Ultimate Teacher Chapter 671: Do not let anyone bully!

Chapter 671, No one can bully!

The girl’s lips are soft and cool, like eating a mint-flavored marshmallow.

This is not the first intimate contact between Fang Yan and Ye Wenrou, but the previous contact can only be called rubbing the lips. This is their first kiss in the true sense-because Ye Wenrou Not only did she press Fang Yan’s lips with her lips, she also put her tongue into Fang Yan’s mouth very boldly.

Oh, this is a French tongue kiss–

Fang Yan doesn’t know why he puts his tongue into each other’s mouth and stirs it is called French tongue kiss. He doesn’t even know what a Chinese tongue kiss or an American tongue kiss. Arab-style tongue kisses-he doesn’t have much experience with this.

However, Ye Genrou’s movements are similarly jerky.

Her tongue protruded into Fang Yan’s mouth, stiffly like a frozen snail. The error-free snail crawled and crawled very hard, but always accidentally scratched Fang Yan’s teeth——

Fang Yan is not painful, he just feels pain for Ye Gen-worrying that his teeth cut Ye Gen’s tongue.

Because his mouth is blocked by Ye Genrou, Fang Yan can only use his eyes to give Ye Genou a hint-his eyes turned to the left to remind Ye Wenrou’s tongue that he can also turn to the left, his eyes Turning to the right is to remind Ye Genrou’s tongue to turn to the right. His eyes are the commander’s arms and the direction lights. Ye Wenrou only needs to wave his tongue to follow the command.

However, this idiot-she has no idea what Fang Yan is talking about.

Because she was shy, she closed her eyes tightly, and her body shivered slightly because of tension. Her legs, which had no strength, now stand even more unstable, as if she accidentally fell into Fang Yan In my arms——

Ye Wen Rou wants to express her enthusiasm, perhaps the love of the other party, she is seriously doing such a thing-but she is not very good at it.

Serious children are worthy of encouragement, so even if Fang Yan avoids her tongue carefully, fearing that her teeth will tingle her tongue, even if Fang Yan’s nerves collapse, she may be unable to bear her accidentally and fall to the ground. ——

However, Fang Yan still did not stop.

Everyone has a learning process, and no one is born—for example, when he just learned to practice, even the simplest standing piles are not good, not to mention kissing this difficult technique live?


Ye Wen Rou has just awakened and is physically exhausted, and finally can’t hold herself forward.

Fang Yan quickly reached out his arms and hugged Ye Wenrou’s body in his arms.

Wenxiang nephrite enters into the arms, and the two bodies collide firmly.

At this time, Ye Wenrou did not have the toughness of a martial arts master, nor the loneliness and arrogance of his usual temperament. She was like a little woman who had not been seriously injured, and she lay happily in her man’s arms with her face—-

It made her feel safe.

“A sense of security?” Ye Wenrou chewed this familiar and unfamiliar word carefully in his heart. In the past, she never felt dangerous, but felt that there was no challenge in life. Safe, such words should be used on others, she has never felt this way –

Fang Yan hugged Ye Wenrou tightly in his arms and whispered: “Before I woke up, I had a dream–“

“What did you dream of?” Ye Wenrou asked aloud.

“Bad dream–“

“Bad dreams must be said.” Ye Wenrou said. “My mother said that after the bad dreams came out, they didn’t work anymore–“

“Your mother said such a thing?” Fang Yan laughed. Ye Wenrou was so cute, just like a little girl who was simple and ignorant. Of course, she was originally a little girl. It’s just because her talent in martial arts is too outstanding, so she always forgets her age and gender-because she is too strong, no one has ever thought about protecting her.

“Yes.” Ye Wenrou’s head pressed against Fang Yan’s arms and nodded gently. The forehead rested on Fang Yan’s chest, making Fang Yan feel itchy.

“Okay–” Fang Yan thought for a while and said, “In fact, I don’t remember it clearly. I just felt that my head was messed up at that time, and one picture after another kept flashing. Bai Xiu in the dream He didn’t die, he was alive and even better than before-he said he liked you too and challenged me. The two of us fought a battle and I beat him again-but I don’t know what’s going on, but you followed him—I was very angry and shouted to you that Ye Wenrou was your girlfriend, how could you like others? You told me that like is like, No, it’s okay—there is a longer story. Bai Xiu and I met again. I killed him. You stabbed me—I think this dream is ridiculous—”

“It’s ridiculous.” Ye Wenrou nodded seriously. “I don’t like Bai Xiu. I didn’t like before–“

Fang Yan grinned wide. Ye Wenrou really doesn’t like Bai Xiu.

Before Fang Yan pursued the phoenix, also in revenge Ye Wenrou once again beat herself up with a swollen nose and a swollen face. She deliberately wrote a tender love letter to Ye Wenrou in the name of Bai Xiu Beat Bai Xiu.

“At that time, I knew that the love letter was written by you.” Ye Wenrou whispered.

“You know?” Fang Yan surprised, said: “You know I wrote it, why did you go to Bai Xiu to settle the account?”

“Because I don’t like him.” Ye Wenrou said.

The answer “–” is really wayward.

Although I know this matter is not Bai Xiu’s fault, but since I don’t like him, there is a reason I can beat him up, so I went to beat him up—

“I don’t like the kind of joke you make.” Ye Wenrou said. “I didn’t like it at that time.”

Fang Yan nodded and said, “It won’t be in the future.”

“I heard what you said.”

“What is it?”

“What you said just now-what I heard from my dad and uncle -“

Fang Yanxiao said, “It’s okay to hear it, prepare yourself in advance–“

Ye Wen Rou nodded and said, “You still said you want to cheat and take medicine–“

Fang Yan’s heart hung up, and he forgot that he had even said such an asshole, and he explained with great anxiety, saying: “I just talk casually, you are so smart-how could I deceive you? ?”

“If you are taking medicine–” Because his head is buried in Fang Yan’s arms, Ye Wenrou’s voice doesn’t sound very real. “Say hello to me in advance, I pretend not to see–“


Fang family.

Master Fang Huwei sat in the backyard with the bird cage early in the morning. The backyard had plenty of sunshine and fresh air. Open the back door next to the small courtyard where Mo Qingdi lived, and you can also get a panoramic view of the scenery on both sides of the Shihezi River in the back.

There are village women washing and washing vegetables by the river, urchins running and fighting by the river, old men playing chess and fishing by the river, because the battle is in full swing, and the fish bite the hook without any effort–

Fang Huwei felt that such good weather should bring his old buddy out, but King Kong Eagle kept worrying for a while.

“Old man–” Fang Huwei did not give Vajra Eagle a name, and he always used these three words to call it. Since it reached the Fang family, it has become a part of the Fang family. “Today is another good weather–“

The Vajra Eagle looked at him blankly, his body getting weaker and weaker.

“Look, you are such a stupid bird-other birds are catching insects in the sky, catching fish in the river, what about you? You can’t do anything except standing there silly all day long-even I won’t even say a word—”

The Vajra Eagle is still silent and no longer teases him like before.

Fang Huwei sighed and said, “Your bird also has the temper of our Fang family, stubborn–“

Fang Huwei listened to the sound of the conversation in front of him, and said to the Vajra Eagle in front of him: “Old man, after the time, they should also come. I hope the kid didn’t eat anything at the Ye family. Suffering—”

The Vajra Eagle will naturally not respond.

The sound of steady footsteps came over, and Ye Daoling stood beside Fang Huwei with a smile on his face, and said, “Senior man, how about the bird?”

“I am old and talked to people and rejected them. So when I was okay, I talked to them–it didn’t dislike me, I didn’t dislike it, but I was safe.” Fang Huwei said seriously. .

Ye Daoling said with guilt: “Old man~IndoMTL.com~ Don’t be angry. Last night, something happened suddenly, my elder brother and I were a little reckless-I asked your old man to come over and wanted to discuss the problem The solution. At that time, the elder brother was gentle and safe, so he did not listen well. You old people should not share the general knowledge of us as juniors. I am here to apologize to your old people—”

Fang Huwei turned his head to look at Ye Daoling and asked, “Is everything clear?”

“I figured it out.” Ye Daoling nodded. “Fang Yan really broke the Ye Family’s gate to help gentleness, and broke into my Ye Family Ancestral Hall-the incident happened suddenly, and we didn’t quite understand his behavior. So the following series of misunderstandings happened -“

“You know, I don’t know yet.” Fang Huwei said with a sneer: “My grandson is gentle and safe, and I have no time to explain to my grandfather, so I am desperately facing you Ye Family. Running over-the result? How did your Ye family treat our Fang family? How did your Ye family treat Fang Yan? What does my grandson owe to your Ye family? If you count it, your Ye family owes my grandson more How much? Daoling, our family members are so thin that we can’t let others bully?”

Chapter 671, No one can bully! :


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