The Devil’s Cage Chapter 35: Envoyed

The uniformed soldiers did not care about the sharpness of the dagger. After the dagger cut his neck, the whole person rushed to Warren.

Your Excellency, be careful!”

The sudden change made everyone surprised.

Warren‘s adjutant yelled.

Willey is chasing again, the dagger in his hand is swung out again and again, and he has wounded one after another on the soldier’s back.

But it’s completely useless.

As if the soldier had completely lost his pain, he was still rushing to Warren.

Everyone anxiously watched that the back was full of wounds, and his throat was cut open. The more terrible soldiers were getting closer and closer to Warren.


An arrow came through again.

The Blue’s arrows hit the soldier’s chest and passed through the chest.

However, it is the same as the wound on the neck.

The fatal wound on his chest did not kill the soldier.

On the contrary, the other party shouted again and again under the stimulation of pain.

Thick hair began to emerge from the limbs, and human claws became wolf-like claws.

Sharp and sharp.

Wolf Plague?!”

Seeing such a change in Warren, heart sank.

As a major in Burning Dawn, Warren is very aware of the recent Burning Dawn what happened, and he even participated in some actions.

Therefore, Warren knows that at this time, it can no longer rely on others.

Only yourself.


Warren takes a deep breath, the protruding little belly was slightly retracted. After clenching the fists, the muscles on the thick arms knotted up, giving the middle-aged bearded middle-aged man a more powerful feeling.

But before waiting for Warren to punch, Sznak is in front of Warren.

Twin Swordsman’ looked coldly and proudly at the half-human half-wolf monster, and seemed to slowly pull out the waist Longsword.

Two Longsword twinkling cold awns complement each other’s cold arrogance on Twin Swordsman‘s face at the moment, giving’Twin Swordsman‘ a different style.

Even Blue and Willey, partners of ‘Twin Swordsman’, looked at them for a moment.

They have never seen this ‘Twin Swordsman’.

Not to mention the people around.

At this moment, everyone around is looking at ‘Twin Swordsman’ with an expectant look.

They want to see how ‘Twin Swordsman’ killed the half-man and half-wolf monster.

“Hey, are you stunned by my serious look?”

“I already said that, only me is reliable here!”

Feeling everyone’s eyes, ‘Twin Swordsman’ thought beautifully, but his movements were not slow, ‘Twin Swordsman’ planned to cleanly kill the monster in front of him.

However, just before ‘Twin Swordsman’ was about to swing his crossed swords, a black shadow flashed in front of him.

The cloak of crow feathers in the sun brings up the sound of hunting through the movement of figure.


The monster was kicked off.

In the sound of broken bones and torn muscles, soldiers infected with Wolf Plague lost their breath in midair.

Perhaps without the fatal point that ordinary people think, and without most of the pain, even the strength and speed have increased greatly, but the monsters of half-man and half-wolf still have a limit.

Like a blow like Kieran, it almost destroys the strength of the whole body, they can’t resist at all.

Looking at the dead monster, the crowd watching was quiet.

Then, there was loud cheering.

Sir 2567 Wansheng!”

Sir 2567 Wansheng!”


The cheers are deafening.

But ‘Twin Swordsman’ stood blankly as if he had lost his soul.

“Shouldn’t I have shot it?”

“Shouldn’t I solve it in the most handsome pose?”

Sznak muttered to himself.

Blue, who jumped from the roof frowned, looked at such a partner. He thought he needed to comfort Sznak.

Similarly, the coming Willey thinks the same way.

“The honor of the warrior is not only the cheers in front of you, but also the heavy heart.”

“The soldier’s medal is not only a scar on his body, but also his inner tenacity.”

The two said almost in no particular order.

The Sznak, who can hear his partner’s comfort, is getting more and more depressed.

“I don’t want scars!”

“I don’t want to be heavy!”

“I don’t want to be tough!”

“I just want to cheer!”

“Sure enough, I shouldn’t leave Capital of Dawn. If I don’t leave Capital of Dawn, I won’t team up with you. If I don’t team up with you, I’m still the famous Capital of Dawn swordsman who is popular with everyone…”

The depressed Sznak dragged the two swords to the corner and squatted there and kept talking.

Facing the appearance of a partner, Blue and Willey, which are already accustomed to it, have no surprises and continue to comfort Sznak in their own way.

“Don’t be frustrated, Sznak.”

“Just now everyone is paying attention to Sir 2567, no one is paying attention to you.”

“You don’t have to worry about your appearance being seen.”


“Whether it is embarrassing or embarrassing, nobody sees it.”

“You are still you, the famous ‘Twin SwordsmanSznak.”

Continuous sounds of consolation appeared in the ears of Sznak.


“I am a mushroom, I am a mushroom, I am a mushroom…”

Sznak grinned and habitually began to let go.

And as Blue said, no one pays attention to it.

When Kieran appeared, everyone’s eyes were on Kieran.

Although it is only three days, Kieran has already become a legend in Gravel Town.

In the face of legend, everyone has curiosity.

Of course, everyone is restrained in the legendary ‘record’.

After all, everyone knows that the people of Burning Family are not good husbands.

“Thank you for your help.”

Warren looked gratefully at Kieran.

Although I have made up my mind, Warren knows that his freehand, unarmored self has a good chance of winning against that monster~ Even if it is a victory, it will eventually be a terrible victory.

So, such gratitude is sincere.

“You are welcome.”

“Are you the special envoy of Burning Dawn?”

Kieran shook his head and asked directly.

He who wants to confirm the situation further does not care about the other party’s gratitude.


“It is a great honor to meet you, 2567 Sheriff Your Excellency.”

As long as they are not deaf, in the cheers just now, they should know the identity of Kieran in front of them, and Warren is naturally no exception.

The Burning Dawn major first performed a military salute, and then said in a very sigh: “The Ashenny special envoy assured us that Your Excellency 2567 you can help us treat Wolf Plague, we still have concerns, but just a scene, But he is telling us that the special envoy of Ashenny is true.”

“This is really great!”

“Those guys are saved!”

The both eyes talking about Warren became red.

Kieran is pretty sure that if there are not too many people around, this middle-aged man with a big beard and a belly can cry.

But at this time Kieran will not comfort the other party, he is more concerned about the content of the other party’s words.

“What are you talking about?”

“Treat Wolf Plague?”

To confirm, Kieran asked again.


Warren nodded, then lowered his voice and said in words that only two people could hear: “Ashenny special envoy said that the royal family would know that what happened to Supreme Road would send her and you here. Investigate everything in secret and treat those infected with Wolf Plague!”

“She is the envoy on the bright side who is responsible for attracting the attention of the enemies, and you are the one who is secretly responsible for both secret investigation and treatment of Wolf Plague!”

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