Eternal King Chapter 612: I have to rely on me to save the scene

  Luo Tian took nine students and left the team, quietly going deep into Qiyun Mountain Range.

  Liu looked at Luo Tian leaving, the smile on his face became more intense.

The    plan is that you should be outside and outside during the meeting.

   By then, Luo Tian and others were in danger, and the support was one point slower, they were even more dangerous.

  Liu Liu can use his conscience to guarantee that the support will definitely be much slower.

  Hu Chao was worried, but he didn’t say much. This was the grudge between Luo Tian and Liu Lu. He didn’t want to intervene.

   The mature middle-aged man said nothing.

  Everyone is a new mentor. Only Liu Lu, an elite senior mentor, will be promoted to Intermediate Teacher in the next assessment.

  The new junior mentor, dare to confront Liu Lu without violating his own interests.


   “Teacher, we won’t go back and forth.”

  Chen Yuan worried.

  The other four new students are a little apprehensive and regretful. They knew that they would encounter this kind of thing. They might not choose to worship Luo Tian as a teacher.

   is here.

   Students can only pin their hopes on Luo Tian.

   “You are waiting here.”

  Luo Tian suddenly opened his mouth and flew away, disappearing without a trace.

  Several students want to ask too late, and they don’t dare to be too loud, they can only wait in place.

  唰! Uh!

  Luo Tian flew in the shadows of the jungle, coming and going.

  Practicing “Moon Shadow Escape to the Sky“, he feels comfortable to sneak into this kind of thing.


  Luo Tian saw two huge Void Ship with flags of Blawk Hawk Bandit King Group.

  Blawk Hawk Bandit King Group‘s overall strength is very strong, but these are only the two fleets in Bandit King Group. According to the information, there is no high-end Heaven Pool Realm.

  Luo Tian took a little thought and dived into one of the large Void Ships.

In the depths of Void Ship, in a luxurious palace, two maids came out and closed the door.

   “Master Captain seems to be in a bad mood.”

   “That’s natural. She and another captain of Blawk Hawk Bandit King Group didn’t talk about things.”

  Two maids talked in a low voice.

  After they left, a dark shadow flew by and came outside the palace where they came out.

   Next, if the Luo Tian’s action is to let Chen Yuan and others know, I’m afraid it will be scared!


  Luo Tian kicked the door open and rushed in.


   A majestic and cold voice came out, accompanied by a terrifying Heaven Rank coercion, flooding the entire palace!

   The captain in a red suit turned around, but did not see the intruder.

   looked back again, she saw a young man in white robe sitting leisurely at the table beside, and poured herself a cup of tea.

   “Long time no see.”

  Luo Tian took a sip and looked at Captain Red in a smile.

   a few days ago.

  When Liu Lu asked him to inquire about the news, Luo Tian used the technique of extrapolation to deduce some clues.

  Under certain circumstances, then use Heavenly Book to deduce, with lower consumption and detailed information.

   What he told Liu Lu was only part of it.

   At that time, Luo Tian knew that they wanted to destroy an object, there was an acquaintance!

   is the Ninth Leader, Lu Hongyi that used to be Shattered Ring Dead Spirit Bandits!

  Lu Hongyi was a little surprised, sitting across from Luo Tian, showing a smile.

   “It’s been a long time, it’s been six or seven years.”

   “At that time, you were True Disciple of Supreme Essence Sect, cultivation base Earth Essence Realm 7th layer pinnacle. Now, you are Heaven Pool Realm double pinnacle!”

  Lu Hongyi narrowed his eyes, marveled at the growth of Luo Tian’s, and said uncertainly: “Still become a student of Limitless Saint Court?”

   “You are also amazing. At that time, it was a funeral dog. After a few years, it became a captain of Pale Ring and Blawk Hawk Bandit King Group.”

  Luo Tian lightly said.

  He is not false.

  Lu Hongyi does have the ability.

  Now her cultivation base has reached the five peaks of Heaven Pool Realm, making rapid progress.

  This is also normal.

   She is the biggest beneficiary of the Bandit King treasure, much richer than Luo Tian.

   She also received Bandit King heritage, and came to Pale Ring six or seven years earlier than Luo Tian.

   In the case of rich resources, as long as the talent is not bad, cultivation base will advance by leaps and bounds.

   “Speak, you come to me, what is the purpose?”

   asked Lu Hongyi.

   “What is your purpose?”

  Luo Tian rhetorical question.

  Lu Hongyi just guessed that Luo Tian is a Limitless Saint Court student.

  You must know that Luo Tian is dressed up, which proves that Lu Hongyi knows that the enemy against her will come from Limitless Saint Court.

   “Oh, I took the initiative to divulge the trail and hope that the enemy will help me get rid of the competitors.”

  Lu Hongyi did not conceal.

   She has great ambitions and needs to wipe out her enemies if she wants to gain power.

   Another large Void Ship is another fleet of Blawk Hawk Bandit King Group. The “Captain Blood Blade” in it is the target she wants to get rid of.

   The overall strength of the Captain Blood Blade team is stronger than her team.

   “I think we can cooperate again.”

  Lu Hongyi smiled charmingly.

   She was very formidable, but she didn’t count. Among the enemies attracted, there were actually acquaintances.

   This way, it’s even easier.

   “Cooperation is possible, and my requirements are relatively simple…”

After a few words, Luo Tian left quietly.

  Lu Hongyi‘s gaze is low.

   She and Luo Tian practiced the same movement technique.

   And this is movement technique created by her ancestor Void Pirate King, it should be more suitable for the descendants of Bandit King.

  But Lu Hongyi found that Luo Tian’sMoon Shadow Escape to the Sky” is more proficient than her. Know that her cultivation base can be much higher than Luo Tian.

  Lu Hongyi has always been very proud, and does not feel that her talent is much worse than Luo Tian, but at this moment she is in deep contemplation.


  Liu Lu, Hu Chao and other instructors, including a group of students, waited quietly in place.

  咻! Punt!

   Suddenly a silver beam rises into the sky, bursts, and turns into a combined pattern of moon and stars, which is the symbol of Limitless Saint Court!

  The four mentors are all stunned.

   This is an offensive signal, but how can it be so fast?

   It’s not that simple to dive in, Luo Tian will not be a failure, can you only send a signal?


  Hu Chao was just about to leave, but Liu Lu stopped him.

   “Don’t be too impulsive, Luo Tian’s can’t sneak into the action so fast, be careful, don’t be too fast, be ready to retreat at any time.”

   Liu Lu shouted.

  His words are justified.

   But the mentors present are not fools, Liu Lu’s real intentions, they are clear.


  Four people, Liu Lu, took their students and started their actions. It’s just a bit slow, and it seems very cautious.

  When they saw the two huge Void Ship, they did not find any fighting.

   And Luo Tian’s students, actually came over behind them.

   “Luo Tian was caught, he is there!”

  The female tutor pointed to a bandit ship.

   everyone stared away and saw that Luo Tian‘s hands were bound by a circle of black chains.


  Liu Lu sneered and gave the order.

The    plan was successful!

  Luo Tian fell into the hands of the robbers, and it was definitely the result of heroic sacrifice.

   Their four mentors and so many students can also complete the task.

   “You guys are too slow!”

  Luo Tian complained.

   “Teacher Luo, don’t worry, we will save you!”

   Liu Lu pretends.

   Next to Luo Tian, Lu Hongyi accidentally glanced at Luo Tian.

   is not a student, but a tutor of Limitless Saint Court?

   “You are still the same, which is often surprising.”

  Lu Hongyi channel.


  Lu Hongyi flew out and led his men to fight with Liu Lu and others.

   In another large Void Ship, Captain Blood Blade looks deep!

   “Captain, won’t this be the ghost of Lu Hongyi?”

   guessed by a man.

   was previously Lu Hongyi who said that he found the treasure in Shuihe World, invited Captain Blood Blade to negotiate, and was willing to offer the treasure on his own initiative.

   But in real negotiations, everything is different from what they imagined.

  Captain Blood Blade is also suspecting Lu Hongyi.

  But Lu Hongyi directly captured an enemy Heaven Rank martial artist and took the initiative to fight with it, which made his doubts a lot dispelled.

   “Kill the enemy!”

  Captain Blood Blade took a cold drink and led his men to kill!


  Captain Blood Blade carries a blood-red sabre, cuts out a scarlet magnificent sword light, and stains the sky with red.

  Leader Liu Lu took the initiative to meet.

   A turquoise blue sword light, strangling out.

  Peng! Chi Peng!

  Liu Lu and Captain Blood Blade, both of which are Heaven Pool Realm sixfold, the highest cultivation base!

   One is a perennial knife licking blood, and the other is an elite mentor of Saint Court.

  The two fight up and down.

  Teacher Yu also fought against the elite of the bandits.

  Lu Hongyi‘s opponent is the female tutor.


  The amethyst long whip in Lu Hongyi‘s hand, wields a dragon-like purple light and shadow, smashing the attack of the female tutor, and hitting her breast.

  The female tutor stepped back a few tens of meters. The robe on her chest ripped open a mouth, and the tender skin inside left a trace of blood.


   The female tutor looked dignified.

  Hu Chao came to support him in time. His cultivation base is Heaven Pool Realm fivefold, and the female tutor is Heaven Pool Realm 4th layer.

  The two teamed up and still failed to gain an advantage.

  For a time, Liu Lu’s situation was not very good.

  Liu Lu is too arrogant and underestimates the enemy.

  Under normal circumstances, it is not a problem for the five teams to work together to defeat these two shadow Bandit King Group teams.

   But Liu Lu wanted to harm Luo Tian, and he lacked a powerful Heaven Rank battle strength.

  Liu Lu also discovered this.

  His martial skill(s) exercise method, whether it is rank or realm, has more advantages.

   But Captain Blood Blade has a stronger fighting consciousness and is more fierce and brutal!

   “ I’m here to save you.”

   On the other side, Luo Xiating and Guan Hongfei killed several bandits and came to rescue Luo Tian.

  I don’t know why. They didn’t seem to be blocked by much force, and the enemies they encountered didn’t feel like that, and they easily repelled.

  In the eyes of students of other tutors, Luo Tian’s students are extremely brave.


  Guan Hongfei split a sharp sword blaze with white light and landed on the chain that bound Luo Tian‘s hands.

   “Pengka” sound, the chain is broken.


  Guan Hongfei is a little surprised, is this chain so brittle? Broken in a split?

  He didn’t think much, after all, the situation was too confusing at the moment.

   “Liu Lu, you are too slow, this Luo almost sacrificed.”

   “It’s up to me to save the scene when it matters.”

  Luo Tian blamed Liu Lu for a meal.

  Liu Lu has been paying attention to the situation of Luo Tian’s.

  Luo Tian was actually rescued by his students?

  Liu Lu almost yelled!

What are these gangsters doing? Was the captive rescued so easily?


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