The Devil’s Cage Chapter 39: Susai

The loose-skinned, drooping old monk did not hide his meaning.

From the side of the gravel path all the way to Kieran, he stopped.

The other person raised his head and looked at Kieran with both eyes of muddy. Then, he looked at Tanya and Kana.


Demi Fiend condensed his face and saluted him respectfully.

Tanya is no exception.

It is even more standard than Demi Fiend etiquette.

However, the old monk flashed to the side, avoiding the salute of Tanya .

“”God” should not salute mortals, even if they are grateful.”

The old monk said very slowly.

“But my mother told me that for those who have helped me, I must keep in mind and do not forget the etiquette.”

Tanya said very seriously.

“Your mother…”

As soon as the old monk spoke, he couldn’t talk anymore.

Because, Tanya went straight to the ceremony while the old monk spoke.

“As stubborn as your mother.”

The old monk laughed bitterly.

Tanya uttered its tongue to the old monk and introduced Kieran to the old monk in a cheerful tone.

Grandmaster, this is 2567.”

“I am my good friend!”

Tanya gave Kieran a position.

Kieran frowned, and did not refute.

The goodwill of Tanya makes Kieran irrefutable, although in fact, the amount of time they spend together is very few.

“Nice to see you again.”

The old monk laughed, and the folds of first floor on his face piled up, making the other party look older and more friendly.

“I entered without any notice and was rude.”

Kieran is slightly lowered to apologize.

This apology is not hypocritical.

If it wasn’t too much for the previous scene, Kieran will definitely follow the normal etiquette.

After all, Rassho Temple is not an enemy.

On the premise of not being an enemy, the conversation between the two parties is extremely easy.

After a few words of greeting, the old monk sent an invitation directly to Kieran.

“I have prepared breakfast here. If 2567 doesn’t mind, come together.”

“Of course, it’s just a simple vegetarian meal.”

The old monk said.

“Su Zhai?”


After a while, Kieran nodded and agreed.

Breakfast at Rassho Temple was held in a side hall on one side.

The number of people who have breakfast together is only Kieran, monk, Tanya and Kana.

Among them, Kana undertakes the mission of the waiter.

Tanya originally wanted to help, but was stopped by the old monk.

But Tanya is not an obedient girl.

On the surface, I promised, but I quickly sneaked out, just like the situation just now.

The old monk sitting behind the short couple shook his head bitterly.

“You seem to be aware of the changes in Tanya ?”

Ask Kieran.

Kieran is not blind. From the appearance of the old monk to the conversation with Tanya , he can not only be sure that the relationship between the old monk and Tanya is extraordinary.

Moreover, the changes to Tanya are more obvious to the chest.

“Older, there are more things to experience.”

“Some things that ordinary people seem to be strange about become strange.”

“Not to mention…”

“It’s still about you and ‘Great SwampYour Highness.”

“And here is Flame City.”

Flame City of “Great SwampYour Highness.”

The old monk sat there and answered with a smile.

“Are you and Great Swamp?”

Kieran both eyes stares at the old monk.

Although the old monk did not say anything about qualitative, the hidden information in the last sentence is obvious.

“You are similar to 2567.”

The old monk gave this answer. Then, without waiting for Kieran to speak again, the old monk continued to say: “The mother of Tanya was one of my friends. She asked me to take care of Tanya and also told me some Things about the blood on Tanya .”

“Descendants of the gods.”

“Sadly abandoned.”

Tanya ‘s father does not recognize such blood, so Tanya ‘s mother took her away.”

“They came to Flame City and took shelter in the territory of ‘Great SwampYour Highness.”

“Everything should come to an end.”

“Unfortunately, Tanya ‘s mother…”

The old monk’s words were not finished.

Because Tanya and Kana returned with their plates.

Rassho Temple breakfast is just as simple as the old monk said.

On the short table in front of Kieran, Tanya placed a large bowl and three small dishes on it.

Two warm buns, pickled shredded radish and fried peanuts are placed in the three small dishes.

There is a lid on the big bowl, but the steam is still coming out from the side, with a unique fragrance.

Slightly can’t wait, Kieran didn’t care about the temperature of the lid at all, and picked it up at once.


The hot air contained in the bowl spewed out suddenly.

The aroma of tofu, eggs and mushrooms is mixed in the nose of Kieran.

At the bottom of the bowl, the tofu is soaked in clear soup, covered with golden and silvery omelettes, and the thinly diced mushrooms surround the tofu and float on the clear soup.

Kieran picked up a spoon and picked a spoonful of soup first.

Slightly salty and rapeseed oil, just like Kieran, can only be called clear soup, but when the second spoon, Kieran dug a little more tofu, a hint of flavor immediately appeared.

And when the egg is added to it, the taste immediately becomes thicker.

Especially after the diced mushrooms are added to it, the diced mushrooms crackle between the teeth, giving Kieran a feeling of eating meat.

“Very good.”

Kieran did not skimp on his own evaluation.

After hearing this comment, Tanya smiled, especially when Kieran saw the bowl and picked up the steamed buns to start eating like a wind and a cloud, Tanya hummed involuntarily.

“What do you like?”

“Most of these things are made by me!”

After the initial surprise, under the Tanya ‘s lack of heart and lungs, the relationship between Demi Fiend and Tanya once again returned to its former state.

“But it was from me.”

Hankuzhang Clairvoyant said righteously.

“Don’t you think that serving the dish is more important than cooking?”

Demi Fiend rolled his eyes.

“The food is 2567.”

Tanya answered what was not asked. Then, after the whole person bounced back to their short length, they began to learn how to eat Kieran.

Perhaps after Transcendence, the body has qualitative changes.

The petite Tanya is just like an elementary school student.

The tableware and chopsticks move in unison, gurgling.

Tanya , tell you how many times, you can’t make a sound when you eat…Asshole! That’s my soup! You put it down for me! Did you hear me!”

“Leave me down!”

Demi Fiend, who originally wanted to teach Tanya , roared immediately after Tanya picked up the big bowl in front of her.

But Tanya doesn’t care at all.

While picking up the bowl and pouring into the mouth, I ran outward.

After chasing and escaping, the two quickly disappeared on the side of the path.

Without raising the Kieran head from beginning to end, the food left on the Demi Fiend table was brought over The old monk sitting on the opposite side twitched.

“There are still some in the kitchen…”

“Three more copies.”

As soon as the old monk spoke, he was interrupted by Kieran.

“Three copies?”

“At most two more copies.”

“If you don’t mind, mine…”

“Thank you.”

The words were interrupted again. Looking at the breakfast that was quickly robbed, the old monk stood up bitterly and walked towards the kitchen.

Kieran continued to eat, even if ‘Great Swamp’ appeared beside him, Kieran did not look up.

Because Kieran is completely attracted by Gluttony.

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