History’s Strongest Senior Brother: 1740. Festive secularity

Although it was downgraded by Heavenly Lord of Supreme Oneness and Salvation from Misery to its mount in the past, Grand Saint of Nine Spirits‘s character was indisputable. After disappearing when Heavenly Lord of Supreme Oneness and Salvation from Misery was Great Cataclysm that year, he regained his freedom and has been living in Chen Mountain Sea of Stars. He has never had a conflict with Taoism.

In recent years, Grand Saint of Nine Spirits re-enter the world is Victorious Fighting Buddha for Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, that is, Ascetic Sun of the year.

So not only is there no resentment between Grand Saint of Nine Spirits and Taoism, but there are also some familiar burning incense feelings, and many acquaintances.

Although he was Heavenly Lord of Supreme Oneness and Salvation from Misery mount, but as Monster Race Great Saint, since ordinary person can be taken lightly, most people saw him, and all were polite.

Strictly speaking, compared with Avalokiteśvara, Samantabhadra, Immortal Jin Guang, Horned Head Immortal, Nandikeśvara Buddha and the others, the authentic relationship between Grand Saint of Nine Spirits and Taoism may be more harmonious and not embarrassing.

With the current status of realm and status of Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng, if Monster Race goes to the ceremony, if Dao Monarch Lu Ya does not go in person, Grand Saint of Nine Spirits is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate.

Cloud Ruling Far Away Péng‘s strength is certainly enough, but he certainly won’t go to congratulate the Yan Zhaoge couple on their big wedding.

If it’s just viewing the ceremony, Grand Saint of Nine Spirits will only take a trip.

But Dao Monarch Lu Ya‘s letter, after reading the content, made him unable to calm down.

The content of the letter seems to have nothing to do with Grand Saint of Nine Spirits, but Grand Saint of Nine Spirits has to pay attention because it is about his plan to get revenge on Victorious Fighting Buddha.

Dao Monarch Lu Ya is open and honest, and has not concealed.

Please send a letter from Grand Saint of Nine Spirits, which is actually to communicate with him and inform him of relevant information.

Only how much sincerity is there, you need to guess Grand Saint of Nine Spirits yourself.

Grand Saint of Nine Spirits stood on the trunk of Fusang Divine Tree quietly, without speaking for a long time.

Dao Monarch Lu Ya didn’t say anything on the side and waited patiently.

After a long time, Grand Saint of Nine Spirits received the bamboo slip and said, “Okay, my husband will go there.”

“There is labor Fellow Daoist Nine Spirits.” Dao Monarch Lu Ya smiled and arched.

Grand Saint of Nine Spirits disappeared into the dark clouds again, and then the dark cloud flew out of the Grand Plainness Heaven and went away in an instant.

Wu Yun came out of Chen Mountain Sea of Stars, traveled outside endless void, and soon reached the void near Taoism entire sky.

Grand Saint of Nine Spirits didn’t hide anything, came out, stopped in the void, and stood calmly.

Soon, a young man appeared in front of him, stepping on the fire wheel, handsome and arrogant, arrogant, Correct Nezha.

“Lao Zhang, long time gone, don’t come here.” Facing Grand Saint of Nine Spirits, Nezha‘s arrogance has converged a little, but his eyes are still sharp, watching Great Monster in front of him.

Grand Saint of Nine Spirits used to live in East Pole Wonderful Palace of Eastern World of Blue Essence Eternal Happiness in the past. It rarely moved with Heavenly Lord of Supreme Oneness and Salvation from Misery in Heavenly Court Divine Palace, but Nezha naturally knew him. The two can also be regarded as friends. Since Post-Great Cataclysm, this is the first time they meet again.

“My husband is fine, but I want to congratulate you on your rebirth after the disaster. It will be too soon.” Grand Saint of Nine Spirits said, “Young Heavenly Lord and Heavenly Lord of End of the World are married, and my husband came to find a glass of wine. I wonder if I can get in?”

Nezha looked up and down Grand Saint of Nine Spirits, nodded and said, “If it ’s to watch the ceremony, how can I wait for it? The old man please.”

He took Grand Saint of Nine Spirits and entered Falling Sovereign Reed Heaven.

“When Lao Zhang came to Correct, tomorrow will be the day when Fellow Daoist Yan and Fellow Daoist Feng are overjoyed.” Nezha is not Heaven Beyond the Heaven where Grand Saint of Nine Spirits arrived.

Yan Zhaoge is married to Feng Yunsheng, and specially opened up a world in Falling Sovereign Reed Heaven.

“The two of them are both legends of green is born of blue. Combining the two and holding a big gift is a rare event of ancient and modern times. The old man is honored to be a witness.” Grand Saint of Nine Spirits looks at specifically opened up the new world and asked: “Except Old man, I don’t know any other foreigners? “

If there are no foreigners and the guests are limited to Taoism, then the wedding can be handled at Heaven Beyond the Heaven Broad Creed Mountain.

Avalokiteśvara is here, and they are talking to Fellow Daoist Yan at the moment, and Yang Jian Dao Brother is also there.” Nezha answered after a little silence.

“It was a Western Paradise guest.” Grand Saint of Nine Spirits‘s expression remained unchanged.

The two of them entered this world together and saw the magnificent palace pavilion of scene.

The palace is full of lights, and it is already full of festive atmosphere.

WGrand Saint of Nine Spirits, I’m actually surprised.

at present and scene are common in the world, but they are a bit strange to existence like Grand Saint of Nine Spirits.

It’s not that hard to see is weird, but it’s all because for them, originally is out of reach and nobody cares.

The Supreme Being strongmen who have been married in history are not rare.

Immortal Realm strong people also often have marriages, but the combination of Great Encompassing levels is very rare, basically before Medieval, Immemorial, Ancient Era era.

The combination of such high-level powerful people is less like the custom of marriage in the world.

Grand Saint of Nine Spirits specifically stopped, after watching for a while, everything finally fell into a sigh: “Young …”

It’s not an old joke that relies on the old and sells the old. On the contrary, the tone of the Grand Saint of Nine Spirits is full of admiration.

With the current realm strength of Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng, their age can be said to be too young.

Because of their youth, they are like the young couples in the world, not the combination of the top Supreme Being strongmen, mainly to support each other and go forward together.

The so-called lover, means to seek a partner on the road. Among them, there are many loving couples, but it does not mean that they are all lovers.

It is true that only those adolescents who have known and loved each other at the end of their youth will be as red-hot as Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng.

But this young couple, Grand Saint of Nine Spirits, is the first time that cultivation has such a high strength. How can he not be filled with emotion?

Following Nezha, Grand Saint of Nine Spirits came to the hall.

The Yan Zhaoge’s voice sounded in the hall: “Jiuling Laozao is visiting, and my husband and wife are ill-intentioned, and we need thanking Nezha Dao Brother to entertain you.”

Nezha and Grand Saint of Nine Spirits both said it was okay, and then they saw several people walking out of the hall.

Correct Yan Zhaoge is the same as Avalokiteśvara and Yang Jian.

“The Nine Spirits Dao Brother is also here.” Avalokiteśvara smiled and saluted Grand Saint of Nine Spirits.

“The Bodhisattva please.” Grand Saint of Nine Spirits‘s face returned as usual: “Such a great event, the old man is looking for a glass of water and wine.”

“It is a rare event, rare in ancient and modern times, and the world is brilliant.” Avalokiteśvara said with a smile.

Nezha looks at Avalokiteśvara, silent.

Avalokiteśvara sighed, and just nodded at Nezha.

“Tomorrow will be a great ceremony. Please take a break here first.” Yang Jian greeted him, took Avalokiteśvara to the guest room, and left Yan Zhaoge to entertain Grand Saint of Nine Spirits.

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