Eternal King Chapter 17: sleeping beast

   “Xueyao you…”

  Luo Tian‘s shoulder wounds healed at a visible rate.

   This magical method comes to the beautiful and holy girl beside her.

   but somehow.

  Luo Tian has no big surprises.

  Everyone has a secret. Compared with the acquisition of Heavenly Book and Good Fortune Secret Art, Ning Xueyao‘s treatment is not terrible.

   a long time ago.

  Luo Tian has a feeling that the noble and dusty temperament of Ning Xueyao is no ordinary girl.

   “Xiaotian, Xueyao knows you are curious. Because of a disaster facing the family, I have to escape from this and ban cultivation base…”

  Ning Xueyao apologized, seemed to recall something, the tone was bitter.

   “Xueyao, since your father took you in, you must know the inside story. And you have been taking care of me like this, and I still suffer from it.”

  Luo Tian shook his head.

  He was with Ning Xueyao, morning and night for four or five years, feeling her ice beauty and tenderness and kindness.

  ’s father once said that because of the favor of a certain elder of Xueyao, she was kept.

   For Ning Xueyao‘s life experience, Luo Tian is very curious.

   However, if the other party does not take the initiative, he will not ask.

   “You don’t blame me.”

  Ning Xueyao is a little relieved.

  Luo Tian is a bit weird: Xueyao hides cultivation base, and his father must know. This matter, only let Luo Tian know, on the one hand for the sake of privacy, the fewer people know the better.

   On the other hand, why not be afraid of hurting your self-esteem.

   “What about the engagement?”

  Luo Tian is a little puzzled. With the extraordinary life experience of Xueyao, how could you promise Du Yuncheng.

   “That marriage contract, I just wanted to delay it. If Uncle Luo can come back, everything will be solved. If he does not return, I can only take you away from Qingchang City.”

  Ning Xueyao sighed lightly.

  Luo Tian sighed in his heart. After all, he was still his former self, which dragged down Xueyao.


  Ning Xueyao owns cultivation base and can leave Qingchang City long ago, then Du Yuncheng has no choice but to do.

  Luo Tian was just about to speak.

   Suddenly, he developed a crisis in his spiritual consciousness, which is the effect brought about by practicing Good Fortune Secret Art.

   “Go here!”

  Luo Tian grabs the slim jade hand of Xueyao.

  The two made a sharp turn and turned over the wall to enter a house.

   only passed a minute or two.


  Du Yuncheng‘s men, led by the Vein-Opening five-fold “Du Qian“, rushed to the neighborhood.

   “In this neighborhood, check it out.”

  Du Qian leaped to the top of a residential building, overlooking from the top.

   The other man is Vein-Opening 3rd layer peak cultivation base, close to the Luo Tian two people’s hidden residence.


  Luo Tian grabbed the Ning Xueyao‘s Hao arm and drilled into a deep well in the house.

   is in a hurry.

  Luo Tian hugged Ning Xueyao around his waist, and the two stuck together between the well walls.

   The dark well.

  Ning Xueyao‘s beautiful jade-like beauty and clear star-like eyes are directly opposite to Luo Tian.

   tender and beautiful body, lying in the arms of Luo Tian’s.

  The two of them were stuck between the well walls, and the weight was not light. Luo Tian held Ning Xueyao from below with one hand.


   The starting point is the soft buttocks, which makes people feel full and elastic, so that the blood of Luo Tian can be sprayed.

   is not good!

  Luo Tian made a chuckle in his heart, he was so offensive to Ning Xueyao, I am afraid she would be angry.

  In case Ning Xueyao screams, there is an overreaction, I am afraid that it will disturb the person searching.


The beautiful lady who is near is still quiet and gentle, her eyelashes tremble, and her eyes are bright and bright like a diamond, but the snowy white earlobe is dyed with a tempting color.

  Luo Tian’s hand, still holding the plump and soft buttocks, refreshing and elegant fragrance, let him feel like a horse.

  Luo Tian is filled with happiness, I hope this moment will be eternal.

   “Go! Look over there.”

   At this time, several people who checked out left the neighborhood.

   “Don’t let go of your hand yet.”

  Ning Xueyao snorted, the pretty face collapsed slightly, Can Xia did not fade, and there was a rare shyness of the beauty next door.

   “Xueyao, I didn’t mean it.”

  Luo Tian released her hand, pulled her, and jumped out of the well wall together.

   Ning Xueyao‘s pretty face opened sideways, humming, no reason.

  Luo Tian is a little nervous.

   For five years, Xueyao has never been angry with him or quarreled with himself.

  She will always be so beautiful, but gentle and considerate.

  Only this time, his hand was put in that position, and she was so offensive to her, it was blasphemous and profane.

   “Dodge the pursuit first and get out of the city as soon as possible.”

After a few breaths, Xueyao calmed down and said.

   seems to see Luo Tian’s uneasy.

  Ning Xueyao smiled, took the Luo Tian’s hand and walked outside the city.

  Luo Tian breathed a sigh of relief, holding Xueyao‘s hand, smooth and cool.

   “Out of town?”

  Luo Tian is a bit hesitant.

   this time.

Near the city wall, there is a team of city guards to maintain order in the city.

  Luo Tian has a thought in his mind. Now he asks the City Guard for help, can he resolve the crisis?

   “Haha, Master Du, rest assured, I will never let those two get out of the city.”

   a city guard captain, nodded and bowed his waist.

   “Well, if you can catch the couple of dogs and men, Master Ben has a lot of rewards.”

  Du Yuncheng‘s proud voice came.

  Although it is more than a hundred meters away, Luo Tian practiced Good Fortune Secret Art, with a powerful sense, and heard the conversation between the two.

   Damn it!

   Even the city guards were bought.

  Du Family, as one of Qingchang City Three Great Families, is really powerful in the city.

   “However, trying to catch us is impossible.”

  Luo Tian sneered.

The reason why    is so confident comes from two reasons:

   First, he grew up in Qingchang City and is very familiar with the terrain.

  Second, practicing Good Fortune Secret Art brings a powerful sense of consciousness.


   one hour later.

  Luo Tian took Ning Xueyao and drilled a hidden gap from the outer wall of Qingchang City.

   the gap, and climbed out a slender girl, it was easy.

  Luo Tian is getting taller and taller nowadays, and it is a bit hard.

  Ning Xueyao watched, covered his mouth and chuckled.

   quickly left Qingchang City and went to the suburbs.

  However, I just traveled a mile or two.

  Wang Wang!

   Outside the city gate, the sound of beast dogs came along with the rapid footsteps.

   “No! That is the ‘war dog’ guarded by Qingchang City. He has a good sense of smell and is good at tracking.”

  Luo Tian looks slightly changed.

  Du Yuncheng not only bought the city guard, but also loaned out the “war dog” as a strategic resource.

  You need to know.

   This kind of war dog is difficult to train, and there are less than five Qingchang Citys.

   “To this day, only go to Black Monster Range.”

  Luo Tian is determined.

  Black Monster Range, there are monsters, even the city guards dare not go deep.

   Two hours later.

   Two groups of people, one chase and one escape, entered Black Monster Range.

  Du Yuncheng three people, in Black Monster Range, encountered several monsters in succession and encountered resistance.

   and Luo Tian, with their powerful senses, can always avoid monsters.

   time lapse.

   It seemed that the sky was getting brighter.

The Du Yuncheng behind    has binocular eyes that are red and murderous.

   “Little beast! The sky is about to dawn, how do you touch fish in muddy water?”

  Du Yuncheng‘s voice is bitter, with a cruel smile.

   This night’s chase, the three of them encountered several waves of monsters, and their bodies were colored in many places.

   “Master, that Luo Tian seems to have entered the ‘sleeping beast’ site.”

  Du Qian said suddenly.

   “sleeping beast?”

  Du Yuncheng looks surprised.

   A few people took a look.

   In the canyon ahead, an variant beast shaped like a giant bear blocks the only passage.

   wow! boom!

   That variant beast is three four layer tall, snoring sounds like thunder, like a hill, blocking the entrance and exit of the canyon.

   “Hahaha! Little thief see where are you going?”

   “The site of “sleeping beast“, but no one dared to come close, the Spirit Sea Realm and below will be instakill.”

  Du Yuncheng way Sheng Sheng was holding it.

  sleeping beast?

  Luo Tian complexion changed greatly.

   In Qingchang City, he had heard the rumors of “sleeping beast” since he was a child.

  sleeping beast is an unknown and unknown variant beast, very sleepy.

  Once anyone approaches, wake up sleeping beast, which will cause a lot of anger.


  sleeping beast wiped out a team of hundreds of martial artist.

  You need to know.

  The team can be all martial artist, Vein-Opening Realm has eight digits, and there are Spirit Sea Realm strong leaders.

   “Xiaotian, don’t worry, we dare not come close, nor dare they.”

  Ning Xueyao appeases.

  Luo Tian nodded, the taboo of sleeping beast, in the seven or eight cities under the jurisdiction of Lingyun County city, no one knows, no one knows.


   Until now, no one knows the details of sleeping beast.

   “Little thief, we are blocking here. You can starve to death if you are hungry.”

   “If you are conscious, donate Xueyao actively and serve the young master, maybe you will be left with a whole body.”

  Du Yuncheng shrill voice came.

   Luo Tian clenched his fists, cold light blooming in his eyes, never had a moment, such a strong killing intent to someone.


  Du Yuncheng itself has Vein-Opening 4th layer cultivation base, a high-level martial skill(s) cultivation family, as well as Vein-Opening Wuzhong and a 3rd layer peak guard.

   This lineup, Luo Tian has no chance of winning.

   “sleeping beast is more terrible, but it is a taboo, no one knows its roots.”

  Luo Tian’s gazes, and moves to the huge “sleeping beast” like a hill.


  Luo Tian‘s eyes lit up and thought of Good Fortune Heavenly Book.

   These days, he has not used Heavenly Book, should he store some power?

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