The Devil’s Cage Chapter 31: Return

What would it feel like to be watched by thousands of eyes?

A lot of attention?

Excited and uplifted?

The answer will be countless.

But what if the thousands of eyes are from the same body, and this body is terrifying, exuding the predatory breath of Superior people?

There is only one answer: fear!

This is the case with Contly at the moment.

Contly‘s mind is blank, only the stranger mouth is getting closer and closer.

The fangs that rotate like a chainsaw explode all the hairs of Contly.

The breath of death came.

The stiff‘s body not only did not restore the original in such a breath, but even more cold and cold.

She was ‘frozen’ in place.


It’s dark.

Kieran’s back blocked the colorful light that made her heart palpitate.

“Go back!”

A low drink with orders.

Contly saw the monster that made her heart palpitate and disappeared in front of her very submissively.

“Is that “King Beast“?”

Contly muttered to himself.

This is the second time Kieran has heard another name for Creature of Desire, but he did not immediately ask because there are more things in his eyes that deserve his attention.

The Creature of Desire feeding [Flower of Amida] has become more aggressive, but… the more obedient to his orders.

This is not an illusion.

When Kieran summoned Creature of Desire in the past, the two parties also had exchanges.

Although Creature of Desire can only issue a little simple meaning, Creature of Desire will also be dissatisfied when it encounters a command different from its own will.

But not just now!

With his order, Creature of Desire dispersed.

The abnormal situation has made Kieran‘s eyes tightly fixed on [Flower of Amida].

“It is the power of these flowers!”

This point, Kieran is extremely certain.

The guesses will appear.

“Temporary tame?”

“Still long?”

“Is there any sequelae?”

In the face of Creature of Desire, a monster born of his own Desire and emotions, Kieran doesn’t dare to care. He doesn’t want to be a flesh puppet.

Kieran carefully examines itself.

There is no prompt.

The beating of the two hearts is also strong and strong, and the same is not abnormal.

Kieran sighed slightly.

But he didn’t feel relieved.

“What is “King Beast“?”

Kieran turned around and looked at Contly, who was still feeling nervous.

He wants more information from the other person’s mouth.

“‘King Beast’ is one of the symbols of the ‘emperor’!”

“This is what we all know in the ancient city Guardian , but more, it is ignorant.”

Contly said so.

Then, looking at Kieran with a strange look.

Obviously, Contly thought of the identity of Kieran‘Royal Family’, plus Creature of Desire for Kieran‘s “Speak and Listen”…

“Are you going to be an “Emperor”?”

Contly asked.

At this moment, the former Bounty Hunter and Isogu City‘s Guardian have already thrown their anger aside.

She needs to confirm something that is very important to her.

Guardian of Isogu City has an obligation of loyalty to the “Emperor”?”

Kieran asked.

“You know?!”

Contly exclaimed.

Looking at the surprised face of Contly, Kieran shook his head.

Of course he doesn’t know.

However, such a thing is not difficult to guess.

Let’s talk about the relationship between Isogu City and Neegor Dynasty, as well as the expression of the other party’s cautiousness, which is basically clear at a glance.

“I am not the “Emperor” and do not need your allegiance!”

“You don’t need to worry at all!”

Speaking of such words, Kieran called other people to this secret room. He directed Lehade, and the “tree” overgrown with [Flower of Amida] even dug out the soil near the roots.

“Bring it on the carriage!”

“You guys protect it!”

Kieran said to Lehade, Lie and three mutant knights.

In fact, no Kieran command is required. After seeing this tree, the three mutant knights already knew what to do.

After all, this is something that can save lives!

How can they be ignored.

Except for this ‘tree’, other items in the closet are not very valuable to Kieran.

The jewelry is just ordinary jewelry.

Some seemingly quaint sword weapons are also ornaments, and none of them have special powers.

After a slightly disappointed sigh, Kieran turned and walked out of the chamber.


“25…Your Highness and so on!”

Contly is chasing behind Kieran, and the title is also deliberately changing.

“You follow the team back to Calhart Barrack!”

“I need to go first!”

The footsteps of Kieran have not stopped.

When walking out of the lobby, Kieran immediately used the [Nightingale token].


In the hissing sound, a red-eyed black horse rushed out of the shadows.

Kieran turned around and disappeared in a flash, leaving only Contly standing blankly.

“The red-eyed black horse with the shadow?!”

The ancient city Guardian thought of something silly looking at the direction of disappearance of Kieran.

It’s not just the ancient city Guardian , but also the three strong and three mutant knights all look like this.

Disaster in the shadow!”

“Master in the dark!”

“Lava is the armor, the giant sword tears the world!”

“When I return, the monster in the void will roar again, and the horse in the shadow will gallop again!”

“Bad rebel!”

“Please wait for me!”

“I have returned!”


Like a long poem, like a war song.

Lie, three mutant knights sing at the same time.

No practice required.

Because they have already practiced tens of thousands of times.

Since their birth, their parents told them what tone they should sing and what attitude they should use to treat the confirmed that person.

“Your Majesty!”

Lie, the three mutants kneeled down and shouted in the direction where Kieran disappeared.

Contly hesitated.

In the end, I also chose to kneel.

In the secrets left by Isogu City Guardian , there is a similar rumor.

Not as detailed as mutant, but also let Contly know what to do.


Slight fever came from [Armor of Excellence].

That’s the temperature emitted by the Kieran badge [Lionheart] stored close to you.

If you feel something, Kieran looks back at Shudrin Castle, which has long disappeared.


He looked forward!

There is the direction of Calhart Barrack.

If the blur sensor is Shudrin Castle, he also senses the change of Calhart Barrack.

Compared to the blur of Shudrin Castle, Calhart Barrack is clear.

The heavy city wall collapsed.

The prosperous streets are messy.

The cannon’s roar sounded again and again.

The remaining mutant struggles with the layout of the core area.

The injured Idell stood in a fortification, with a greasy face raised at the enemy who had suddenly attacked and raised the gun in his hand.

Behind it, one wounded after another was carried into the solid hall.

And in the lobby…

The wounded everywhere.

There are mutant and humans.

An mutant with only an upper half of the body is still in desperation even after receiving treatment.

Life is passing, leaving it in a trance until unconscious.

It’s life began to reverse like a lantern.

Finally, stay in the long poem and war song that parents sing with a smile.

Long poems and war songs that should have been forgotten are so clear at this time.

Involuntarily, mutant opened his mouth and sang softly.

Disaster in the shadow!”

“Master in the dark!”

“Lava is the armor, the giant sword tears the world!”

“When I return, the monster in the void will roar again, and the horse in the shadow will gallop again!”

“Bad rebel!”

“Please wait for me!”



Don’t finish mutant is gone.

But the long poem and war song did not stop.

The injured mutant in the hall seemed to have a tacit understanding, and at the same time he spoke at the same time.

They sing.

Sound came from the lobby.

Not only is it clear and audible, it also makes the sky sound.

Thousands of voices converge into one–

“I have returned!”


Suddenly, [Lionheart] changed from slightly hot to hot!

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