Apocalypse Cockroach: Five hundred and fifteen decisions

“The Zhao Deyi side has stabilized. The three-round cloud storm missiles gave them a day and a half of breathing time, at least annihilated more than 200,000 Evolution zombie, the number of type 2 zombie is about five thousand, and there are more than 150,000 The ordinary zombie, the bullets have been replenished, enough for them to fight at high intensity for more than three days…”

In the small war room, Huang Quan, along with Ding Luo, Lu Xiaobu, and Huang Tingwei, listened to the report of the staff officer. On the desktop Hubei map, large black arrows eroded the red area like a wave. So far, All the news is negative news, the position is constantly lost, the zombie sea is still endless, the guards of the three mountains are helpless, the ammunition is depleted, and the artificial swamp they hoped for has also been broken by zombie, but the achievements have been achieved. Far from their vision.

All the bad news tortured the people present. No days without Zhang Xiaoqiang, it was difficult to do anything, and also learned the pressures before Zhang Xiaoqiang, such as the mountain pressures made them suffer day and night, like oil Pot stickers in the pot.

Huang Quan’s hands and index fingers intersect with each other on the table, raising his ears to listen to the staff officer’s report, gazing at the fingertips in his eyes, Lu Xiaobu and Huang Tingwei sitting silently in their respective positions, Lu Xiaobu holding a teacup that has been cold, dazed, Huang Tingwei kept flipping through the various files in his hand, but his eyes looked at the desktop in front of the files, and Ding Luo looked at the map of the country behind Huang Quan.

The three people seem to be distracted. In fact, every word said by the staff officer is memorized by them, and at the same time they ferment and brew in their hearts. They want to find out from the limited information that they can solve the deadlock.

Compared with the other two people’s anxiety about the battles that followed, Huang Quan kept tracing back the days when he fought with Zhang Xiaoqiang. To be precise, he didn’t experience much fighting with Zhang Xiaoqiang. Before entering gathering place, he hadn’t really As he matured, only a series of battles experienced after gathering place was besieged by zombie made him slowly become a Zhang Xiaoqiang recognized person.

Huang Quan thought that Zhang Xiaoqiang could do it. There was no reason why he couldn’t do it. He set plans, dispatched personnel, and prepared materials. Although there were Epoch attacks, they did not disrupt the rhythm of their combat plans. It seemed that everything was perfect. of.

Unfortunately, they encountered a variety of indescribable variables, just like Xitian’s Scriptures, but the Tang monks could still see their target there and lost their second line of defense. Huang Quan, they are entangled in what to do next?

“This is the only good news we have received these days. Zhao Deyi can still insist that within one day, the Sanshan position wiped out more than 300,000 zombie, ammunition supplements have also gone up, at least they will not let them sit and wait to die …”

Huang Quan’s words are not encouraging or depressing. He just talks about things and listens to Huang Quan’s low and rigid tone. Everyone here is not excited. Lu Xiaobu put the tea cup on the table and turned his head to ask the staff officer:

“How many zombies have we eliminated so far?”

The staff officer is a young spectacled man. His military uniform looks very neat and completely the same as the people present. Although Huang Quan’s appearance is not very good, he dare not be sloppy. I found a piece of information in my leather bag and said:

“The number of zombie we killed before the Sanshan blockade was around 100,000, and the blockade killed between 700,000 and 800,000 zombies. The number of zombies shot by Sanshan positions these days was also around 200,000.

Before the swamp defense line was breached again, according to the influx of zombie, it was about 1.2 million, and there were hundreds of thousands of zombie killed by the edge forces, plus 72 cloud bursts today. The total of 350,000 killed by the bomb was over 2.5 million… “

As soon as the number of two and a half million is out, let the people present straighten their waists. Know that two and a half million zombie is not two and a half million pigs, even if it is two and a half million heads Pigs are not so easy to kill. In their minds, zombie has about 4 million zombie. In other words, they only need to face the remaining 1 million zombie.

“Our previous estimate was wrong. The number of zombie is not four million, but… five million. This is a girl named Chanel who took a mission with Yuri these days and counted it in the air. Only more, not less…”

The staff officer’s words were like a pot of cold water splashing on everyone’s head, and a fiery heart fell into silence again. Two hundred zombie seemed to be only twice as much as one million zombie, but the difference was heaven and earth, whether it was Manpower is still material, and the effort can be more than doubled, and perhaps ten times and one hundred times can not achieve the goal.

“What the **** is that Li Zhi doing? Isn’t he saying that he can get ammunition in up to three days, not counting the eighth day after today, he doesn’t want to live?”

Huang Quan was so angry that he pulled out Li Zhi and said things. The things Li Zhi did at first made him uncomfortable. In the past, Li Zhi used the reason of looking for materials to let Huang Quan let him go. Until now, they have encountered There are more and more frustrations, lost positions, depleted ammunition, sleepy body, low morale, and hopeless battles.

“I know about Li Zhi, after the war broke out, I sent the 800,000 rounds of ammunition they stocked with the Yangtze River transport team, leaving only 200,000 rounds of bullets just in case, in addition, they did not Procrastinating, when the first line of defense started, they acted. The beginning was very smooth. They have recovered more than a dozen streets and rescued dozens of survivors with only one breath. However, after officially entering After the city…”

Huang Quan has not eaten well or slept well during the war, and the whole person has reached the brink of collapse. The Li Zhi’s more than a thousand troops are insignificant compared to the entire battlefield, so Ding Luo did not treat Li Zhi. He said to Huang Quan, now that Huang Quan wants to find someone to vent because of the pressure, he has to stand up. Although he doesn’t like the guy Li Zhi, the guy Li Zhi is still hard-working so far. Li Zhi was killed.

“They met the army? Paratroopers?”

Huang Quan screamed, the tone was weird, and Lu Xiaobu and Huang Tingwei also looked at Ding Luo in surprise. The guy Li Zhi actually encountered a formed army in a city where millions of zombie occupied two years. This… , Is this a fantasy or a strange story?

“We have been picked up cheaply. They are the garrison of WH and have been isolated on the other side of the city. We have fought all the zombie of WH out of two wars and they have the opportunity to enter the city… .”

Huang Tingwei first responded. In the 9 million zombie cities, living people can’t do anything except living like a mouse. Maybe it’s possible to change to a foreign country, a city with more people but fewer people, but It is absolutely impossible in China.

“What is the reaction of the army people? Did you show goodwill?”

Huang Quan calmed down completely, and the emergence of new forces often meant more variables than good or bad, but for now, it is definitely not friendly to stop them from killing zombie and to rob them of the fruits of their victory.

“They did not have an overwhelming response. At the beginning, they wanted to include Li Zhi troops. In the name of the country and the army, they recruited the soldiers under Li Zhi. But these people don’t know that we can enter the city. It’s not zombie. It is a result of the hard work of our front-line fighters. One is to wait for the bargain, and the other is to resist millions of zombie~IndoMTL.com~ without strength to show, they said that no more useless.

However, they did not have strong action players. Li Zhi never refused to lose money. After they failed to negotiate with them, they began to seize the site. Now both sides are fighting. Li Zhi needs our support. It seems that they want to put pressure on Li Zhi… . “

Huang Quan took a deep breath and looked at the low ceiling. His eyes flashed with determination and hesitation. The contradictory eyes repeated back and forth. After a while, he shook his head. Although he was a soldier, he was not loyal. Then there is the army, but Zhang Xiaoqiang, one hundred thousand survivors of the Hubei base.

“Order Yuri to start, deter those people with a helicopter, give them half a day to consider, and advise them to surrender, if not surrender…, destroy it.”

Huang Quan’s tone of command is extremely firm, and there is no possibility of shaking. Huang Tingwei nodded, turned his head to look at Ding Luo and said:

“I’ll notify Yuri, you’ll notify Li Zhi, in case of a crash, after the plane launches an attack, we must rely on the ground forces to cooperate with the attack. This time we have to drum down and don’t have much time to spend time… …”


Huang Quan suddenly opened his mouth, twisted his eyebrows for a moment, and said to Lu Xiaobu:

“Let the Yangtze River fleet go to WH and first recover the shipyard. There are a lot of anti-aircraft machine guns and ammunition. Let them transport all anti-aircraft machine guns and ammunition to the Cockroach base to strengthen the wall defense…”

Three people stared at Huang Quan at the same time, Ding Luo hesitantly asked:

“Did you make a decision?”

Huang Quan got up suddenly and punched the location of the Cockroach base marked on the map, saying:

“Can’t lead to the hot spring base, where there is not enough to resist the two million zombie, and the reserve is not lived, or to the Cockroach base, three walls, dozens of large fortresses, complex terrain, and constant energy sources Provide multiple bullets…”

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