Apocalypse Cockroach: Two hundred and ninety-nine village anomalies

Zhang Xiaoqiang made another mistake unconsciously. His eyes can see the dark clouds, which does not mean that others can see it. In addition, Zhang Xiaoqiang allows Wang Le to remove the air observation mirror, and the machine guns will not be able to see it, but Even if Wang Le is not removed, machine gunner can not see the shadows hovering in the sky for the first time, the endless night sky is the best camouflage of the shadows.

Everyone looked up at the night sky and no one was talking. They were all waiting for the order of Zhang Xiaoqiang. Many people put their guns on their shoulders and aimed at the unknown sky. Zhang Xiaoqiang was not in control of their daze. Keep staring at the shadow.

The shadow doesn’t look big. Only the Zhang Xiaoqiang can see a shadow that is not much bigger than the peanut shell in the night sky. He knows that the seemingly small shadow is actually flying too high. He is not an air defense and can’t figure it out. The actual height of things, but he knows that the thing must be quite trivial, otherwise it will not give him an unbeatable sense of oppression.

The shadow is hovering slowly in the night sky above Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang and hundreds of players are waiting on the ground. The time is slowly passing, but no one dares to be paralyzed. Everyone knows the skill of Zhang Xiaoqiang. Yes, even if some new players do not know, the old players will let them know.

In this atmosphere, Zhang Xiaoqiang has been gradually given to myths, and his ability has been praised to heaven by some caring people. Several managers at the base know that the following team members are gradually deifying Zhang Xiaoqiang, but they At the same time, they pretended not to know, and as a result all the players had awe of Zhang Xiaoqiang.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang is so nervous that it naturally affects the nerves of the team members. In their eyes, Zhang Xiaoqiang is omnipotent, and hundreds of thousands of zombie are easily burnt to ashes by Zhang Xiaoqiang. Now there are ashes everywhere in the base. In my heart, something that can make Zhang Xiaoqiang nervous must have a great future.

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn’t know the thoughts of the following players. He just stares at the shadow of the sky. Even if the corners of his eyes are sour, he dare not blink. As time goes by, the shadow in the sky hasn’t fluttered down, and finally turned. I flew away in a lap

As soon as the shadow flew away, the sense of oppression in Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s heart disappeared. Although this sense of oppression came to be inexplicable, and it was also inexplicable to walk, Zhang Xiaoqiang was planted with a thorn in his heart, and he didn’t know that thing from beginning to end. What the **** is it, I don’t know when that thing will come again

After the order to disband was issued, all the members went back to bed with a fog of water, but San Zi was left by Zhang Xiaoqiang. The two walked to the side of the camp. Zhang Xiaoqiang said what they saw to San Zi. The next San Zi also began to be confused. He couldn’t think of anything that could stare at the camp on the ground at night.

Elder Brother Cockroach, don’t you read someone reading a plane on top of our heads? You know that Poultry will not leave the nest at night.”

After hearing San Zi’s guess, Zhang Xiaoqiang thought about it and shook his head. Even if an airplane was brought in by a bonfire, Zhang Xiaoqiang had something to fly the · aircraft. It would be even more impossible to change to a fighter. The speed is a dozen miles, but the thing has been hovering over the head, and it is almost the same as a helicopter gunship, but the noise made by the helicopter can not be concealed.

The two guessed and guessed and couldn’t understand it. Finally, I only went to bed and lay on the floor. Zhang Xiaoqiang was still upset about the midnight thing, although the shadow had already flown away, but there was always one in his heart. This kind of hunch, they may also encounter, the sense of oppression Zhang Xiaoqiang from the shadows is not attentive, that thing to attack him must first go down to the ground, as for the ground, it is not necessarily who cleans up who.

Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s fleet is driving on a wide oil parking road. The road surface is well maintained, and there are not many vehicles that roll over the roadside. I want to come to this road. Very few vehicles usually pass by. It has been officially entered the mountain area here. Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn’t see much zombie on the roadside. The roadside of this road is also different from other national roads. There are not many buildings and it looks monotonous.

The young man was sitting next to Zhang Xiaoqiang, maybe because of the timidity of his hometown, he was a little excited, his face was green and white for a while, he didn’t know what happened to his father who was staying in his hometown. The parents of Cheng zombie rushed at him, fearing that all the neighbors they knew in the past would become zombie.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the old-fashioned soil embryo houses on the roadside, and I was a little sighed in my heart. To say that China’s economy is okay in recent years, at least most people still have some money in their pockets, but the house here is still It was almost ten years ago. Obviously the people here are relatively conservative. If other places, young people have long gone out to work, where will these old houses remain?

As the team slowly moved forward, the young people around him were excited. He pointed to a building in front and said, “There, there, there is my house · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Zhang Xiaoqiang is not listening to his narrative~IndoMTL.com~ Let Shangguan Qiaoyun drive towards the house, and dozens of big cars follow behind Humvee of Zhang Xiaoqiang.

The village is at the foot of a big mountain. The building inside is different from the soil embryo house that Zhang Xiaoqiang saw before. It is almost a small building with a lot of trees in between. It feels a little bit of a paradise. Of course, if those leaves have not fallen.

Zhang Xiaoqiang walked on the path at the entrance of the village. The young man behind him seemed a bit impatient, but he took a few steps and began to hesitate. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not go to appreciate the idyllic scenery of the village. He used his keen eyes on the four. Look down.

“How many people are there in your village?” Zhang Xiaoqiang asked the young man when he found something wrong.

“There are not many people in our village, and it is a few hundred years old.” The young man looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang very puzzled.

“Attention, all guards, anti-aircraft machine guns set me up · · · · · · · · ·

After the Zhang Xiaoqiang issued the order, all the players started to get busy. San Zi rushed from the back to the front and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang and asked: “Elder Brother Cockroach, what happened?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang pointed to the silent village and said, “Did you not find that Da hasn’t seen a zombie yet?”

San Zi has come back to look at the small village carefully. There are less than a hundred small buildings in the small village. The distribution of the small buildings between the small buildings is relatively wide. One of the gravel paths is planted with one An unknown tree, on the edge of the tree is a blank small vegetable pit, in the middle of the vegetable pit you can see some small ponds without a drop of water.

It doesn’t matter. In the past, as long as you walked into the village, you didn’t see any zombie. You never saw zombie. You didn’t even see the body of zombie. The whole village was quiet. , As if all the aborigines suddenly disappeared overnight.

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