Ultimate Teacher Chapter 519: Where did the gangster go?

Chapter 519, Where have the gangsters gone?

Chapter 519, Where have the gangsters gone?

Lu Chaoge did not move. Because she couldn’t move at all.

Lu Chaoge usually pays great attention to health, and has the good habit of going to bed early and getting up early. But I don’t know how it happened. Tonight Lu Chaoge was troubled and always felt that something big would happen.

In particular, Fang Yan didn’t come back until early in the morning, and he didn’t call to notify him, which made Lu Chaoge very worried.

She knows the danger of Huacheng at this time. She also knows that the general will keep Huacheng and will not leave for a while.

I want to make a phone call and ask, but feel that this may disturb Fang Yan’s work.

So, after dinner, I lay on the sofa in my bedroom and read a book.

Only half of a novel was read, only to realize that it was already early in the morning. She closed the novel and put a pool of water ready to soak for a while to relieve her fatigue. Maybe after taking a bath, your upset and irritable phenomena will disappear?

Because Lu Chaoge’s right hand was once pierced, he is now in the recovery stage. In Fang Yan’s words, the right hand must not get wet.

So, bathing Lu Luge is not an easy task. She needed to wrap the injured hand in a plastic bag, and then lay the arm on the edge of the bathtub after lying in the bathtub.

When the bath was halfway through, I heard the sound of a car engine in the courtyard. She knew that Fang Yan was back, and she felt much better all at once.

She heard Fang Yan going upstairs and heard Fang Yan passing by the door of her bedroom-she knew Fang Yan would not knock on the door, so she didn’t expect anything.

When she got up from the bathtub and was about to wipe her body clean and go to bed, the footboard slipped and fell to the ground.

It hurts!

Knee pain, arm pain, and pain all over the body.

If it weren’t for her perseverance, she might be tearing out tears.

Lu Chaoge lay on the ground for a while, until he felt that the pain in his body had disappeared, and his hands and feet had the strength to move, then he was ready to get up from the cold ground.

One of her hands couldn’t use force, and the other arm didn’t have much strength because of the injury. The upper body has just been propped up, the palm slipped, and the body fell to the ground again —–

This time it’s just the chest.

But it hurts more!


Although there are two **** of soft# meat on the chest, but soft#肉 is also meat, soft#肉 will also hurt—–

She feels that the two groups of fat are no longer her own, and there is a strong urge to cut them off and give them away.

This time, Lu Chaoge’s teardrops really fell out.

She never imagined that a bump on her chest would hurt people like this. At that time, it was not so unbearable that the **** pierced the palm of your hand with a dagger.

After a few tears, Lu Chaoge began to think about the next move.

It’s not okay to lie on the ground like this. Not only will her aggravate her injuries, but the cold floor will make her sick.

She has pain all over herself, one hand cannot be used, and the other hand —- can not be used.

Even the chest can’t be used anymore, otherwise she can lift her body up–

What now?


The babysitter lives on the first floor. If she shouts, she may startle the people in the entire yard. Including Fang Yan living in the next room.

However, in her current situation, there is no way to get up and make a call–you can make a call without having to ask someone for help.

Find Fang Yan for help?

That’s even worse.

She just came out of the bathtub, except for the shower cap on her head and the plastic bag tied to her hand. Under such circumstances, how can Fang Yan come in to help? I’m afraid it’s getting more and more busy by the time, right?

When Lu Chaoge was in a dilemma, Fang Yan appeared at the door of her room as if she felt something.

When Fang Yan asked her if she was sleeping, her whole body was tightly stretched, and her face was hot, as if she was standing naked in front of Fang Yan and snooped by him.

She was worried that Fang Yan suddenly broke in after she knew she was in trouble, so she hurriedly said that she was okay, and asked Fang Yan to go back to sleep and leave her alone—–

I don’t know. The more she did this, the more she caused Fang Yan’s suspicion.

Since the last time Lu Chaoge was kidnapped by Jiang Longtan, everyone has raised her safety to the highest level. Fang Yan, in particular, did not allow Lu Chaoge to encounter even the slightest danger—-

After he misunderstood Lu Zhaoge’s words, he naturally had to find a way to find out, it was better to be able to attack the gangsters by surprise—–

It was indeed caught off guard.

However, Lu Chaoge and Fang Yan were caught off guard.

Lu Zhaoge’s mouth widened, his head slightly raised, and he didn’t know what kind of reaction he should make for a while.

Fang Yan was even more shocked, which was completely different from what he thought.

What about gangsters?

What about Nima’s gangster? Where did you hide?

Fang Yan wants to crawl under the bed and check to see if the gangster is hiding—–

So, just one second after Fang Yan came in, Lu Chaoge and Fang Yan maintained such an extremely strange posture.

Lu Chaoge was lying on the floor with his body covered with water droplets, and his plump buttocks and curved curves—–

Fang Yan can only swallow saliva. One bite after another, it was unclear how suddenly he became so thirsty.

The person who first responded was Lu Chaoge.

Lu Chaoge simply put his face on the floor, and his eyes did not dare to look at Fang Yan’s eyes. He said anxiously, “I’m fine, you go out quickly—-“

Fang Yan nodded and said, “You are really fine-then I will go out first.”

Finally, Fang Yan turned and walked towards the balcony. He just skipped over from here, so it is customary to jump back from here—-

After seeing Fang Yan turned around seriously, Lu Chaoge’s mouth opened, and he didn’t know what to say.

He really just left?

If he had gone like this, would he want to lie on the ground all night?

Fang Yan finally thought of this problem.

When thinking of this problem, Fang Yan had jumped to the balcony of Lu Chaoge’s bedroom, and was about to jump towards himself.

Because of this problem, Fang Yan jumped from the balcony again.

He rushed back to Lu Chaoge’s room like a gust of wind. Without saying hello to Lu Chaoge, he bent down and stretched his hand to salvage Lu Chaoge from the floor.

She threw Lu Chaoge’s body over the big bed and pulled the bed quilt to cover her body, which made her feel a little lighter.

He still likes Lu Chaoge in clothes!

Fang Yan has the courage to watch the landing song, saying, “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine.” Lu Chaoge wanted to bury his head in the quilt. The scene just now was really shameful. Although she was lying on the ground at the time, it is conceivable that when Fang Yan picked her up from the ground, she must show her back a clean —–

The conscience of the world, Fang Yan really did not peek–it was not a peek, but a prudent look.

After all, how can you pick people up from the ground without finding your target with your eyes?

“It’s okay to fall into this way? You don’t call me? If I broke in yourself, are you going to lie on the ground all night?” Fang Yan said reproachfully.

“——-” Lu Chaoge was speechless. Under such circumstances, how can I call you to help? Besides, I didn’t call you, did you break in yourself?

Fang Yan understands Lu Zhaoge’s psychology and says, “You haven’t been hurt? Have you felt any discomfort?”

“Yes—–” Lu Chaoge said. The knee is sore, it seems to be bleeding. The chest is more painful, like a piece of meat was cut by someone —–

“Where is it uncomfortable?”

“Calf—-” Lu Chaoge said.

Fang Yan walked over to open the quilt. Lu Chaoge was anxious and said, “What are you going to do?”

“Look at your legs—–” Fang Yan said. “I just glanced at it accidentally and found that your knee seems to be broken-I will apply a little potion for you.”

“You give me the potion, and I will apply it myself.” Lu Chaoge said.

“Such a thing, you don’t have to be polite with me—–” Fang Yan said in a domineering manner: “You can’t move with one hand, you can’t even twist the cap, how to apply?”

When Fang Yan spoke, he had lifted the quilt by a small angle. Lu Zhaoge’s two legs were exposed in front of Fang Yan, and his knees were really broken, and he was seeping bright red blood to the outside. It was just a moment of effort, the white velvet was stained with some blood on it.

Fang Yan was about to go downstairs to find Jin Pu Yang Yang Mu powder to wipe Lu Zhaoge’s wounds.

This is a secret code!

An inquiry code from Qin Ying!

Fang Yan sneaked over the wall, making Qin Ying misunderstand what happened to Lu Chaoge.

They can’t rush in at the door, worrying about the bad things that alarmed the gangsters or the good things about Fang Yan and Lu Chaoge.

“Qin Ying, safe inside.” Fang Yan said aloud.

Qin Ying shouted at the door: “Miss Lu is all right?”

“It’s okay.” Fang Yan shouted: “You go downstairs.”

So, there was no movement at the door~IndoMTL.com~ Fang Yan looked at Lu Chaoge with embarrassment and said, “When I came over the wall, they were accidentally discovered by them—–“

“——” Lu Chaoge no longer knows what to say. Fang Yan turned over the wall in the middle of the night and fell in the eyes of the bodyguards below. I am afraid that everyone will have such speculations in mind-and most of the bodyguards below are sent by the Qin family. In other words, this matter between her and Fang Yan may have reached the ears of Qin’s family.

Thinking of this possibility, Lu Zhaoge’s heart even had a hint of thief.

Qin Yitian, she should know it too?

(ps: Thank you Mengying girl for the 100,000 rewards this month, thank you for such a hearty gift. It was really moved by you. The fifth anniversary of my marriage with the little demon, but with you-it is almost Ten years? Really did not expect that this job will never stop at the beginning. I don’t want to stop.

Thanks to the book brothers in the corner for their great rewards, and thanks to the young women of Ming Che for their great rewards. Long time no see young woman! )


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