Eternal King Chapter 258: First fame

After Luo Tian left, the place suddenly exploded. . More latest chapter visit: ШЩЩ.⑦⑨XS.сОМ.

“I am good, 32,000 points! I rushed into the top three!”

“Is this fake? Or did I have the illusion? The new disciple who just joined the sect, cultivation base is only Spirit Sea Realm fivefold, and actually got 32,000 points in the survival “hole” day with the highest mortality rate! “

“It’s unbelievable, how did he do it? Did you find the ‘hole’ that survived the ‘hole’ day?”

I was shocked and sighed again and again, and there were also doubts and suspicions. The scene was full of uproar.

Many old disciples, it is difficult to break the 30,000 points for the first trial

The newly-incarnated disciple Luo Tian received 32,000 points for the first time.

After this understanding and the tempering of the trial itself, the points of the next two trials will only be more or less. This is the case with the past overwhelming majority disciples.

Then, Luo Tian will have great hope to break through 100,000 points!

One hundred thousand points is a threshold, which will receive the attention of high-level officials and generous rewards.

“He is even better than me…”

Ning Xin was shocked and could not recover for a long time.

She chose to participate in the survival ‘hole’ day with Luo Tian. She originally wanted to take care of Luo Tian. She didn’t want Luo Tian to be too obsessed with points and to be in danger.

When she didn’t find Luo Tian within the ‘hole’ of survival, she was still a bit worried.

As a result, Luo Tian’s score is much higher than her.

Know that there are three small gaps in the cultivation base between the two.

“This kid…must have mastered the “hole” that survives the “hole” days!”

Li Zhiyun in the corner is strongly questioned.

Ning Xin’s strength level is stronger than Li Zhiyun. As a result, Ning Xin’s results were compared with Luo Tian.

Li Zhiyun always thinks that Luo Tian is the ‘door’ after entering the sect, without real material, he is several times better than Luo Tian.

At this moment, he was hit hard.


When Luo Tian returned to his residence, he immediately entered the practice chamber.

As soon as he urged Heavenly Furnace Treasure Body, the invisible force was shocked, and his clothes solidified into ice, and then turned into a pile of ice chips to dissipate.

The Luo Tian didn’t care so much, ‘excited’ sent out Nether Dragon God Vein and began to dissolve the chill in the body.

After a long time, the cold was expelled and Luo Tian changed into a new dress.

Heavenly Furnace Treasure Body is in a desperate situation and has a little improvement.”

Luo Tian feels his own physique and concludes that his face is ‘showing’ joy and ‘color’.

In this trial of survival ‘hole’ days, “Heavenly Furnace Treasure Body” has been greatly improved, saving a lot of time for painstaking cultivation.

And, the first time is 32,000 points, Luo Tian subsequent trials, the points will only be higher, no problem to reach 100,000 points.

“Four ‘hole’ days is indeed a great opportunity!”

Luo Tian is glad that he didn’t miss it.

If he didn’t fight for one and didn’t take Ten Thousand Spirit Bloodthirsty Pill, maybe he was still at Lower Sect at the moment, which is a lot behind compared to now.

“The third ‘hole’ day, named Heart Demon’ ‘hole’ day.”

“According to the previous inquiry to Senior Sister Ning, this “hole” day is mainly a test of the “fine” divine will and soul flaws. The difficulty is above the killing “hole” day and the survival “hole” sky.”

Luo Tian said slowly.

The sequence of opening four ‘hole’ days is also a ranking of difficulty.

It is said that on the fourth ‘hole’ day, the difficulty is almost perverted, even Ten Great Core Disciple will feel tricky.

“How to prepare for the next Heart Demon ‘hole’ day?”

Luo Tian frowned slightly, no clear answer.

How about his own ‘fine’ divine will, Luo Tian is also difficult to determine, and I don’t know how big the gap is compared to those ‘fine’ British disciples.

“However, I practice “Good Fortune Destiny Secret Art“, which refers directly to the cultivation practice of the soul, and is closely related to the “fine” God’s will. The problem should not be big!”

So far, Luo Tian has not seen other exercises to cultivate souls.

Maybe Cloudy Sky Sect has, but Luo Tian has not seen it yet.

Luo Tian can’t think of any way to prepare for Heart Demon ‘hole’ days in advance, only to practice Good Fortune Secret Art.

Five days later.

Luo Tian!”

A shout came from outside the courtyard.

Xiao Feng?”

Luo Tian’s spiritual consciousness is extended to see who is coming.

Opening the ‘door’, Luo Tian smiled lightly: “You are a newly-incarnated disciple, call your brother, do you know?”

Another month has passed since Luo Tian was last promoted.

This time, Xiao Feng successfully obtained the place of the disciple of the previous sect.


Xiao Feng is expressionless and does not want to speak.

“I am here to pay back the money!”

Xiao Feng takes out a box, which contains two thousand Spirit Essence Coin.

He lost his bet with Luo Tian.

“Good, very trustworthy.”

Luo Tian smiled and took away two thousand Spirit Essence Coin.

Before he clanged poorly, after winning three thousand Spirit Essence Coin from Li Zhiyun, and then adding these two thousand, he suddenly got five thousand Spirit Essence Coin.

Making money depends on betting! Luo Tian could not help feeling.

So he tried ‘sex’ and asked, “Xiao Feng, why not bet us again? Just bet on four ‘hole’ days…”

Five thousand Spirit Essence Coin is not much at all, Luo Tian still owes Cheng Wanli three thousand Spirit Essence Coin.

And Xiao Feng has a good character, if you agree to bet you must accept to lose.

“No gamble, never gamble!”

Xiao Feng‘s attitude was decisive, and he was absolutely sure that he left here immediately.

He no longer bets with Luo Tian.

If it weren’t for losing too much Spirit Essence Coin, his Martial Path progress may be faster, and he can enter the last sect last month.

“After quitting gambling, I will be able to catch up with him!”

Xiao Feng said firmly in his heart.

He still has time to participate in the four ‘hole’ days.

For the four “hole” days, Xiao Feng also has a certain understanding. Currently, only the killing “hole” days and the survival “hole” days are opened.

Xiao Feng feels that these two ‘hole’ days have their own hope of impacting 20,000 points.

After the four “hole” days of trials have passed completely, he believes that he must have made great progress and can catch up with Luo Tian.

Don’t go far, he heard two old disciples talking.

“Really? The disciple who had just entered the sect for the first time broke into the ‘hole’ for the first time and earned 32,000 points!”

“Is it called Luo Tian, right?”


After the two old disciples left, Xiao Feng was still stunned.

He still knows how difficult 32,000 points are and what it means.

The Xiao Feng is incredible. How did Luo Tian do it?

“Fortunately, there was no bet, I almost fell into the pit…”


After watching Xiao Feng leave, Luo Tian goes to Refining Peak.

He is a trustworthy person. Now that Spirit Essence Coin is enough, he goes to pay the debt.

“This is three thousand Spirit Essence Coin!”

Luo Tian takes a large box from the storage ring.

Cheng Wanli is a little surprised. In such a short time, Luo Tian has the ability to pay back the money.

“What are the results of surviving ‘hole’ days? Even if I have the top-grade defensive weapon I created, is it difficult? I have advised you a long time ago that 100,000 points is not…”

Cheng Wanli asked lightly.

He estimates that Luo Tian is difficult to achieve 20,000 points.

With the high-quality defensive armor he built, it is at most about 22,000 or 3,000.

“Okay, just 32,000 points!”

Luo Tian spoke suddenly.

The smile on Cheng Wanli‘s face instantly solidified, and his tongue straightened up, speechless.

Brother Luo, be honest, not lie about your results!”

Cheng Wanli slowed down and stared at Luo Tian carefully.

It is really Luo Tian’s score, which is too different from his estimate, it is difficult to be convincing, so Cheng Wanli is deeply doubtful.

“You don’t believe it, you can go and see it yourself.”

Luo Tian shrugged.

Cheng Wanli sees Luo Tian as not lying, so I won’t say much.

But his mind has been shaken, and the whole person is no longer in a state.

“Does it mean that the survival rate of “hole” days is too low, so the difficulty is reduced?”

Cheng Wanli thinks it may be’sexual’.

“Perhaps, you can try it yourself.”

Luo Tian is also unclear.

After finishing speaking, he patted his forehead and said, “I forgot, you are not a disciple of the ancestor, but the Refiner Master of the ancestor.

This is true, Cheng Wanli is very young, at most two or three years older than Luo Tian, Luo Tian sometimes mistakenly thinks he is a Cloudy Sky Sect disciple.

“Who said I can’t!”

Cheng Wanli was a little dissatisfied.

He is pregnant with earth rank top grade martial vein. Since childhood, he has been the most dazzling existence of his peers. Coupled with his good background, almost no one dares to offend, so he rarely suffers setbacks.

But recently, the confident and proud heart of Cheng Wanli has been plunged by Luo Tian several times in a row.

He wants to pull back a round, so that Luo Tian also surprised himself.


Luo Tian is curious.

He has long heard that this Grandmaster Cheng background is not simple.

In a moment.

Before the Luo Tian and Cheng Wanli came to the four ‘hole’ days.

Luo Tian is here? Will he enter the trial again?”

The appearance of Luo Tian’s has attracted some attention.

Remember that when you first entered the sect, no one would care about a Spirit Sea Realm fivefold, only ignore or laugh at a few words.

“Huh? Does he seem to be?”

An old disciple looked at Cheng Wanli who was traveling with Luo Tian and couldn’t help thinking.

There are only two people trying to survive the ‘hole’ day. Cheng Wanli walked directly into the light ‘hole’.

“Can you really participate?”

The entrance to the four ‘hole’ days can detect the token of the previous disciple. Without this token, you cannot enter.

Does Cheng Wanli, the Refiner Master, and the tokens of the disciples?

Without much thought, Luo Tian waited quietly.


The embarrassed Cheng Wanli was sent out.

Cheng Wanli, 26,000 points, ranked 17th!”

Cheng Wanli‘s points and rankings appear on the following list.

“Twenty-six thousand points, good!”

Luo Tian tells the truth.

Cheng Wanli is currently the peak of Spirit Sea Realm 7th layer, and has not yet reached Spirit Sea Realm 8th layer. This result is indeed excellent.

But Cheng Wanli is stiff and speechless.

“The difficulty of surviving ‘hole’ days hasn’t changed at all. Why am I only 26,000 points, and this kid has 32,000 points?”

Cheng Wanli is a bit imbalanced.


On the day.

Cloudy Sky Palace, this is where the Sect Master deals with various things.

In the hall, on the high platform where the stairs extend, a middle-aged man in a green robe is sitting cross-legged, breathing two white ‘color’ airflows in his nostrils, the whole body is surrounded by clouds and mist, exuding a powerful breath of detachment.


An old man came in and bowed down.

“What’s the matter?”

Qingpao’s middle-aged eyes are still indifferently speaking.

Cheng Wanli, he went to the four “hole” days of trials.”

The old man said.


The middle-aged Qingpao, who is calm and dignified, opened his eyes suddenly, exuding a hint of joy.

“Isn’t this kid determined to be a Refiner Master? Why would he go to the four “dong” days?”

Qingpao middle-aged felt strange.

Cheng Wanli is the kind of person who sets goals and is difficult to change.

Qingpao’s middle-aged bitter mother persuaded him that he almost broke the relationship with Cheng Wanli, and he couldn’t stop him from going to be Refiner Master.

“This… is not clear, but Cheng Wanli is going to the four ‘hole’ days with a disciple named Luo Tian’s.”

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