Eternal King Chapter 186: Study 2 layers, pry into numerology

In front of the cliff, the sun rises east.

Luo Tian held two tokens and understood the tutor’s inner struggle.

Aloof sect, making countless martial artist yearning, but accompanied by extremely dangerous.

That year.

Lin Dongfeng has embarked on this road for 30 years, and his life is dark.

The risks faced by Luo Tian are far better than those of Lin Dongfeng.

On the one hand, the background energy of Prince Zheng will not easily make Luo Tian a sect disciple.

On the other hand.

The enemy of Lin Dongfeng is in Cloudy Sky Sect. Thirty years have passed, and I don’t know how far it has reached.

However, Luo Tian was the kind of person who was afraid of challenges.

“Teacher, rest assured! I will be a disciple of Zong Men and fulfill your unfulfilled wish.”

Luo Tian is determined.

Even without the threat of Prince Zheng and the royal family.

Luo Tian wants to set foot on the peak of Martial Path, Zongmen is the best opportunity for him.


Lin Dongfeng gave him a deep look.

In all aspects of Luo Tian, he far surpassed him at that time, creating miracles all the way, unfathomable.

Only by entering the transcendent sect, can Luo Tian be aspiring.


Lin Dongfeng informs Luo Tian of relevant information about the “Cloudy Sky Sect” entry assessment.


The location of the entrance examination is at Red Dragon Dynasty.

Red Dragon Dynasty?”

The Luo Tian was taken aback, what a distant place.

“From Cang Yun Country to Red Dragon Dynasty, it will span 20 countries, including some dangerous wasteland.”

Introducing Lin Dongfeng.

“Is three months enough for such a long distance?”

Luo Tian asked.

“Enough! You go to the Cang Yun Country border first, and the division will prepare a bird mount for you.”

Lin Dongfeng replied.

Luo Tian nodded. If there is a bird mount, the efficiency will be greatly increased.

Before each.

Luo Tian remembered one thing, that is the inheritance of the people who created the world day by day.

The incomplete great sun picture inherited, in the mind of Luo Tian, Heavenly Book can be collected almost without consumption.

With the help of Heavenly Book, Luo Tian can instill the heritage great sun picture into Lin Dongfeng.

The premise is that Lin Dongfeng cannot resist.

“Inheritance of the founders every day?”

Lin Dongfeng shocked.

But when I think about it, Luo Tian has crossed the tenth floor of Battle Spirit Pagoda, and it is not uncommon to have such a harvest.

At the beginning, Lin Dongfeng was reluctant to accept the heritage.

“This heritage, just a copy to the tutor, has no effect on the students.”

Luo Tian explained with a smile and convinced Lin Dongfeng.

He stretched out a finger and clicked on the temple of Lin Dongfeng.

In an instant.

A scorching great sun picture blends into Lin Dongfeng‘s mind.

The difference is that great sun picture is not incomplete.

Luo Tian completes one-fifth of the defects through Heavenly Book, and the consumption is not small.


Luo Tian took another Red Lotus Fruit and forced it to Lin Dongfeng.

Luo Tian did this in order to let Lin Dongfeng break through Earth Essence Realm as soon as possible, so as to protect relatives and friends of Cang Yun Country.


If Qianlong is under the door, there will be two or three Earth Essence Realms in the future, which can even subvert the royal family.

The ungratefulness of the royal family completely chilled Luo Tian’s.

One day in the future.

If you have enough strength, Luo Tian will definitely get rid of the royal family.


Luo Tian leaped into shape and quickly turned into a black spot.

Lin Dongfeng holds Red Lotus Fruit in his hand and perceives the inheritance in his mind, with a complex mood.

He has a feeling that the relationship between mentor and student between Luo Tian may come to an end.


A few days later.

The news that Luo Tian was wanted by the royal family spread throughout Cang Yun Country.

The major forces in the Three Great Saint Mansions and Martial Path circles are shaking.

The major cities Martial Town.

Can see Luo Tian at the same time ranked first in the list of people, wanted list of wonders.

For wanted Luo Tian.

Cang Yun Country Monarch gave the blood, and even gave the promise of the royal prince.

A time.

Martial Town and Black Market, many martial artist boiling, launched a huge news network, looking for Luo Tian.


Since Luo Tian escaped from Chasing Sun Saint Mansion, there was no audio, and even if a trace was found, it was quickly cut off.

Ten days later.

Near the border of Cang Yun Country.

A sturdy man with a big hip-sword, riding a war horse, walking on the mountain road.

The strong man has a yellowish complexion, and his muscles are like iron bumps, showing his sturdy spirit.


A team of black martial artist, rushed out from the side of the mountain road, there is a killing air.

“Hahaha! Any group of deflated, dare to rob Renmou.”

The strong man grinned.


He pulled out the back of the waist with a large sword, and broke out the powerful power of Vein-Opening.


The martial artist headed by that, Qi Sea Spirit Swirl was in operation, and a spirit of oppression came over.

“Ah! Spirit Sea Realm! Have something to say…”

The face of the big and powerful man has changed greatly, and he is replaced by a flattering look.

Then Spirit Sea Realm martial artist, unfold a picture and compare.

The handsome young man in the painting has a body shape and height that are very different from those of this strong man.

“What is your name?”

Spirit Sea Realm martial artist, frowning.

According to intelligence clues, the target will walk from this barren mountain road with a high probability.

“Under Ren Fei, Jianghu title “Tyrant Three Blades“.”

The strong man is slightly proud.

boss, there is indeed this character. He used to serve in the army, but later he was a bandit…”

A black man martial artist lowered his voice.

“Have you seen this person?”

The first martial artist unfolds the scroll and presents a young man in cloak.

“I saw it on that day, the list of geniuses Luo Tian.”

The strong man recognized it at a glance.

“Where have you seen?” led martial artist‘s eyes.

“Who doesn’t know in the People List publication.”

The strong man laughed.

“Get out!”

Leading the martial artist with anger, the strong man was directly eliminated.

The strong man rides a war horse and runs away.

After running a distance.

The panic of the strong man’s face disappeared, revealing a trace of dignity, and whispered: “After approaching the border, the investigation was stricter.”

This powerful man is the Luo Tian in disguise.

After practicing “Heavenly Furnace Treasure Body“, Luo Tian has more control over the body. On the basis of Bone Shrinking Art, it can also control muscles, affecting fat and thin.

Before that.

Luo Tian has changed its identity several times, but Martial Town’s news network is too scary, and it will be targeted if it shows a little flaw.

A moment.

A cone-shaped mountain appears in front, surrounded by green trees.

“This is it.”

Luo Tian overlooks the cone-shaped mountain.

According to Lin Dongfeng, he will arrange people to leave a bird mount on the mountain.

With a bird, Luo Tian can quickly leave Cang Yun Country.


Luo Tian felt a sense of crisis and Good Fortune Secret Art warned.

The sense of crisis is unclear.

Luo Tian formed hand seals, that kind of sense of crisis is coming and going, and it seems to come from all directions.

“It seems that the real disaster is coming.”

Luo Tian‘s heart sank.

With the attainment of Good Fortune Secret Art one layer, it is difficult to distinguish between reality and reality, and it seems to be blocked by the invisible barrier of one layer.

“No hurry first.”

Luo Tian stopped at the pace, did not go to the appointed place, anyway, there is no exact time.

Luo Tian changed direction, found a vine-covered mountain wall, cut through a hut-sized space, and sat cross-legged.

He did not practice true qi martial skill(s), but practiced “Good Fortune Destiny Secret Art“.


Luo Tian’s Good Fortune Secret Art, reaching one layer perfection, needs an opportunity to break through the bottleneck.

At the moment.

The situation is unknown and the crisis is unpredictable.

Luo Tian decided to upgrade Good Fortune Secret Art to the second floor to master a clearer destiny.

With cultivation.

The Luo Tian is used for a wave of magical waves.

In the mind of Luo Tian, there is a crystalline white candid light cluster with transparent blue ripples on the surface.

After half a day.

The crystal white has no light state, only a little greenish color appears,

“It’s too slow!”

Luo Tian stopped practicing and frowned slightly.


Luo Tian turned over and a banana leaf appeared in the shape of a purse.

The banana leaf unfolds and presents a dew of glittering and translucent, which is like a transparent crystal.

This dew is “Heavenly Star True Water“, which was obtained from Xuanling Mountain.

Heavenly Star True Water is a gem that draws on the mystery of heaven and earth, and can increase the foundation of martial artist and fortune. Even when it breaks through the realm above Earth Essence Realm, it can increase the success rate a little.

From Heavenly Book.

Heavenly Star True Water can also promote the practice of “Good Fortune Destiny Secret Art“.

Come on!

One mouth of Luo Tian, inhale Heavenly Star True Water into the abdomen.

In an instant.

A mysterious stream of unpredictable water flows through the body of Luo Tian and blends into the mind and soul.

Luo Tian runs Good Fortune Secret Art to pull this clean air.


In my mind, the crystals are white and there is no light, and the surface is more blue ripples.

After half an hour.

The crystal white emptiness, turned into a cloud of light-cyan, and one layer blue ripples circulated around it.

When the light green clouds form a flash.

The amount of Luo Tian’s spiritual power suddenly appeared a qualitative change.

He has a deeper breath, exuding a mysterious and obscure breath, like an ancient wise man.

Good Fortune Secret Art, break through the second floor!”

Luo Tian eyes opened, one layer blue ripples appeared.

The in the sky invisible electric flash flashed, and a powerful mental pressure came, enough to change the color of Spirit Sea Realm‘s high-end dynamic capacity.

Not only that.

When Luo Tian fully urges Good Fortune Secret Art.

At the center of his eyebrows, the outline of an empty blue eye appeared.

“This is the prototype of Heavenly Eye?”

Luo Tian was amazed.

The outline of this Heavenly Eye is in a void interface that ordinary people cannot see.

At the moment.

The senses of Luo Tian’s have become extremely sharp, and they can distinguish all kinds of nihilism in between Heaven and Earth.

This kind of discrimination is no longer limited to simple can see through all kinds of illusions and go straight to the essence.

When Good Fortune Secret Art one layer.

Luo Tian can only simply sense the evil, and cannot estimate the specific original.

After being promoted to the second floor.

Luo Tian can grasp more details of life, calculate the reason of fierceness, and spy on more opportunities.

This method can be called a divination master!

“I want to see why this crisis of disaster was caused.”

Luo Tian sneered and used the technique of extrapolation.


The nihility Heavenly Eye at his eyebrows is bluish.

The fingers flutter like a lotus, pulsating countless transparent blue ripples, into the long river of Heaven and Earth Destiny.

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