Ultimate Teacher Chapter 676: 、You don’t want to kill me!

Chapter 676, You don’t want to kill me!


   “Thank you sir.” Ye Wen said softly, looking respectfully.


Mr.    is the village head of Yanziwu and the most respected old man. Virtue is high, and there are many believers, including the former Fang Yan is also a brainwashing fan of Mr. Fang.


Mr.    has some blame and some scolding for Ye Wenrou’s assault, this is a matter of course for anyone. Not only can you not get bored with this, but you will also feel a sense of ‘deep honour’ being cared for.


  At least, Ye Wenrou thought so.


  Ye Genruo knew that Mr. Fang Yanhe had a “hate”. Before the matter became clear, the parties were in a state of hostility.


  If Fang Yan and Mr. have a conflict, she will not hesitate to choose Fang Yan’s side.


   Fang Yanjin, she also entered.


   Fang Yanzhan, she will fight.


   However, the person standing in front of her is a gentleman and the teacher of all the people in Yanziwu—–for a long time, he has developed such a habit. The sir’s words are right, the sir’s work is correct, the sir’s concern for me is good to me, and the sir’s scolding me is good to me. All Yanziwu people are proud of being able to get the teacher’s instruction or reprimand.


   has been in business for decades, or that Mr. has not done anything deliberately.


   is like a seed that will germinate after all, the tadpoles will finally become frogs, and sir has become the oldest and most solid piece of monument in Yanziwu—-


  Ye Genrou doesn’t like Mr. because Mr. Bai Xiu, the apprentice of Mr., killed Fang Yan’s father—-


   Ye gentle and had to respect Mr., just like all Yanziwu people must respect Mr.. That is a habit.


   “Ye Family has you, it’s a blessing and a sorrow.” Mr. sighed and said: “There is such a talent, but he was born on a female doll—-Ye Family is afraid that he would not let you go easily. ?”


  Ye Genruo didn’t expect that Mr. would talk to himself about this topic. There was a light red on the deep neck and some ruddy ears, but his face was quiet, and he said indifferently, “Who can say things in the future? Are you sure?”


   “Yeah, who can be more accurate in the future?” Mr. grinned. He smiled kindly and kindly, like the elderly man in the village picking up excrement when he saw the ascending junior. “The boat is naturally straight to the bridgehead, and you don’t need to think too much. Failure to pass the barrier has not left any sequelae. This shows that God is kind to you-take a good rest. Save your strength, go pry again. Heavenly way.”


   “Yes, sir.” Ye Wenrou thanked again.


Mr.   ’s eyes finally shifted to Fang Yan’s face, not abrupt, nor weird, so natural.


   The smile on his face when he faced Ye Wenrou was not condensed, so when he saw Fang Yan, there was still a smile on his face.


  However, this smile did not disappear immediately, but instead it gradually spread.


Mr.   ’s skin is dark, like the bark everywhere around Shihezi or the dried sheep’s pimple.


   Because the skin color is too dark, the wrinkles on the face are not so deep.


   His eyes were cloudy, with red blood vessels crisscrossing his eyes.


   makes people feel kind but hard to get close to.


   “I’m back?” said Mr. Fang Yan.


  Don’t see the wind and rain of the family sayings, just as Fang Yan used to say hello when he met him when he came back from the outside countless times before.


   At that time, he probably wore a gray robe to hang out in the village. More often, he picked up dung on the side of the village with a dung basket like today. Servings are stocking. However, you rarely see feces and other excretory objects in or outside the village. It is because there is a sunset red’shovel **** brigade’ headed by Mr. Yan Ziwu who has been doing cleaning work in obscurity.


Fang Yan was reluctant to hear his question.


  He came back just to meet Mr. This time. When he was in Huacheng, he had already begun to conceive and plan the various **** storms during the return and Mr. confrontation. What kind of face will the gentleman put on and how should he respond with courtesy and manners. What will the first sentence of the husband say, he should make a perfect answer and make the outside world think that he is a small man who has been persecuted—–


   For this reason, Li Xiaotian Ye Fengsheng returned to Yanjing one by one from Yanjing in order to give themselves a boost. They were still surrendered even when they were threatened and beaten or beaten by their parents. He stood up at all times, stood up passionately and passionately, and stood with Fang Yan.


  They have conceived for so long and paid so much, sir—–is that his attitude?


  You should be angry, you should be angry, you should scream, you can —- hit someone with a shovel rake?


   or you can show the majesty and the domineering spirit of the superior, and then use your hard work and means for decades to give yourself some sharp but in-depth problems—–


  How can you do nothing? Just an understatement of “return” broke the deadlock between the two?


   “I’m back.” Fang Yan answered in a muffled voice.


  Because the husband does not play cards according to common sense, the cards he has prepared cannot be played.


Mr.    nodded and said, “A few days ago, I heard from them that you came back and thought you should go to me before and after your feet. I haven’t gone to the school these days. I dunked it several times, but I didn’t see the shadow of your kid.”


  What does this mean?


   “Get cheap and sell well.” Fang Yan thought angrily.


   Fang Yan looked at Fang Yan and said, “Sir wants me to go?”


   “Naturally I hope you go,” said the sir. “The later you go, the more unbearable the character I have in your mind—-“


Mr.    glanced around and said, “Winter is coming. The days before the heavy snow closed the mountain, the animals on the mountain moved more frequently. After picking up all afternoon feces, my throat was thirsty. Now.”


Mr.    looked at Ye Wenrou and said, “Go back gently. Go home late. Your family members should worry about being tricked by this kid to do bad things.”


   is like knowing that Ye Wenrou will surely agree. After finishing his remarks, his eyes turned to Fang Yan again and said, “You follow me. Let us two say a few words about private room— “


  Ye Ye looked at Fang Yan gently, and Fang Yan nodded at her.


   Ye Genrou still looked at Fang Yan, Fang Yan smiled and said: “Go back.”


  Ye Genou nodded and said, “I’ll go back first.”


  Ye Gentle turns around and leaves, walking towards the village of Yanziwu.


Mr.    also picked up the dung basket and walked towards Yanziwu. Fang Yan followed him step by step.


   arrived at the hut of the husband, and the husband poured the excrement in the excrement basket into the excrement pond. The village is too backward, and even biogas is not used. So after the feces are fermented by themselves, they will be picked up by humans and spilled into the wheat field or **** field.


   Throw the dung basket in the corner outside the courtyard door, go to the courtyard and hit a bucket of water to wash your hands and wash your face, then push the wooden door straight and take a big enamel jar on the table to inflate the atmosphere, this is like a renewal Thinking of Fang Yan like this, he said, “Do you want to drink tea?”


   Fang Yan refused, saying: “I have been taking tonics recently, I am afraid that the medicine will be relieved and it is not convenient to drink tea.”


Mr.    didn’t force him and said: “You say you make good tea, even Dao Ling, who has enjoyed the blessing in the city, also respects your tea art. I have never had a chance to taste it.”


Fang Yan should not be.


  If the knot in his heart is not resolved, I am afraid he will not make a pot of good tea for his husband in his life.


Mr.   stood in the door with a tea mug in his hand, and Fang Yan stood outside in a white robe. There is only a threshold between the two.


   The light in the hut is dim, and the face of the husband is hidden in this gloomy atmosphere.


   The sun is shining outside, and Fang Yanfeng, in a white shirt, is handsome, like the golden sunlight in the sky, shining the eyes of the flower.


   “You came too late.” Mr. Fang Yan looked at and said.


   Fang Yan nodded and said, “It may be too early–I always feel that I am not ready, and I want to accompany more people close to me. After all, there are no relatives around me —-“


   “You have always been a good boy with great affection and righteousness.” Mr. praised and said. “What you say is something everyone should care about. There is nothing more important than this in this world.”


   Fang Yan’s mouth showed a taunt, saying: “You said that before, I will be proud for a long time-even my husband praised me so much, proving that I must be such an excellent person.


   “What now?”


   “Now I think this is a great irony to me.” Fang Yan said. “Do you want me to come earlier?”


   “I hope you come earlier~IndoMTL.com~ The later you say I come, it proves that your character in my heart is unbearable—–” Fang Yan’s eyes became sharp and coldly Staring at the gentleman standing in front of him, he said, “You are so confident in your character?”


Mr.    picked up a teacup and drank a large sip of tea, and said, “You have anger in your heart.”


   “That’s murderous.” Fang Yan said. “Three years ago, it was anger. After three years of digestion —– they have become murderous.”


   “You don’t want to kill me.” Mr. said.




   “If you are going to kill someone, you have tried every way to kill him.” Mr. Fang looked at Fang Yan and said, “Conspiracy, tricks, ambushing poison, or any other means——this It’s all things that Fang Yan can do.”


   “———” R1058



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