Eternal King Chapter 273: 4 major Heavenly Cave with 100,000 points

After breaking through the sixth level of Spirit Sea Realm, Luo Tian practiced for another day or two.

The residual efficacy of Ten Thousand Spirit Bloodthirsty Pill, although completely absorbed.

However, the efficacy of Pushing Qi Foundation Solidifying Pill, as Luo Tian breaks through the sixfold of Spirit Sea Realm, there are still some remaining.

Luo Tian practiced for another two days to stabilize cultivation base, and at the same time the completion degree of sixth layer Spirit Sea Cyclone reached Yichéng[10%].

At this time, the degree of cultivation slows down.

The impact of Luo Tian and the medicinal effects of Pushing Qi Foundation Solidifying Pill are completely exhausted, and it is difficult to make progress in a short time.

“I don’t know what my current strength is!”

He walked out of the hospital and was eager to try. He wanted to go to Slaughtering Heavenly Cave to try it out.

But after thinking about it, Luo Tian decided to take it easy. Wait for the maximum late stage limit, and then enter Slaughtering Heavenly Cave.

Four Great Heavenly Caves, compared to Luo Tian, the latter ones are relatively simple.

Creating Heavenly Cave can use Heavenly Book to cheat.

Heart Demon Heavenly Cave, he practiced the world-famous “Good Fortune Destiny Secret Art“, spiritual power ten times that of ordinary people.

Survival Heavenly Cave, Luo Tian practice powerful body refining exercises, but also have greater advantages that ordinary people do not have.

Only Slaughtering Heavenly Cave has the greatest correlation with strength, while Luo Tian’s cultivation base is currently at the bottom of the sect!

And the first trial of Luo Tian Slaughtering Heavenly Cave was only 17,000 points, which is relatively low. It is quite difficult to achieve a total score of 100,000 in the three trials.


Luo Tian went to Survival Heavenly Cave again.

“Yes Luo Tian!”

His arrival instantly caught the attention of the audience.

Today’s Cloudy Sky Sect and Luo Tian’s names are almost as loud as Ten Great Core Disciple, no one knows.

Xiao Feng also happens to be here, his eyes slightly bleak.

He is so amazing now.

But when compared with Luo Tian, it looks very ordinary.

Nowadays, Xiao Feng is completely mixed with Four Heavenly Caves, and there is no idea for the 100,000 points rewards of each list.


A handsome young man sent from Heart Demon Heavenly Cave, it is Han Yuan!

Luo Tian?”

Han Yuan instantly saw Luo Tian, his eyes suddenly cold.

He snorted sternly and ignored it and left.

Senior Brother Han is slow, did you forget something?”

Luo Tian called Han Yuan.

“What do you mean?”

Han Yuan looks down on Luo Tian.

He is not very good looking at Luo Tian now. After all, the original design framed Luo Tian because of him.

As a result, Luo Tian’s reputation has been achieved.

“Five thousand Spirit Essence Coin, is it possible that Senior Brother Han wants to play bad?”

Luo Tian began to collect debts.

He is now, since he entered Cloudy Sky Sect, he has been in debt collection several times and has become a professional collect debts.

Han Yuan was taken aback.

He really forgot about it.

Before Luo Tian entered the creation of Heavenly Cave, he said personally that as long as Luo Tian’s passed him, he would send five thousand Spirit Essence Coin congratulations.

At the moment, Han Yuan really wants to slap himself, why did he say that more at that time.

“Hanmou is a man, he can’t be heard after a word!”

Han Yuan took the pain from the storage ring, took out five thousand Spirit Essence Coin and gave it to Luo Tian, and then left the sleeve.

“Hahaha, thank you Senior Brother Han for the gift!”

Luo Tian couldn’t help laughing.

He has always been short of money, and these five thousand Spirit Essence Coin came just right!

And he is really grateful to Han Yuan, not only to help himself become famous, but also to send Spirit Essence Coin, which is really intimate.

Luo Tian, you will regret it!”

Han Yuan glanced back at Luo Tian, his eyes full of resentment.

“Your Martial Path talent is indeed good, but you offended the three elders. And you approve of the teacher, and also rejected Law Enforcement Elder, and finally chose the Alchemy Master elder guest Qing, blinded!”

In the view of Han Yuan, the master Luo Tian’s is difficult to shelter Luo Tian.

When the three elders shoot Luo Tian, he may be expelled from Cloudy Sky Sect at any time, or even lose his life.

After Han Yuan left, Luo Tian entered Survival Heavenly Cave.

This is his third trial.

The total points of Luo Tian for the first two times reached 74,000 points.

This time, as long as he got 26,000 points, he reached the threshold of the 100,000 mark, which can be said to be very easy.

However, Luo Tian takes every trial opportunity seriously.

In this trial of Survival Heavenly Cave, he went to the magma area very boldly, using the rich and hot flame power there to refine Heavenly Furnace Treasure Body.

Because I haven’t been here before, I’m not very familiar with it, nor do I have a special way to hide in an iceberg like in a cold area.

Luo Tian’s third time score is lower than the second time, with only 40,000 points.

But this result is already amazing, the average elite disciples are not necessarily able to achieve it.

“Ice and fire alternate quenching, the effect is better, although the results this time are average, but the quenching effect of Heavenly Furnace Treasure Body did not disappoint me…”

After coming out, Luo Tian smiled lightly.

Before, his “Heavenly Furnace Treasure Bodysecond layer had just broken through the great accomplishment state, so it is reasonable to say that it is difficult to improve in the short term.

However, due to the special environment of Survival Heavenly Cave and the alternate quenching of ice and fire, the improvement of second layer in “Heavenly Furnace Treasure Body” is not small, which is beyond the expectations of Luo Tian’s.

Survival Heavenly Cave, the three trial opportunities are over!”

Luo Tian has bright eyes and looks at Survival Scoreboard.

“114,000 points, good!”

Luo Tian laughed.

When he first entered the sect, his goal was only one hundred thousand points, and he felt a little difficult.

Now, Survival Heavenly Cave is perfect!

The four weeks of disciples were also surprised by the Luo Tian’s score.

Creating Heavenly Cave is an amazing talent for Martial Path, and is good at analyzing martial skill(s) exercises.

But Survival Heavenly Cave is linked to strength!

“Next, it is Heart Demon Heavenly Cave and the creation of Heavenly Cave…”

Relatively speaking, the former has a good grinding effect on Luo Tian, the latter is very small.

But Luo Tian suddenly remembered one thing.

“The top three of Four Great Lists seem to have additional mysterious rewards…”

In the past, these rewards only belonged to Ten Great Core Disciple, which had nothing to do with other disciples.

But Luo Tian has a chance to enter the top three.

That is to create Heavenly Cave.

After all, he has Heavenly Book and can cheat, but it will cost a lot of Spirit Essence Coin.

“Thanks to the five thousand Spirit Essence Coin sent by Han Yuan, otherwise it creates Heavenly Cave, I want to cheat and enter the top three.”

Luo Tian laughed and stepped directly into creating Heavenly Cave.

This time, Luo Tian did not score too high points, after all, it was their own Spirit Essence Coin that wasted.

He only needs to guarantee the first three, and it is very simple.

The second time to create a Heavenly Cave score, Luo Tian’s points are 43,000, and it only cost more than 1,200 Spirit Essence Coin in the process.

Five days later.

Luo Tian has entered the creation of Heavenly Cave again for the third trial.

This time, he swiped 45,000 points.

That’s it.

The trial of Luo Tian creation Heavenly Cave is over, with a total score of 138,000!

“Oh my god, 138,000 points!”

“In the past, the highest points created for Heavenly Cave never exceeded 120,000. Luo Tian not only broke the single record, but also broke the total point record!”

“It is a miracle, Ten Great Core Disciple is stabilized by him below!”

Luo Tian created a total score of Heavenly Cave, which caused a lot of controversy.

Ten Great Core Disciple, pressed down by Luo Tian, was unwilling.

But they are not sure, and have more than 138,000 points.

Until five days.

The first person in Ten Great Core Disciple, Ye Feng, entered the creation of Heavenly Cave.

His trials are also highly anticipated.

“I don’t know if Ye Feng can cross the Luo Tian’s score!”

Everyone is looking forward to it.

Relatively speaking, they agree more. The first person in this class, Core Disciple, took the position to create Heavenly Cave first.

Instead of a Spirit Sea Realm sixfold disciple!

The results will soon appear, Ye Feng’s first score is 40,000!

“It is worthy of Earth Essence Realm genius, relying on hard power to achieve 40,000 points!”

Luo Tian was also present and witnessed the result of Ye Feng.

However, he has no intention of competing for the first place.

It doesn’t matter if Ye Feng is over, you can get mysterious rewards as long as you keep the top three of Luo Tian.

“Next is Heart Demon Heavenly Cave!”

Luo Tian enters it.

He created three opportunities for Heavenly Cave and Survival Heavenly Cave, and he used them all.


One month later.


Luo Tian was sent from Heart Demon Heavenly Cave, this is his third trial of Heart Demon Heavenly Cave.

He looks at Heart Demon Scoreboard!

“123,000 points! Ranked first!”

Luo Tian‘s eyes startled.

Of course, there are still some people who have not used up the three test opportunities. Maybe someone will have passed Luo Tian.

But even so, the Luo Tian’s results are also proud and look forward to.

“123,000 points!”

“My God, Luo Tian already has three lists, reaching 100,000 points! Even if it is Ten Great Core Disciple, it is only such a result!”

Amazingly around.

The three major standings reached 100,000 points, and the Luo Tian that completed this honor, cultivation base is only Spirit Sea Realm sixfold, it is unimaginable!

Luo Tian glanced at “Creation Scoreboard” again.

Your ranking is still in the first place!

The second place is Ye Feng, with 122,000 points!

With this result, even if Ten Great Core Disciple is the first, it is enough to be proud and shock the sect.

Unfortunately, the score of Luo Tian above Ye Feng is far ahead.

“It seems that after the two trials of Ye Feng, there has not been much progress… Or his first trial, it was good luck and relatively high points.”

Luo Tian speculation.

Since then, the first place to create Heavenly Cave is almost doomed to Luo Tian’s!

Even Ye Feng can’t be shaken, and the rest are even more unlikely.

Luo Tian has Slaughtering Heavenly Cave left, and there are two chances to enter… He deliberately stayed to the end, is it intended to…”

An old disciple had a thought that shocked himself.

Does Luo Tian intend to achieve 100,000 points for Four Great Heavenly Caves?

Not possible!

Even if it is Ten Great Core Disciple, it is not easy to do this.

The six layers of Spirit Sea Realm in the Luo Tian district, just a few months after entering the previous sect, how can it be done?

“Absolutely impossible! The first result of Luo Tian Slaughtering Heavenly only has 17,700 points. With two remaining opportunities, it is impossible to reach 100,000 points!”

A female disciple shook his head in denial.

Just after she said this sentence, Luo Tian walked towards the entrance of Slaughtering Heavenly Cave and stepped into it!

The earth is purple, the sky is dark, and there is a blood moon.

This is the first Heavenly Cave entered by Luo Tian, but now it is the last one!

His goal is, Four Great Heavenly Caves, all achieve 100,000 points!

(End of this chapter)


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