Apocalypse Cockroach: 1,292 to the north

As Regel conjectured, Australia’s position in Zhang Xiaoqiang’s mind was very important. After learning that the Northern Transit Zone and Sea Race had exchanged fire, they drove from Fujian to frigate overnight and just entered Australia from Darwin Port. The cameras detected countless The Sea Race and the sea beast are scattered in the vast area, forming a huge arrow to the final sniper defense line of Zhao Deyi. Through Xiang Haier’s description, I learned that the following Sea Race and the sea beast are guided by a vague idea, heading in the same direction In advance, Zhang Xiaoqiang has guessed that these Sea Race are the revenge sent by the meteorite.

Regall said well before, Sea Race is infinitely powerful in the sea, and it is nothing when you leave the ocean. On the earth covered with yellow sand, a dead Sea Race corpse emerges endlessly, and there are many hills like it. The sea beasts evaporate the body’s water under the baking of the sun and shrink into piles of dry corpses. The countless dry corpses are much denser than the area behind Australia that was attacked by Sea Race. There are only tens of square kilometers in the area. But here are hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of corpses.

Five Chinese version of Harrier Eagle airships surround the frigate like a little duck chasing a female duck. The huge frigate vigorously swept across the sky, flying forward along the countless corpses and Sea Race, not in front of the frigate side At ten kilometers, thirty giant airships are slowly floating above the sky, just like black sesame seeds, which can be clearly seen with the eyesight of Zhang Xiaoqiang. That is a drone that is countless times smaller than black sesame seeds. Fighting against hundreds of seabirds, each seabird is several times larger than drones, or even tens of times. From time to time, drones are hit by the tumbling in the sky, and then the total number of drones that stop tumbling Can re-travel and sky, continue to fight against sea birds.

There are always a few or dozens of Sea Races on the seabirds. These Sea Races are like air firemen, throwing bright crystal ice spears at the drone or airboat. The airship does not rely on the drone alone. In battle, every airship is strengthened as much as possible. A large amount of light and strong variant wood is far tougher than the steel frame structure. Even if the bulkheads on the surface are full of ice spears, they still have to be like monster On the contrary, the seemingly huge and awkward airship spouted a dense tongue of fire like a hedgehog, machine guns, rockets, large caliber heavy machine guns, and even huge crossbows, forming a firenet-like fire belt, which was usually involved in it. The seabirds will be torn and shattered. For a time, the feathers floating in the sky are like snowflakes suspended around the airship, and then turned into fly ash in various hot bullets or bursting shells.

The frigate did not manage the airship of the transport brigade. Every time the airship resisted the Sea Race attack, it had one more experience in combat. The frigate and the transport ship needed too much space. There was no time to **** these airships, so the transport brigade must Struggling to survive on his own, the frigate soon reached the town of the decisive battle that day, the entire town has been razed to the ground, scattered building materials have been smashed by countless mutant sea beasts, in the town and the area around the town All of them were burnt black. Large areas of land were burned by flames. one by one was ten meters deep and tens of meters wide. The huge craters were densely packed, and there were piles of Sea Race bodies in mountains.

Countless Sea Races and mutant beasts staggered over the corpses and marched forward to the dense cross-fire area. From time to time, a huge grenade flew in the middle of Sea Race. The huge fire mass rolled over the area of ​​100 meters square, dozens of Sea Race The Sea Race, which was vaporized by the fire ball in a moment, walked farther around the fire ball, was like a blade of grass flying in the wind and fragmented into the sky. Every time the smoke was dispersed, there would be a huge crater and hundreds of corpses on the ground.

Here, the number of Sea Races became dense, and the sea beasts and Sea Race walking in the back were like sea sand attracted by magnets, slowly forming a river to the defense line of the gunpowder and the city of smoke and smoke for three days, let the landform here The terrain and the terrain have been completely changed. The scarlet blood participates in the scorched black ground and floating soil, which makes the dry desert terrain for many years to form a blood mud swamp. The dark clouds formed by the thick smoke cover the ground, even if it is above the sky, it cannot be seen below Everything, only a blazing flash of fire flashed in the shadows with the sound of the explosion, but it was clear that the smoke from the artillery battalion tens of kilometers away when firing the shells, all the “Caesar” equipped by the Australian Army “The wheeled self-propelled artillery has unimaginable flexibility and convenience. After every three or five shells are fired, it will be launched quickly, or it will advance or retreat to build the best launching position.

The frigate quickly broke into the smoke cloud. During the rapid decline, all the scenes on the ground became clear. I saw that countless Sea Races were violently impacting the three ring longitudinal defense civil engineering positions. Like the battlefield during World War II, this position composed of countless trenches, bunkers, barbed wire, and antlers is covered with corpses. Occasionally, monster like Foshan Hill is turned over on the position. The **** wound will be monster‘s body is full, and the largest can even drive into a car.

The vast majority of corpses are Sea Race corpses. Here, blood is the cheapest. Through the real-time images fed back from the reconnaissance airboat, in some of the most cutting-edge trenches, the blood will almost diffuse out of the trenches. The waterless desert formed such a blood river. It can be seen that the underground soil has absorbed the blood to a saturated state, countless fire spots shuttled on the corpse, and a burst of blood mist was cut through the Sea Race in groups, Sea Race has long been lost In order to use the ice spear, we can only rely on the two claws and the body to tear a path. The layers of barbed wire are covered with Sea Race corpses. Many corpses have been shot by chiseled bullets, leaving only the incomplete skeleton .

For three days, the elite soldiers who resisted were trapped to the extreme. Occasionally, after Sea Race and mutant beasts burst into the position, they couldn’t kill them for the first time, because the pressure on other positions was also very large. Collapse, whenever this time, one by one Evolution will drill out from all corners of the position to face Sea Race, the most conspicuous is the sword cut, this guy who is more charming than a woman is simply the incarnation of death, wherever he went, the corpse was everywhere. Even the giant mutant beasts of level two or above will die unconsciously under his serrated knife.

The batch of sawtooth knives obtained in Okinawa that day became the top weapon of all high-end Evolution people of Huaxia Renaissance, and they can exert great power in the hands of top Evolution people, especially for the assassination of the sword. The shadow of the sword cuts through the world. Whenever the enemy is killed invisibly, if the Zhao Deyi is assisted by the sword cut, these positions have been attacked these days. There are too many high-level mutant beasts that are not afraid of conventional weapons. Lethal, some defensive sea beasts even surpass D4zombie, even if the main gun of the tank is helpless, fortunately the sawtooth knife can easily tear any monster skin, otherwise they will only escape.

In addition to the faint shuttle and its own speed, Jiancian has also eaten second- and third-level mutant animal colloids. One of the abilities is to exude body fragrance, which can attract wild mutant animals. Mutants are great hunting baits, but they are not as good as sword shit, but it is another ability to make his assassination ability even more powerful. Every powerful mutant has a height and thickness that everyone is surprised by, which means Their weaknesses will be hidden by thick leather muscles. Even with a serrated knife, it is impossible to easily cut off the body like a city wall. Weakness detection has the greatest use.

This ability that needs to be close to the mutant beast ten meters away is the most suitable for sword slicing. It is with this ability that he can find the weakness of monster, unexpectedly cut the leg or pierce the key, otherwise, Sword Cut can’t kill the monster even if he dances next to the monster. Even so, Sword Cut and his team have reached the limit. They are the final reserve team. Every time the most dangerous, the casualties are equally heavy. Most of them are not equipped with the best armor and weapons, and they have already lost everything.

The Evolution people have suffered heavy losses, and sword chopping is equally difficult. Although most of the abilities of marine mutant beasts are related to water and ice, there are also quite a few mutated beasts with other abilities. After a life-and-death fight, he can win the battle, even if he fights for a long time, he can’t stand it.

The ugly heads of Sea Race flew into the sky one after another. He was like a wandering soul wandering in the black Sea Race. On the same day in Shanghai, he was just a half-top Evolution who could easily reap the lives of dozens of Evolution. Now the top Evolution people are more manic in killing, only a few blinks, hundreds of Sea Race rushed into the position were beheaded, licking a bit for the corpse’s position, and don’t wait when he took a breath and prepared to gasp The mini-communicator on the neckline came from Zhao Deyi‘s cry: “Everyone gives up their positions, everyone gives up their positions to evacuate, the western defense line is broken, and retreat…”

At the moment the order was issued, the first-line positions were simultaneously bursting into the sky, and a large amount of explosives previously purchased were detonated at the same time. The firepower network that was vacated due to the retreat was also compensated for. Sea Race suffered heavy losses in an instant. Watching a wave of fire spread in front of the position, the sword that had been blackened by the smoky black spit hard and spit hard, turned to look to the west, the west was also wrapped in flames, just before the flames, and A lot of mutant sea beasts and Sea Race are chasing down the retreating soldiers, and seeing the Kraia riding on the sea beast, the black cheeks twitching slightly, the Kraia alone is not terrible, the sea beast alone is not terrible, but on both sides It’s pretty scary to get together~ IndoMTL.com~ At least two-thirds of his wounds come from this way.

Just when he wanted to rush over and fight, he saw that the dark smoke of the sky became darker, and the huge body of the frigate suddenly appeared on the heads of those sea beasts. the next moment was like a hen laying eggs. The shiny silver metal cylinders fell into the middle of the Sea Race one after another, and the dazzling red light suddenly flashed, causing Jianci to cover his eyes with a serrated sword, even if he was hiding behind the sword, he could feel the hot airflow It was like a needlepoint stuck on his bare skin, and soon the air became suffocating, so that he had to rush into the shadows around him to show his body away from the kilometer, the next moment, the entire line of defense was quiet, boundless karma The fire burned all the areas within a range of more than ten kilometers, and the huge flame head rose to a height of tens of meters, curling up a pile of black charcoal. Everyone knows this kind of material. It is the ubiquitous Sea Race ashes around them.

The incendiary fire bombs dropped by the **** boat seem to be endless. They continue to fall into the distance. More flames are ignited. The scattered incendiary incendiary bombs have amazing adhesion and endurance. Each pile of fire heads will burn Spread to thousands of square meters, and this continuous flame quickly joined together, forming a huge fire net to surround countless Sea Race, even if there is no flame, these creatures that are used to living in the sea are also wailing It killed, whether it was high temperature or heavy smoke, or lack of oxygen can kill them.

Zhao Deyi stayed for three days, and the position just a line away from the collapse was finally safe with the support of the new incendiary bombs. Countless soldiers were driven to the rear by the heat of the flames, but everyone was excited. Helicopters shuttled in the sky. It also stopped firing ammunition, as if the birds of phoenix surrounded the frigate. At this moment, there is nothing like this to feel the fierceness and stability brought by the frigate.

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