A Clash of Gods Chapter 1082: Inner ghost

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Sima Lan sank instantly with one heart, and deep down, there was unprecedented uneasiness.

Since following Emperor Taizong back then, Sima Lan has been responsible for the rear affairs because of his superior logistical capabilities. It is even more difficult to ensure the supply of supplies such as grain, grass, and weapons in the rear than fighting with the enemy on the front.

There is turmoil in the world, fear of the people, and thieves. In that kind of chaos, it is still not easy to be able to raise supplies in an orderly manner and smoothly supply to the front.

Si Malan has always had a strong ability to control, and logistics is a bothersome thing, there are countless complicated things combined, so Sima Lan can integrate many complicated things together, showing his superb handling Ability and everything are clearly organized in his heart.

Except for His Majesty the Emperor, Sima Lan has always controlled others in the plan.

But for the first time today, he felt that he seemed to be under the control of others.

After experiencing countless storms and waves, Sima Lan has realized that he has fallen into an extremely serious predicament. This autumn is obviously far beyond his control. He feels that a big net seems to have fallen from the sky, and he has already Was covered in a big net.

Under the grim situation, Sima Lan remained extremely calm and nodded: “Check, be sure to check. The late commander, the emperor was assassinated, and the hundred officials were shocked. This matter is not trivial. The old man must immediately see the emperor. .”

He knew that at this time, he had to see Longtai. Only when he saw Longtai, he could quickly grasp Longtai’s psychology, and he could realize what Longtai intended, and only when he knew Longtai’s thoughts, he could fully respond.

“The emperor has a purpose, and no one will be seen during the period of healing.” Chi Fengdian said rightly: “In addition, in order to protect the comprehensiveness of the old country, the emperor has a special purpose. The old country lives here temporarily, and we protect the country. Public security.” Waiting for Sima Lan to speak, he has raised his hand and said: “Guogong, please!”

Sima Lan carried his hands on his shoulders and looked calm. He stared at Chi Fengdian’s eyes and asked, “Since the emperor does not see the old man, the old man can only go to see the hundred officials first. They know that the emperor was assassinated, his heart was floating, and he was uneasy. Soothe them.”

“The emperor has his own will to comfort all the adults.” Chi Fengdian’s expression was cold, and the raised arm did not let go.

Sima Lan raised her hand to caress and said: “Chi, commander, if the old man had to leave?”

Chi Fengdian said in a deep voice: “Come here!”

Four Kongwei powerful samurai guards walked by the knife handle and stood behind Sima Lan in a fan shape.

Sima Lan looked back, but laughed aloud: “Chi Fengdian, are you going to use force against the old man?”

“Lao Guo Gong, humble will not dare.” Chi Fengdian still seems quite respectful: “Bei Jiang will only act according to the purpose, the emperor has a concern for Lao Guo Gong, Lao Guo Gong will not want to resist it. ?”

He is very respectful both in movement and voice, but the meaning in the words is obviously not to allow Sima Lan to leave.

Sima Lan carried his hands on his back and smiled faintly, saying: “Since it means the emperor, the old man is obedient.”

After Sima Lan was put under house arrest by Chi Fengdian, Chi Fengdian went to the emperor’s account. After the report, he was summoned into the account by Long Tai. Long Tai had changed into a light dress and saw Chi Fengdian When he came in, he had to get up, but his **** had just been raised and paused, but he still sat down and asked in a low voice: “How?”

Chi Fengdian stepped forward and lowered his voice: “The emperor, Sima Lan ran over himself. The minister had imprisoned him in accordance with the command of the emperor, and sent a confidant to guard him, and he would never make any mistakes. “

Long Tai heard that, his brow stretched slightly, and he nodded, “It’s so good.” Although he seemed calm, his voice still showed a little excitement.

There was silence in the tent. Long Tai didn’t speak for a while, and Chi Fengdian didn’t dare to say more. After a while, Long Tai said: “Then… Hasn’t there any news from Lin Zi?”

“No news yet.” Chi Fengdian said: “Dan Chen has assigned soldiers and horses to guard Pinglin, and will never let Chu Cangge escape. Although Chu Cangge escaped, he was poisoned after all. It was dark, he was hiding in it, it was really difficult to search, but he thought that he could not run away now, it should be to find a hidden place where he was healing and poisoning, and after dawn, he would send more people to find it, He can’t fly even if he inserts his wings.”

Longtai nodded slightly and said, “I didn’t expect Chu Cangge to be so brave and poisoned. He was also shot by an arrow and could escape.”

“It’s a dereliction of duty, and ask the emperor to punish!”

Longtai waved his hand and said: “This is not your fault. I didn’t think of it.” After a pause, he frowned: “This person should not be underestimated for Chu Cangge, if he is really beyond our expectations. , Escaped from Pinglin, where do you think he will go?”

“Emperor, do you mean that he will return to the Black Sword Camp?” Chi Fengdian looked cold.

Long Taiwei groaned and shook his head: “I have just thought that Chu Cangge will never return to the Black Sword Camp.”

“What does the emperor mean?”

“He is already a rebellious criminal, returning to the Black Sword Battalion, will the soldiers below him listen to him?” Longtai looked calmly: “Even if he listens to him, what can he do? Beijing has blocked the gate.” It is naturally impossible for them to enter the city. Could Chu Cangge dare to take someone to Pinglin? Don’t you forget, Sima Lan is already in our hands. If he really worried about the life and death of Sima Lan, he wouldn’t dare to act rashly. I hope he really brought his soldiers over.”

Chi Fengdian understood and said, “As long as he mobilizes the Black Sword Camp, it is a rebellion. Not only does he rebel, but the Black Sword Camp is also a rebellion. Everyone knows that the Black Sword Camp is Sima Lan’s man, and the Black Sword Camp rebels. , Sima Lan could not explain it.”

“If the people in the Black Sword Camp know that following Cang Cangge is a rebellion, will they still follow him?” Long Tai sneered: “Even if the group of people are really bold and rebellious, they all rebelled against him, but in his hands. A thousand people, and Sima Lan is in our hands, what can they do? We already have soldiers and horses on our side. Qi Ning will arrive with the black scale battalion before dawn, even if these soldiers and horses can’t kill the black knife battalion , As long as you persist for a while, all the soldiers and horses know that the Black Sword Battalion is rebelling, and they will soon send the soldiers to the king…”

“Good.” Chi Fengdian nodded: “Chu Cangge is no longer stupid, and he will not choose this path.”

Long Taiwei groaned for a while before saying: “If he is smart, he can only hide his name after he gets out.”

“Emperor, Sima Lan is already a turtle in the urn. Will he be executed as soon as possible?” Chi Fengdian lowered his voice and said: “The minister is worried about nights and dreams, and there will be other things.”

Long Tai hesitated and shook his head: “Although Sima Lan has acted arrogantly, he has not really rebelled after all. He is a founding hero, and now he is the first assistant minister. If he is easily executed, he will surely cause consternation. It is not good for the DPRK.” After thinking about it, I ordered: “Bring Liu Jun’s dog minion in!”

Chi Fengdian immediately went out of the account. After a while, he led the **** Liu Zhen into. Liu Zhenwu didn’t know what was going on. When he entered the account, he saw Long Tai staring at himself coldly, feeling the atmosphere was wrong, but still grinning reluctantly. Tao: “Emperor, minion…!”

“Kneel down!” Chi Fengdian said in a deep voice.

Liu Zhen’s heart was soft, her legs were soft, and she knelt down. Longtai stared at Liu Zhu, and said lightly: “Liu Zhu, do you know why I suddenly ignored Fan Dehai, but suddenly I trusted you as a minion?”

“The minions are loyal to the emperor and…!”

“Loyalty?” Longtai interrupted when Liu Zhen finished his speech: “If you are loyal to me, why are you acting in the palace and you secretly sent someone to report to Sima Lan?”

Liu Yun suddenly changed color, knocking his head like garlic, and said in horror: “The emperor, the slave… The slave is wrong, the slave is wrong…”

“If you shout injustice again, you will insult my wisdom.” Long Tai sneered: “Sima Lan buys you, you don’t know me? I already knew that you dog slaves eat outside, but I keep You, because I just want to use you to report to Sima Lan. Isn’t Sima Lan want to know what I am doing every day? Then I let you tell him that I sing and dance with the queen in the palace every day, indulge in wine, and face the DPRK There is no interest in the matter. Sima Lan didn’t want to see my unintentional political affairs, could he do whatever he wanted in the DPRK and China?”

Liu Zhen was lying on the ground like a toad, shaking all over.

“It’s really hard for me to play in front of you in the past few months.” Long Tai expressed a chill in his eyes: “Liu Zhen, can you be guilty?”

Liu Yun didn’t dare to raise his head~IndoMTL.com~ The voice trembled: “The minions…the minions are damn, the emperor, the minions…the minions are absolutely harmless to the heart of the emperor. Yes… Zhen Guogong…No, it’s Sima Lan who said that the emperor was young, and soon after he became king, he was worried… He was worried that the emperor would do something inconsistent, he… he was the first assistant Minister, try your best to help the emperor. If… if something goes wrong with the emperor, he should remind the emperor in time…”

Long Tai sneered, Liu Zhen was chilled by the sneer, and his forehead was still on the ground: “He… he made the minions pay more attention to the emperor on weekdays, if… if the emperor Do something special, and… or secretly summon someone, you should… tell him in time.”

“You are very obedient.” Long Tai said: “I didn’t tell the ministers tonight, but some people know, Liu Zhen, you tell me, why do they know?”

Liu Zhen prostrates again and again: “The servants convict, the servants convict, and ask the emperor to spare!”


Chi Fengdian has pulled out his knife and said sharply: “The emperor asks a question, honestly recruit!”

Liu Yun busyly said: “Return to the emperor, you… You hunt late at night, the minions… The minions are worried about insecurity, so they send people to the town of…” Sima Lan was resting in the tent at that time, and did not dare to disturb. The slave knew that the Emperor of the Ministry of Industry, Huang Shuzheng, was very close to Sima Lan, so… Tell Sima Lan.”

“That’s right.” Long Tai said coldly: “Liu Zhen, you leaked the whereabouts of the emperor and made me encounter an assassin’s ambush. I should have taken your head, but… I gave it to you A chance to survive, do you want it?”

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