Apocalypse Cockroach: Five hundred and thirty-seven on the wall

Two thousand marines walked with thick masks in the ashes like snow, and each zombie was shot in the head by a crossbow arrow, and fell heavily in the bone powder to dust, more than ten of them Marines are very experienced in multiples of zombie. They approached zombie quickly from different angles and used the quasi-heart to pull the trigger of zombie‘s head.

Every time the bowstring sounds, a zombie falls down and stirs up a bone meal. The marines of the two brigades, such as Piao Ding Jie Niu, will quickly clear the zombie scattered outside. The most efficient teams are rolling straight. They are more accurate and efficient. Within the maximum range of the crossbow arrows, they can always kill the zombie with one arrow. The speed of replacing the crossbow arrows is also super fast. Often in the blink of an eye, the crossbow arrows are placed on the crossbows. .

Behind them, a team of 300 people moved forward silently. Zhao Deyi took this fully armed force behind the clearing team and walked towards the corpse mound outside the fence. How high, the corpse mound is connected to the ground with a slope. This is the passage of the previous zombie sea attack into the wall. Compared with other parts of the body, there are traces of being eaten. Most of the corpses here are intact. Of course, only the skeleton is intact. Many zombie has been rotten. The green corpse water mixes the bone meal on the ground into a mud-like thing, exuding an unprecedented stench.

The Zhao Deyi wearing a gas mask walks forward with heavy panting. The others behind him are like him, wearing a gas mask, wearing a fully enclosed Leather Armor and body armor, equipped with a standard rifle, pistol, and various A kind of sword and shield crossbow.

This unit was specially selected by Zhao Deyi to clean up the defense system of the fence. These people are the elite of the Marine Corps and the best among the three mountain defenders. It is impossible for nearly six thousand people to climb up only through the corpse mound. There is still a lot of material and logistics for the fence, and they have no energy to get through. They need to find the fence motor room, run the generator, and open the fence steel door to enter the base to fight.

No one knows the specific situation inside. Zhao Deyi is used to all kinds of big scenes, but here, his scalp is still tingling. It takes three kilometers from the outermost to the front of the fence. Squad, their speed is not slow. As they approached, countless scenes of zombie dying together were intimidating, but the most terrible thing was the few mounds under the wall.

Countless corpses are entangled and overlapped with each other, all of them are badly decayed. Many corpses, bones and internal organs are embedded in each other, just like the wall of flesh and blood compacted by the roller, this wall with the smell of corpses has only died most , And a small part of the body that is not decayed is alive. These embedded zombie did not hurt the vitality, even if the bones in their whole bodies were broken into scum, they did not have to kill them.

The more you walk in, the more terrifying you feel. The zombies embedded in the corpse are still struggling and wriggling, just like the prisoners who are wailing on the stone pillars in hell, enduring torture all the time, waiting for redemption The moment of liberation.

When they walked to the very edge of the **** of the corpse mound, everyone was frightened. Countless bones broke into carpet-like dregs spread on the back of the corpse mound, and there was a semi-viscous green corpse water flowing on it. Not flowing down from the top of the mound, but from the innermost layer of the mound. At the edge of the mound, more zombie was found. Before they were blocked by the huge volume of the mound, at close range On the scene, everyone saw thousands of live zombie creeping in the mound.

While wearing a gas mask, they can smell the strong body odor that makes their stomachs twitch. The gas mask can block most of the outside sound, but each of them seems to hear countless wailing sounds echoing on the mound, The three hundred elite soldiers with hundreds of zombie blades retreated at the same time, as if they would go one step further and become a part of the struggling body of this corpse as long as they stepped forward.

When the people backed away, someone accidentally made a noise, and suddenly a black cloud rose on the corpse. People were suddenly dizzy with a buzzing noise, and it took a while to find out, where is this black cloud, this Apparently, countless flies were flying on the corpse mound, and when everyone couldn’t help but turn around and fled, the uselessness formed by these flies suddenly twisted and changed various shapes and flew away. In a few moments, the whole corpse There was no more flies on the hill.

Compared to the fear of others, Zhao Deyi can still keep calm and look carefully in fear. In the horizontal branches, such as the thigh arms with dense spines, he found that these zombie embedded in the corpse mound actually became all Evolution zombie, some zombie are still struggling while licking the viscous green corpse water, many of which are type 2 zombie.

Roughly counted, he found that at least 20% of the zombie living here are type 2 zombie, whether it is D2 or S2, they are embedded in the corpse and can not move at all.

“As long as there is corpse water, zombie can Evolution, don’t care about their environment and comfort, zombie even Evolution, still can’t save their desperation in a specific environment…”

Thinking of this, Zhao Deyi turned his head and looked back at the three hundred members who were backing ten meters away, waved his right hand to signal them to move forward, and turned his head to see a guy in a tight suit with a gas mask and no weapons on his body was preparing Get an S2zombie embedded in the mound.

Ai Qingshan, what the **** are you doing?”

Speaking wearing a gas mask, it is inevitable that there will be some anger and anger. Ai Qingshan heard Zhao Deyi’s shouting and wanted to take care of it, but just wanted to pull zombie out, and later thought that he was still under the hands of others, explaining:

“I want it, I want to give it to my sister, so that my sister has two men…”

“Don’t worry about it, the bones are broken, and it’s a waste to pull it out…”

Zhao Deyi understands the idea of ​​Ai Qingshan. As a rare Zombie Control, Ai Xuexue has unlimited potential. If Elder Brother Cockroach personally guides, it may be their ace Evolution. Since Ai Xuexue already has a powerful D2, give her An S2 is also a must, but it is not the time to do this.

White military shoes stained with ashes stepped on the overflowing corpse water and climbed on top of the corpse mound. The viscous corpse water underneath the feet made the cold in everyone’s heart deep into the bone marrow, no one felt Comfortable, even the Ai Qingshan, who has never cared about anything, can’t help standing on tiptoes.

Bone passages are mostly broken bone residues, and some are composed of complete ribs or thigh bones. These areas are mostly wet and slippery. If you accidentally slip, you will slip. If you slip, it is the biggest tragedy in the world. , And saw the slippery unlucky ghost rolling along the passage in the corpse water, splashing green viscous liquid all over his body.

When a group of people climbed up the fence, there were already six such unlucky guys. It was a last resort. Zhao Deyi let these six people return along the road. They were no longer suitable for combat. The stench and disgusting body water on their bodies made them want to wait. Kill yourself.

Standing on the wall, I can’t take a closer look. The soldiers who came up first spread out one after another, spread out along the wall covered with corpses, and hacked down some zombie lying on the ground and couldn’t get up, waiting for three hundred. After all the people came up, Zhao Deyi had the intention to carefully examine this high wall.

The wall head is as general as the ground below, all covered with zombie corpses, some places are evenly poured into one piece, and some places are more than ten piled up together, no blood stains can be seen, only splattered black marks Sprinkle it on the wall or various utensils.

Here, the ground is also filled with corpse water, and the depth is almost full of the shoe upper, so Zhao Deyi can’t wait to throw the shoes away, walking in the corpse water, the ground is walking with countless bullet shells, these bullet shells are corroded in the corpse water Like variegated limestone, it seems impossible to reinstall.

There are many other things on the wall, steel wire mesh, trip wire, ammunition box, sandbags or various daily necessities, all of which are mixed with the corpses after the zombie decay. In addition, they also found that the corpses were flooded in the water. Many of the flies that I saw before died, the wasp-sized heads, and their yellow hairs, and their appearance was no different from their previous lives.

“This thing can still be used, the base is corroded, and there is ammunition…”

Not far away, a soldier standing next to the 37 anti-aircraft gun shouted to Zhao Deyi, Zhao Deyi raised his eyebrows, and walked over to stand next to the man to observe. The anti-aircraft gun was abandoned at the last minute. This thing is no faster than a machine gun. These anti-aircraft guns are the most abandoned on the fence, as well as four-unit anti-aircraft machine guns ~ IndoMTL.com ~ There are sandbags for ammunition storage points around the anti-aircraft guns. Most of the ammunition boxs are empty, only the topmost ammunition box There are quite a few 37-millimeter a meter in height shells. The soldiers grabbed a few shells and climbed into the magazine to operate. They were caught by Zhao Deyi and pulled down.

“There is something on your feet, this thing is very corrosive, don’t care about these things, we have to find a downward path…”

Pointing at the corpse water on the soldier’s feet, after the Zhao Deyi reminded, he would no longer care about the soldier who had covered the anti-aircraft gun, looking for a passage to the motor room. A bone was pulled to the wall and dropped.


It didn’t take long for someone to find it. Zhao Deyi hurried over and ran halfway. He saw Ai Qingshan standing on the inside of the wall and looked down below. It was dumb. Zhao Deyi knew that Ai Qingshan had not been here. Shout out:

“Go in and see enough later, come here…”

“No, no, you come to see…”

Zhao Deyi ignored Ai Qingshan and ran to the place where the channel was found. There were so many corpses piled up here. The corpses were stacked on top of one another, and the hill more than three meters high just blocked the downward compartment. Several soldiers Using a wooden stick to pry the corpse.

“It’s blocked and can’t be opened…”

The soldiers couldn’t move the body for a while. Zhao Deyi tried to pick it with a bayonet and stopped frowning. The body was entangled and couldn’t be moved at all, making his head a bit big.

Division Commander Zhao, you are coming soon to see, something is wrong…”

Ai Qingshan reminded Zhao Deyi again, Zhao Deyi frowned and shouted:

“I am busy, aren’t you a Evolution person, solve it yourself…”

After finishing, he pointed to the corpse and said aloud:


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