye was used to spy on it, it was the result, and the difference was huge.

  This proves that the level of the goal is far beyond Luo Tian, which is not something that Luo Tian can deal with at this stage!

   “I came to Storm Ring for the first time and didn’t offend anyone, let alone attract such a powerful terrorist. The only possibility is that my father’s enemy…”

  Luo Tian has a clear mind.

   But the most important thing now is how to avoid the crisis!

   escape? I’m afraid I can’t escape!

   “Heavenly Book, how did the enemy find me?”

  Luo Tian came to the Heavenly Book space without a word, and asked Heavenly Book.

   Then he learned.

   The enemy has special props, originally aimed at Luo Xiao.

  But Luo Tian has a blood relationship with Luo Xiao, and he has no influence on Pale Ring. After coming to Storm Ring, the king-level battle strength broke out with the void creature, which attracted the attention of this special prop.

   “Heavenly Book, is there any way to block this special prop?”

After consuming two hundred pages of energy, Heavenly Book gave the answer.

  Luo Tian practiced “Good Fortune Destiny Secret Art“, not only has the ability to spy on numerology, but also has the effect of covering numerology.

   Sitting down on the Luo Tian tray, in the three eyes, the deep blue vortex circulates, and the mysterious and obscure spiritual energy of the one layer layer fluctuates, wrapping the Luo Tian itself.

After three days, everything is done.

  Luo Tian is slightly tired, Heavenly Eye is closed.

   At this moment, cultivation base breath is completely hidden, even if Scarlet Fire Old Ancestor is in person, it is estimated that Luo Tian’s specific cultivation base cannot be seen.

   In addition, all aspects of Luo Tian‘s ventilator are covered up, as if the most ordinary people, who see Luo Tian, are easy to ignore him.

  Simply put, it means there is no sense of existence and it is easy to be ignored.

  Luo Tian can feel that the sign of the crisis has quickly diminished.

   “This ability is very practical.”

  Luo Tian laughed.

   This is also the ability of “Good Fortune Destiny Secret Art” after breaking through fifth layer.

   “It’s a pity that at present, I can only cover my cultivation base, qi and blood, numerology, etc. If I can cover Falcon Ship, it is easy to cross Storm Ring…”

   Wait until the crisis is lifted.

  Luo Tian stayed in a small interface for a few days and asked for news.

   “This small interface is relatively weak in the vicinity, but more than thirty True Martial Realm Martial King were actually born…”

  Luo Tian was shocked.

   Then he learned that a major event had occurred recently.

  Ice Mountain Sect‘s “Purple Cloud Martial Emperor” and several men have appeared nearby, seemingly searching for something.

   “Martial Emperor!”

  Luo Tian swallowed.

   I just broke through True Martial Realm and actually let an Martial Emperor shot!

   This is really going to happen, Luo Tian is really no can only be crushed!

   Fortunately, the Martial Emperor only tracked Luo Tian through special props. Luo Tian shielded the special props from sensing him, thus lifting the crisis.

  Luo Tian continues to inquire about Ice Mountain Sect.

   Six or seven years ago.

  Ice Mountain Sect has also gone out a Martial Emperor, so far has not returned!

   “It was Martial Emperor who chased and killed my father…”

   “Hmm? So, my father should also be an Martial Emperor!”

   In addition, Luo Tian also learned that Ice Mountain Sect can be ranked in the top five among the human forces of Storm Ring, which is a super power!

  Leave the small interface.

   Luo Tian did not retreat and practiced. He personally took the helm at Captain’s Room and used the power of Heavenly Eye to avoid evil.

   Two years later.

   “Cquack, long-lost familiarity!”

   The ugly bird shouted excitedly!

  Teng Yuanxing gazed at the distance, he felt that he should be nearing his destination.

  He can’t see anything.

  Luo Tian’s‘s eyes saw that the gray in the sky suddenly appeared a boundless, seemingly endless behemoth!


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