Apocalypse Cockroach: Five hundred and thirty-fifth third division

“Report, Major Yuri, the flight instructor, sent something, specifically stating that the hot spring base sent him urgently. It is very important that it needs to be sent to Huang Chief in person…”

A report from the communications staff came outside the door. Huang Quan and others looked out together and saw Yuri wearing a neat Epoch military uniform, pretending to be standing seriously outside, carrying a leather pouch in his hand.

“Let’s go and prepare, Minister Zhang stays…”

Huang Quan only left Zhang Huai’an and let others go out to make final preparations. Everyone on the scene was excited and walked out of the room. Only Zhao Xiaobo glanced at Huang Quan when he was leaving. Huang Quan simply did not pay attention to her She sighed for a long time, staying in the base was not for duty, but for Huang Quan, even her face was gone, but Huang Quan still didn’t want her, although she didn’t care about the name, just need to be with Huang Quan and He died together, and did not turn up quite well. She was denied the chance to die with Huang Quan.

Yuri walked in generously, put the shoulder bag on the table, gestured to Huang Quan and Zhang Huai’an, and said in very strange Chinese:

“Zhao…, very good…”

Huang Quan nodded his head and waved Yuri back. He understood Yuri’s meaning. This was sent by Zhao Deyi expeditiously. It must be important for Zhao Deyi to send the aircraft to the plane. When he pulled the shoulder bag, Zhang Huai’an suddenly Exclaimed:

“Good guys, isn’t this thing very valuable, so much has been made all at once?”

The shoulder bag is full of crystal bottles. Each crystal bottle is filled with an erosion source like emperor green emerald. The clear semi-liquid liquid is packed in various perfume bottles with labels, which makes people feel These crystal bottles are not worthy of these erosion sources.


Zhang Huai’an pulled out a blank piece of paper from the shoulder bag, which recorded the method and quantity of this thing, and there were also suggestions for use. Seeing this thing, Huang Quan suddenly felt confident in their final victory.

Early morning, the people who got up early got their ecstatic good news. No one doubted that this was the false comfort given to them by the upper classes. What can be questioned about the hope of victory?

All breakfast time, everyone is talking about the chance of victory. For them, millions of zombie is simply an indescribable nightmare. No one dare to say that his own fan fan towel can make millions of zombie in a chat. When the smoke disappears, they can’t think of how the top management can solve these zombie.

Compared with Ordinary people, the soldiers know a little bit more. They swept away the depression and decadence of the past and gleefully talked about how brave the comrades of the Zhao Deyi troops were. Although there is no longer contempt, it remains a strong suspicion that the Marines rescued Zhao Deyi on their own, thinking it was just a coincidence.

After learning that the two troops rescued them, they didn’t care much about the Marine Corps at the peak, but they were full of affirmation to the Zhao Deyi troops. When more or less true or false gossip was spread, the whole The atmosphere of the army was mobilized, with the exception of another newly merged force.

After receiving gambler-like approval from Li Zhi, Ye Gushan brought out the thousands of soldiers who remained near the military warehouse, and headed up to the Cockroach base to join officially. They just took a thought and eliminated zombie as much as possible. There is one less zombie, the safer Hubei is, and at least those survivors hiding in the dark have more chances of survival.

So the Ye Gushan unit has become an awkward unit. Prior to this, they had never fought a large-scale battle. The individual skills and tactics they mastered had no effect in front of zombie. zombie would not know that you used insights. Attack, or block the attack. Once they form a corpse tide, no one can stop them in a short period of time, unless the entire front is cut off by a fire line, and a fence is formed in front of zombie with bullets.

After a series of brutal battles, these soldiers suffered little loss, but their psychological pressure has never been greater. They gradually recognized the Cockroach base, thus eliminating their hostility to this force. After all, they Fight in a trench and face the endless zombie frenzy together.

The soldiers who grew up from rookie to elite encountered their most depressing things. They actually had to form an army with their previous life and death rivals. Of course, the team formed with them was also unhappy. Only one person from top to bottom is cool, Li Zhi.

Li Zhi became the Deputy Division Commander of the 3rd Division. The 3rd Division was formed by Huang Quan combining his troops with the airborne army. The airborne army had 3,000 people at the hot spring base, plus more than 800 people. A total of nearly four thousand people, Division Commander is Ye Gushan, the white-haired colonel.

For Li Zhi, there is no awkwardness. After all, this unit was recruited by them, and was promoted from a large captain to a deputy Division Commander, which means that he finally stood out from among the old comrades. There are only a handful of positions above Division Commander, which can be regarded as a real decision-making layer.

And in the middle of Division Commander, he is still an army of the heirs. For example, the second division was expanded by the armed police. Their plus or minus Division Commander is unlikely to enter the decision-making level, because this army still has traces of factions, and Not to be seen.

The refreshing Li Zhi Yaowu Yangwei took his guards to patrol the troops. When he saw that the Ye Gushan was also patrolling, he immediately stepped forward with a smile on his face to say hello:

Old Ye, I will be my own in the future. Let the past go, let it pass. Our third division is newly formed. Everyone is a brother who chews in the pot. We must unite and strive to let Our third division has grown and become a true master division…”

Ye Gucheng looked at Li Zhi nodded politely, and was not too enthusiastic. Looking at the mountainous crossbows and crossbows in the middle of the open space, he shook his head, but said a pity:

“If the Air Force Division can still operate, why not use these weapons? Directly send a bomber group to bomb the zombie for a few rounds, and then give us airdrops of ammunition. We don’t have to use these things. Fighting, fighting, logistics… .”

Li Zhi is deflated. They always fight like this. It’s not necessary. Soldiers usually go round with large blades and cut cold weapons. Cold weapon training is higher than hot weapon training, or they won’t get there today. .

Old Ye, let me remind you, we can go from a small force to the present. We are not talking by rifle bullets. We are really relying on large blades. Although we have thermal weapons insurance, we do not have military equipment. And, the bullets will burn out, just like now, big blades don’t need bullets, plus a shield, a thousand people form a formation, the power is not much worse than the bullet, as long as you cut the neck of zombie, it is much more refreshing than the bullet… …”

Ye Gushan frowned, carried his hands on his back, and swept Li Zhi. After a while, he shook his head and said:

“You are talking about small-scale battles. The scale of future battles will only be large and not small. The number of zombie is one hundred times and thousands of times that of ours. Even if everyone is a man of the same size, it will not be able to withstand the shock of zombie. It is king to overwhelm zombie with bullets. I think your industry is still in its infancy. Fighting is to fight logistics. The logistics cannot keep up. The future battles are hard to say…”

Li Zhi clenched his teeth with his hands, his hands clasped in front of his chest, and tilted his head to look at this new partner. Ye Gucheng behaves strangely. When everyone is pessimistic, he is not pessimistic. When others are optimistic, he is pessimistic. , What character is this?

Looking at Ye Gushan who was talking and talking, Li Zhi‘s eyes lit up, and what he thought, the corner of his mouth was cracked, with a hint of flattering flattery, he walked to Ye Gushan and grabbed his shoulder and put his ear He pulled it to his mouth and whispered:

Division Commander Ye, did you just say the Air Force Division? Where is it?”

Ye Gushan is not used to being hugged by a man and wants to break away from this lazy guy. How do you know that Li Zhi is particularly persistent and stares at Ye Gushan tightly? There is a lot of situations where you won’t let me go without saying.

“Just around Wuhan, not far from the Wuhan airport. It is a military restricted zone, and it’s difficult for people in the neighborhood to get close even if they know it, so it’s normal for the outside world not to know it.”

Li Zhi shook his head suddenly and said:

Division Commander, I didn’t ask if people knew it, I just wanted to ask, what materials and equipment are there?”

Ye Gushan pushed Li Zhi away, looked at him doubtfully, and hesitantly asked:

“You mean? Report the news of the Air Force Division?”

Li Zhi shook his head again and again, sighing:

Division Commander, although we only have less than 4,000 people at present, we will definitely expand it in the future. The equipment will definitely be insufficient at that time. Even if the rifle is full, the heavy firepower is not enough. We must rely on heavy firepower to deal with zombie. You need to find a way to get more heavy firepower, as much as you need machine guns, ammunition depots at the airport, right?”

At this time, Li Zhi has completely entered the state, and he has continuously talked about his vision for the future of the third division. The third division is also a division of Ye Gushan. Ye Gushan joined the Hubei base as if the bride came into the door, and was at a loss. , Li Zhi suddenly told him a lot, and suddenly let him understand a lot, and immediately cooperated with Li Zhi‘s ideas to build a future army. Upon hearing the inquiry, he immediately answered:

“We are a rapid reaction force that can reach any city in China in the shortest time. In order to cope with emergencies, the Air Force Division is our troop transport unit. There are many hidden warehouses near the airport, and there are enough troops in it. All the materials and follow-up materials for fighting a war, of course, only ammunition, most of the weapons are spares, and the number is not a lot…”

Affirmed, Li Zhi was happy in his heart and said without hesitation:

“Enough is enough, we can’t eat these materials. As such, we can eat fat as long as one-third of the contents are retained. Then we will do so. Then give another third to the first division…”

“First Division? Why should I give them?”

Ye Gushan don’t understand a bit. According to Li Zhi, they have a competitive relationship with the first division. The first division is the absolute main force of the Hubei base~IndoMTL.com~Zhao Deyi led several infantry regiments to hold the Sanshan position for twenty days, Once supported, hundreds of thousands of zombie can be easily eliminated. The strength is evident. It is said that their supplements are the highest priority. As for taking it out to please?

Division Commander, you don’t know. Usually, our troops are stationed everywhere. Each troop has its own ammunition depot. Once mobilized, it can avoid the transfer of ammunition and lead to repeated transportation. Nowadays, several wars have come down. Everyone has become a screamer. I will definitely learn my lesson in the future and try my best to fight for ammunition. If we send it over, the first division will definitely be affectionate. …”

Li Zhi actually has a meaning to say this. Their vision is not limited to the surrounding areas of Wuhan. With the development, they will want to expand the surrounding provinces. By then, they will acquire arsenals or military bases around the country, and the equipment they get will naturally have confidence. To fight for it, the greater the strength and the greater the power, the greater the benefits gained. Who doesn’t want to be a man?

“Understood, by the way, don’t you have no military industry? Hanyang Arsenal knows it?”

Ye Gushan suddenly thought of this, and asked Li Zhi with a trace of suspense. Li Zhi‘s eyes lit up, and immediately understood the meaning of Ye Gushan. Ye Gushan knew where there was machinery for making firearms.

“No longer called an arsenal, it is now converted into a gun repair shop. It is nominally a repair shop. In fact, it has the ability to manufacture firearms, and there are many sealed firearms and materials. There are a lot more…”

Li Zhi has been wandering, he did not think about how many repaired firearms and cannons were sealed there, he only knows that if the repair shop that can make guns is handed over to Wang Le without any damage, the third division The bullet will never be worse, even the first division can’t compare…

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