Ultimate Teacher Chapter 809: , 1 is not romantic!

Chapter 809, not romantic at all!

After returning home, Master Fang Huwei shouted and asked Fang Yan to pour tea for him.

“Tea, pour me a bowl of tea–” The old man’s face was full of excitement, and he said to each other Yan with a flamboyant tone: “I have digged countless times in my life, this is the most exciting one-and the biggest return One. Throw a grandson and earn a granddaughter-in-law.”

Fang Yan poured the tea from the teapot into a cup, and added half a cup of hot boiling water to the cup. Then he handed the tea cup to the old man and said, “You and my gentle marriage were dug. ?”

“This is not nonsense.” The old man said bluntly: “If it weren’t for me, I ran to the Ye family to challenge me, and now there is nothing else for you-people are gentle but heavenly masters, this After the news came out, those who ran to the Ye family to raise their relatives must not break the threshold? Besides, even when gentleness is not a master of Heavenly Dao Realm, there are still fewer people to visit the Ye family to raise their relatives. Why should someone be gentle and give you a high look, Get closer to you? Not the feelings you had in those years?”

“Gentleness has been less bullied in Yanziwu these years? Bai Xiu, Zhu Zidan, Li Xiaotian, Baililu-which of these people has not been beaten by gentleness? Why does gentleness not like them, they just like them I – it’s because I’m so good compared to them. Besides being handsome, I’m also knowledgeable and have connotation-is this your game?”

“That is of course.”

“Isn’t it a bit to say this-is too strong a word?”

“How can I be so arrogant? If I didn’t marry your grandma and gave birth to your father, would you be able to have you asshole? Isn’t that what I did?”


Fang Yan is speechless. Hearing this, it really makes sense.

Lu Wan walked from the outside and asked anxiously, “Dad, what happened to the next job? Has the Ye family agreed to this matter?”

Master Fang Huwei put away the smile on his face and took a big sip while holding the tea bowl. Slowly and sternly said, “Can they not agree? Sir, I am a matchmaker. My old man personally also took part in the game–and my grandson.” It’s so good that Shiliba Village couldn’t find it with lanterns in sight. Seeing that we passed the gift ceremony, their Ye family was happy and broken. Ye Family Old Ancestor nodded in person and said that this matter would be so settled. Then this thing is so It’s settled.”

Lu Wan held her chest with both hands, her eyes were full of tears, and said, “That’s good. That’s good. My son is getting married–“

Speaking, crying silently.

Fang Yan knew that she remembered her father. Her son was getting married, but her father had already turned into a dust.

Sorrow no one tells, joy no one shares. This taste is really uncomfortable.

Fang Huwei’s father also looked sad, holding a tea cup but could not drink a sip of tea.

Does the white-haired person give the black-haired person, is there anything more sad and desperate than this?

Fang Yan walked over and hugged her mother in her arms, and said with a smile: “Mom, this is a happy thing. Me and tenderness are getting married. Shouldn’t you be happy? If the Ye family rejected it today, They sent all the things back to them, and you should cry at that time, right?”


Lu Wan was teased by Fang Yan again, and gave him a weird look, said: “You silly boy, are already married, how can you still say such a bastard? You agree with tenderness, How could the Ye family disagree? The Ye family disagrees-gentleness will also agree.”

“Yes. Your son is so good that people love to die alive–” Fang Yan laughed at himself with a smile. He didn’t want his mother to be sad, even to shed a tear.

Every tear is a knife, plunging hard into Fang Yan’s heart.

His heart crumbled again, and the quiet and long guilt struck again.

It looks choppy, like a beast of flood water.

If he can get there early that day, if he can get rid of those blocking wastes as quickly as possible-his father will not die.

If his father is not dead, if Fang Yixing can still be alive at this moment, he will laugh unscrupulously when he learns that his son is going to get married, or he will pretend to be serious and teach his son to marry Be gentle to others –

He will definitely choose the latter, because that is the character he deserves.

He loves Fang Yan and loves his son more than anyone else.

However, he was stingy with performance, hiding that love in his skin and his blood.

Lady Fang Huwei finally raised his head and looked at Landing blamefully and said, “What are you doing on a happy day? What do you do crying? Sir, the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month is a lucky day. There are many things that need to be Zhang Luo. Convenient, many things are up to you as the head of the house. You go to have a chat with the gentle mother, and explore their Ye family’s tone, and ask gentle what you want, we should prepare the preparation, should be added Additions-There are many things that require you to work hard, and your body can’t be crossed.”

“Hey—” Lu Wan remembered that she was about to start preparing for her son’s marriage. The depressed emotion was turned over at once, and he looked like a stimulant. We have all come over to discuss with them. I don’t have much experience with this kind of thing-but our Fang family can’t be grieved and gentle.”

Master Fang Huwei nodded and said, “Consult and discuss, don’t give up money.”

Turning around and staring at Fang Yan again, said: “Your kid has also made a lot of money over the years? Hurry to contribute a little more to your mother there-our Fang family has been quiet for more than 20 years, this time we Have a good time at Yanziwu.”

Fang Yan nodded and said, “Mom, I will let someone send you a black # card-don’t be frugal.”

Lu Wan waved her hand and said, “Silly boy, our family is poor again. We still have enough money for our children to get married. You don’t have to worry about these things. Busy your own.”

Fang Yan nodded, looked at his mother with concern, and said, “You must pay attention to your body. If you can’t get too busy, let Auntie come back to help–“

“Relax. I know how to arrange it. I have been idle all these years, but I feel uncomfortable all over my body. How can I feel tired when preparing my son for the wedding?”

Lu Wan left in a hurry, as if Fang Yan’s marriage is tomorrow.

Fang Yan looked at Grandpa Fang Huwei and said, “Grandpa, do I push you out for a walk?”

“No need.” Father Fang Huwei waved his hand and said, “You and the gentle marriage have been booked. This is a great event for our Fang family-your dad is away, but some things still have to be discussed with him. Negotiate. At least you know that he will be heard-you go to be gentle, I will say something to you.”

Watching Grandpa push the wheelchair away, Fang Yan’s mood is extremely heavy——

Ye Wenrou took the initiative to find Fang Yan and asked Fang Yan to take a walk by Shihezi.

Yanziwu is not big. What happened in the east side of the village reached the west side of the village in less than an hour.

Ye Wen Rou climbed Tian Dao and became the youngest master of Tian Dao Realm in China and Ye Wen Rou had to marry Fang Yan. These two things have been spread all over the village. Kind and enthusiastic, there are people who will stop and say a few words to them, and ask Ye Wenrou’s experience of climbing Heaven’s Way. Ye Wenrou made no secrets and told them one by one.

Even the attitude towards Fang Yan has been very affectionate, and some people call Fang Yan “New Aunt”. Fang Yan smiled shyly, and then thought to himself, shouldn’t he call Ye Wenrou a “bride”, how could he be as verbose as he is?

Of course, Fang Yan will not care about these details. To be able to marry Ye Wenrou, to be able to marry such a woman who looked at herself wholeheartedly and was 100% willing to cover herself, Fang Yan’s heart was filled with happiness.

When I walked to a slightly remote place, no one came to disturb me. The curved tail of Shihezi became their duo world.

Ye Wenrou just walked with her head bowed, and didn’t mean to speak.

Fang Yan wanted to say something several times, but did not want to break this moment of tranquility.

Ye Wen Rou is a very quiet person. When she can’t speak, she doesn’t like to use words.

She does what she wants, but she doesn’t want to.

She will hold your hand if she likes you, and she will cut your hand if she hates you.

Love and hate are distinct!

Fang Yan’s heart was filled with exclamation. The girl who played in the martial arts at Fang’s house for the first time was proud and stubborn, with two cute braids. When Fang Yan saw her, she thought she could pull her The braid should be fun –

It’s really fun, he was beaten by Ye Wenrou, two teeth were broken and three fingers were broken.

At that time, Ye Genrou was really fierce, and it was not gentle at all when he fought.

Later, they later fight once a year, every time they meet and quarrel once. Fang Yan regards it as his life-and-death enemy, telling each of his friends that she is not good, dreaming of sleeping and dreaming that she is being beaten—

However, that girl will soon become her wife.

Life is full of surprises!

Fang Yan suddenly stopped and turned to look at Ye Wenrou, who was behind him, Shen Sheng said: “I have been thinking that there should be a more special proposal for marriage-I ran around in Yanjing City for a while and then Shouting Ye Wenrou to marry me, or I stripped off and jumped into the Shihezi River shouting that Ye Wenrou marry me-you can also go to the African savannah, we two sit on the hot air balloon, I kneel down to you Kneel, if you don’t agree, I’ll cut the hot air balloon—”

“You will die~IndoMTL.com~ Ye Wenrou said.


“If the rope is cut, I will be fine, you will be killed–” Ye Wenrou said, looking at Fang Yan.


(ps: Bubbled in the group yesterday, attracting the enthusiasm of the little friends. Many friends asked me Lao Liu Lao Liu, do you remember me? I said remember. Really remember, because many ids are us Book review area and frequent visitors on the reward list. Others have been doing all aspects of management for Lao Liu.

Since writing the book in 2007, there have been new book friends, friends for three years and five years, and some have followed the **** confidant from the first book written by Lao Liu.

How can I be unfamiliar with you?

Thank you for loving me!

Thank you for meeting me! )


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