Eternal King Chapter 60: Make a big profit

   “Senior Luo, your judgment was just right. I don’t know my condition, can there be a cure?”

   Princess Yunxiu has a bright eye, and he looks at Luo Tian with anxious heart.

   “Method, there is…”

  Luo Tian frowned slightly, which seemed a bit difficult.

He has mastered the condition of Princess Yunxiu.

When the lord was in her mother’s womb, she was eroded by a mysterious power that had been damaged, and it should have been handed over to her by her mother.

   This damaging power, evil and powerful, is a kind of “Yin Nether power”, which can be strengthened by devouring life force vitality, it is difficult to kill,

   The trickiest thing is.

   This evil power is implanted in the martial vein of the county master’s fetus!

  As he practiced, this force engulfed his martial vein and life force vigor, growing stronger and gradually infiltrating the internal organs.

   Today, Princess Yunxiu is ill, and it is difficult to live to the age of twenty.

As for the treatment method?

  Heavenly Book gives Luo Tian two methods of “tailor-made”.

  The first method has the quickest effect and lower cost.

   That is the Yin and Yang reconciliation technique!

  The two of them combine together. They use “Nether Dragon God Vein” as the hub to dissolve and absorb the power of yin and evil, balance yin and yang, and eventually grow and nurture Luo Tian’s Divine Vein.

  This is the method highly recommended by Heavenly Book.


   This method requires men and women to share the bed and do the shameful thing.

  How does Luo Tian start?

  Although Princess Yunxiu has a double appearance and noble status, Luo Tian has a heart of Ning Xueyao and cannot accept casual relations with a strange woman.

   Even if Luo Tian is willing, as Princess Yunxiu noble identity, I am afraid it is difficult to accept.

   “What method? Senior Luo, you should say it quickly.”

   Seeing that Luo Tian hasn’t spoken for a long time, Princess Yunxiu is looking forward to it, and there is a trace of anxiety.


   Her strange disease, many famous doctors of Cang Yun Country are helpless.

  A young man’s method of treatment will be sneered by anyone else.

  But Princess Yunxiu has a strange intuition, Luo Tian did not lie, he may have a way.

   “The method is there, it depends on the master of the county. Will you try it?”

  Luo Tian sighed.

   He did not mention the first method, but chose the second method.

   The second method is to peel off and extract the force of Yin evil from Princess Yunxiu.

  relatively speaking.

   This method is more violent. During the extraction process, Princess Yunxiu will suffer some pains and risks.

   Moreover, the absorber will also suffer the erosion of the power of Yin Nether, which requires caution.

Once    fails, the absorber is repulsed and both sides suffer together.

  The above two methods must have a strong Yin Nether physique, or Yin Nether type martial vein, otherwise they cannot bear the erosion of that evil power.

   It can be said that this is all based on Luo Tian, and the method of deduction.

  Princess Yunxiu knew the method, but his eyes were frozen, shocked, and moved with heart: “Senior Luo, are you willing to take risks for Yunxiu?”

   “Want to give it a try.”

  Luo Tian smiled, he has Nether Dragon God Vein, which can minimize the risk.

   “It’s the county governor who needs to make some sacrifices.”

  Luo Tian is slightly embarrassing.

  The second method, although it doesn’t need to do that kind of thing, it also needs the uncle of the master to undress and get close treatment.

   “Senior Luo is not afraid of taking risks.”

   “Yunxiu…would you care about this secular etiquette.”

  Princess Yunxiu agreed in a low voice, and her face was bright red, so she dared not stare at Luo Tian.

   is finished.

   Her models walked towards the boudoir and lay flat on the gums.

  this moment

  Princess Yunxiu silver teeth clenched, pink face flushed, complex look at Luo Tian.


   With her hands trembling slightly, she unbuttoned the skirt and pulled the front shirt up to reveal a white and flat abdomen.

   In the room, the fragrance is full of fragrance.

  Luo Tian It seems that the temperature inside the house seems to increase, and the tongue is a little dry.

   “Luo…Senior, don’t shoot soon.”

  Princess Yunxiu‘s voice trembles slightly, and the mosquitoes chant.


  Luo Tian sat on the bed, reached out and pressed lightly on the flat, snowy abdomen of Princess Yunxiu, palms aligned with the navel.

   Suddenly, a wonderfully smooth, like the touch of satin and nephrite came.

  From this angle.

  Luo Tian is just a glimpse of Princess Yunxiu, the complete and delicate body of the graceful curve, the flamboyant and charming face, the look of shyness, the phoenix eyes are pressing, and they dare not look at Luo Tian’s.

   is simply beautiful!


  Luo Tian converged and started treatment.

  Princess Yunxiu‘s illness is from the mother’s womb.

   and the navel eye, also known as “Shenque Point“, is the only connection between the fetus and the mother.

   That yin-evil power enters Princess Yunxiu through Shenque Point.

   Therefore, Luo Tian needs to draw that force from here.

  Operating secret technique from Heavenly Book.


  Luo Tian urges Nether Dragon God Vein, pulls true qi with Good Fortune Secret Art, rotates in a strange rhythm, and gives off a cold suction.

   This way.

   Luo Tian’s palm and Princess Yunxiu belly button fit seamlessly together.


   Suddenly, an invisible dark mist overflowed from the “Shenque Point” at the navel of the governor’s navel and immersed in the palm of Luo Tian.

  Luo Tian shuddered!

   He felt like a dark and deep black hole, wanting to devour himself and drag him into the endless abyss.


  Luo Tian’s flesh life force, including true qi, were eroded.

   This kind of feeling is a bit like being poisoned by Liu Ziyan in middle school. Although it is not so violent, it is more strange and scary.

   “Just a breath of power is so scary!”

  Luo Tian‘s eyes are cold.

  This power is only the tip of the iceberg relative to Princess Yunxiu.

   Fortunately, Luo Tian’s Nether Dragon God Vein has a natural restraint on the power of this Yin Nether Attribute.

   Do not shout!

   The Divine Vein in the shape of nether-dark giant dragon in his body, excited and vibrated, lit up a blue scale and a faint blue cold mist, spreading out.

   That dark and overbearing atmosphere, when it touched Nether Dragon God Vein, immediately languished and collapsed.


  Luo Tian controls Nether Dragon God Vein, quickly swallowing that dark power.


  The constant power of Yin Nether is stripped and absorbed by Luo Tian, making the Divine Vein in the body brighter and stronger.

   “It’s so cold.”

  Princess Yunxiu snorted, and there was a struggle and pain on Qiao’s face.

   “No! The master may not have the body of Yin Nether.”

  Luo Tian quickly slowed down the rate of absorption and contained the excitement of Divine Vein.

   After a tea kung fu.

  Princess Yunxiu‘s eyebrows are stretched, and his complexion gradually becomes rosy.

   She clearly felt that the dark and overbearing power in her body was sucked away by Luo Tian a little.

   “He really did it!”

  Princess Yunxiu is excited and pleasantly surprised.

  Phoenix eyes opened slightly, she saw a cold and tall figure in the dark mist, mysterious and unpredictable, just like Netherworld King!

  After half an hour.


  Luo Tian exposed his face tired, took a long breath, and retracted his hand on the abbot’s abdomen.

   This second method requires long-term extraction. Don’t take too long each time, otherwise it will be harmful to the governor’s body.

   “My illness is obviously better.”

  Princess Yunxiu put on a skirt and got up, feeling a lot lighter.

   The bright eyes of her beautiful eyes stared at the teenager around her.

   “This method requires long-term treatment. After each extraction, you need to recuperate for a while…”

  Luo Tian said with a smile.

  Looking at the gorgeous face of Princess Yunxiu, he also has a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

   “Senior Luo, thank you for the life-saving grace, Yunxiu is unforgettable.”

  Princess Yunxiu tears a little bit, he would kneel to salute.

  Luo Tian hurriedly supported her and laughed: “This matter, I hope the master will not be I am dedicated to Martial Path, and the medical technique is only occasionally studied!”

  Princess Yunxiu quickly promised, but his heart was shocked.

  Just study it “occasionally”, can you have such a superb medical skills, and also let yourself not be rumored?

   Her terminally ill disease, but even Cang Yun Country many famous teachers, can not be saved.

   invisible room.

  Princess Yunxiu feels that the young man in front of him is like a low-key wise man walking in the world, with the power of the world.

  Luo Tian is a bit painful.

  Deduced the treatment of Princess Yunxiu, and his recently accumulated Heavenly Book’s Power consumed more than half.

   “Senior Luo, in terms of remuneration, Yunxiu has no valuables, what do you need, despite the opening, I let my father send someone to send it.”

  Princess Yunxiu said with a smile.

   “Remuneration…Spirit Essence Coin.”

  Luo Tian did not intend to be polite.

  At this stage, he is in urgent need of Spirit Essence Coin no matter whether he is practicing or storing Heavenly Book.

   “Just one…”

  Luo Tian stretched out a finger, intending to get one hundred Spirit Essence Coin, meaning.

   “One thousand Spirit Essence Coin? Yunxiu only has more than one hundred Spirit Essence Coin. For the rest, I will go home and let my father raise it.”

  Princess Yunxiu apologized slightly and took out more than one hundred Spirit Essence Coin.

   “One… one thousand?”

  Luo Tian was stunned.

  As far as he knows, Spirit Essence Coin has a very small output today when Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth is thin.

  One thousand Spirit Essence Coin, even for ordinary Spirit Sea Realm, it is a huge sum of money.

  Bronze gangsters like Cao Yang, the squanderable Spirit Essence Coin in their hands may be dozens.

   This treatment originally consumed Heavenly Book’s Power, and Luo Tian still had some pain.

  It seems that it is a big profit!

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