Super Soldier King Chapter 4564: Verify

?Morning, Xitianzhou, Sanshanguo,.

“The Three Mountains Country is here, let’s get off the boat!”

Under the urge, people who stole from Shending Kingdom, one by one, took their luggage and hurriedly disembarked.

“Brother, do you want to get a document? I have all the documents here…” A man who looked a little like a roe deer came over and said to the man who had just got off the smuggling boat.

Smugglers generally need an identity of Sanshan Kingdom, even if it is fake.

But Ye Qian didn’t take it for granted. He is also a warrior in 3-layer. Even if it is smuggled to Sanshan Kingdom, as a warrior, as long as he is willing to find an appropriate identity, living in this Sanshan Kingdom is definitely not a problem.

“Thank you, I don’t need it!” Ye Qian gently declined the other party’s promotion. Although the other party is an ordinary person, it may be able to obtain fake documents in this smuggling place. For unnecessary trouble, under unnecessary circumstances, Ye Qian does not need to offend such a person.

The man glanced at Ye Qian, and he seemed a little unwilling. He said with a little threat: “Brother, there will be a police check here every night, but don’t be punished by a small amount of money. “

Ye Qian frowned, said coldly: “My business is not your turn to worry about, get out!”

This time, the ground snake seemed to be frightened by Ye Qian‘s momentum. Especially the last ‘roll’ word of Ye Qian makes this head snake feel like a man in the back. It seems that if he says one more word, he will have a life worry.

Ye Qian left the port straight, and the head snake stared at the back of Ye Qian, a pair of eyes flashing a bit of fierce light, secretly said: “A stowaway is so arrogant, I will let you know who this is. Place.”

Although Ye Qian is not willing to find trouble, he is never afraid of trouble, otherwise he will not have to sneak into these three mountains. It’s still early in the morning, and there is still some time before dawn. Ye Qian can only find a hotel to stay at first. He needs to find a suitable identity, but it must not be the kind of “false certificate” can do.

Sanshan Kingdom, the reason why it is called Sanshan Kingdom, is because this country has three spiritual veins. It is named Wuling Mountain, Longpan Peak and Huoyunling. The Three Spirit Veins are occupied by the three giants of the Three Mountains, and are the most famous symbol of the Three Mountains.

The Wuling Mountain is occupied by Wuling Sect, Longpan Peak is occupied by the Longshan School, and Huoyunling is the most famous martial arts school of Huoyun Academy in Sanshan State. These three giants truly control the existence of Sanshan. And Ye Qian came to Sanshan Country this time, just to see what happened to the Wushu Academy in this world. If possible, Ye Qian wanted to enter Huoyun Wu Academy to study.

Wuyu ore obtained by Ye Qian in the Shending Kingdom Division, this is the best carrying ore for making spiritual power guns, and it is much more efficient than ordinary spiritual power metal. This darling, Ye Qian does not intend to shoot, but intends to build a superior spirit gun for himself. However, the spirit guns are all luxury items. It is not easy for Ye Qian to build a superior spirit gun now, so the best way is to learn how to make a spirit gun by himself.

The Huoyun College has this major. After learning this major, it is also a very gold-absorbing profession. This is definitely a good choice for Ye Qian that requires a lot of resources to practice. Of course, the premise of all this is that he can successfully enter the Huoyun Academy.

Ye Qian stayed in the hotel. Although the room is not large, the decoration is simple and can be at least clean. Of course, compared with the cost of expensive accommodation, it seems a bit disproportionate.

Ye Qian first took a bath for himself, and the cargo warehouse of the stowed vessel was not very clean inside. After taking a bath, Ye Qian wanted to sleep peacefully, but he just lay down and had no time to turn off the lights. The door was knocked by someone outside the room. It was a tempting voice.

“Hello, sir, do you need service?” The female voice outside the door appeared extremely enthusiastic.

Ye Qian is not strange, but raised his voice and shouted to the outside: “Thank you, I want to rest!”

“Sir, mine…” The woman outside the door still seemed a little bit stubborn.

However, Ye Qian is far too lazy to say a word.

I don’t know how long on time has been. Anyway, Ye Qian was already asleep at this time, but was awakened by the rapid knocking of the door. This time, Ye Qian sat up and frowned, apparently his mood was ruined.

“It’s not enough to sleep peacefully!” Ye Qian frowned, walked out of bed and opened the door. If the other party didn’t have a reasonable explanation, he must be angry.

“Police, verify!” When Ye Qian opened the door, he saw four men in uniform, and one of them showed his police certificate.

Ye Qian‘s face changed slightly, because Boss in this hotel told Ye Qian very clearly that no matter what you do, no one will look around. This is also the main reason why this hotel is expensive. However, now the police came to check.

“Are you sure you want to verify?” Ye Qian doesn’t know why, and some are unspeakable. Perhaps it was because the police in front of him disturbed him to sleep, or maybe the Boss in the hotel actually let the police to verify.

“Less nonsense, hurry up and get a valid certificate, otherwise we will return to the police station with us.” The middle-aged man headed said impatiently, his hand had already touched the pistol in his waist, as long as Ye Qian had any If he resists the suspicion, he will pull the gun without hesitation.

Ye Qian naturally sees the actions of these people in their eyes, shook their heads helplessly, and said, “You are unlucky!”

After speaking, I didn’t wait for the four policemen to respond at all. I saw that the Ye Haoran had moved. I heard only a few sounds of impact, and the four policemen were put on the ground by Ye Qian. When several policemen stood up in embarrassment and yelled, they were about to draw a gun to deal with this undocumented stowaway, and suddenly found that their guns were missing.

“Damn, the pistol was snatched by that guy!”

“Female horse! It’s actually a warrior.”


When Ye Qian went downstairs, he dropped three of the four policeman’s pistols into the sewer, leaving only one pistol. He went directly to the front desk, and wanted to question the hotel Boss, collected the money, and asked the police to verify it. But when he came to the lobby, he suddenly understood everything, because he saw the ground snake that was selling fake certificates with Ye Qian when he got out of the boat.

The head snake at the moment is smoking an unknown cigarette with the hotel Boss, and he said with a smile: “That country man, who can’t bear the money for the certificate, I will let him know…”

“It turns out that you are **** a ghost!”

Ye Qian‘s eyes flashed, and a pistol hit the head of the snake.

When the head snake reacted, his face suddenly changed greatly, and it seemed he could not believe that Ye Qian would appear here.

“You dare to arrest…” The head snake didn’t realize his situation at the moment, but instead threatened and said to Ye Qian: “You are a big sin…”

“You’re right, arrest is a big crime, so I don’t count on killing anyone!” Ye Qian coldly said.

The ground snake finally realized what it was, and subconsciously knelt down to beg for mercy, but before he could kneel on his legs, a crisp gunshot rang in the lobby of the entire hotel. And the snake in the ground finally couldn’t stand up anymore.

The hotel Boss saw this scene. The cigarette in his hand did not know when it fell on the ground, and he was covered in cold sweat. You have to know that he charged Ye Qian for accommodation. Among the high fees, there is money to protect Ye Qian from being verified by the police.

“Sir, I didn’t mean it, it’s him, he forced me…” The Boss in the hotel looked at Ye Qian diligently. He didn’t want himself to be hit by the bullet of ice-cold like the ground snake in front of him.

“Give me a reason not to kill you!” Ye Qian didn’t listen to this hotel Boss, and it was just a matter of hooking up to deal with this hotel Boss.

The hotel Boss knew that this was his only chance to survive. His thoughts had never been quicker and said, “I can give you a true identity, an identity that can live in Sanshan Kingdom, and, today’s things, I Absolutely confidential.”

“Identity? Do you give me my identity?” Ye Qian sneered.

It seems to see the unbelief of Ye Qian, the hotel Boss quickly said: “I can’t do it, but I have a cousin, he is the deputy host of a local martial arts ~ ~ he can do it. “

Ye Qian hesitated for a while, and seemed to be judging the credibility of the Boss discourse in this hotel. After a while, Ye Qian said: “Take me to see him!”

“Now?” The hotel Boss was taken aback.

“Yes, it’s now.” Ye Qian said affirmatively, and pointed the gun hole of the black hole at the hotel Boss.

“Okay, I’ll take you now.” Hotel Boss was startled, and said, “Sir, be careful of guns and fire.”

Hotel Boss walked outside with Ye Qian, got in a car, and soon disappeared near the hotel.

“Sir, please put away your guns. In your own ability, even if there is no guns, I can’t escape.” The hotel Boss brought Ye Qian to his cousin Villa and laughed, afraid The gun in Ye Qian‘s hand was fired without paying attention.

“You are smart, rest assured that the gun is in my hand, and only when I think he is on fire, will the fire. Otherwise, even if the sky falls, the gun will never sound. Go and call the door.” Ye Qian said faintly.

The hotel Boss did not dare to keep talking, but just started calling at the door as Ye Qian instructed. It didn’t take long for the door of Villa to open, and the hotel Boss walked into Villa with Ye Qian.

Ye Qian looks around Villa and can live such a good Villa, naturally it is not ordinary people. It seems that the hotel Boss did not deceive him. The hotel Boss really has a cousin of the deputy host of the martial arts hall. Perhaps because of this relationship, the hotel Boss was able to accommodate the smugglers without being raided by the police.

“Sir, my cousin’s name is Li Tianming, and he is a double-strength warrior.” Hotel Boss said to Ye Qian.

Ye Qian nodded slightly. As the hotel Boss came to the lobby, I saw a man in his forties walking downstairs in pajamas in his forties.

“Cousin, save me!” the hotel Boss shouted as soon as he saw Li Tianming.

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