Ultimate Teacher Chapter 552: , blood red!

Chapter 552, Blood Red!

What is heart as gray as death? Said is the mood of the heart at this moment.

She stared at the driver incredulously, looking at the pistol with her head in her hand—-she could not believe it, just because she didn’t want to go to Paris, mother’s Will the driver point his gun at himself?

Or, if she insists on not going, he will really use this gun to send her to hell.

Either go to heaven or hell? Is this what a mother should say to her children?

Her mother, the woman who said she loved herself, how did she treat herself?

Tiger poison is still not a child. What desperate things can she do?

Breathing is getting harder and harder, hands clenched into fists tightly, nails piercing into the flesh and bleeding into the flesh.

General Shangqiang bears not to cry. She is a high-spirited lady, how can she cry in front of a driver?

However, she still has difficulty controlling the process of her eyes becoming red and gradually wet.

She gritted her teeth and gave herself some courage, but her voice still shivered. Her eyes were fixed on the driver and she said, “This is also her order?”

“Miss, I said, you make me embarrassed like this — a woman like you, that is a fairy born in the sky. All good things have been taken up by you, what is not satisfactory What about it?”

“Some things have to open one eye and close one eye, you will perfume me and perfume you will soon pass – how good? Why bother yourself and others?”

Ignoring the driver’s advice, staring at the driver and asking, “If I don’t go to Paris, would you really shoot?”

“Not bad.” The driver nodded. “I said, either go to Paris or hell——“

“What did she think of me? What did she think of me?” He murmured to himself. The facts appeared in front of her, but she was still unwilling to believe. Do not believe that you are the only dependence in this world, your closest relatives will treat themselves like this.

“Miss, why bother the chairman?” the driver sighed. “Some things, I’m afraid she can’t take the lead——“

“What do you mean–isn’t my mother asking you to treat me like this?” Admiral shouted excitedly.

She suddenly became happy in her heart. This is really a ridiculous thing. The same thing is also pointed at the head with a gun, but as long as the main messenger behind the scene is not her mother, she has 10,000 reasons for joy——-

Because of that, she is not completely desperate about this world.

The driver sighed and said, “Miss, you are asking too much of this question. You are the general, and the chairman is also the general. How could I not be the general —– We are all family members.”

“Jiangjia.” Jiangxin will instantly understand.

The driver is a member of the general’s family, a general’s order or a chess piece that puts other people in the family beside his mother Li Yun.

However, the mother was cautious all her life, how could she make such a big mistake?

The driver she trusts most is to send her family to her undercover?

“Are you afraid?” asked the driver looking at the driver.

“Afraid? What are you afraid of?”

“You expose your identity in front of me, are you afraid that my mother will fire you?”

“Did it fire?” The driver grinned wide. There was a hint of contempt in the smile, and some sympathy. “Miss, do you think the chairman does not know my identity? Do you think she has never doubted me? However, even if you know my true identity with the wisdom of the chairman, you will pretend that nothing has happened- —–Not only that, she will be closer to me and trust me. This is her way of doing things. Miss, do you think this is the case?”

“——–” will be speechless. She knew the driver was right, even if her mother knew the undercover identity of the driver, she would hide this secret in her heart.

Otherwise, what can you do?

Going to make a big noise will only make the generals think you are an idiot.

Fire the driver, so that the family members will be more wary of you placing more spies under your side———–

All people and things are under the control of family members.

The home is a giant net that wraps over your head. While it protects you, you also want to break free of them.

“Miss, have you made a choice?” the driver asked, looking at the general.

“Go to the airport.” General said.

The driver grinned again and said, “Thank you, Miss, for understanding the difficulties of us.”

The driver put away the gun in his hand. When he was about to start the car and send it to the airport, the phone in his pocket rang.

When he connected the phone, his expression became dignified and said, “Understand, I am waiting for you by the road.”

“Who is coming?” the admiral asked anxiously.

The driver smiled and said, “Miss will know soon.”

Shangxin knows the driver’s undercover identity, knows that he will not put his identity in the eyes, and has no thought of continuing to question. Self-deprecating look

After waiting quietly for a few minutes, a black Mercedes slowly approached.

The Mercedes-Benz stopped on the side of the road, the rear door opened, and a familiar face appeared in front of the general.


The door opened and the cold wind swept in.

Shang Shangxin couldn’t help but wrapped her sweater, and she felt the chill of autumn.

Jiang Zhuliu sat next to General Shangxin, and saw General Shangxin clutching the sweater collar with his hands on his chest, and said with a smile: “It’s cold, please pay attention to adding clothes. If you go out alone, you must Take care of yourself ——-“

Shangxin stared at Jiang Zhuliu with vigilance and said, “What are you doing?”

Jiang Zhuliu laughed and said, “Heart, do you know your question is cute?”

“I don’t know.”

Jiang Zhuliu reached out and grabbed Shangxin’s small hand, breaking Shangxin’s tough break free.

Jiang Zhuliu grabbed it again and tried to pump Shangxin again. Jiang Zuliu slammed hard and put the palm of Shangxin as if it had been clamped with a piece of iron.

“Pain——Jiang Zhuliu, you let me go–“” shouted out the heart.

Jiang Zhuliu lifted the back of Shangxin’s hand to the corner of his lips and kissed it, said with a smile: “Shangxin, you are my wife, and my bright wife is married—– -You can hug and hug with other men, what about our husband and wife holding hands?”

Since Jiang Zhuliu took the initiative to speak, Jiang Shangli stopped worrying and stared at Jiang Zhuliu fiercely. “You came to vent your anger? Feel betrayed?” “

“How can there be any anger? I just think that my wife is going abroad, and my husband will always have to give him a ride. Otherwise, doesn’t it seem that my husband is too cruel?”

“Did I say thank you?”

“Fool, what does the family say thank you?” Jiang Zhuliu stretched out a finger and scraped the tip of his nose, saying, “However, you are going to go abroad and don’t fight with your husband Say hello. If someone else told me, I don’t even know about this matter-are you too disrespectful of your husband?”

“Isn’t this exactly what you want?” the general said sarcastically.

“We? Who are we?” Jiang Zhuliu asked with a smile.

She will know that she has lost her word. If it was before, she will also explain her inadvertent loss. But now, she feels that this is no longer necessary.

“Who you know better than me.”

“It seems that your heart is full of unwillingness.” Jiang Zhuliu said with a smile.

“How about you?” Admiral stared at Jiang Zhuliu sharply and said, “You gave away half of your Jiang family property, and you prowled like a dog at the feet of the general’s order—- Jiang Zhuliu, how about your pride? What about your man’s dignity? Doesn’t the taste of being a dog feel bad?”

Jian Zhuliu glanced at the driver and said, “Trouble going out and so on. My wife and I have some private words to say.”

The driver did not refuse and pushed the car door and walked out.

“It’s very uncomfortable.” Jiang Zhuliu looked at the general and said. The handsome silhouette is slightly distorted. His eye sockets were deep, and his eyes were full of blood. During his father’s departure, his life did not go well. Although he tried to support the Jiang family, the Jiang family at this time was no longer the former Jiang family.

As for the four big families in Huacheng before, I am afraid that no one will count the Jiang family anymore?

“Who wants to be a dog if you can be a human being?” Jiang Zhuliu’s mouth twitched slightly, but he was not the proud sunshine before. It was a mockery, my own denial of myself. “But what should I do if I don’t make a dog? My dad took the road and left me with such a mess —- What if I don’t hold the thigh of the general? Fang Yan will let me go? Lu Chaoge will let me go? Orchid Valley will let me go? Willow—–He is also a dog~IndoMTL.com~He is a crazy dog ​​raised by Fang Yan. Will he let me go?”

“Shangxin, who am I? I am Jiang Zhuliu, the four youngest in Huacheng, the smartest man in Huacheng ——Why am I bowing down to another man, why should I be against another A man is flattering and pleased, for what I live like a dog-for the Jiang family, for me, and for you.”

Jiang Zhuliu put a finger of Shangxin into his mouth, sucking gently with his tongue, and said, “Shangxin, how can you not understand? How can you not understand me?” A bit painful——“


Jiang Zhuliu’s teeth slammed with force, screaming at the heart with screams.

Yin Hong’s blood flowed out of Jiang Zhuliu’s mouth, staining his chin and the white shirt on his body.


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