Apocalypse Cockroach: 119 Women’s thoughts

A group of people started running again, but only four people turned into five people in the past. Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t let Shangguan Qiaoyun join, and didn’t say much to her to follow behind. He ran ahead like before. Yang Ke’er followed him, Yuan Yi followed him and Yang Ke’er, and Su Qian and Shangguan Qiaoyun followed.

After four laps, Zhang Xiaoqiang feels warm up all over her body and sweats slightly on her forehead. Yang Ke’er continues to run forward. Her task is three times that of Zhang Xiaoqiang. Yuan Yi is going to run after Yang Ke’er. I did this at the beginning of the day.

Zhang Xiaoqiang stopped Yuan Yi, Yuan Yi walked in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang and looked at him with puzzled eyes. In fact, Zhang Xiaoqiang was not very natural to see her walking and running, although last night was not her first time, but Not too far away, Zhang Xiaoqiang still cherishes herself, especially her own woman, and of course makes her a little easier.

“You don’t need to run anymore today, you just follow me to practice, and hand me some casual tactics.” Zhang Xiaoqiang always wanted to learn the casual tactics with her. Today, by the opportunity of pushing down Yuan Yi, Yuan Yi didn’t have any. Hesitating, she nodded in agreement after Zhang Xiaoqiang said, and then she began to hand over the basic movement of Zhang Xiaoqiang Sanshou.

Chinese martial arts pay attention to the foundation. Yuan Yi now mainly tells him the basic points of basic movements. Zhang Xiaoqiang also has no time to learn from the most basic horseback. His physical fitness is still good, and he started to practice with Yuan Yi.

Su Qian is still running in circles, Shangguan Qiaoyun is running beside her. She doesn’t like Shangguan Qiaoyun. She knows that Shangguan Qiaoyun was rejected by Zhang Xiaoqiang. She looks down on this kind of woman who eats by body. Even if she has been a lady herself, she did not practice herself, but started to climb up step by step. Her heart is proud and never thinks she will be worse than anyone.

But she also knows how to protect herself. In front of Chen Yi, in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, she can enter the role very well. At first, although she has the same status as Yuan Yi, she also looked down on Yuan Yi in her heart. Coming to Zhang Xiaoqiang to leave Yuan Yi is her own pleading. Until Yuan Yi exceeds her, she will be jealous of Yuan Yi. A woman who even looks down upon her actually climbs on her head, so she will take the initiative to kill zombie, but When she could kill zombie, Yuan Yi went further.

Su Qian is arrogant, even if she is a young lady, she still thinks that she is arrogant, she looks down on those stupid companions who are like walking dead, and although she is doing the cheapest things, her soul is still noble , When she endured her neighbors’ finger pointing and ridicule during her self-study at home, she kept her tears in her heart, and she believed that she could succeed, because her soul was noble, and the noble soul disdained against these finches, they Do you know the ambition of Honghu?

Until she became the assistant manager of the lobby from the lowest level of staff, she believed that she deserved it, because she had a noble soul, and the noble soul was always lonely, so she didn’t need friends, she just needed to Live well and let the heavenly parents be proud of themselves.

The arrogant person is always not big-eyed, and Su Qian is not out of the ordinary. The Yuan Yi and Zhang Xiaoqiang she looked down on equal footing, which made her more uncomfortable. She was jealous of her. When Yuan Yi stayed in Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s room yesterday, it made She became more jealous of Yuan Yi. She knew that now she and Yuan Yi are attached to the vines of Zhang Xiaoqiang. The tighter the attachment, the greater the gain. She didn’t think of taking the initiative to find Zhang Xiaoqiang to climb into his bed. There was no chance. When she saw the gorgeous Shangguan Qiaoyun being rushed back by Zhang Xiaoqiang, she lost confidence in herself, but now Yuan Yi came to her again.

She is afraid of being abandoned by Zhang Xiaoqiang. She knows that Zhang Xiaoqiang is an interest doctrine. Only when it works for him will she not be abandoned. How can a woman, a woman abandoned by others survive in this cannibalistic world? Especially when she saw that the woman who was fed to eat meat was even more afraid, she was awakened from her dream more than once these days.

In the dream, she dreamed that she was lying naked on the blood-stained wooden bed, her limbs were cut off, and blood slowly flowed from the wound to the wooden board, dripping along the texture of the wooden board. Tick, the pain of the wound made her want to scream, but when she spoke, she found that her tongue was gone, her face was twisted and howling, but she saw a few men standing by the wooden bed, she knew all these men, There was the driver who injured her father, there was the old man who bought her first night, there was Yu Shenyu who had eaten human flesh, and Chen Yi. Each of them was chewing with their legs or arms in their arms, moaning with satisfaction in their mouths.

Dreaming this dream more than once, Su Qian sometimes really want to never sleep, now she sees Zhang Xiaoqiang to stop Yuan Yi from running around, feels the heavy numb legs, her heart is sour, so acid makes her think Howl, but she didn’t dare, she looked at Yuan Yi again with a bitter and jealous eye, clenched her teeth and ran in circles.

“So tired Kya, I really want to take a break. When was the last time you were so tired?” Chief Qiaoyun followed the circle around Su Qian. Yesterday’s Zhang Xiaoqiang’s rejection made her desperate and the whole world turned gray. Without a little color, you can see the opportunity of freedom. Seeing the opportunity, who is willing to be a dog?

But when she tempted him with confidence, he refused. He actually rejected his beautiful beauty. Her heart was full of frustration, full of sadness, and she didn’t want to go back to Long Ge. In the dark days, she thought of death. She pulled out the Zhang Xiaoqiang saber and shoved it into her heart without hesitation. She suddenly felt relieved.

She hasn’t felt this way for a long time. The last time she was the first in her school test, when she told her mother excitedly, she saw a proud smile on her face.

When she made up her mind to sell herself a good price, she changed. In order to achieve her goal, she gave up all her dreams and ease, no happiness, no laughter, no sour and astringent first love with fruity fragrance, she fell over and over while walking on the dictionary, she was repeatedly The cold water was so cold that she wanted to wailing loudly, but she didn’t dare to shout, she was afraid to make her mother worry, she could only bite the towel and suffer.

Successful, I married the infamous playboy, and I wanted to grieve my heart to tie his heart. Every day I thought about fighting with his former lover. When I saw her, she complained to her mother. Eyes can’t be relaxed~IndoMTL.com~Mother hopes that she will have a good time, and she doesn’t even need much money, as long as she can make people boast, she can make her happy, but her daughter chose this path What to say can only be buried in my heart.

All of this is like a stinger buried in Shangguan Qiaoyun‘s heart, she has been very tired, tired. When her life was about to be ended, she felt relaxed, everything was put down, just die so quietly.

He held his right hand holding the knife until the saber was taken by him. Later he saw his little abacus, but what about that? I don’t care about anything at all, only death.

He gave himself a chance, that is the opportunity that he couldn’t find. He must seize this opportunity, and he must grasp it. Can he be as miserable as he was before? Shangguan Qiaoyun regained confidence and ran forward.

Now Zhang Xiaoqiang is not tossed lightly, he is lying on the ground sourly, watching the faint clouds in the sky panting, Yuan Yi does not keep his hand on him, except not to damage his muscles and bones, every other time Let Zhang Xiaoqiang truly feel the profoundness of Chinese martial arts. I thought I was already very strong. I could already fight with S2 equally, but it was so miserable to fight with Yuan Yi in close combat.

Zhang Xiaoqiang is not a person who gave up lightly, maybe before, but Doomsday arrived, completely removed his lazy muscles, his breath was slightly gasped, he got up and rushed to Yuan Yi again, Yuan Yi watched this Zhang Xiaoqiang again Come unmoved until Zhang Xiaoqiang fell to the ground by her again, looking at the Zhang Xiaoqiang Yuan Yi on the ground with a smile in her eyes, not a satire, but a warm and natural smile, of course she would only smile at Zhang Xiaoqiang .

The sore Zhang Xiaoqiang brought Yang Ke’er and Yuan Yi into the restaurant. As for Su Qian? Not enough. During the meal, Long Ge asked about the grain depot, which was pushed over by Zhang Xiaoqiang and the reasons for the preparation.

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