Devil’s Son-in-Law Chapter 863: Burning, the determination of Wrath King

() Wrath King Armor, one of Seven Divine Artifacts, Samael Royal Family up to Divine Artifact.

This armor can greatly reduce the physical damage and magic damage, protect the soul, immune to jīng **** erosion, automatically restore damaged, and can also give specific objects within the limited Time, “Soul Armor” of powerful Defense, with half of Wrath King Armor Belong to xìng, equivalent to is a super strong Defense equipment. In the beginning, Terys used “Soul Armor” to escape from “Super Planet Star Supernova” ​​where Asura triplets overlap.

Although the power of Reizen is sharp, it should be difficult to break through the Defense of Wrath King Armor under the circumstances of suppressing the strength and being restricted by the range of activities, causing determinative damage to Bridget.

However, Bridget does not need Defense, rather offensive. The victory and defeat of this battle great competition has no suspense and it does not make sense to him. What he has to do is to let Reizen movement out of that circle!

This is related to Life and Death, which is home to thousands of people!

With the strength and experience of Reizen, fancy moves or ordinary Domain simply cannot work. The most direct and pure Attack means instead is the most effective.

Bridget has a low shouted once sound, and a lot of thick blood gas comes out of his body, condensing into a huge phantom about seven or eight meters high. At the time of the formation, Bridget was wearing color/look of anger, his muscles jumped up again, and he stepped on the pedal, figure was like a sharp arrow, running towards Reizen, and the ground reinforced by barrier competed under this pedal A crack appeared, showing the strength of the force.

Blood When the blood loses one third, a small number of “blood anger” contributors can enter the state of “blood blood”, the second phase of Attack force leap.

This punch embodies the power of “Blood Blood” and the power of Domain, and the audience simultaneously has an illusion, as if the imaginary shadow of the giant is shooting at Reizen, and once, It’s a thousand fists.

When you look at God again, all the fist styles from all directions immediately converge into a fist, hitting Reizen as a chest. This fist has a huge momentum that has never been forward. There is already a prototype of Rule, which can’t be avoided. Hardwired.

Reizen‘s casual expression became serious, staring at the punch, and did not move. When Bridget‘s fist was about to come, he threw his fist lightning.

In the eyes of the audience, Reizen‘s fist draws a ghost, which seems to be fuzzy because of the high speed.

Only a few Chen Rui and other few players can see it. Reizen made a total of three punches. The first punch hit the Bridget wrist from the side, as if hitting the seven inches of the snake; the second punch will be Bridget remaining power Disperse, this is similar to a “recycling” process, Bridget‘s strength is eliminated; the third punch is a fist that has been struck positively, and you are killed when you are sick!

The boxing intentions of the three punches to intercept, lead, and hit are all in one go, the timing is cleverly grasped and accurate, it seems that Reizen only made one punch.

“Boom!” The figure of Reizen shook, and his feet were still free of movement, and the huge phantom behind Bridget suddenly faded, and the entire entrance was retreated for five or six steps, each step was left on the solid ground The next cracked footprint…

There is blood oozing from the corners of Bridget‘s mouth. This is no longer “Blood Fury” skill. rather is injured by Reizen‘s punching shock. If it is not protected by Wrath King Armor, this punch is enough to break his sternum.

Wrath King‘ but that’s it!” Reizen said indifferently: “You are taking the pure’force’ route, if you go to pinnacle, you can crush any’technique’. Unfortunately, you have not realized the real The gap is, in front of me, your “power” is not worth mentioning.”

Under the same strength of Bridget didn’t expect, the proud Royal Family predecessor “Blood Fury” was so suppressed by Reizen, the anger shouted once sound, “Blood Blood” played to pinnacle, the phantom became clear again, regardless of All rushed to Reizen.

Chen Rui shook his head secretly, Reizen was right, Bridget was taking the path of “force”, but his strength was not completely brute force, and it was characterized by conciseness, precision and suppression.

The style of Reizen is actually similar to Bridget, but the power of Reizen is an organic combination of “force” and “technique”, especially after State Formation, the understanding of power has changed by qualitative, and the combination of the two has been close to perfect Realm . The blow just now, Reizen‘s instinct is actually worse than color/look‘s Bridget with “Blood”, but it can defeat the opponent, which is the best example.

Judging from the current strength comparison between the two sides, unless Bridget raises its power to rise to to a level that can absolutely suppress its opponents, no matter how desperate it is, Reizen cannot be moved out of that circle.

The most important thing is that the power of “Blood Fury” is not endless. Once the blood flow exceeds the endurance limit, Attack will suddenly drop, especially the state of “Blood Blood” cannot be sustained, otherwise there is a danger of death.

Unsurprisingly, Bridget was unable to shake his opponents under the violent attack, and instead was knocked down again and again by Reizen.


Bridget flew out again, and landed on the ground, bleeding all over his face, and the shoulder of his right arm was severely shapeshifting. Just now the Reizen shock caused his shoulder joints to be misaligned, and the huge phantom became unprecedentedly bleak, and the momentum finally began to decline sharply, obviously reaching the limit.

“You have no hope of winning, and I am not interested in rubbing down like this,” Reizen looked at Bridget with contempt. “Fortunately, with Wrath King Armor in, you can save your life.”

Keep a life?

Bridget exposed the sarcasm color/look, coughed up some blood, and slowly crawled up again. He gasped violently, his left hand clasped the misaligned shoulder on the right, and with a force, the shoulder was repositioned. The pain in this process was quite severe. Despite the cold sweat on his forehead, his will was like steel, even No frown.

Next, Bridget did a shocking thing. crowded in and saw the light flash. The armor of black on his body had flew aside, revealing a bruised body.

Bridget‘s body surface is covered with bruises and scars. Reizen‘s punching power is very domineering. If it is not under the protection of Wrath King Armor, the bones of the whole body have already shattered. Serious trauma. Bridget God color/look is indifferent, as if the body is not his own.

The move of Bridget is far beyond the expectations of Reizen and all the audience: Bridget can fight Reizen until now, Wrath King Kay is the most important factor, and now giving up Wrath King Kay’s protection is tantamount to finding a dead end.

Bridget‘s eyes were like a sharp blade staring directly at Reizen. Reizen‘s eyes felt a tingling pain, and he heard two words spit out from the other person’s mouth: “Blood Burning.”

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

As the huge blood color/look converged into the body of Bridget, the body received the blasting sound of shoot continuously, which caused blood to explode in the body.

Under this explosion, Bridget instantly became a blood in, and the overflowing blood quickly evaporated like a burning flame. This flame was brighter than ever.

Blood Burning is a layer of Variation blood anger predecessor more than “Blood Blood”. Using the soul as a guide, it burns blood to pinnacle and bursts out the strongest force beyond the limit.

This is also the taboo power of burning Life and the soul. Once the blood is burnt out, the soul will also destroy the soul Flying Burial. Under the protection of Wrath King Armor, Bridget cannot exert such desperate taboo power.

Reizen is right. With Wrath King Kay, this Defense Divine Artifact is here, he can save his life, and he can even escape Blood Fiend Empire alone, but he can’t escape, he can’t retreat, he can’t lose.

Because his clan entry is still in the hands of Reizen! Because he is Patriarch of Samael Clan!

So, Bridget gave up Wrath King Armor without hesitation and chose to give full play to “Blood Burn”.

Bridget is very clear that he only has the power of one blow, and after this blow, no matter whether he wins or loses, he has only one result.

However, he did not hesitate at all and chose to burn everything up to hit the unbeatable figure.

“Some things, born with us, flow in our blood and breath, even in the face of Death, it will not be dimmed or faded.”

In the eyes of the audience of Arena, Bridget turned into a blood flame and flew towards Reizen. It was no longer possible to see the body or facial features. The only thing that could be seen was the unyielding look.

Reizen gave birth to the jǐng sign of Extremely Dangerous for the first time, his expression suddenly became dignified, and his fist burst into a bright purple light.

“Lei Di Yin!”

Although the strength limit of Devil Emperor level has not been lifted, Reizen has exhibited the strongest Attack.

The two forces have collided with each other in a blink of an eye. At this moment, due to the strong shock of Space, the entire projection in Arena became blurred.

It took a long time for the projection to become clear.

Two hits in one place.

Reizen and Bridget raised their right hands at the same time, maintaining a posture of fist. There are cracks of widespread on the ground, with two entrances as the center, and the outer circle of forest turned into particles to dissipate.

As the woods annihilated, the light in Bridget‘s eyes began to dim quickly.

I will be a sword in the cold Splashing hot blood.

Burn out the darkness.

Only for the entry of the watchman behind.

I will abandon cowardice, abandon thoughts, abandonment of honor and shame, abandon Life, and guard here… I really want to hear it again, the singing voice of the woman………The pupil of Reizen contracted suddenly, took a step back, and back One step, where we set foot, the land size fissures, in the third step, finally stood firm to figure, but this step has already stepped out of the limited circle.

This fist contains all the “blood burning” of Bridget, which has exceeded the limit and competed above Lei Diyin’s Attack!

Seeing this scene, Bridget‘s eyes on the verge of collapse flickered and finally went out completely.

Reizen did not wipe off the blood stains on the corners of his mouth, nor did he repeat Attack. He just looked at the Bridget, which still remained stiff and did not have a breath of life. The Emperor‘s indifferent eyes were 1rì cold, but he no longer ignored them.

After a while, Reizen turned away quietly, without even looking at the Wrath King Armor on the ground.

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