Apocalypse Cockroach: 106 accidents


Malaysia rushed into the canyon with Xu Hao, followed by the Evolution who followed him, and soon after, more than a dozen off-road vehicles rushed in too. A burly figure in the car with a full beard and a wrinkled forehead The man looked at the terrain and asked a middle-aged man with a fine skin and white flesh around him:

“Qiqiqi, this place is very suitable for ambush, be careful…”

Qigqi haha ​​smiled, said with a careless tone: “Ohritown, you came from the border, you don’t know the terrain here, the Chinese rushed into a dead road, and there are not too many here. Obstacle terrain, the gold flag behind can ride up this dirt slope, it’s okay…”

Orydun said he didn’t speak anymore. Although he was rough in appearance, he was naturally attentive and quiet with his appearance, but his temperament was extremely extreme, and his abilities were very strange. It is a roar. If he makes an angry roar at a person, within five meters of his side, all objects will be crushed by an invisible high-frequency shock.

Although Qigeqi’s offensive distance is somewhat short, it is almost invincible offensive means. With Qigeqi, Tie Zhongyuan is confident to regain a large number of cities surrounded by zombie. However, Qigeqi has a fatal weakness, It is unable to defend against long-range, so Russia and Japan became his deputy.

The ability of Russia and Japan is defense, to be more precise, it is an air barrier. He can form a barrier within a meter of his body in the blink of an eye, and can withstand a maximum of 30 shots of 12.7 mm bullets, of course. They are all playing collectively, and it is impossible for the distant snipers to have a chance of firing thirty consecutive shots, so the two are invincible in Kheshig/Imperial Guard.

Because of the cooperation between them, Qigeqi simply is not afraid of anything. For him, many of the following companions have real skills, and the general army simply can’t stop them.

After the team rushed into the canyon, Zhang Xiaoqiang was puzzled. He was saying that the performance of Xu Hao was very exciting. Seeing how it looked, how miserable it was. Even he believed that Xu Hao really reached the point where the mountains and rivers were exhausted. What does a convoy like a sightseeing group do?

Xu Hao looks at the strange road ahead, is this Zhang Xiaoqiang vowed to retreat? The road was there, and then he saw Zhang Xiaoqiang standing above the cliff.

After seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang, Xu Hao felt a little loose in his heart. At least he had not given up his cannon fodder. Then Zhang Xiaoqiang raised his rifle and fired at him. A black shadow was forced out and fled backwards in embarrassment.

Panty and **** Xu Hao could no longer ride the black smoke beast. He fell from the horse immediately and fell on the gravel on the ground. The black smoke beast irritatedly planned his hoof, and seemed to be worried about the appearance of Xu Hao.

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t look at the exhausted Xu Hao on the ground, frowning at the shadow that escaped not far from Xu Hao, Zhang Xiaoqiang recognized that the shadow was a thin man, Evolution direction was agile Just now, he was shooting like that man, and a few shots that were stable were flashed.

It’s not that the man’s speed has exceeded his dynamic vision, but that his speed can’t keep up. Every time the bullet is fired, the man will move quickly. When he shoots again, the man will change to One place, obviously, the man also has the ability to predict danger.

This makes Zhang Xiaoqiang recognize a problem. The threat of guns to Evolution and Evolution zombie is gradually decreasing. At least, he can kill S2zombie with a gun, but he can’t kill zombie above S3, not to mention S4 type zombie. Appeared.

Xu Hao climbed up from the ground with difficulty. A stainless steel medicine bottle was thrown at his feet. When he opened it, he gave it to me. hemostatic powder, who had been exhausted by him, saw that Things, Xu Hao brushed to the black smoke beast’s side, medicine its wounds.

More than ten large cars drove to a place hundreds of meters behind Xu Hao. The people on the car had found ambushes on both sides of the ridge, but no one was taking it seriously. This valley is not dangerous at all, both sides The **** is too slow, and it doesn’t take long to rush up, and there are backups behind them. Even if the whole valley is blocked, the horse can rush to the top of the mountain.

Xu Hao dragged the black smoke beast to the top of the mountain in fear, and at his feet, you could see a fuse of mine explosives and a wire ignition device every three to five minutes. I was afraid that one would be bad. Blast into the sky.

“Russia, come on, these people are the companions of this guy, although the number is not small, but it is still not enough to see us, don’t have to wait for the people behind to come…”

He is a little eager to try. Since the establishment of Kheshig/Imperial Guard, he has not really been put to use. Although women and meat are not lacking, he always feels aggrieved in his heart and wants to kill the game immediately.

Orydun didn’t care much. He looked carefully at the heads of people ambushing on both sides. Although it didn’t look like a lot, everyone had guns in their hands. They hadn’t fired yet, they seemed to be waiting for something, especially Which young man standing on the cliff, with a rifle, drove Temur’s super-fast Evolution back. Obviously, this person’s ability is not weak, maybe the use of guns is his ability.

“Qiqiqi, let’s retreat as soon as possible. They haven’t done it yet. I’m afraid they are waiting for the golden flag behind. I have a bad hunch. Maybe if we don’t go, we will never be able to go…”

He listened to his words with a serious look. The ability of Russia and Japan to defend was far superior to his instinct for danger, but he felt shame in retreating without a formal engagement~IndoMTL.com~Press Feeling irritable, he turned to his companions in the back and shouted: “Temur, Jirimutu, Wurenqimuge, you go together, let me go up and see what’s there…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang was equally anxious. The people in the dozen or so vehicles below did not come within the range of the progressive gun. They stopped from a distance and did not know what to do. His trapping can be said to be full of loopholes, but just wanted The Golden Flag was caught by surprise, blocking the back and annihilating it in this valley, but until now, the Golden Flag has not come in. It is an unknown small army, is it?

I haven’t waited for Zhang Xiaoqiang to understand that three figures from the team rushed towards the hill, and after seeing the three figures, Zhang Xiaoqiang yelled badly. He finally knew the identity of the following people. Kheshig/Imperial Guard.

“The whole line fired, not waiting for the golden flag…”

After Zhang Xiaoqiang finished speaking, he rushed along the ridge. He wanted to stop the three agile Evolutions from letting them discover the mysteries on the hillside. Once the explosives were exposed, those Kheshig/Imperial Guards would definitely run away. They rushed over at Zhang Xiaoqiang. At the same time, mortars on the ridges on both sides ejected one by one small black spots and screamed and slammed into the convoy below.

At the same time the screaming sounded, the Evolutions of the entire convoy changed color at the same time. They did not expect that this group of armed men actually had mortars, and then two machine guns swept over them. Although they were separated by more than a thousand meters, The flames exploded on the ground, so that the georgie, who was not afraid of the earth, also changed color.

With a roar, the entire convoy began to make a U-turn, but it was too late. A mortar shell exploded next to a military vehicle. In the fire, a Evolution on the military vehicle screamed and jumped up, even if his body jumped. In Shangsan a meter in height, a roaring smoke of smoke sprayed from his side into the sky. He and the car under him were torn to pieces like toys.

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